Archive for the ‘Ann Coulter’ Category

Ann Coulter vs Ben Affleck & Bill Maher on Bin Laden & 9/11 Warning – Video

Ann Coulter vs Ben Affleck Bill Maher on Bin Laden 9/11 Warning
October 3, 2014 - Ben Affleck, Bill Maher, Nicholas Kristol, Michael Steele, and author Sam Harris got into what could only be described as a tumultuous continuation of Maher #39;s comments on...

By: Wendi K.

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Ann Coulter vs Ben Affleck & Bill Maher on Bin Laden & 9/11 Warning - Video

Ann Coulter vs Ben Affleck & Bill Maher on Bin Laden & 9/11 Warning – Video

Ann Coulter vs Ben Affleck Bill Maher on Bin Laden 9/11 Warning
October 3, 2014 - Ben Affleck, Bill Maher, Nicholas Kristol, Michael Steele, and author Sam Harris got into what could only be described as a tumultuous continuation of Maher #39;s comments on...

By: Wendi K.

See the rest here:
Ann Coulter vs Ben Affleck & Bill Maher on Bin Laden & 9/11 Warning - Video

Subscriber feedback jamboree 2014

Its been more than a year since we last checked in with you, our loyal subscribers, to see how youre enjoying or not enjoying our newspaper. So, lets do that, OK? OK.

As a refresher, our renewal notices include two sections: I like The Glendale Star/Peoria Times because: and If I could change The Star/Times I would: Lets first examine what you all have enjoyed. I am changing all of your names to something ridiculous so nobody sues me for defamation and because it is fun.

Lets start with Mertha Klonk, who likes the Times because: I enjoy hearing our local news. Its also good to hear of the problem areas in our town. Please continue the newsletter. Thank you, Mertha. And great timing, too, as we were just about to cancel our newsletter before we got your note. In fact, weve decided to go in the other direction and start a newspaper. Wish us luck!

Mertha adds in the payment section, Mike said he would OK a 2-yr senior citizen for $30. Ha, ha Mike says a lot of things. You owe us $5. Just kidding, Mertha Klonk!

Its become quite apparent that many of you like our newspaper mostly because we are not another newspaper. Take Rory Harkenbush (please! Just kidding, Rory): Offers local news not always printed in NW section of Republic. I do not know of which publication you speak, but OK.

Gil McGritts? It is NOT like the Arizona Republic! (a bleeding heart liberal newspaper) Thank you? Also, if your newspaper is bleeding, it should probably see a doctor.

Speaking of politics, Bob Sacamano, though he likes the The Star, would make a small change: Include conservative opinion columns from Ann Coulter and/or Thomas Sowell/ Rush Limbaugh? To effect a little balance to the fairyland liberal brainwash of the rest of the media. Id like to say we are above such brainwashing tactics, but the first letter of every paragraph in this very issue reads OBAMA THIRD TERM on a loop. Our bad. And I will take your advice re: Ann Coulter. We could use another humor column.

Now, what else could we improve? Loretta Strickland has an idea: I would have a special section for the present generation as to what is good and what is not. Hmmm I like it. Kids these days have no clue, and a special section outlining basic moral principles is what should get them on the right track. For example, Good: hugs; Not good: pushing people down stairs. Eventually our newspaper will replace school, saving tax dollars in the process. Thanks, Loretta!

How about you, Dr. Fred Finkel? CANCIL Come again? (checks bottom portion of renewal notice) CANCIL Hmmm. I believe this is French for, Youre doing great; my renewal is in a separate envelope. Thanks, Dr. Fredwe will keep up the great work.

Now, besides adding to our awesomeness, is there anything you all truly dont like about our paper? Something you wish would go away? I doubt it, but lets see what Claire Understudy thinks. Remove the self-indulgent column by Mike Kenny and replace it with interviews with interesting Glendale residents.

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Subscriber feedback jamboree 2014

Ann Coulter Tweets 1983 Sorority Picture but Can You Find Her in It? – Video

Ann Coulter Tweets 1983 Sorority Picture but Can You Find Her in It?
Ann Coulter Tweets 1983 Sorority Picture but Can You Find Her in It?

By: Y7u0p121

Follow this link:
Ann Coulter Tweets 1983 Sorority Picture but Can You Find Her in It? - Video

Ann Coulter Tells OReilly Radiation Is Good For You – March 19, 2011 – Video

Ann Coulter Tells OReilly Radiation Is Good For You - March 19, 2011

By: Original video

By: March 19, 2011 PigmineNews on Facebook: http://www....

By: PigmineNews

Continued here:
Ann Coulter Tells OReilly Radiation Is Good For You - March 19, 2011 - Video