Archive for the ‘Ann Coulter’ Category

Ann Coulter: They’ve learned nothing and forgotten nothing – Today’s News-Herald

Bill Barr, two-time attorney general and one of approximately 2.5 members of the Trump administration to leave with his reputation intact, has also written one of only two books about that administration worth reading, One Damn Thing After Another. Ive read em all. At least partially. Most did not merit more than a quick skim.

[For those interested, the other book about the Trump administration worth reading is Michael Wolfes Fire and Fury, but judging by its sales, you probably already have this book.]

Ive been a fan of Barrs since long before he worked for Trump, and was thrilled when he became Trumps A.G. But when I got to Barrs description of Trumps appeal -- which went on for pages and pages! -- I wanted to throw the book out the window.

You can probably guess where Im headed.

By Barrs lights, none of Trumps positives involved ... immigration.

They will not learn. No matter what we do, no matter how many times Americans tell pollsters they want less immigration, no matter how loudly we beg Washington to halt the endless flow of the third world into our country, the ruling class refuses to listen.

If electing a cretinous flimflam artist to the presidency solely on the strength of his promise to be a hard-ass on immigration didnt wake them up, nothing ever will.

The first clue about the absolute thickheadedness of anyone living within 100 miles of our nations capital was this deeply concerning line from Barrs book:

I had long planned on supporting Jeb Bush for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.

Next, Barr turns to the political landscape that allowed such a preposterous creature as Trump to sail to victory. The source of the problem, as I saw it, he writes, was the growing strength in the Democratic Party of a Far Left progressive ideology that aimed to tear down and remake American society. Trump, Barr writes, was merely the result of our embittered politics, a bitterness engendered not by Trump but by the increasing militance of the Democratic Partys progressive wing.

Yeah, OK, fine. He gets two points for accurately describing how loathsome Democrats have become. How about the elected Republicans we send to Washington to represent us? Its you guys we really hate. If it were only progressive Democrats voters detested, why NOT Jeb-exclamation point? Why not John My Father Was a Postman Kasich?

No one imagines that Democrats give a crap about the country. Its Republicans who run for office, pretending to agree with the voters on immigration -- then get into office and sell out to the Chamber of Commerce.

Oh, you wanted a wall? Yes, absolutely, but first we have to pass these tax cuts, lavish billions of dollars on some foreign country and push through another Wall Street bailout.

For 50 years, in poll after poll, a majority of Americans have said they want LESS immigration.

Even the Cheap Labor Lobby at the Cato Institute produced a poll last year showing that 81% of Americans want less immigration than we have today. Sixty-one percent of respondents want to cut immigration by at least half. Nearly 10% of Americans want zero immigration.

Unfortunately, everything Trump was ever going to accomplish was accomplished at 2:50 a.m. on election night 2016, when he announced his victory over Hillary Clinton. (Everything other than turning judicial selection over to the Federalist Society.) At that moment, the densest Republican had to realize that restricting immigration is so popular that even a lout like Trump could win the presidency on it.

After 2016, how could any sentient mammal begin a sentence, as Barr does, But the main reason Trump won the nomination -- and later the general election -- was ..., and not end it with: IMMIGRATION!? (Ill accept a range of substitutes -- the wall, illegals, Dreamers, Press 1 for English, wages lost to cheap labor immigrants, Kate Steinle, the 9/11 attack -- did the media forget to tell you that was done by immigrants? -- the drug epidemic, etc., etc.)

Not Barr. He reels off the standard RNC suicide pact, prattling about the economy, military power, pro-life and school choice.

Yes, Trump won in 2016 because of school choice.

You could Ctrl + F: immigration through Barrs entire book and get nary a hit, other than general references to the Immigration and Naturalization Service -- and this:

Before one of the 2016 presidential debates, Barr is careful to note that he contacted a friend on the candidates team to suggest that Trump say, we welcome legal immigrants, and ... Latin Americans who come here legally -- people with a strong work ethic and family values -- contribute enormously to the country.

And thats how Jeb-exclamation point won the nomination and the general election!

Just this week, Republican Sen. John Cornyn was spotted on the Senate floor, seeming to propose amnesty, collegially telling a Democrat, First guns, now its immigration.

In Cornyns defense, he is massively stupid.

But Barr? Hes a smart man. And yet he picked up nothing from the Shock-the-World 2016 election of Donald Trump -- except tax cuts and a strong military?

Referring to the monumental arrogance of the Bourbon kings, blithely assuming they could revert to the very behavior that had led to the explosion of the French Revolution in the first place, Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand is supposed to have said, They have learned nothing, and forgotten nothing.

The French nobilitys got nothing on the Republican Party.

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Ann Coulter: They've learned nothing and forgotten nothing - Today's News-Herald

Review: Heres the Deal, by Kellyanne Conway – The New York Times

HERES THE DEAL: A Memoir, by Kellyanne Conway

Can this marriage be saved? That was the name of a long-running couples counseling column in the defunct magazine Ladies Home Journal, a onetime client of Kellyanne Conways. And its a question that hovers over Conways new memoir, Heres the Deal, its title seeming to assure the kind of straight dope that her former boss Donald J. Trumps ghostwritten chest-thumper, The Art of the Deal (1987), did not deliver.

There is some of that, but also familiarly dizzying spin.

Encouraged in her telling by Trump himself (Write a great book, honey), this is but the latest of the squazillion accounts to splash down from his presidential administration, for which the author was campaign manager, senior counselor and frequent media representative in what she calls, as if it were a rocky theme-park ride, the wildest adventure of my life. Conway clutches policy like a flotation device, but keeps drifting back to the home front in this book.

Introduced by Ann Coulter, the conservative fellow pundette she met while making the cable TV rounds in the late 1990s, Conway and her husband, George T. Conway III, a lawyer, had a Concorde courtship it was intrigue at first sight, she writes and eventually an amazing wedding (the Viennese dessert selection is noted) and an apartment in Trump World Tower. They were blessed by Pope John Paul II on their honeymoon and later with four children, including fraternal twins. More than a decade later, a few months into the highest profile job shed ever had and without any preparatory pillow talk, he who had helped to impeach Bill Clinton and had seemed to cheer the Make America Great Again platform dove onto Twitter and started posting disapprovingly about her boss.

The duplicity of it stung me, Conway writes. Of course it did.

Before long George was telling her You work for a madman in a loud, sinister voice, dramatically ramping up his online output in a manner she found obsessive and helping to found the Lincoln Project, a committee to not re-elect the president she was so close to. Bristling at personal questions from curious journalists, which she perceives as sexist, Conway borrows from both Julius Caesar Et tu, Wolf? she writes of the CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer and, a few channels down on HBO, Carrie Bradshaw: Is cheating by tweeting actually a thing?In an afterword, she speculates, George and I may not survive as a couple.

Watching the chin-juttingly independent Conway toggle between her actual husband, her work husband and the Fourth Estate, this critic also flashed improbably on the TCM staple The Philadelphia Story, wherein Katharine Hepburns Tracy Lord is buffeted by mild fianc, violent ex and boyish reporter.

But though both women are fast talkers and snappy dressers with intermittently absent fathers, Lord was a blue blood from the Main Line, and Conway as shell proudly remind you is a Blueberry Pageant Princess raised in Atco, N.J., a tiny town between Philly and Atlantic City. The Golden Girls is what she calls the four Italian Catholic women who raised her, and Kellyanne was also a kind of golden girl: popular, athletic and the valedictorian of her high school who was soon volunteering on Capitol Hill. Primed to support Geraldine Ferraros vice-presidential candidacy in the 1984 election, she instead fell hard for Ronald Reagan.

Conway then known as Fitzpatrick got a law degree; she had enjoyed playing judge, prosecutor, defense counsel and all the witnesses in a mock courtroom as her dolls and stuffed animals sat in stunned silence and then became the E.E. Cummings of pollsters: rendering the name of a firm she founded, the Polling Company, in all lowercase on business cards before it was a hipster clich. She was good at analyzing data and hopping on prop planes to see how it was playing in Peoria; and, as amply evidenced here, she also likes wordplay: Gawk and squawk. Armful of harmful.

We dont trust her numbers, Conways mostly male competitors would sneer.

They hadnt seen my numbers, she writes. But I had their number.

Conway wants to identify and indict her underminers. She catches Steve Bannon, a serial leaker whom she portrays as doing little actual work, standing like a spring break bar bouncer and nodding his head so emphatically he looked like a bobblehead doll in a windstorm. Jared Kushner she characterizes as a hopeless silver spoonster, revisionist historian, a crown prince who used encrypted apps to literally talk to a crown prince.

But while rat-a-tat and packed in a manner to be expected from someone once known as Sally Soundbite, Conways own bid at recording history, written with a book doctor, is spotty and selective. She goes on for pages about opioid addiction and abortion, but other than fleeting mentions of the Second Amendment, completely ignores the issue of gun control, which lands terribly in a month of two massacres. She is furious about incursions of the press, including this newspaper, into her family and private life, but gives them ever more grist by fuming hyper-specifically about her husbands foibles. Though she scorns angry feminists wearing pink hats and yoga pants, her own triumphs over doubting Thomases, the overbilling nonwizards of Ozzes behind Mitt Romneys failed 2012 presidential campaign, are satisfying, in the way a Jacqueline Susann heroine is satisfying.

Ladies, how many times do we feel less-than? she writes. Or apologize even though we did or said nothing wrong? Pass it on: Being you is enough! And once is not enough, as Susann put it but this is real life.

Pass it on: Though its hardly short, this book isnt remotely the whole story, nor is it likely to be the last volume of the Conway Chronicles.

Alexandra Jacobs is a book critic and the author of Still Here: The Madcap, Nervy, Singular Life of Elaine Stritch. @AlexandraJacobs

HERES THE DEAL: A Memoir, by Kellyanne Conway | 512 pp. | Threshold Editions | $30

Read more from the original source:
Review: Heres the Deal, by Kellyanne Conway - The New York Times

Ann Coulter: Here are the nutcases who believe in ‘replacement’ – Marshall News Messenger

The Great Replacement Theory (GRT) has taken the media by storm! It seems that the white racist who shot up a grocery store full of Black people last weekend cited GRT in his 180-page manifesto.

First of all, journalists need to understand that GRT is only a theory taught in advanced law school seminars. It is not something designed for indoctrination of mass audiences of young people.

So what is GRT? The New York Times describes it thus:

[T]he notion that Western elites, sometimes manipulated by Jews, want to replace and disempower white Americans. (You want a conspiracy theory about a secretive cabal of Jews? Check out the Times series of articles on neoconservatives back in the early 2000s.)

But then just as every argument about abortion suddenly becomes an argument about contraception a few paragraphs later, the crackpot theory jumps from a Jewish cabal replacing whites with Blacks ... to the idea that Democrats are using immigration for electoral gains.

Wow, that is nuts! Whered anybody get that idea?

Oh yeah from liberals.

Heres Democratic consultant Patrick Reddy in 1998:

The 1965 Immigration Reform Act promoted by President Kennedy, drafted by Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and pushed through the Senate by Ted Kennedy has resulted in a wave of immigration from the Third World that should shift the nation in a more liberal direction within a generation. It will go down as the Kennedy familys greatest gift to the Democratic Party.

(Well, sure, if you want to totally overlook skirt-chasing and pill-popping.)

Then in 2002, Democrats Ruy Teixeira and John Judis wrote The Emerging Democratic Majority, arguing that demographic changes, mostly by immigration, were putting Democrats on a glide path to an insuperable majority. After Obamas reelection in 2012, Teixeira crowed in The Atlantic (which was then a magazine that people read, as opposed to a billionaire widows charity) that ten years farther down this road, Obama lost the white vote outright, but won the election with the minority vote African-Americans (93-6), Hispanics (71-27) and Asian-Americans (73-26).

A year later, the National Journals Ron Brownstein began touting the Coalition of the Ascendant, gloating that Democrats didnt need blue-collar whites anymore. Woo hoo! Obama lost more than three-fifths of noncollege whites and whites older than 45. But who cares? He crushed with minorities (a combined 80 percent).

Adios, Reagan Democrats, he says gleefully.

Democratic pollster Stanley Greenbergs 2019 book, RIP GOP, explains the coming death of the Republican Party as a result of ... sucking up to Wall Street? Pushing pointless wars? Endlessly cutting taxes? NO! The GOPs demise would come from the fact that our country is hurtling toward a New America that is ever more racially and culturally diverse ... more immigrant and foreign born.

And these were the genteel, nonthreatening descriptions of how immigration was consigning white voters to the Aztec graveyard of history.

On MSNBC, theyre constantly sneering about old white men and celebrating the browning of America. A group called Battleground Texas boasts about flipping that deep red state to the Democrats simply by getting more Hispanics to vote. Blogs are giddily titled, The Irrelevant South (the traditional white South socially and economically conservative is no longer relevant in national politics). MSNBCs Joy Ann Reid tweets that she is giddy watching all the bitter old white guys as Ketanji Brown Jackson makes history.

This week, the medias leading expert on the crazies who believe in replacement theory is Tim Wise, popping up on both MSNBC and CNN to psychoanalyze the white racists. Hes been quoted, cited or praised dozens of times in The New York Times. This isnt some fringe character, despite appearances.

In 2010, Wise wrote an Open Letter to the White Right that began:

For all yall rich folks, enjoy that champagne, or whatever fancy a Scotch you drink.

And for yall a bit lower on the economic scale, enjoy your Pabst Blue Ribbon, or whatever sy a beer you favor ...

Because your time is limited.

Real dd limited.

Guess why! Wise explained:

Wait, isnt math racist? But moving on ...

Because youre on the endangered list.

And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving.

In 40 years or so, maybe fewer, there wont be any more white people around who actually remember that Leave It to Beaver ...

Have you ever noticed how obsessed liberals are with Leave It to Beaver?

Its OK. Because in about 40 years, half the country will be black or brown. And there is nothing you can do about it.

Nothing, Senor Tancredo.

After several more paragraphs of mocking white people, Wise ended with this stirring conclusion:

We just have to be patient.

And wait for you to pass into that good night, first politically, and then, well ...

The sound of your empire dying? Your nation, as you knew it, ending, permanently?

Because I do, and the sound of its demise is beautiful.

To Wise, the best way to kill the antisemitic trope of Jewish elites waging war against whites is to be a Jewish elite waging war against whites.

I dont know about the Jewish cabal version of GRT, but as for liberals using immigration to bring in more Democratic voters, as Maya Angelou said, When people show you who they are, believe them.

Speaking of theories involving Jewish cabals ...

The New York Times on neoconservatives, Aug. 4, 2003:

For the past few weeks, U.S. President George W. Bush has been surrounded by a secretive circle of advisers and public relations experts, giving rise to all kinds of conspiracy theories and debates. Its been said that the groups idol is German Jewish philosopher Leo Strauss.

Ann Coulter is a syndicated columnist.

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Ann Coulter: Here are the nutcases who believe in 'replacement' - Marshall News Messenger

Anti-hate group speaks out against antisemitic incident in West Hollywood and Beverly Hills – Los Angeles Times

Days after a group of people dressed in clothing reminiscent of Nazi brownshirts drove a rented box truck displaying hateful messages down Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood and Beverly Hills, a watchdog group is speaking out against the incident and says it has identified the hate group and two of its members.

According to StopAntisemitism, an organization that works to expose people and groups that engage in antisemitic behavior, the group responsible for Saturdays incident is the Goyim Defense League.

The organization also named two people who were captured on video participating in the hateful rally: Jon Minadeo II and Robert Frank Wilson.

We are horrified that innocent bystanders in Beverly Hills and West Hollywood, Jewish and otherwise, were subjected to such vile and atrocious hate, Liora Rez, executive director of StopAntisemitism, told The Times on Monday. When white supremacists like the Goyim Defense League are allowed to spread this type of vile bigotry without any pushback, then it normalizes Jew hatred and sends the message that this is tolerable.

Neither Beverly Hills police nor the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, which responded to the incident, have identified the group or any participants.

StopAntisemitism said it identified the two men based off of physical appearance.

The group also said the antisemitic messaging on the truck has been noted in prior incidents involving the hate group, including in March when Wilson was seen driving in San Diego in a similar truck.

The GDL has also been responsible for passing around antisemitic fliers as well as hanging signs with hate-filled rhetoric on freeway overpasses, StopAntisemitism said.

Sheriffs Sgt. Joana Warren told The Times on Sunday that investigators identified the trucks license plate and were working to identify who rented it.

A Sheriffs Department spokesperson told The Times on Monday that the incident remains under investigation and said she couldnt share any more information.

The Goyim Defense League is a loose network of individuals connected by their virulent antisemitism, according to the Anti-Defamation League. The group includes five or six primary organizers/public figures, dozens of supporters and thousands of online followers.

It was responsible for at least 74 antisemitic propaganda incidents in 2021, the Anti-Defamation League said.

According to an account of Saturdays incident by StopAntisemitism, the truck was parked in the driveway of the Beverly Hilton hotel, where Minadeo, Wilson and two other members of the hate group dressed in clothing resembling that of the brownshirts in Nazi Germany were seen parading and shouting The Nazis are coming and here comes Jew boy ... were going to make you go extinct.

Another video captures an encounter between the group and a law enforcement officer, StopAntisemitism said. A member of the hate group says Holocaust denial ... 6 million, thats an exaggeration.

The person then thanks the officer, calling him a good goy, StopAntisemitism said.

The truck bore hate-filled messages such as Ann Coulter was right about Jews and Resisting the Great Replacement = Greatest Threat?

The so-called great replacement conspiracy theory is a racist philosophy espoused by white nationalists.

FBI statistics show that Jews continue to be the most targeted minority in the U.S. and that antisemitic crimes are on the rise, Rez said.

Yet, Jews are often overlooked when discussing issues of civil rights and social justice because they are categorized as a model class minority and are inaccurately portrayed as a privileged group, she said. Hateful individuals, both among fringe groups but also in the mainstream, then use this perception as an excuse to attack Jews.

The privileged perception of Jewish people leads to antisemitism not drawing the same level of attention as discrimination against other groups, Rez said, adding that her organization is working to ensure that antisemitism is given equal attention and combatted with the same level of fervor.

The lack of fear that white supremacists have should be frightening to everyone, she said.

Read this article:
Anti-hate group speaks out against antisemitic incident in West Hollywood and Beverly Hills - Los Angeles Times

Police investigating juveniles possibly connected to Garden District robberies –

UPDATE: The Baton Rouge Police Department says that at least three to four juveniles have been arrested for a separate crime but are being investigated for potentially being connected to the armed robberies in the Garden District.

The police want residents to stay vigilant and alert to any suspicious activity.

ORIGINAL STORY: BATON ROUGE, La. (BRPROUD) Residents in the Garden District are looking over their shoulders after a string of robberies.

I couldnt believe it was only two houses down and across the street from me, said Kristen Macmurdo, a Garden District resident.

Marty Johnson says she saw shocking videos on her Nextdoor app. She says one of her neighbors was robbed and then beaten. She saw others being robbed at gunpoint.

I never thought we would experience this in this neighborhood, said Johnson. Its personal when you cant even leave your house and get into your car safely.

The Baton Rouge Police Department says the suspects are believed to be young Black males carrying weapons. They may be driving a white or a maroon car. Neighbors say several cars have been stolen.

Resident Christine Kooi says she witnessed people trying to leave the neighborhood after a robbery. She says crime often picks up in the summer, but never like this.

It was a white Toyota with a loose front bumper tearing down Cherokee Street towards Park. As the car got to Park, it stopped and a couple of guys jumped out and fiddled with the front bumper, she said.

Garden District Civic Association member Michael Helms says the board is working closely with BRPD. Helms says this neighborhood is in shock because they rarely see crime.

We are gathering information and passing it out to them (BRPD), said Helms. And then also reaching out to our community members, giving them somebody to talk to about their concerns.

Some long-time residents are calling on city-parish leaders to focus more on education and gun control in order to reduce crime.

I think we need a lot more strict requirements for anybody to have a weapon, said Ann Coulter, a Garden District resident.

Residents say they are hopeful police are doing their job. And in the meantime, they are taking it upon themselves to take an extra step to stay safe.

My husband and I went to dinner last night, the first thing we did when we got home was turn on our brights and look in the bushes because at this point, you know, we dont know, said Macmurdo.

Anyone having information on these robberies is urged to contact the Baton Rouge Police Department at 225-389-2000 or Crime Stoppers at 225-344-7867.

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