Archive for the ‘Ann Coulter’ Category

Author Search Results: Ann Coulter: Conservative Columns …

Back any candidate you want as long as its one of these three

Anyone opposing an incumbent Republican for any reason other than amnesty is a fraud or an idiot.

With some notable exceptions, businessmen favor free enterprise in general but are opposed to it when it comes to themselves.

Were required to wreck the country by bringing in millions upon millions more poor people so we can save the buggy whip industry.

Youre the smartest living liberal (faint praise), and you assured us that Obamacare was going to be fantastic.

You cant have conservative economic policies without also having conservative social policies.

Nothing good has ever been accomplished by a mob.

Another Russian leader is playing cat-and-mouse with an American president and guess whos the mouse?

Having artificially created a glut of low-wage workers, now Democrats want to artificially raise their wages.

Its not that Obama doesnt believe in American exceptionalism; its that he wants to end it.

The rest is here:
Author Search Results: Ann Coulter: Conservative Columns ...

POLITICAL EMPIRE: Obama critic DSouza added to Inland conservative summit

As if Ann Coulter wasnt enough to entice Inland conservatives to an upcoming gathering, now comes news that author and filmmaker Dinesh DSouza will join Coulter at the United IE Conservative Conference on May 17.

Assemblyman Tim Donnelly and former U.S. Treasury official Neel Kashkari, both Republicans running for governor, are scheduled to appear at the conference, which is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 17 at the Fox Performing Arts Center in Riverside.

DSouza is popular among conservatives for his unrelenting and scathing criticism of President Barack Obama. DSouza directed 2016: Obamas America, a documentary released prior to the 2012 election that argued Obamas decisions are shaped by anti-Western influences.

DSouzas personal and legal troubles have made news in recent years. He resigned as president of The Kings College in New York in 2012 after a magazine reported he was engaged to a woman while still married to his first wife.

In January of this year, DSouza was indicted on charges of campaign finance fraud. Federal prosecutors accused him of reimbursing donors to a Republican U.S. Senate candidate in New York to get around contribution limits. DSouza has denied any wrongdoing.

KTIE AM 590 in San Bernardino is among the United IE conferences sponsors. The station bills the conference as a grassroots gathering of patriots from the Inland Empire region and throughout Southern California who are committed to restoring freedom from the bottom up.


Democrats have a new strategy weaponize Rep. Paul Ryans budget like the GOP has done with Obamacare.

Rep. Raul Ruiz, D-Palm Desert, and the San Bernardino County Democratic Party issued similar press releases last week challenging Inland GOP congressional candidates over the Wisconsin Republicans budget plan.

Critics say the budget offered by Ryan, a former vice presidential candidate and chairman of the House Budget Committee, gives the wealthy enormous tax breaks at the expense of the needy and Medicare recipients.

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POLITICAL EMPIRE: Obama critic DSouza added to Inland conservative summit

Eric Cantor is a delicate little flower (whose intellectual guide is Ann Coulter)

If you are curious as to whom the Republican leadership truly respects and listens to about the proper policies for the party to follow, the answer might surprise you. Certainly one would expect that theyd listen to their strategists and pollsters. And its well known that they grant their donors the kind of fidelity one would normally only expect of 12th century knights of the realm. But if one is to judge by their approach to immigration, they are following the advice of the great oracle of wingnuttia, Ann Coulter.

Yesterday Democrats lamented the fact that the Senate immigration bill, passed over a year ago, still languishes in the House. The president made a mild comment suggesting that the American people are ahead of the House Republicans in this matter and would like to move ahead. He later called House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and they had a discussion of the issue after which Cantor released apouty press releasewhining that the president is a big meanie:

It looks likesomebodydidnt get his nap.

This is standard operating procedure for Cantors operation. Recall hisself-serving tantrumover the first bank bailout when he tried to blame Nancy Pelosis being rude for the GOPs inability to deliver the promised votes:

Deputy Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) held up a copy of Pelosis speech, saying, Right here is the reason, I believe, why this vote failed, and this is Speaker Pelosis speech that, frankly, struck the tone of partisanship that, frankly, was inappropriate in this discussion.

Poor Cantor. He bruises so easily. Its an enduring puzzle why someone with such delicate sensibilities chose a rough-and-tumble field like politics.

Of course his patented lugubrious tone is usually a cover for a very serious problem in his own caucus. And this one is huge. He is facing a group of strategists and donors who look at the trends and believe that if the Republican Party continues to insult racial and ethnic minorities with its patented degrading rhetoric, they are facingdemographic armageddon:

Seeing as the white population includes quite a few liberals and moderates and the vast majority of non-whites logically arent inclined to vote for a party full of racial demagogues, youd think that the leading strategists of the party would be working overtime to pass immigration reform and make some attempts to reach out beyond their conservative white base. And frankly, that is the advice thats coming from many of them. But thats not who the congressional leadership is listening to. It would appear that they are listening to Ann Coulter, who has developeda bizarre theory about illegal immigrationthat comes at it from a direction thats very convenient for those who would rather not allow certain people to become citizens of this country:

Conservatives who ignore amnesty while carping about the debt ceiling, TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), the Internet tax bill or Benghazi are too stupid to help their country.

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Eric Cantor is a delicate little flower (whose intellectual guide is Ann Coulter)

Ann Coulter Attacks Obamacare I’m for Government Shutdown This Time/ News Today – Video

Ann Coulter Attacks Obamacare I #39;m for Government Shutdown This Time/ News Today
Ann Coulter Attacks Obamacare Hot News Daily News Crime News CNN (Organization), Killing News Barack Obama (US President) World News Worldwide News World New...

By: Animal Atacks

See more here:
Ann Coulter Attacks Obamacare I'm for Government Shutdown This Time/ News Today - Video

Ann Coulter Slams Rich Elite Jim Carrey on Hypocrisy of Anti-Gun Funny or Die Video – Video

Ann Coulter Slams Rich Elite Jim Carrey on Hypocrisy of Anti-Gun Funny or Die Video
Tis is a best funny videos and funny pranks just enjoy it Extra Tags: funny videos funny video funny pranks funny cat videos funny pranks funny kids funny vi...

By: Victoria Owens

Originally posted here:
Ann Coulter Slams Rich Elite Jim Carrey on Hypocrisy of Anti-Gun Funny or Die Video - Video