Archive for the ‘Ann Coulter’ Category

Donald Trump and Ann Coulter are brother and sister! | The …

Thursday, 20 January 2022

CHICAGO (Satire News) One of the nations leading DNA experts has just learned an amazing thing about Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump and Ann Hartlette Coulter.

According to noted Dr. Bartles Jameson, the predatorial pervert and the human swizzle stick are actually biological brother and sister.

Dr. Jameson, who was once engaged to Sen. Lindsay Graham (yes it was a same gender thing), learned of the weird-as-shit brother/sister relationship after conducting an extensive DNA test and following up with 2 lesser extensive follow-up DNA tests

When the Trumptard was asked to comment about his brand new sister, he replied that he would rather have Nancy Pelosi for a sister than the skinny-legged, horse-face-looking skanky bitch Angelina Coulter.

When the skanky bitch (Ann Coulter) was asked to comment about her brand new brother, she replied that she would rather have a fucking Taliban terrorist for a brother than the orange-complected, pussy grabbing, racist, tax-evading, draft dodger (Donald Trump).

Meanwhile Anderson Cooper remarked that he always thought that there was a striking resemblance between the two white shitheads.

Read more from the original source:
Donald Trump and Ann Coulter are brother and sister! | The ...

Ann Coulter: Have at ’em, Antifa! The new free speech – Today’s News-Herald

In 2017, as fear and loathing of Donald Trump seized the nation, a U.S. mayor got a four-star resort to cancel a conservative conference by threatening to withdraw police and fire protection.

With all the media blubbering about attempts to DESTROY our democracy and violations of constitutional norms, its remarkable that this Howitzer blast to the First Amendment has received barely any attention, much less the front-page coverage it deserves, not even from the conservative press.

The banned conference, you see, was about immigration.

Wow, our elites really dont want Americans thinking about immigration! (Remember, kids: Its a right-wing conspiracy theory and racist, to boot! to think that liberals are using mass immigration to change the country.)

The sponsor of the conference was VDARE, a long-standing immigration website espousing ideas that are basically identical to Trumps 2016 immigration promises both before he made them and after he broke them. The main difference is that the arguments on VDARE are expressed in proper English, and the writers actually believe what they say.

As the 2016 election demonstrated, these ideas are quite popular with a certain segment of voters. Not everyone, just enough to elect a president no one thought could ever be elected, who was loathed by the media, and who was outspent 2-to-1.

Named for Virginia Dare, the first European born on U.S soil, VDARE promotes the novel idea that U.S. immigration policy should benefit Americans. (Obviously, that includes white, Hispanic, Asian and black Americans whom, by the way, mass immigration hurts the most.) Naturally, therefore, it has been designated a white supremacist website by the countrys largest hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Four months after VDARE signed a contract to hold its annual conference at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort in Colorado Springs, the local mayor, John Suthers nominee for the Liz Cheney Profiles in Courage Award! issued a public announcement accusing VDARE of engaging in hate speech and urging the resort to cancel (OK, whatever), but also vowing to deny any support or resources to this event if the resort honored the contract.

Hey antifa, in case anybodys interested if you firebomb this conference, we wont be sending any firetrucks. And if you want to attack the attendees, there wont be any police showing up to stop you.

The next day, the resort canceled the contract and, per the agreement, paid a kill fee. VDARE sued the mayor, alleging a violation of its First Amendment rights.

Heres the frightening part: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit (one Obama judge and two G.W. Bush judges; one dissent) found for the mayor on the grounds that its possible that the resort canceled NOT because the mayor announced that there would be no police or fire protection, but because of ... CHARLOTTESVILLE!

Which VDARE had nothing to do with. (Again, VDARE is an immigration website, not a street protest organization.)

If the Supreme Court does not agree to take up this case and brutally slap down the 10th Circuit, free speech will be officially limited to speech acceptable to antifa, working hand-in-hand with liberal mayors and governors.

I have long maintained that the left never truly cared about free speech. They merely pretended to in order to protect the people they actually supported: communists and pornographers. That was the sort of speech that used to get banned.

But today, the speech that gets banned includes statements like: There are only two genders; Maybe we shouldnt defund the police; Affirmative action is unjust; Masks dont work No they work! No, they dont work! Also, apparently, speech asserting that mass immigration has not been an unalloyed good for our country, contributing to our prosperity, cohesiveness and happiness.

One of Justice William Brennans hallowed quotes is: [T]he government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable. Those stirring words were in defense of flag-burning. And heres a famous one from Justice William O. Douglas: Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us. That was about communists.

But ever since conservative speech became the target of censors, liberals adore governmental suppression of speech. (The one, lone exception that proves the rule: Nadine Strossen, former president of the ACLU and author of HATE: Why We Should Resist It With Free Speech, Not Censorship.)

As the 10th Circuit explained, conservative speakers should have no expectation of police and fire protection. Specifically, the majority opinion declared: What VDARE wanted, it had no right to demand municipal resources to monitor a private entitys private event. (Monitor? How about That the city not refuse to send police officers and firetrucks?)

So I guess we can forget that sonorous horse crap about the First Amendment protecting ideas that society finds ... offensive or disagreeable.

The lefts new model is a public-private partnership to prohibit speech unacceptable to Joy Ann Reid.

Henceforth, blue states and cities will be free to shut down conservative speakers, MAGA meetings, Daughters of the American Revolution gatherings or anti-mask protests. Some jackass mayor will claim that the conservatives are threatening to engage in hate speech and deny them police and fire protection (then sit back and wait for the accolades from the media).

With midterms approaching, conservatives are feeling giddy. Everything the left holds dear open borders, racial equity, Defund the Police, critical race theory is toxic to voters. Woo hoo! Were winning!

Not so fast, patriots. While you fist-pump, liberals are busy institutionalizing the censorship of conservatives throughout the nation. You want to talk about institutional bias? How about the systemic bias against any ideas unacceptable to progressives being baked into American society?

If the Supreme Court fails to overturn the outrageous opinion in VDARE Foundation v. City of Colorado Springs, free speechs gravestone will read: Bedrock principle of a nation; 1791-2022.

Go here to see the original:
Ann Coulter: Have at 'em, Antifa! The new free speech - Today's News-Herald

10 of the most outrageous things that have ever happened at CPAC – indy100

CPAC the Conservative Political Action Conference runs at the beginning of every year and its always an interesting event, to say the least.

Its often attended by Republicans, right-wing commentators, prominent media personalities and other right-wing activists. The event began in 1974, but has really picked up steam in the last decade, even more so after Trumps election. This year, its in - person at The Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando, Florida. Speakers include former U.S. President Donald Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and Sean Hannity

On that note here are the top 10 of the most outrageous things which have ever happened at CPAC.

1. Member of Happy Science cult talks at CPAC 2021

Hiroaki Jay Aeba, a prominent Japanese conservative, will be speaking at CPAC 2021 he first spoke at the event in 2011. Aeba is the chairman of the Japanese Conservative Union, a right-wing political organization, and he helped found CPAC Japan, which has been running for the last four years in Tokyo. Seems above board - but Aeba is also a prominent member of the Happy Science cult, a Japanese cult who claims to be the incarnation of multiple gods.

2. Trump Jr makes #MeToo a CPAC joke, CPAC 2019

In 2019, Donald Trump Jr took part in a panel at CPAC, with other prominent right-wing commentators, including Charlie Kirk, who founded Turning Point, a right wing organisation catering to students and young people. Don Trump JR then suggested that Jerry Falwell Jr, one of the other panellists, should have been called Trump, (she was named Reagan). He then bizarrely said hashtag me too, which is almost unsurprising for Don Jr.

3. Diamond and Silk notice the last four letters of Democrats spells rats, CPAC 2020

Who could forget Diamond and Silk, two entertainers or right-wing commentators (its unclear what exactly they do), who have been Trump stalwarts since Day One. Theyre frequent guests on Fox News and InfoWars, and in 2020, they made a bizarre speech at CPAC where they pointed out that the last four letters of Democrats spelled rats, which is technically true but not really that noteworthy. They also pointed out that the last four letters of Republican spell out I can, which also just doesnt feel that special.

4. Trump admits that he isnt concerned at all about Covid-19, CPAC 2020

In 2020, CPAC was held just before the coronavirus pandemic caused states to lockdown. During that time, people were worried about potential superspreader events and even after people who had been at CPAC tested positive for Covid-19, Trump said that he wasnt concerned at all about the spread of the pandemic, which seems to have been an omen for darker times ahead.

5. Trump kisses a flagpole and mocks Greta Thunberg, CPAC 2020

In 2020, Trump kissed a flagpole and mocked Greta Thunberg during his speech, during which he also called prominent Republican senator Mitt Romney a low life. He also complimented Joe Bidens wife, while insulting now president Joe Biden, and then delved back into insulting the media. Pretty standard stuff for Trump, but it was still pretty bizarre to watch it altogether.

6. Trump admits he is balding, CPAC 2018

In 2018, Trump admitted during a keynote address that he was balding and that he does try a lot to hide a certain bald spot.

7. Ann Coulter upsets everyone, CPAC 2007 and 2008

Ann Coulter, the right-wing media personality, made several offensive remarks during her appearances at CPAC in 2008, but potentially one of the strangest was saying that the best thing that had ever happened to the campaign of Barack Hussein Obama was when he was born half black. The year before, she also called another media personality a homophobic slur.

8. Republican governor says he would rather go Waterboarding than listen to 70 political speeches, CPAC 2013.

While CPAC has been running for several years, media coverage of the event really started to pick up after Trump was elected. But previous years also had their fair share of controversy see Salons roundup of the most offensive remarks made on stage at CPAC 2013. The most outrageous of which might have come from Bobby Jindal, the former governor of Louisiana, who said that he would rather be waterboarded a controversial and common torture technique - than listen to 70 political speeches at CPAC, an event that he had chosen to both go to and actively participate in.

9. Nigel Farage and Marion Marechal-Le-Pen appear, CPAC 2018

Nigel Farage of UKIP and Marion Marechal-Le-Pen both spoke at CPAC in 2018 Marechal-Le-Pen warned attendees of the dangers of transhumanism, which is commonly used to refer to a movement of people who want to live forever with the aid of technology and science, but obviously wasnt what Le Pen was referring to. Farage took the opportunity to attack George Soros and praised Viktor Orban, the far-right prime minister of Hungary, for having the courage to stand up to him.

10. Organisers booed for asking attendees to wear masks, CPAC 2021

On the first day of CPAC 2021, when organisers told conference-goers to wear masks as they should at a primarily indoor event, they were booed off the stage. This is despite the fact that it is against the law to not wear a mask indoors in Florida at the moment, particularly in a gathering of the size of CPAC.

More: Marjorie Taylor Greenes despicable transphobic display proves she has no understanding of the Equality Act

10 of the most outrageous things that have ever happened at CPAC - indy100

Ann Coulter: The Daunte Wright NYT Readers Dont Know!

Theyre doing it again. The New York Times is aggressively hiding relevant facts on a matter of public interest simply in order to promote the narrative of black victimhood.

OK, we didnt get away with it last time, but we probably will this time. Lets try!

Daunte Wright is the half-black man fatally shot by a police officer in Minnesota earlier this year. According to Nexis, he has appeared in well over 100 articles in the Times. But one thing Times readers will never be told is that Wright was facing criminal charges for trying tochoke a woman to deathwhile robbing her at gunpoint.

They will also never hear about the lawsuit accusing Wright and an accomplice of shooting a guy during acarjacking.

In a bold departure from customary practice, the Times did make two passing references to another lawsuit claiming Wrightshot a guy in the head,permanently disabling him, but in both cases, quickly added: The lawsuit offers no direct evidencetying Mr. Wright to the shooting.

And those are just the crimes hes accused of committing lately, during the brief year and a half since he turned 18 and was no longer treated as a juvenile.

When it comes to Wrights legal problems, the Times didnt even pull its usual trick of putting all the interesting information in paragraph 20. These grisly allegations, as set forth in police reports and lawsuits, have been completely, 100 percent censored from the Newspaper of Record.

This isnt a genteel refusal to put the victim on trial. Wrights short but exciting criminal record is highly relevant to theconvulsionsthis country has been going through since George Floyds death at the hands of the police in 2020 convulsionspainstakingly fosteredby the Times.

Contrary to the medias black victimhood narrative, theres a very good reason Wright was in a position to be confronted by the police and in a way that most people are not.

In addition to allegedly committing a slew of gun crimes before the age of 20 (based on only one year and six months of public records), Wright was stopped for driving withexpired license plate tags. He didnt have car insurance. He also didnt have a drivers license. (And yes, white people are busted for these infractions all the time.)

When the officers ran his name, they discovered that Wright was driving on a suspended license, there was arestraining order against him, and a bench warrantfor his arrest on a weapons charge. They hadno choice: They had to arrest him. But as one officer began to handcuff him, Wrightresisted, jumped back in his car, and was about to flee along with an officer trapped in the passenger window, trying to get control of the gears.

Thats when Wright got shot.

This composite image from two police body cam videos and one dash cam video shows the events of a traffic stop on April 11, 2021, that led to the shooting death of Daunte Wright. The videos were shown in court on December 13, 2021, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during the trial of former Brooklyn Center police officer Kim Potter for Wrights death. (Court TV via AP)

This police body cam image shows former Brooklyn Center police officer Kim Potters reaction after shooting Daunte Wright during a traffic stop on April 11, 2021. The video was shown in court on December 10, 2021, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during Potters trial for first- and second-degree manslaughter in the death of Wright. (Court TV, via AP)

In other words, this case isnt exactly a primo example of Driving While Black. Thats why the New York Times hides all the pertinent facts.

For example, last week, the Times finally glancingly mentioned Wrights lack of a drivers license and insurance. (Thats if you dont count a recent article about how Minnesota lawsadversely affect minorities even regulations about drivers licenses and renewal of tags.)

On the other hand, the Times has run16 articlesabout Wrights air freshener! (E.g.: How a Common Air FreshenerCan Result in a High-Stakes Traffic Stop). That 16 more than all its articles on Hunter Bidens laptop!

What is the Times talking about? It seems that, immediately after the shooting,Wrights mother told the mediathat hed been stopped merely for having an air freshener hanging from his rearview mirror AND NOW HE WAS DEAD!

Thats completelyuntrue, but its the story the Times is going with. No new information will be allowed to penetrate the papers BLM cocoon.

Times reporters must have heard about the armed robbery/choking incident, because theyve repeatedly quoted Wrights accomplice in the crime, Emajay Driver. OnApril 13,November 30,December 8, andDecember 17the Times ran some version of this quote:

He loved to make people laugh, said Emajay Driver, a friend of Mr. Wright. He was just great to be around. There was never a dull moment.

And thats all we get from Mr. Driver.

New York Times:Say, we saw that police report about you and Daunte nearly choking a woman to death while committing an armed robbery. So naturally, we have to ask: Do you by any chance have any heartwarming stories about him?

Somewhat more important than Dauntes love of laughter are the details of that incident, given at length in Americas Greatest Newspaper, the U.K.s Daily Mail.

On December 1, 2019, Wright and Driver crashed at the apartment of a 20-year-old woman theyd been partying with. The next morning, the womans roommate went out to get $820 in rent money, handed it to her, then left for work.

Just before the attack, Wright locked himself in the victims bathroom for a noticeably long time in order to makevideos of himself with a gunand to empty abottle of hand sanitizeronto his gun. (Daunte, with his simple, trusting nature, apparently believed anurban legendthat sanitizer blocks fingerprints.)

Minutes later, as the three of them were exiting the apartment, Wright suddenly blocked the door, pointed the gun at the womans head, saying, Give me the f-ing money. I know you have it. (Me to the New York Times:Give us the f-ing facts. We know you have them.)

She refused, asking, Are you serious? Wright barked, Were not playing around, and grabbed her by the neck, choking her, as she dropped to her knees, with the gun in his other hand still pointed at her head. You look into his eyes, the victim later said, andits so evil.

Next, he tried ripping her shirt open to get the money, perhaps having seen her hiding it in her bra earlier. She screamed, and Wright began choking her again. (As Wrights accomplice so poignantly said, there was never a dull moment with this guy.)

Finally, Wright and Driver ran off, hopping into a white Cadillac that was waiting for them.

They were arrested five days later. Driver pleaded guilty to first-degree aggravated robbery, his second felony conviction. He was facing 20 years in prison, but only got probation, leading some to speculate that hed made a deal to testify against Wright.

Again: the Times hasnt printed a single detail of Wrights give-me-the-f-ing-money robbery attempt. Or the lawsuit about the carjacking. In one of more than 100 articles, there were two brief mentions of his alleged shooting a guy in the head.

As for the trial of Kim Potter, the officer who shot Wright, neither the prosecution nor defense disputes that it was a mistake, that she thought she was holding her Taser. Several officers, and the defenses use-of-force expert, testified that Potterwould have beenfully justified in shooting Wright in order to protect the other officer from being dragged by the car.

But Wright loved to make people laugh. Thats all the Times wants you to know.

Originally posted here:
Ann Coulter: The Daunte Wright NYT Readers Dont Know!

Ann Coulter Calls Trump ‘Abjectly Stupid’ For Betraying …

Ann Coulter supported Donald Trump during his 2016 presidential campaign, but things have changed for the conservative pundit.

Now, she is questioning the former presidents intelligence and even accused him of betraying his base on a recent podcast appearance with Andrew Sullivan.

I was well familiar with what a narcissistic, ridiculous, tacky, vulgar, arriviste this guy was. That I knew about. The one thing I underestimated, in fact, did not see at all, is I had no idea how abjectly stupid the man is, Coulter admitted. I didnt think he was a genius, but I didnt think he was that stupid.

Coulters big gripe is that he ignored campaign promises he made to his loyal followers, a group she characterizes as these poor, left-behind Americans who were waiting their whole lives for someone to care about them. And he says he cares about them and he not only betrays them, but he lies to them.

To her, the big lie to Trump supporters was the promise of the giant border wall, which she considered key to any 2020 election victory.

The one thing hes got to do is build the wall. My theory was, if he doesnt build the wall he loses reelection. He didnt build the wall; he lost reelection, she said.

She also questioned his intelligence for emphasizing that border wall above everything else.

I couldnt imagine anyone could be so stupid to run on one thing. ... Hes just a very, very, very stupid man, she said.

By contrast, Coulter has found things to like about Joe Biden. Back in September, she praised the president for keeping another promise Trump broke and getting American troops out of Afghanistan, according to Business Insider.

View original post here:
Ann Coulter Calls Trump 'Abjectly Stupid' For Betraying ...