Archive for the ‘Ann Coulter’ Category

ANN COULTER on the Bill LuMaye Show-Talk Radio 850 102513 – Video

ANN COULTER on the Bill LuMaye Show-Talk Radio 850 102513
Ann Coulter talks about her new book, Rhinos in Congress Obamacare.

By: Bill LuMaye

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ANN COULTER on the Bill LuMaye Show-Talk Radio 850 102513 - Video

Ann Coulter says Chris Christie’s IQ is 8x higher than John McCain’s

Ann Coulter dropped by "Good Day LA" Thursday (Nov. 7) to chat about the hot topics of the day -- one of those being newly reelected New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and how he may or may not be a GOP frontrunner for the 2016 presidential election.

At first, Coulter admits backhandedly "there's a lot to like about" Christie, while throwing in a fat joke. Then she says that for all his faults, the media buzz about him is the nail in the coffin for her. "Doesn't that make you suspicious," she asks, "when liberals are all telling us 'this is your strongest candidate?'"

When GDLA host Steve Edwards points out Arizona Sen. John McCain was in a similar situation when he ran for president, Coulter replies, "Well, OK. Christie does have eight times John McCain's IQ." She then tells an incredulous Edwards, "That's a rough estimate."

Coulter, of course, was promoting her new book, "Never Trust a Liberal Over 3 -- Especially a Republican."

Photo/Video credit: Getty Images

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Ann Coulter says Chris Christie's IQ is 8x higher than John McCain's

Ann Coulter tells the truth about “The Dixiecrats” – Video

Ann Coulter tells the truth about "The Dixiecrats"
Ann Coulter tells the truth about "The Dixiecrats," and the truth is that all but one Dixiecrat went back home to the Democrat party. Ann Coulter also talks ...

By: Brian Craig

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Ann Coulter tells the truth about "The Dixiecrats" - Video

Ann Coulter Loves Ted Cruz (sketch) – Video

Ann Coulter Loves Ted Cruz (sketch)
Ann Coulter takes her love, Ted Cruz out to dinner. Writer Stacy Rumaker Cast Stacy Rumaker Jared Nigro Brian Vestal Mitchel Baldwin.

By: topstoryweeklyvideos

Originally posted here:

Ann Coulter Loves Ted Cruz (sketch) - Video

Ann Coulter Thrashes GOP for Throwing Away Easily Winnable Races on Hannity

Ann Coulter joined Sean Hannity Wednesday night to react to the big elections this week. And amidst a rather strong bout of Chris Christie-bashing, Coulter went after the GOP for throwing away easy races by running candidates that the conservative base loves but have zero chance of winning in a general election.

Coulter said, Any Republican is better than any Democrat, and Republicans really have to focus on winning. She cited the Virginia gubernatorial race in particular, saying Ken Cuccinelli might have had a better chance at winning if 1) the RNC had actually thrown its weight behind him, and 2) if Republicans hadnt nominated E.W. Jackson, a fiery conservative preacher, for the position of lieutenant governor.

Hannity was particularly fired up about Christie, continuing the pile-on from his radio show, saying he loves criticizing members of his own party and lecturing Washington but hes bit his tongue about President Obama and has plenty of problems of his own. Coulter was less critical of Christie, but did agree he has his issues and if the media had its way, Christie would be the anointed nominee.

Coulter kept insisting that Republicans really need to concentrate on winning the way the Democrats do, and instead of primarying their own members they should prioritize vulnerable Democrats first.

Watch the video below, via Fox News:

[photo via screengrab]

Follow Josh Feldman on Twitter: @feldmaniac

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Ann Coulter Thrashes GOP for Throwing Away Easily Winnable Races on Hannity