Archive for the ‘Ann Coulter’ Category

Election 2012: Excerpts from chat with Ann Coulter, Howard Kurtz, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, more

Ann Coulter, Howard Kurtz, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and others chatted with readers at on Election Day about election law, media coverage, energy policy and more. Here are some of the highlights.

Ann Coulter, conservative columnist and author

Q: If Obama gets elected, what do state do you think will the country be in, in four years?

Coulter: Very bad! It's a possibility I haven't even dwelled on, it's too horrible. There's a lot of big things, but it's Obamacare. We see the state Medicaid and Medicare are in, and it'll consuming 92 percent of the budget in ten years. And we're going to add another entitlement on top of that for every man woman and child. You'll no longer have a direct relationship with your doctor, it'll be given to you by the Department of Motor Vehicles. And once people start receiving their treats it'll be impossible to overturn. We'll be some pathetic Western European country without the charming cobblestone streets and without America out there to rescue us. And if America is gone, we're taking the first step into darkness for the next 1,000 years.

Q: What in your eyes has been the most interesting part of the race? Shocking?

Coulter: The Democrats' booing God at the Democratic National Convention.

Rick Hasen, election law professor, University of California-Irvine

Q: Strategist Steve Schmidt said on MSNBC that widespread voter fraud was a myth being spread by Republicans. Is that true?

Hasen: There are different types of election crimes that occur. Absentee ballot fraud is relatively rare, but we see cases each year. Election officials stealing elections sometimes happens. The kind of fraud that almost never happens is impersonation fraud - where someone walks into the polls and claims to be someone else. That's the kind of fraud that a voter ID law prevents. So state voter ID is aimed at a mostly nonexistent problem. I cover the fight over this in my new book, "The Voting Wars."

Q: Do you think that the fraud being seen is more of an institutional nature? Not enough machines? Not enough time to vote for an ever expanding population? Not having a holiday for people to vote? Do you see a need for national standards of practice in order to ensure our right to vote?

See the rest here:

Election 2012: Excerpts from chat with Ann Coulter, Howard Kurtz, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, more

Around Town: Ann Coulter likes Romney’s chances in Wisconsin

Ann Coulter, one of the biggest conservative lightning rods this side of Rush Limbaugh, knows her way around a political zinger.

President Barack Obama fulfilled his 2008 campaign promise of bringing the country together since the majority of Americans have banded together to oppose his health care program, Coulter told a crowd of about 400 on Sunday at Monona Terrace.

My idea for how to deal with Iran is to give them Obamacare, she said during an appearance and book signing sponsored by the conservative political group Americans for Prosperity.

Coulter, a lawyer and Fox News regular who has written eight New York Times bestsellers, and has a new book, Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama, started out by talking about how historically Democrats have been more racist than Republicans. But Democrats have co-opted racism, she said.

Youre a racist if you dont re-elect this black Jimmy Carter, is the best argument liberals have for re-electing Obama, Coulter said.

Some conservatives in the crowd were disappointed by the small turnout for Coulters event two days before the presidential election and a day before a rally with Obama and rock star Bruce Springsteen.

Although 500 people registered for the event, only about 400 turned out, said Luke Hilgemann, state director for Americans for Prosperity.

There were a few protesters, some of whom put away their political buttons, disposed of their signs and came inside to politely listen.

WTDY liberal radio talk-show host John Sly Sylvester, who was in the crowd, said he didnt so much as suggest that his listeners come to protest, but that they attend for entertainment value.

I wanted to see who would

See the article here:

Around Town: Ann Coulter likes Romney's chances in Wisconsin

Ann Coulter To Hannity: Americans Afraid To Vote Against Obama Because ‘They’ll Be Accused Of Racism’


Ann Coulter paid a visit to Sean Hannity on Monday night to talk about the only thing were all talking about today: the election and its results. Taking a look at the polls, Coulter didnt take them too seriously noting that they over-predict victory for a black candidate.

Hannity and Coulter noted that the Obama campaign is already making excuses with Coulter going on to note that Obama, aside from wrecking the economy with the stimulus, wrecking the country with Obamacare, has done nothing but campaign.

Coulter further dismissed the notion that Republicans have to move to the center when they enter general election campaigning. Its not a position change, she said. Arguing that Democrats efforts to demonize Romney have failed, she added, The more people see of Mitt Romney, the more they like him.

After a discussion of which states, and specifically which battleground states, Romney could win tomorrow, Coulter noted that the polls essentially show the key states to be a tie and then brought up the race factor.

You got the Bradley effect, when you have a white man running against a black man, Coulter started, with Hannity interjecting to ask, You really believe that?

More now than ever before, Coulter replied. Americans are afraid to say they are voting against Obama because theyll be accused of racism. That is the point by the entire NFM [Non-Fox Media].

The polls over-predict a victory for a black candidate, she asserted.

Watch below, via Fox News:

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Here is the original post:

Ann Coulter To Hannity: Americans Afraid To Vote Against Obama Because ‘They’ll Be Accused Of Racism’

Ann Coulter Laments To Ingraham: If Romney Can’t Win In This Economy, ‘It’s Over. There Is No Hope’


Ann Coulter joined Laura Ingraham on her radio show on Wednesday to discuss the outcome of the election. Coulter defending Romneys run, but offered bleak prospects for the future of the conservative movement: There is no hope.

Romney ran a magnificent campaign, Coulter said, adding that he was the perfect candidate, comparing his campaign with Ronald Reagans. Ingraham incredulously disagreed. Nonetheless Coulter offered her outlook, which she described as pessimistic.

People are suffering. The country is in disarray, she said. If Mitt Romney cannot win in this economy, then the tipping point has been reached. We have more takers than makers and its over. There is no hope.

Ingraham argued that Romney was excellent in the first debate, but after that, she didnt know where he went. Many times during speeches, she said, it simply seemed like he wasnt connecting with the material.

I cant imagine that you, having seen the Ronald Reagan apparatus and Ronald Reagans booming and persuasive oratory, Ingraham said, would say that Mitt Romneys speeches were in any way Reaganesque or approaching them.

Ingraham further rejecting Coulters pessimism noting fighting for the country doesnt end because we have a candidate who was a one-term governor from Massachusetts who couldnt pull it together and lost by a couple of percentage points.

Rather, she argued, conservatives need an articulate, smart, movement-type person at the helm. Reagan had a different electorate, Coulter said, and Romney absolutely would have won in the same electorate. She also argued that members of the House simply cant succeed with presidential runs, and we should stop voting for them in primaries.

Later in the segment, she again lamented that Romney was the man for the job:

Mitt Romney was the president we needed right now, and I think it is so sad that we are going to be deprived of his brain power, of his skills in turning companies around, turning the Olympics around, his kindness for being able to push conservative ideas on a country that no longer is interested in conservative ideas. It is interested in handouts.

Here is the original post:

Ann Coulter Laments To Ingraham: If Romney Can’t Win In This Economy, ‘It’s Over. There Is No Hope’