Archive for the ‘Ann Coulter’ Category

Ann Coulter, immigration hardliners are outraged over Trumps …

For all that President Donald Trumps latest proposal to reopen the government is a non-starter with Democrats, its still a risky gambit. Trump is already catching heat from his own base, with complaints that his new concessions on immigration amount to a four-letter word in conservative circles: amnesty.

The latest offer, which Trump announced from the White Houses Diplomatic Reception Room Saturday, keeps up his demands for a $5.7 billion border wall and reiterates a previous $800 million provision to address the humanitarian crisis at the border, but this time also offers to extend existing protections to DREAMers and immigrants with Temporary Protected Status for three years.

This puts Trump in a tenuous situation as the partial government shutdown drags on. Congressional Democrats feel they have the upper hand in negotiations and few incentives to give the president what he wants. Trumps approval ratings were already slipping prior to his announcement, even among core members of his base, and now his new proposal risks alienating his staunchest defenders.

If the situation already seemed entrenched before his major announcement Saturday, Trump may have just made it worse.

Influential voices were more than happy to share their disdain for the deal on Saturday, starting with conservative political commentator Ann Coulter, who has long used her platform to demand that Trump keep his signature campaign promise.

Rep. Steve King, a longtime anti-immigrant voice who was recently reprimanded in Congress over his racist views, jumped into the fray early, tweeting:

The list of detractors goes on. characterized the deal with the headline: Three Year Amnesty. Roy Beck, president of the anti-immigration group NumbersUSA, stoked fears that the deal would incentivize more caravans of migrants and families traveling from Central America. James Carafano of The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, said the so-called amnesty undermines our citizens confidence in the rule of law.

All this, even after the administration reportedly tried to make sure the proposal wouldnt alienate the presidents base. At one point the proposal was said to include a (slightly) greater swath of immigrants, but Steven Miller, the architect behind Trumps most aggressive immigration policies, was still able to get his fingerprints on the deal, the New York Times Julie Hirschfeld Davis reports:

In recent days, as White House officials had been working out the details of the compromise, Mr. Miller intervened to narrow the universe of immigrants who would receive protection, according to people familiar with the internal discussions who described them on the condition of anonymity.

While the original idea had been to include protections for as many as 1.8 million undocumented immigrants eligible for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the Obama-era program known as DACA that protected those illegally brought to the United States as children, Mr. Trump ultimately proposed shielding only the 700,000 who are enrolled.

The partial government shutdown is just a day away from hitting the one-month mark, and still, theres no foreseeable end in sight. Trumps big announcement was supposed to give the White House cover, to make it seem as though the president had a deal waiting at the negotiating table, never mind the fact that Democrats have previously rejected similar compromises Trump could then say the other party was the one stonewalling on the shutdown.

But the gambit may prove costly for the president. Polls show Trump, and congressional Republicans broadly, are shouldering the majority of the blame from the shutdown. And doubts are starting to creep into his base. According to a new CNN poll out last week, though white people without college degrees generally support building a wall along the US-Mexico border, their overall views of him are starting to dip.

Working against Trump is his own record on immigration deals. As Voxs Dara Lind explains, Trump has a long history of backing out of immigration deals when the pressure is on. Hes said he hoped to protect DREAMers and save DACA while his administration did just the opposite. And then hes made vague verbal promises to move forward on new legislation, only to back out when immigration hardliners start breathing down his neck.

Even Trumps own base has been conditioned into treating Trumps promises on immigration with skepticism. Its worked for them in the past to pressure him into submission. Well see if the tactic will work again.

Read more from the original source:
Ann Coulter, immigration hardliners are outraged over Trumps ...

Ann Coulter Scoffs at Trump’s Wall Compromise: ‘No Purpose’

After PresidentDonald Trump announced his proposed immigration dealthat would offer DACA protections to Democrats in exchange for wall funding, right-wing punditAnn Coulterripped the deal and said it would make a wall useless.

There are a million things to trade for a wall: A higher federal minimum wage, an infrastructure bill, a solar panel bill, Coulter tweeted. Trade a wall for AMNESTY, and theres no purpose to having a wall.

After Trump shut down the government in a demand for wall funding,many suggested Coulter played a major role in pressuring the president into the gridlock. A Democratic lawmaker even jokingly asked Coulter to tell Trumps he can open the government again.

Dear @AnnCoulter Please tell the President its OK to open up the government, Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) tweeted earlier this week.

Coulter has gone so far as to say that Trumps tenure in the White House would be a joke if he failed to build the wall his key campaign promise.

Trump will just have been a joke presidency who scammed the American people, amused the populists for a while, but hell have no legacy whatsoever, the author said.

UPDATE: Trump officially announced his offer to extend protections for DACA recipients in exchange for $5.7 billion in funding for a border wall. Coulter is not pleased.

We voted for Trump and got Jeb! she wrote on Twitter.

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Follow this link:
Ann Coulter Scoffs at Trump's Wall Compromise: 'No Purpose'

Nancy Pelosi should negotiate with Ann Coulter (opinion) – CNN

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"undefined" : m(c)) ? c : w.config.getConfig("customPriceBucket"), w.config.getConfig("currency.granularityMultiplier"));return a.pbLg = f.low,a.pbMg =,a.pbHg = f.high,a.pbAg =,a.pbDg = f.dense,a.pbCg = f.custom,a.bidderCode && (0 e.getTimeout() + w.config.getConfig("timeoutBuffer") && e.executeCallback(!0)}function z(e, t) {U.emit(N.EVENTS.BID_RESPONSE, t),e.addBidReceived(t),I(e, t)}function d(e) {var t = w.config.getConfig("mediaTypePriceGranularity." + e), n = "string" == typeof e && t ? 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Removing invalid property from request."), delete}if (t && t.native) {var a = t.native;a.image && a.image.sizes && !Array.isArray(a.image.sizes) && (w.logError("Please use an array of sizes for native.image.sizes field. Removing invalid mediaTypes.native.image.sizes property from request."),delete e.mediaTypes.native.image.sizes),a.image && a.image.aspect_ratios && !Array.isArray(a.image.aspect_ratios) && (w.logError("Please use an array of sizes for native.image.aspect_ratios field. Removing invalid mediaTypes.native.image.aspect_ratios property from request."),delete e.mediaTypes.native.image.aspect_ratios),a.icon && a.icon.sizes && !Array.isArray(a.icon.sizes) && (w.logError("Please use an array of sizes for native.icon.sizes field. Removing invalid mediaTypes.native.icon.sizes property from request."),delete e.mediaTypes.native.icon.sizes)}})),e},h.callBids = function(e, t, r, i, o, a) {if (t.length) {var n = t.reduce((function(e, t) {return e[Number(void 0 !== t.src && t.src === C.S2S.SRC)].push(t),e}), [[], []]), d = b(n, 2), u = d[0], s = d[1];if (s.length) {var c = (0,E.ajaxBuilder)(a, o ? {request: o.request.bind(null, "s2s"),done: o.done} : void 0), f = U.bidders, l = R[U.adapter], g = s[0].tid, p = s[0].adUnitsS2SCopy;if (l) {var v = {tid: g,ad_units: p};if (v.ad_units.length) {var y = {return e.start = (0,S.timestamp)(),i})), m = v.ad_units.reduce((function(e, t) {return e.concat((t.bids || []).reduce((function(e, t) {return e.concat(t.bidder)}), []))}), []);w.logMessage("CALLING S2S HEADER BIDDERS ==== " + f.filter((function(e) {return (0,A.default)(m, e)})).join(",")),s.forEach((function(e) {B.emit(C.EVENTS.BID_REQUESTED, e)})),l.callBids(v, s, r, (function() {return y.forEach((function(e) {return e()}))}), c)}}}u.forEach((function(e) {e.start = (0,S.timestamp)();var t = R[e.bidderCode];w.logMessage("CALLING BIDDER ======= " + e.bidderCode),B.emit(C.EVENTS.BID_REQUESTED, e);var n = (e.doneCbCallCount = 0,E.ajaxBuilder)(a, o ? {request: o.request.bind(null, e.bidderCode),done: o.done} : void 0);t.callBids(e, r, i, n)}))} else w.logWarn("callBids executed with no bidRequests. Were they filtered by labels or sizing?")},h.videoAdapters = [],h.registerBidAdapter = function(e, t) {var n = (2 n




See the article here:
Nancy Pelosi should negotiate with Ann Coulter (opinion) - CNN

Ann Coulter doubles down: Trump will be ‘dead in the water …

Ann Coulter has a message for President Donald Trump: "He is dead in the water if he doesn't build that wall. Dead, dead, dead."

Several days before the partial government shutdown began on December 22, the right-wing columnist and commentator appeared on The Daily Caller's podcast, where she slammed Trump.

"Trump will just have been a joke presidency who scammed the American people, amused the populists for a while, but he'll have no legacy whatsoever," she said.

At the time, Trump signaled that he would sign a stopgap measure to keep the government funded until February 8 (a measure that was passed unanimously in the Senate) without $5.7 billion in funding for his proposed border wall.

Coulter and other conservative pundits like Rush Limbaugh were not pleased. Building a wall along the US-Mexico border was a key campaign promise.

Later in that December week, Trump did an about-face, saying he would not sign a bill that didn't have funding for the wall. A bill with border wall funding could not be passed by the deadline (not enough votes in the Senate), and on December 22 a partial government shutdown began.

Left-leaning commentators and a Republican lawmaker accused Trump of caving to Coulter, et. al. "You have two talk-radio hosts who completely flipped the president," Republican Sen. Bob Corker told reporters. "And so, do we succumb to tyranny of talk-radio hosts?"

In an interview with Vice News that aired on Tuesday, Coulter shared her frustration with the president, but also said, "as long as he makes the fight about immigration, he will win."

Coulter lashed out at Democrats for not funding the wall while "weeping" over the 800,000 federal government employees that are either furloughed without pay or working without pay and who may have missed their first paycheck last Friday saying government workers get better benefits and pensions than most people.

"Oh, gosh, they'll have to wait a few months before they know fully well they're going to be paid in full," she said. "Look, I'm not in favor of this, but previous shutdowns have been much more difficult."

The shutdown isn't just impacting federal employees: the economy is suffering, airport security and wait times have been impacted, already backlogged immigration courts have stagnated, and national parks are falling into disrepair.

Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call/Getty Images

Still, Coulter told Vice News, the wall is all.

"More Americans die from drug overdose every year than died in the entire course of the Vietnam War, and the vast majority of those drugs are being brought in because we have a wide-open border," she continued. "I care more about that than I care about the Yosemite gift shop being open."

This line a variation used by Trump during his primetime Oval Office address last week has been fact checked. The overdose death toll figure on its own is accurate.

"According to preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 72,000 people in the US are predicted to have died from drug overdoses in 2017 nearly 200 a day," Vox reported. Vox continued: "As with 2016, the 2017 death toll is higher than all US military casualties in the Vietnam and Iraq wars combined."

However, according to The Washington Post, the Drug Enforcement Administration says that most drugs come through legal ports of entry, not at unsupervised areas of the border, thus a wall would not necessarily stop the flow. Potent opioids like Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that is 50 times more potent than heroin, can also be ordered online from places like China.

Coulter, who was initially all-in on Trump (writing a 2016 book called "In Trump We Trust"), has also expressed dismay over his presidency. Their relationship may have soured somewhat (after recent criticism, the president unfollowed her on Twitter) though Coulter claims in the interview that Trump still keeps an ear out for her.

Trump "reads my stuff," she claimed.

Go here to see the original:
Ann Coulter doubles down: Trump will be 'dead in the water ...

Dem lawmaker to Ann Coulter: Tell Trump ‘it’s OK to open up …

Rep. Jackie SpeierKaren (Jackie) Lorraine Jacqueline SpeierJuan Williams on Fox: Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter are 'running this government' Coulter: Trump 'dead in the water' if he caves on wall Overnight Defense: Trump faces blowback over report he discussed leaving NATO | Pentagon extends mission on border | Senate advances measure bucking Trump on Russia sanctions MORE (D-Calif.) on Tuesday called for conservative commentator Ann Coulter to tell President TrumpDonald John TrumpSunday shows preview: Shutdown negotiations continue after White House immigration proposal Rove warns Senate GOP: Don't put only focus on base Ann Coulter blasts Trump shutdown compromise: We voted for Trump and got Jeb! MORE that "it's OK" to fully reopen the federal government.

"Dear @AnnCoulter -- Please tell the President it's OK to open up the government," Speier, who has served in Congress since 2008, wrote on Twitter.

Dear @AnnCoulter -- Please tell the President it's OK to open up the government.

Coulter said last month thatTrump'spresidency would be a "joke" if he gave in to Democrats by signing government funding legislation that didn't includemoneyto construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border.

Trump will just have been a joke presidency who scammed the American people, amused the populists for a while, but hell have no legacy whatsoever," she said in apodcast interview withThe Daily Calleron Dec. 19, adding that she would not vote for Trump in 2020 if no progress was made on his campaign promise to build a border wall.

Trump later that week said he would not sign a funding bill that didn't include $5 billion for a wall along the southern border.

That impasse with Democrats led to a partial government shutdown that has now lasted 25 days, making it the longest in U.S. history.

Coulter commended Trump this monthfor his willingness to shut down the government over his wall demand.

"Though dont worry, hell fold in the end," Coulter predicted while speaking onthe "Mark Simone Show" on710 WOR in New York.

House Democrats have passed a series of spending bills to reopen and fund most of the shuttered government agencies through Sept. 30. Those bills also would provide funding for the Department of Homeland Security through Feb. 8 to allow more time for wall negotiations.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellSunday shows preview: Shutdown negotiations continue after White House immigration proposal Senate to take up Trump's border-immigration plan next week Trump pitches new plan to reopen government amid Dem pushback MORE (R-Ky.) has said he would not bring spending bills to the floor for a vote unless they have Trump's support.

See the rest here:
Dem lawmaker to Ann Coulter: Tell Trump 'it's OK to open up ...