Archive for the ‘Ann Coulter’ Category

Ann Coulter Claims Detention Camp Kids Are Actors Pulling …

6/19/2018 11:26 AM PDT


Ann Coulter's spewing a wild new theory about kids in detention camps ... claiming the kids are all part of a huge "political stunt" designed to destroy America.

Coulter was out in NYC Tuesday when we asked her if she's seen the latest pictures of kids being held in cages while their parents are criminally prosecuted under the Trump administration's strict new policies.

Coulter's adamant the kids are actors ... though she offers ZERO proof. In the past she's claimed a New Yorker article backs her "actors" theory, but we, and others, have dug for such an article -- to no avail.

We reminded her Laura Bushand several other former First Ladies have called the camps inhumane while speaking out against Trump's policy. Well, Coulter even gave them a piece of her mind, too.

There's no denying, Coulter's fired up here -- but ya might wanna take it with a grain of salt.

Actually, grab the whole shaker.

Read the original here:
Ann Coulter Claims Detention Camp Kids Are Actors Pulling ...

Ann Coulter to Trump: Migrant children are child actors …

In the flourishing world of baseless conspiracy theories, this one, part hoax, part smear, has been having its moment.

The idea that people whose experiences speak to some of the consequences of government policies are not to be taken at face value, and are actually crisis actors workingfor a nefarious purpose, has taken on particular prominence in the wake of mass shootings,such as those in Newtown, Conn., and Parkland, Fla.

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter on Sunday became the latest figure to spreada similar claim, as a guest on a Fox News show, when she charged that some of the migrant children who have been photographed in varying stages of distresswere child actors, in a bit of messaging she directed at President Trump.

These child actors weeping and crying on all the other networks 24/7 right now; do not fall for it, Mr. President, she said, staring directly into the camera.I get very nervous about the president getting his news from TV.

The separation of children from their parents, a result of a new hard-line immigration enforcement practicerolled out by the Trump administration in recent months, has become a lightning rod political issue, an emotional wedge that has cut across partisan lines in the midst of the national debate about immigration. Supporters of the president have defended the practice, blaming parents for bringing their children across the border and arguing that the children are well cared for once they are takenaway. The president has blamed Democrats, though the practice is a result of changes made by his appointees.

[A secret recording captures the sounds of crying children separated from parents at the border]

Though many Trump supporters have defended the practice, until now no high-profile figures had questioned the authenticity of thechildrens experiences.

Instead, more information about the separations 2,300children have been taken from their parents since the beginning of May, around the time the new zero tolerance policy was rolled out has trickled out in recent days, in the form of reporters visits to the detention centers where the children are held, pictures and even leaked audio. A photograph by Getty Images John Moore of a 2-year-old crying as her mother was patted down by a border agent before the two were separated ricocheted around the media-sphere over the weekend, becoming a stand-in for what some see as the abject cruelty of the new practice.

[I wanted to stop her crying: The image of a migrant child that broke a photographers heart]

Moore, who has been photographing the border for 10 years after stints covering war zones overseas, told The Washington Postabout how he took the photo, after watching a group of migrants cross the border in boats before being apprehended by agents.

Coulters remarks went unquestioned by Fox News host Steve Hilton, on whose show she appeared. He did try to move the conversation forward as a break in the show approached.

I dont know if thats he said, trailing off as Coulter continued. I told you we wouldnt get a word in, he said to the two other guests, Republican former congressman Jason E. Chaffetz and Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle.

But Coulter continued.

These kids are being coached, she said. Theyre given scripts to read by liberals. ... Dont fall for the actor children.

She said her information came from New Yorker magazine, though it was not immediately clear which report she was referring to.

Over a series of emails with The Post, Coulterdid not provide evidence for her claim.

If they were genuine asylees, theyd have stopped in Mexico, she said. Theyd go to Guatemala or Colombia. No, theyre being marched to the U.S. as a political weapon.

In a statement provided by a Fox News spokeswoman, Hilton said: I do not endorse her comments or anything else said by anyone other than myself.

Paul Farhi contributed to this report.

Read more:

Trump defiant as crisis grows over family separation at the border

How a survivor of the Florida school shooting became the victim of an online conspiracy

Jeff Sessions defended family separation with the Bible. John Oliver countered with Dr. Seuss.

America is better than this: What a doctor saw in a Texas shelter for migrant children

The Daily 202: Trump team cannot get its story straight on separating migrant families

Ann Coulter to Trump: Migrant children are child actors ...

Ann Coulter on Crying Immigrant Kids: ‘Don’t Fall for the …

Ann Coulter weighed in on the immigration debate on Sunday, saying that many of the images of crying children shown across cable news channels were fabricated and the result of child actors.

I would also say one other thing, these child actors weeping and crying on all the other networks 24/7 right now: do not fall for it, Mr. President. I get very nervous about the president getting his news from TV, said Coulter on the set of Fox News The Next Revolution.

A New Yorker article the New Yorker is not a conservative publication they describe how these kids, these kids are being coached. Theyre given scripts to read by liberals, according to the New Yorker. Dont fall for the actor children.

Also Read: Ann Coulter Fires Back at Joy Reid for Old Tweets About 'That Coulter Dude,' Questions Her African American Roots

Its unclear which New Yorker article Coulter is referring to. Both she and New Yorker editor-in-chief David Remnick did not immediately respond to request for clarification on Monday.

The charge from Coulter is a particularly explosive one, as it is a favorite among more conspiracy-minded media figures. Reports by outlets like InfoWars and the Gateway Pundit saying that the Parkland shooting survivors were in fact crisis actors were widely condemned by both Democrats and Republicans.

Coulter has long positioned herself as a ferocious hawk in Americas immigration debate and has regularly attacked President Trump over the lack of progress on the border wall with Mexico. Coulter is one of just 45 people who the president follows on Twitter and one of the very few people who has been able to attack him with impunity. Her book Adios America is widely cited as the model for President Trumps immigration policies.

Also Read: Ann Coulter's Solution for Illegal Migrants: 'If You Shoot One ... Maybe They'll Learn' (Audio)

The immigration issue has become increasingly charged as news outlets confirmed Monday that migrant children separated from their families were being held in cages in detention centers.

On Monday, the Associated Press was unequivocal.

Inside an old warehouse in South Texas, hundreds of children wait away from their parents in a series of cages created by metal fencing. One cage had 20 children inside. Scattered about are bottles of water, bags of chips and large foil sheets intended to serve as blankets, they wrote.

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Trumps favorite network has pushed back a few times

See more here:
Ann Coulter on Crying Immigrant Kids: 'Don't Fall for the ...

Ann Coulter: Jeff Sessions ‘Only One Doing Anything’ on …

In an interview with talk radio host Mark Simone, Coulter slammed Trumps attacks on Sessions, noting that when it comes to immigration, Sessions has accomplished more than any other cabinet member.

Coulter said:

[Sessions recusing himself] has nothing to do with Sessions and has everything to do with Trump. And this infantile, trolling your own attorney general Sessions is the only one doing anything on Trumps central campaign promise, which Trump seems to have forgotten, immigration. And now all he does to Sessions is send him nasty tweets across social media? Fire him if you dont want him. [Emphasis added]

While Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has struggled to decrease illegal immigration surges at the southern border, Sessions has introduced major reforms to courts and judicial process to ensure that border crossers are more effectively prosecuted.

Sessions, as Breitbart News has chronicled, has worked to end the Catch and Release program where border crossers are released into the interior of the U.S. by instructing judges to quickly assess immigration cases. Sessions has also dramatically increased deportation orders against illegal aliens.

Months ago, Sessions ended a taxpayer fundedfederal program that gave legal advice to illegal aliens, as Breitbart News reported.

John Binder is a reporterfor Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at@JxhnBinder.

Read more:
Ann Coulter: Jeff Sessions 'Only One Doing Anything' on ...

Ann Coulter And Laura Ingraham Respond To Joy Reids Hell …

Fox News host Laura Ingraham had conservative author and commentator Ann Coulter on her Friday night show to discuss MSNBC host Joy Reids recently-revealed blog posts attacking both women, and Coulter wasnt about to take any of it lying down.

The post, entitled Dear Mr. Coulter, ended with one hell of an idea, which was linked to apostentitled, Can we send Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter to Iraq, put them in a public square and just leave them there? (RELATED:Joy Reid: It Was A Hell Of An Idea To Send Laura Ingraham And Ann Coulter To Iraq, Put Them In Public Square And Leave Them There)

No one actually loves you, Reid wrote of Coulter. And particularly, no one loves you enough to actually breed with you (provided they could figure out whether you would, in fact, be supplying the sperm, or the egg).

Im sure none of this surprises you, Ingraham told Coulter as they began the segment. This is what you and I have become accustomed to. Liberals can say anything they want about women, minorities, Jews, and get away with it.

After talking about the Friday Daily Caller report, Coulter responded with a self-deprecating joke about her beautiful swan-like neck followed by a jab at liberal women who have rolls of fat on their neck.

And then of course there was the always popular calling me a man for having a beautiful swan-like neck, said Coulter. Liberal women, as long as were being frank here, arent used to that because they have rolls of fat on their neck. Theyre really taken aback by my beautiful swan-like neck.

Eventually the conversation switched to the firing of Roseanne Barr, and Coulter wondered aloud why people like Reid and Samantha Bee are still on the air.

I never saw the old show or the new show, but she was getting ratings like we havent even heard of for 20 years! said Coulter. To be dumping that show because of crazy tweets she was sending she has always sent crazy tweets! This is nothing new. I mean, you know, I dont want to be sent to a concentration camp- Yes, I condemn her tweet, but shes always sent crazy tweets that are deserving of condemnation. It has nothing to do with that, and if they really cared about offensive tweets and so on, well obviously Samantha Bee and Joy Reid wouldnt be on air but no, we gotta keep them! (RELATED:ABC Discussing Potential Roseanne Spinoff Featuring Actor Sara Gilbert, But Theres A Catch)


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See the rest here:
Ann Coulter And Laura Ingraham Respond To Joy Reids Hell ...