Archive for the ‘Artificial Intelligence’ Category

Artificial intelligence helping detect early signs of breast cancer in some US hospitals – FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

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October raises awareness for Breast Cancer and LiveNOW from FOX talks with a doctor about the advances in treatments and importance of early detection.

BOCA RATON, Fla. - Some doctors believe artificial intelligence is saving lives after a major advancement in breast cancer screenings. In some cases, AI is detecting early signs of the disease years before the tumor would be visible on a traditional scan.

The Christine E. Lynn Women's Health and Wellness Institute at the Boca Raton Regional Hospital found a 23% increase in cancer cases since implementing AI during breast cancer screenings.

Dr. Kathy Schilling, the medical director at the institute, told Fox News Digital the practice has nine dedicated breast radiologists who are all fellowship trained, so the increase in early detections was surprising.

"All we do is read breast imaging studies, and so I thought, you know, we were probably pretty good at what we were doing, but this study really comes in shows us that even the dedicated and committed breast radiologists can do better utilizing artificial intelligence," Schilling said.


"ProFound AI," created by iCad, is designed to flag problem areas on mammograms. The program studied millions of breast cancer scans and, over time, learned to circle lesions and estimate the cancer risk.

"If you realize that 90% of the cases are benign and have no findings, you know, you just become fatigued. You get mesmerized by scrolling through the images. The AI helps us to refocus and find those little tiny cancers that we're looking for," Schilling said.

Medical personnel use a mammogram to examine a woman's breast for breast cancer. Photo: Hannibal Hanschke/dpa (Photo by Michael Hanschke/picture alliance via Getty Images)

ProFound AI became the first technology of its kind to be FDA cleared in December 2018. The Christine E. Lynn Women's Health and Wellness Institute adopted the groundbreaking technology during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the hospital now boasts one of the earliest studies on AI's impact on cancer.

"What I think we're going to be finding is that we're finding cancers when they're three to six millimeters in size, and finding the invasive lobular cancers which are very difficult for us to find, because they don't form masses in the breast," Schilling said.

Schilling also stated that over the past two years, the institute has offered less severe therapies to patients diagnosed with breast cancer because the cells are so small.

"We are doing smaller lumpectomies, fewer mastectomies, less chemotherapy, less radiation therapy," she continued. "I think we're entering into a whole new era in breast care."


Schilling also believes AI's early detection capabilities may have helped save Luz Torres' life after a routine mammogram on April 1 revealed a small cancerous tumor. Torres said she had no symptoms or inclination that something could be wrong.

"I have very dense breast tissue, so I always have a mammography and an ultrasound. The recommendation of that visit was the breast biopsy, so I had that done within a week's time, and then I got a phone call that the pathology was breast cancer," Torres said in an emotional interview. "It was an early detection. I come every year, I'm on track with my mammography, so it's very small tumor."

RELATED: New FDA rule requires info on breast density with all mammograms

Torres was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer in early April and recently completed surgery. Fortunately, she is expected to make a full recovery after early detection.

"It looks good. Because it was called early stage 1, I won't need chemotherapy so very happy about that," said Torres, who described the institute as "amazing."

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Dr. Ko Un Park, a surgical oncologist at OSUs Comprehensive Cancer Center, discusses the signs of inflammatory breast cancer, treatment, and other things to know about the rare, yet deadly form of the disease.

"The desire to improve the technology for the patients to find this breast cancer in patients early when it's treatable, and the prognosis ends up being great. I'm fortunate enough to be one of those patients. It's a blessing," she concluded.

Several companies have released AI products with the ability to flag abnormalities during cancer screenings. Doctors are also using AI to detect brain cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer.

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Artificial intelligence helping detect early signs of breast cancer in some US hospitals - FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

Non-artificial intelligence –

Toshiyuki Shimada works with orchestra students at Norwich Free Academy last October as part of his candidacy process for director of the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra.

As the lights went down to start the final ECSO concert of the season, a family of four sidled in -- the way you do in a row of theater seats. Mom, Dad, brother, sister. Few children attend the nighttime concerts, but these kids were being treated to seats up front.

With the start of Mendelssohns Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage, I could see why they chose that row. The little girl, homemade baton in hand, was conducting the orchestra in her seat.

I wish the actual Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra conductor, Toshiyuki Shimada, could have seen what was happening behind his back. The child was precisely copying his moves. When his arm stretched, so did hers a bare quarter-beat behind. When he pointed to the horns, she did, too, even pacing the rapid but almost invisible agitation of the baton. Me, Im grinning in the dusk.

The child conductor literally did not miss a beat. Her musical intelligence is one of her superpowers.

Behavioral science recognizes multiple categories of human intelligence. Best known is the list of intelligences identified by Howard Gardner: linguistic, logical/mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist. Gardner added that humans are not born with all the intelligence they will ever have. Some they acquire.

On the same weekend as the concert, The New York Times Magazine published its powerful interview with three Connecticut State Police investigators who went above and beyond their duties in documenting the carnage inside the Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012.

The article describes the trauma Sandy Hook inflicted even on veteran officers who have dealt with numerous homicide scenes. It recounts their determination to do for each of the 26 victims what they were used to doing for one at a time. No corners would be cut, even though no trial was likely; the shooter was dead and appeared to have acted alone.

The story lays out the steps the investigative team took to shield anyone who did not have to look at a scene that can never be unseen. It details their decision after the bodies of 20 child victims and their teachers had been removed that they would show then-Attorney General Eric Holder a dozen of the 1,495 photos they took and then escort him to the classrooms through hallways still littered with glass shards.

Times writer Jay Kirk wrote, that something like destiny, however grim and profoundly unwanted, had been laid at their feet. That the country, the world, would come looking for answers was not a question. And if anyone was going to provide the answers, at least to what had happened in these rooms, it would be up to them, but only if they kept their heads.

They did their work with a rare but critical combination of the logical/mathematical, spatial, interpersonal and intrapersonal human intelligences developed over their years as investigators. When told they could skip some steps because evidence was not needed for prosecution, their interpersonal intelligence told them no, the victims and their families deserve all we can do. Their intrapersonal intelligence warned each of them of the toll it was taking, but character and a sense of duty kept them going.

Their mission was to protect people from crippling horror but at the same time not to shield the public from the obscene truth of what one heavily armed intruder had done. Putting their multi-faceted intelligence at the service of a greater good, the investigative team provided lawmakers, law enforcement and justice officials with evidence that led to rapid changes in Connecticut law and -- not until much more bloodshed -- to a federal law that upended the stalemate on gun control measures.

Recent news about intelligence-related topics has largely focused on the expansion of Artificial Intelligence and its capacity for increasing its own scope. Journalist Scott Pelley observed on CBSs Sixty Minutes that he was speechless, rare for him, about the tasks AI was conceiving for itself and then carrying out. Is AI sentient? he asked. Does it have self awareness?

Programmers obviously can endow AI with linguistic, logical/mathematical, spatial and musical intelligence. Pelleys report includes two bots teaching themselves to play soccer, so some form of bodily-kinesthetic and inter-personal intelligence is involved. It would be ironic, but perfectly possible, for AI to have naturalist intelligence.

Intrapersonal intelligence, however, depends on self-awareness. If AI ever becomes self-aware, will it be inclined to put others good before its own? Always? Sometimes? Never? Would it undertake a task like identifying, cleansing and returning victims jewlery to their families with empathy or just expediency?

Will AI have joy, like the thrill of conducting scores of musicians right in front of you who dont even know youre there? Will it be able to pretend?

We have a lot to learn about intelligence.

Lisa McGinley is a member of The Day Editorial Board.

Go here to see the original:
Non-artificial intelligence -

Opinion: Let’s face it, artificial intelligence is becoming the new … – The Globe and Mail

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The recent hype over AI is much like the same fever that had fuelled crypto, when once you could slap 'blockchain' on the name of any company and see its stock soar fourfold.

Martin Meissner/The Associated Press

Amid all the hoo-ha over artificial intelligence this year, Microsoft Corp. MSFT-Q, which has a stake in the laboratory behind the ChatGPT bot, has seen its shares go up more than 25 per cent.

Various AI stocks, with names youve never heard of, are hotter than hot, even with a recession looming and at the foot of a tech beatdown in the markets. Holdings Inc., an information-technology services company, is up about 250 per cent on the year; at one point in February, it was up 700 per cent.

Wanna make money? Boy, do I have a great idea for you. Just add AI to the name of your company. Theres a voice-recognition company that used to be called SoundHound Inc., but went public in 2022 as SoundHound AI Inc. SOUN-Q. The stock has admittedly pared back some gains since then, but it is still up nearly 100 per cent for the year.

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Any of this sound familiar? Its the same fever that had fuelled crypto, when once you could slap blockchain on the name of any company and see its stock soar fourfold. Im pretty sure that soon, as with crypto, the term AI bro will enter the lexicon to describe a young man who is passionate and enthusiastic about the industry.

Oh, wait it has. An Urban Dictionary entry for AI bro was made in January of this year.

Will AI take over the world? And other questions Canadians are asking Google about the technology

Lets face it, AI is the new crypto. All the hype, investment mania and scams of past years investment cycles are going to come back.

To that, you might slam your table, squint your eye around your monocle and say: Wait thats not right! At least AI does something. Crypto is just make-believe money!

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A commonly expressed view. And a wrong one. But lets for the sake of argument say that it is correct. Has that distinction resulted in any difference in the markets?

It wasnt just 2020, the year of the really expensive digital pictures, or NFTs, that crypto was booming. Remember 2017, when a market frenzy was sparked by the Canadian-founded Ethereum, which let anyone easily create their own coin?

At one point that year, the furniture chain Ethan Allen Interiors Inc. ETD-N was up 50 per cent, largely attributed to how its ticker at the time, ETH, was the same as the abbreviation for Ethereums ether coin.

While Ethan Allen eventually changed its ticker to distance itself, others fiercely coveted that nominal crypto association.

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I wasnt being hyperbolic when I wrote earlier that companies can slap blockchain onto their names and see their stock quadruple in value. That was exactly what happened when Long Island Iced Tea Corp. changed its named to Long Blockchain Corp.

Meanwhile, Eastman Kodak Co. KODK-N, the camera maker, saw its stock triple in value after a bad year by announcing it would go into crypto mining.

Then there were the outright scams. The infamous OneCoin raised US$4-billion, but there is no evidence it had even developed a digital currency based on blockchain technology. Such scams are so plentiful that the U.S. Justice Department is still announcing new 2017-era cases to this day.

Such scams abounded because they were easy. Regardless of what many think of it, there are defined metrics for what makes a cryptocurrency namely in terms of the code that goes into it. But people cant see or hold a cryptocurrency. So, its easy to claim youve made one. The end user doesnt always have the sophistication to tell the difference until its too late.

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Again sounds familiar? Have you ever wondered how many purported AI projects are actually AI?

A London-based startup,, once claimed to use artificial intelligence to help people build apps. It attracted US$30-million from investors, including a unit of Japans SoftBank Group Corp. SFTBY. The Wall Street Journal later reported that Engineer.ais AI claims were greatly exaggerated actual humans in India were building the apps.

Such practices are so rampant, there is even a neologism coined for it: AI washing.

What it all boils down to is this: When crypto entered the mainstream, it was hard to define or even understand. In that messy environment, companies thrived and empires were built and so also rose the scams and OneCoins of the world. AI is having the same moment now.

See the original post:
Opinion: Let's face it, artificial intelligence is becoming the new ... - The Globe and Mail

The Artificial Intelligence Future Is Upon Us in ‘Class of ’09’ – The Daily Beast

Shows dont come timelier than Class of 09, an eight-part FX on Hulu drama, premiering May 10, that concerns the potential benefits and pitfalls of artificial intelligenceincluding the moral questions it raises and the ramifications it may have on the human workforce. Arriving as companies such as IBM are opting to not hire new workers for positions that will be replaced by A.I. in the coming few years, its a limited series with its finger so firmly and urgently on the pulse of our present (and future) reality that its fiction plays not as pure make-believe but, rather, as a vision of a possible tomorrow.

Better yet, Tom Rob Smiths show has more going for it than just prescience. Set during a trio of time periods, it focuses on four individuals struggling to figure out (and define) who they are while simultaneously navigating a law enforcement system dedicated to identifying threats to the public. A

ll three of these strands are intertwined in various narrative and thematic ways, highlighting the ethical and practical dilemmas that drove characters to embark on their respective courses, and exposing the fundamental means by which the personal affects the professionaland, as a result, the national. Inventively conceived and deftly executed, its a crime saga that comes across a modernized, multi-layered spin on Philip K. Dicks (and Steven Spielbergs) Minority Report.

Trifurcated across decades, Class of 09 begins in 2034, with FBI director Tayo Michaels (Brian Tyree Henry) monitoring the country via a wall of monitors whose security camera footage sometimes devolves into oceanic streams of matrix-like data. In order to locate a wanted individual named Amos Garcia (Ral Castillo), Michaels sends Amy Poet (Kate Mara), who has one cybernetic eye and doesnt understand why shes been plucked for this assignment.

What she discovers alongside comrade Murphy (Mrs. Davis Jake McDorman, co-starring in yet another AI-related series) is a bank of screens not unlike those possessed by Michaels, and which eventually cut to a loop of Michaels himself proclaiming, Not only are we now one of the greatest countries on this Earthwe are now also one of the safest.

Garcia is an apparent figure from the FBIs past, and its there that Class of 09 soon travels. In 2009, Poet is a nurse who puts everyone first, but shes convinced to give herself a shot by trying out for the bureau.

At Quantico, she joins a prospective incoming class that includes Miller, a former cog in the corporate machine whos looking to fight injustice, as well as confident Lennix (Brian J. Smith), whose parents view the FBI as a step on his journey to political power, and Hour (Sepideh Moafi), the daughter of persecuted Iranian immigrants who dont understand their daughters decision to channel her MIT-grade intellect into a career with the feds. Smith delineates these characters in quick, acute strokes, and then slowly peels back their layers to bare the hang-ups that have led them to their new career.

We always reveal ourselves, says Miller to an interrogation-room suspectone of many instances in which Class of 09s protagonists articulate this sentiment. The desire to know the self is central to Smiths story, which discloses that Miller doesnt trust people (thanks to a harrowing teenage traffic stop gone awry), Hour dreams of creating an inherently fair system (because it might provide the acceptance she craves as a gay woman), and Poet is a loner who prioritizes others in the same (harmful) manner that her single mother did.

These individual issues are wrapped up in the series fascination with AI, which promises investigators the ability to correlate and analyze data on a heretofore unheard-of scale, albeit at the cost of the vital human input necessary (or is it?) to differentiate between right and wrong, good and evil.

Between 2009 and 2034, Class of 09 situates itself in 2023, with Hour attempting to convince a skeptical establishment that an interconnected criminal database would help agents (rather than render them obsolete), Poet being forced to go undercover to investigate her own (following her triumphant take-down of corrupt Philly cops), and Michaels finding himself in a firefight with Montana domestic terrorists whose cunningly smiling leader Mark Tupirik (Mark Pellegrino) seems to have his sights trained specifically on him.

The threads connecting these comrades befores and afters only slowly become clear, as Smith hopscotches between eras with tantalizing (and generally surefooted) dexterity. Theyre brought to life, moreover, by a cast that skillfully handles both the proceedings action-oriented demands and psychological and Big Picture interests, led by the typically great Henry, whose Michaels has an easygoing charisma that belies his keen perceptiveness and formidable determination. Hes the centerpiece of the show, even if he never unduly overshadows his co-stars.

Smith imagines 2034 society as populated by realistic techno-gadgets and complicated by the consequences of artificial intelligence, whose unparalleled ability to assess information results in the types of predictive precrime measures that formed the basis of Dicks predecessor.

Its a fantasy that feels like its sprung from todays headlines, and its AI-centric material serves as an apt contextual framework for a story thats about the eternal quest to know oneself, others, and the world. From touch screens to domestic automation to the implants that grant Poet and others enhanced interfacing abilitiesthe byproducts of innovation that are also necessitated by grievous injuriesClass of 09 proves to be a science-fiction venture whose latter is inspired by the former.

Since press were only provided with four of the series eight installments, theres no guessing the ultimate destination of Class of 09, which uses its time-jumping conceit to thrill and, additionally, to elucidate new facets of its primary players. In an era when so many overlong TV efforts telegraph their every move, such unpredictability is another feather in Class of 09s cap, and makes one wish that it would continue on even past this season. If not, though, theres still plenty of reason to see it through to its finishwhich, hopefully, wont provide an AI cautionary-tale lesson that hits too close to home.

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Read the rest here:
The Artificial Intelligence Future Is Upon Us in 'Class of '09' - The Daily Beast

AI could be as transformative as Industrial Revolution – The Guardian

Artificial intelligence (AI)

UKs outgoing chief scientist urges ministers to get ahead of profound social and economic changes

The new genre of AI could be as transformative as the Industrial Revolution, the governments outgoing chief scientific adviser has said, as he urged Britain to act immediately to prevent huge numbers of people becoming jobless.

Sir Patrick Vallance, who stood down from his advisory role last month, said government should get ahead of the profound social and economic changes that ChatGPT-style, generative AI could usher in.

However, in a wide-ranging final parliamentary hearing that also covered his reflections on the pandemic and the rise of China as a global scientific power, he suggested AI could also have considerable benefits that should not be overlooked.

There will be a big impact on jobs and that impact could be as big as the Industrial Revolution was, Vallance told the Commons science, innovation and technology committee. There will be jobs that can be done by AI, which can either mean a lot of people dont have a job, or a lot of people have jobs that only a human could do.

In the Industrial Revolution the initial effect was a decrease in economic output as people realigned in terms of what the jobs were and then a benefit, he added. We need to get ahead of that.

Vallance called for a national review of which sectors would be most significantly affected so plans could be drawn up to retrain and give people their time back to do [their jobs] differently.

The comments follow an announcement by IBM this week that it is suspending or reducing hiring in jobs such as human resources, with a suggestion that 30% of its back-office roles could be replaced by AI in five years.

Echoing comments by the AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton, who announced his departure from Google this week, Vallance said the most immediate concern posed by AI was ensuring it did not distort the perception of truth.

He added that there was also a broader question of managing the risk of what happens with these things when they start to do things that you really didnt expect.

Despite these potential existential threats, the technology also presented opportunities, Vallance argued. In medicine, it could be that you get more time with your doctor rather than being pressurised, he said. That could be a good outcome.

We shouldnt view this as all risk, he added. Its already doing amazing things in terms of being able to make medical imaging better. It will make life easier in all sorts of aspects of every day work, in the legal profession. This is going to be incredible important and beneficial.

Vallance, who is now chair of the Natural History Museum, appeared sceptical about the prospect of developing a British version of ChatGPT, dubbed Brit-GPT, which some experts have called for in recent months. In March, the Treasury committed 900m to building a supercomputer to boost sovereign capabilities in this area.

Vallance said the focus for the UKs core national capability should be on understanding the implications of AI models and testing the outputs not on building our own version.

He said: You need to be able to probe them and understand them. I just dont think the idea were going to invent something that rivals what the big companies have already made is very sensible. It sounds like attempts to invent a new internet. I mean, why?

Vallance also implied that a moratorium on AI would not be feasible. Unilaterally falling behind doesnt seem to me to be a sensible approach, he said.

Looking back over his tenure, Vallance said his proudest achievements included helping establish the Covid-19 vaccines taskforce and acting as chief scientific adviser for the Cop26 climate summit.

He said he regretted very clumsy wording about herd immunity that led to misunderstanding and controversy early in the pandemic. In a March 2020 interview, Vallance said the aim was not to suppress the virus completely to build up some degree of herd immunity whilst protecting the most vulnerable.

He told the committee his intention was to reflect that immunity was fundamentally how you end pandemics rather than it being an intended strategy. People get immunity through vaccines and they get immunity through catching infections, he said. Ultimately that is where we have got to.

On the origins of the pandemic, Vallance said by far the most likely explanation was a spillover from bats, and that the available evidence suggested a lab leak was less likely.

Vallance also commented on the UKs position in a shifting geopolitical world, with countries including China in the ascendancy in science and technology. Against this backdrop, he said, it was essential for the UK to remain part of the EUs Horizon programme, pointing out it took the flagship research scheme a decade to get going effectively.

The idea that you can instantly set up something equivalent is flawed, he said. China has huge scale, US has huge scale. There are some parts of science that need scale. You cant replicate that domestically.

He called on the UK government to make changes to its visa scheme, which he said needed to be quick and internationally competitive in order to attract the best scientists. When asked whether the Home Office had responded to his advice on this, Vallance said: I guess the feedback is the action.






Read more from the original source:
AI could be as transformative as Industrial Revolution - The Guardian