Archive for the ‘Artificial Intelligence’ Category

Timnit Gebru Specializes in Ethics of Artificial Intelligence – BusinessGhana

Artificial Intelligence (AI) undoubtedly is one of the areas in STEM that has come to ease the labour pressure and enhance the way of doing things. Despite its significant benefits, the concept of AI is implicated with several ethical issues that include bias, and privacy breaches. Timnit Gebru is an Eritrean researcher who specializes in the ethics of Artificial Intelligence to tackle issues of bias in facial recognition of African people in most AI algorithms.

Timnit notes that her inspiration to devote herself to studying ethical issues in AI stems from the ordeal of her friend. According to Timnit, her friend was attacked in a bar, arrested, and later placed in pre-trial detention. The situation was attributed to the problem of the AI facial recognition system that could not identify people of African colour.

Promoting Greater Representation of Africans in Artificial Intelligence

In 2015, Timnit participated in the Neural Information Processing Systems- one of the most important conferences in the field of artificial intelligence which was held in Montreal, Canada. There she realised that out of the 3700 participants, only about five of them were Africans. As a result, Timnit led the creation of the Black in AI in 2017- an initiative which brings together African researchers in AI. Today, she is recognized as a leading advocate in initiatives geared toward the fight against the biases of facial recognition algorithms that mostly favour people of white colour. At the same time, she advocates for more representation of people of African descent in the field of African intelligence.

Educational Background and Industry Experience

Timnit holds a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. She also gained a PhD in 2017.

She worked at Apple as an audio engineer from 2004 to 2013 where she was particularly interested in creating software to recognise human faces. In 2017, Timnit joined Microsoft as a post-doctoral researcher in the Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics in AI (FATE Lab) dedicated to equality, transparency, and ethics in Artificial Intelligence. While at Microsoft, she published a paper with another researcher called Joy Buolamwini. The title of the article was Gender Shades. The article revealed that African women were 35% less likely to be identified by existent facial recognition algorithms than white men. Again, in December 2021, Timnit founded the Distributed Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (DAIR) which also aims to fight algorithmic bias in technology.

For her work, Timnit has received several recognitions and awards. She has been named one of the worlds 50 greatest leaders by Fortune magazine and one of the 10 most influential people in science by the British science journal: Nature. In 2022, Time magazine named her one of the most influential people of the year.


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Timnit Gebru Specializes in Ethics of Artificial Intelligence - BusinessGhana

Artificial Intelligence implementation & cancer research – Open Access Government

Artificial Intelligence implementation & cancer research

The technological developments of the recent decades have heralded computer-driven approaches in the development of laboratory-based cancer research, clinical practice, and research infrastructures such as biobanking and artificial intelligence implementation while supporting the ongoing processes of automation and innovation. The notion of implementing computer-based approaches in healthcare, handling and analysing clinical tests and records is not a new one.

It was discussed since the advent of computerised systems in the 1960s concurrently with some of the very first implementations within a healthcare environment.

However, those discussions were carried through with little conviction (other than for administrative purposes) until the dawn of the 21st century. Flagship international projects, such as the Human Genome Project, the UK Biobank, the Cancer Moonshot program and others, acted as the catalyst in transforming our understanding and expectations of computer-driven approaches in healthcare translational research and were followed by considerable investment to allow for such approaches to emerge.

The digital transformation in healthcare must be contextualised as a mix of technologies that work together as part of a puzzle: the Internet of Things, blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Previously, healthcare data was collected and structured manually, mostly centralised, which would mean a cumbersome, error and faulty-prone environment. The introduction of connected devices embedded with sensors and light weight-software became a game changer in the data collection process. However, a major challenge was to guarantee data integrity (and sometimes anonymity), while still maintaining auditability and trackability. Data Science, a comprehensive umbrella of statistical and design techniques as well as development methods is used for classifying data, extracting relevant information, cleansing data and developing algorithms for pattern and data correlation. AI is built on the top of Data Science.z

Within healthcare research, AI is an often-used term, which remains both a vague and evocative expression to characterise the capabilities of machines (i.e., algorithms) to classify or stratify clinical cases or predict related conditions with high accuracy in some cases, even more accurately than human experts, and potentially reducing bias and human errors. (1) The multiplicity of definitions to some extent has been an inevitable consequence of the different technologies that have introduced novel high-tech capacities and capabilities to existing approaches or added entirely new ones. However, at the same time using a single term belies the point that AI is a uniform field. There are many different applications of AI in healthcare, and one would need to appreciate them as distinct and often unconnected events. For example, in healthcare, AI is normally used as a Clinical Decision Support (CDS) software (2), which is intended to provide information on the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, cure or mitigation of a disease or some specific patient condition. The final decision relies on the expertise of a specialised medical team. However, despite support in the decision-making process through an intelligent component, there are many other factors, apart from intelligence, which are essential in making a clinical diagnosis. A great clinician is not the one who knows better (more data), but rather the one who uses the knowledge (interpret data) and applies their clinical acumen, experience and wisdom based on the context to make a diagnosis. Importantly, for an experienced clinician, gut feeling is data too.

Healthcare is evolving rapidly and there are major areas where AI creates a silent revolution, for example, in imaging, where AI can substantially streamline radiologists work while improving the detection of breast cancer. (3) From a long-term economic perspective, AI will drive down the costs of high-volume, repetitive tasks in healthcare and, therefore, it is anticipated to have a major impact on healthcare economics. Additionally, as artificial intelligence implementation may also improve the early diagnosis of diseases, treatment will be simpler, less invasive and with increased success rates. However, AI algorithms rely on long-term knowledge (disease-specific datasets) that create a clear understanding of the disease and minimise the risk of mistaken decisions as such the impact of implementation is likely to be felt long-term. Lastly, there also exists some ethical aspects of using AI in the sensitive area of medicine: wrong decisions could be understood as an omission by the treating clinicians. This could lead to questions, such as: who is responsible if AI fails? Was it a mistake of the designer of the AI system? Was it a deployment mistake or a mistake of the AI end-user?

Specifically in cancer research, several initiatives over the last decade have resulted in the generation of large cancer datasets. These datasets are obtained from the detailed profiling of well-characterised tumour samples, using high-throughput platforms and technologies. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) is by far the most comprehensive, publicly available compilation of tumour profiles, including data types such as imaging, genomics, epigenomics, proteomics and histopathology. (4) Such detailed, publicly available information is used as the foundational resource to build predictive models and present the opportunity to integrate locally sourced research information with highly-referenced datasets. Many studies have shown the benefits of such integration, for example, training predictive AI-driven models on multiple integrated rather than singular data sources, has been shown to predict the targets and mechanisms of action of small anticancer molecules and improve overall prediction accuracy. Thus, there is reserved optimism that AI-driven research will result in improvements in cancer detection, staging and grading; drug efficacy and synergy; eventually resulting in a significant potential impact on patients outcomes.

However, there are also challenges present in the implementation of AI in cancer research, which go beyond the immediate technical requirements of different research approaches. Specifically, as AI relies on high-quality data and large volumes thereof it becomes clear that this might be a limiting entry point for low-and middle-income countries (LMICs), where high-quality data might not be available in large volumes or in some cases not available at all. Additionally, the affordability of required computational infrastructure and processing power might also prove challenging, as well as the availability of appropriately trained staff that would need to implement and operate such applications. Thus, the approach that AI-driven healthcare might take in LMICs might be distinctly different to those already tested in high-income settings, perhaps less uniform and more context-driven, so that it can be successfully adopted.

Conclusively, innovation is an essential ingredient for the growth and development of any organisation or an industry. Artificial intelligence implementation presents one such great innovation in the field of medicine and medical research, with high promise for advancing cancer research and eventually cancer care. However, in a fast-moving world that might require substantial steps from analogue to digital and AI, perhaps the latter needs to be context-specific (or region-specific) in its implementation to be successfully adopted in the longer term.


Where authors are identified as personnel of the International Agency for Research on Cancer/WHO, the authors alone are responsible for the views expressed in this article and they do not necessarily represent the decisions, policy or views of the International Agency for Research on Cancer/WHO.


1. Cabitza F, Campagner A, and Balsano C. Bridging the last mile gapbetween AI implementation and operation: data awareness thatmatters. Annals of translational medicine 8.7 (2020).

2. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Clinical Decision Support Software, (2019)

3. Leibig C et al. Combining the strengths of radiologists and AI for breast cancer screening: a retrospective analysis. The Lancet Digital Health, Volume 4, Issue 7, (2022): 507-519, S2589-7500(22)00070-X

4. National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA.

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The AI of the tiger: A high-tech bid to save an iconic species – CBS News

It's a storyline worthy of a crime drama. The victims' remains have been discovered, and now it's down to investigators to piece together who they were and where they came from. But the victims aren't people, they're endangered tigers.

The tiger population across Asia has suffered a massive decline over the last 100 years. There are now believed to be fewer than 4,500 wild tigers left in the world. The biggest culprit in the iconic animals' decline has been poaching to feed the illegal trade in tiger parts.

Some of those illegal products are used in traditional medicines, but tiger pelts are also highly prized as decorative items.

The unique stripy coats that make them so sought after, however, are also helping conservation workers tackle the poaching problem and they should soon get a big helping hand in those efforts from artificial intelligence (AI).

Campaigners have been hard at work building a database of photographs of individual tiger skins. The idea is to be able to identify and track where illegally traded pelts come from, so law enforcement agencies in different countries can be contacted and help shut down wildlife traffickers.

"Every tiger's stripe pattern profile is unique, just like our fingerprints" Debbie Banks, the Tigers & Wildlife Crime campaign leader at the London-based Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), told French news agency AFP. "So, we can use tiger stripes when we see images of tigers that have been offered for sale online, or if we have images of tigers that have been offered for sale in marketplaces or seized. We can use those images to cross reference against images of captive tigers that might have been farmed for trade and we can help join the dots as to where do the tigers that we see in trade come from."

Poring over thousands of often crowd-sourced photographs of tiger skin rugs, carcasses and even stuffed tigers, Banks and her team at the EIA have been working to match the stripe patterns to individual tigers to track where the animals came from, but its painstakingly slow work.

That, they hope, is about to change.

The EIA was recently awarded one of the first grants from the Alan Turing Institute, a U.K.-based center for data, science and artificial intelligence named after the renowned WWII codebreaker, and it's now developing a tool that uses AI to do the meticulous work of comparison.

"We have a database of images of tigers that have been offered for sale or have been seized, and when new images emerge, when our investigators get new images, we need to scan those against the database. At the moment we are doing that manually, looking at the individual stripe patterns of each new image that we get and cross-referencing it against the ones we have in our database," explained Banks. "The idea is that the artificial intelligence will - basically the scientists will create an algorithm, which means that they identify the individual stripe patterns of a unique individual tiger."

The EIA has appealed to anyone who sees tigers, dead or alive, to submit photographs along with any identifying information available to help build out the database.

"To develop, train and test the technology we need thousands of images of individual tiger stripe patterns, sourced by EIA staff, other organizations and you!" the group said in a news release announcing the project.

"This is a unique opportunity for tiger lovers around the world to get hands-on and actually contribute directly to the future conservation of tigers," Banks said in a statement.

It's hoped the technology will one day be used to help other vulnerable species, and put the people exploiting those species out of business, but for now, the focus is on getting it up and running to help save the big cats.

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The AI of the tiger: A high-tech bid to save an iconic species - CBS News

Researchers Using Artificial Intelligence to Assist With Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder – University of Arkansas Newswire

Photo by University Relations

Khoa Luu and Han-Seok Seo

Could artificial intelligence be used to assist with the early detection of autism spectrum disorder? Thats a question researchers at the University of Arkansas are trying to answer. But theyre taking an unusual tack.

Han-Seok Seo, an associate professor with a joint appointment in food science and the UA System Division of Agriculture, and Khoa Luu, an assistant professor in computer science and computer engineering, will identify sensory cues from various foods in both neurotypical children and those known to be on the spectrum. Machine learning technology will then be used to analyze biometric data and behavioral responses to those smells and tastes as a way of detecting indicators of autism.

There are a number of behaviors associated with ASD, including difficulties with communication, social interaction or repetitive behaviors. People with ASD are also known to exhibit some abnormal eating behaviors, such as avoidance of some if not many foods, specific mealtime requirements and non-social eating. Food avoidance is particularly concerning, because it can lead to poor nutrition, including vitamin and mineral deficiencies. With that in mind, the duo intend to identify sensory cues from food items that trigger atypical perceptions or behaviors during ingestion. For instance, odors like peppermint, lemons and cloves are known to evoke stronger reactions from those with ASD than those without, possibly triggering increased levels of anger, surprise or disgust.

Seo is an expert in the areas of sensory science, behavioral neuroscience, biometric data and eating behavior. He is organizing and leading this project, including screening and identifying specific sensory cues that can differentiate autistic children from non-autistic children with respect to perception and behavior. Luu isan expert in artificial intelligence with specialties in biometric signal processing, machine learning, deep learning and computer vision. He will develop machine learning algorithms for detecting ASD in children based on unique patterns of perception and behavior in response to specific test-samples.

The duo are in the second year of a three-year, $150,000 grant from the Arkansas Biosciences Institute.

Their ultimate goalis to create an algorithm that exhibits equal or better performance in the early detection of autism in children when compared to traditional diagnostic methods, which require trained healthcare and psychological professionals doing evaluations, longer assessment durations, caregiver-submitted questionnaires and additional medical costs. Ideally, they will be able to validate a lower-cost mechanism to assist with the diagnosis of autism. While their system would not likely be the final word in a diagnosis, it could provide parents with an initial screening tool, ideally eliminating children who are not candidates for ASD while ensuring the most likely candidates pursue a more comprehensive screening process.

Seo said that he became interested in the possibility of using multi-sensory processing to evaluate ASD when two things happened: he began working with a graduate student, Asmita Singh, who had background in working with autistic students, and the birth of his daughter. Like many first-time parents, Seo paid close attention to his newborn baby, anxious that she be healthy. When he noticed she wouldnt make eye contact, he did what most nervous parents do: turned to the internet for an explanation. He learned that avoidance of eye contact was a known characteristic of ASD.

While his child did not end up having ASD, his curiosity was piqued, particularly about the role sensitivities to smell and taste play in ASD. Further conversations with Singh led him to believe fellow anxious parents might benefit from an early detection tool perhaps inexpensively alleviating concerns at the outset. Later conversations with Luu led the pair to believe that if machine learning, developed by his graduate student Xuan-Bac Nguyen, could be used to identify normal reactions to food, it could be taught to recognize atypical responses, as well.

Seo is seeking volunteers 5-14 years old to participate in the study. Both neurotypical children and children already diagnosed with ASD are needed for the study. Participants receive a $150 eGift card for participating and are encouraged to contact Seo

About the University of Arkansas:As Arkansas' flagship institution, the UofA provides an internationally competitive education in more than 200 academic programs. Founded in 1871, the UofA contributes more than$2.2 billion to Arkansas economythrough the teaching of new knowledge and skills, entrepreneurship and job development, discovery through research and creative activity while also providing training for professional disciplines. The Carnegie Foundation classifies the UofA among the few U.S. colleges and universities with the highest level of research activity.U.S. News & World Reportranks the UofA among the top public universities in the nation. See how the UofA works to build a better world atArkansas Research News.

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Researchers Using Artificial Intelligence to Assist With Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder - University of Arkansas Newswire

Artificial intelligence will soon turn your dreams into video games, expert claims… – The US Sun

THE EXECUTIVE of an intelligence research lab has visions of programs intertwining with dreams.

The expectations for artificial intelligence in gaming are getting higher as chips and relevant technologies improve at a stunning pace.


Midjourney is an AI research lab that bills itself as "expanding the imaginative powers of the human species."

Their products demonstrate the many uses of AI, but CEO David Holz's vision is of programs that do more than turn words into images.

"You'll be able to buy a console with a giant AI chip and all the games will bedreams," Holz told PCGamer.

Easier said than done, but Midjourney's advisors include the CEO of the coding powerhouse Github and the creator of Second Life, one of the first encompassing virtual worlds.

"In theory, the barriers between consuming something and creating something fall away, and it becomes like liquid imagination flowing around the room," Holz continued.

Holz and Midjourney have a roadmap for taking these high-minded, philosophical applications of AI and making them real.

"Everything between now and then is a combination of increasing the quality, being able to do things like 3D, making things faster, making things higher resolution, and having smaller and smaller chips doing more and more stuff."

PCGamer's interview with Holz comes on the heels of a major breakthrough in computer chip development that could enable AI programs to be stored on locally instead of the cloud.

This would make wearables, like VR headsets used for gaming, better suited to run AI programs and taking a step toward AI doing more with a smaller footprint.

There have been flashes of terror over AI's power and Midjourney's own programs spat out a horrifying image when prompted to create the "last selfie ever taken".

Holz addressed the paranoia regarding AI and said "We're not trying to build God, we're trying to amplify the imaginative powers of the human species,"in his discussion with PCGamer.

Holz's dream-generated AI might seem like a long way off, but astechnologygets more advanced, society and industry are better equipped to improve technology faster and more drastically.

Brain-chip companies have begun human trials and Elon Musk tweeted that his brain-chip company Neuralink would have a "progress update show & tell" announcement on October 31

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Artificial intelligence will soon turn your dreams into video games, expert claims... - The US Sun