Archive for the ‘Artificial Intelligence’ Category

Helios Visions Partners with Thornton Tomasettis T2D2 to Provide Artificial Intelligence-Powered Drone Solution for Facade Inspection – sUAS News

Drone services company Helios Visions ( has joined forces with T2D2 (, a software as a service (SaaS) platform that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to identify and assess damage and deterioration to building envelopes and structures to provide AI-powered drone facade inspection services.

Together, Helios Visions and T2D2 will provide a robust end-to-end solution for facade condition assessment. Using the latest in drone and AI technology, the program helps support critical inspections and significantly enhances visual inspections. It also makes it easier, faster, safer and less costly to inspect structures.

The use of drones for high-rise building faade inspections is faster and can be as much as 50% cheaper than traditional methods, which require expensive scaffolding, drops and lifts, Helios Visions Co-founderTed Parisotsaid. WithT2D2, wecan streamline thefacade inspection process, and greatly improve planning and decision-making for building owners and property managers. More frequent assessment of building conditions can increase safety and decrease repair costs by spotting problems before they require expensive and invasive solutions.

T2D2, developed withinThornton Tomasettis CORE studio incubatorand commercialized through the firmsTTWiiN accelerator, uses data from Thornton Tomasettis more than 50 years of building inspection and forensic investigation work as well as detailed drone imagery provided by Helios Visions.

The detailed drone images provided by Helios Visions allow T2D2s artificial intelligence programs to quickly and accurately identify any issues that may exist in a buildings facade. We are excited for the ongoing partnership between T2D2 and Helios Visions, which will enable the AI program to continuously learn as more drone photometry is fed into the system, said Thornton Tomasetti Director of CORE AI and T2D2 Founder and CEOBadri Hiriyur.

In late September, T2D2 was one of four winners in the New York City Department of Buildings first-everHack the Building Code Innovation Challenge, which was created to highlight ideas on how to improve building safety and modernize the development process inNew York City.

About Helios Visions

Helios Visions is a safety-oriented drone services company specializing indrone based facadeinspection,drone mapping,drone photos and video, and recently becamethe first drone servicescompany inChicagoto receive an FAA waiver to fly over people. Helios Visions is a member of the

CompTIA Drone Advisory Counciland is fully compliant withFAA drone regulationswith anextensive portfolioof successful client projects. Additional information: call +1 (312) 999-0071, visitHelios Visions

About T2D2

T2D2is a self-learning, AI-based software-as-a-service platform that automatically detects visible damage in a variety of building materials. It expeditescondition assessments, saving time and money, and allows for more frequent assessments to detect and repair damage before it escalates.T2D2s superpowered algorithms were trained onThornton Tomasettis massive multi-year forensics database. For more information, go,or call +1 917-661-7800

About Thornton Tomasetti

Thornton Tomasetti applies engineering and scientific principles to solve the worlds challenges starting with yours. An independent organization of creative thinkers and innovative doers collaborating from offices worldwide, our mission is to bring our clients ideas to life and, in the process, lay the groundwork for a better, more resilient future. For more information visitwww.ThorntonTomasetti.comor connect with us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Vimeo or YouTube.

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Helios Visions Partners with Thornton Tomasettis T2D2 to Provide Artificial Intelligence-Powered Drone Solution for Facade Inspection - sUAS News

How Is Artificial Intelligence Used In B2B Companies: Here Are Powerful Examples – Forbes

Theres often a misconception that artificial intelligence (AI) is only applicable to businesses in the B2C space. It's thought that since B2C companies have more customers, they have more data to leverage to make AI impactful. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. AI is as relevant to a B2B company as it is to a B2C company.It's important for every B2B company to evaluate the ways AI can help them produce better products, provide better services, and improve business processes. Here are just a few of the ways some B2B companies are using artificial intelligence today.

How Is Artificial Intelligence Used In B2B Companies: Here Are Powerful Examples

Better Products

One of the ways artificial intelligence supports B2B companies is by helping to create better products. In healthcare, AI is behind many innovative tools such as the CT scanner created by Siemens Healthineers that is powered by AI algorithms. This tool assists radiologists with step-by-step instructions specific to each patient to acquire the best images possible. With the support of AI, clinical decision-making can be more quantitative and accurate. Artificial intelligence also enables predictive maintenance, which helps improve product performance and reduces costly downtime.

Better Services

There are many businesses that use artificial intelligence to provide better services to their clients. At Autodesk, intelligent design software changes how to design and build things. With machine learning, Autodesk provides its customers in manufacturing, architecture, engineering, and construction automated generative design technology. Artificial intelligence is also behind Salesforce Einstein, a customer relationship management system that features machine learning, natural language processing capability, and predictive analytics. This can help catapult the sales and marketing services of businesses. When it comes to transaction processing and data warehousing Oracles autonomous databases help reduce operational costs.

Better Business Processes

One of the most powerful ways artificial intelligence supports any company, including B2B organizations, is by improving business processes. B2B businesses must adopt AI technologies if they want to remain competitive in their industries. AI is changing the game with business processes from support services such as marketing, recruiting/human resources, finance, manufacturing, and more. In addition, automation of a variety of tasks in multiple functions also helps reduce costs.


When it comes to manufacturing, artificial intelligence and machine learning have been revolutionary. Everything from supply chain and inventory management to predictive maintenance was improved or resulted from Industry 4.0 innovations for manufacturing. With the adoption of machine learning, McKinsey predicted a drop in forecasting errors by as much as 50 percent, and there are similar cost and time savings throughout every stage of the manufacturing process.


Once artificial intelligence is put to work in the sales and marketing processes, data from websites, social media accounts, and contact databases can be analyzed for insights to help improve the number of leads generated as well as the quality of those leads. The hyper-personalization of marketing campaigns that's possible thanks to AI technology and machine learning can also boost B2B business results in part because relevant content can be delivered at the right time. Now that chatbots and other AI-powered communication systems can provide customer service 24/7, theres a lot of heavy lifting already completed before your human workforce needs to engage with your customers.

Human Resources

Is there room for AI in human resources? Absolutely! While the HR function is focused on humans, the reality is that AI can help optimize and analyze HR efforts just as it does for other disciplines. If youve applied for a job using a digital platform, youve experienced AI at work. Algorithms scan your credentials to spot relevant terms on your resume that might indicate a fit for the open position. But its not just recruiting that benefits from AI integration. Insights from AI can help HR departments understand employee referrals and analyze feedback from employees to make data-driven decisions. Responding effectively and accurately to employee feedback can improve the employee experience.


The finance arena is a natural fit for AI and machine learning applications since they already rely heavily on digital workflows and databases. Certainly, one of the biggest cost centers and areas that AI can help out finance departments is in the prevention and detection of fraud. AI is able to quickly process and learn from historical data to apply that learning to current reality and spot fraud. Also, AI can automate many mundane tasks associated with finance and accounting to free up human professionals to do tasks they are more qualified for.

Robotic Process Automation

Another way B2B companies can adopt AI technologies is through robotic process automation (RBA)basically, RBA automates the tasks of workers. Solutions such as those from Automation Anywhere makes it easy for any companynot just those leading in the tech space or who have tech talent on staffto get an out-of-the-box solution for RBA.

As you can see, there are a plethora of ways B2B companies can use artificial intelligence to their advantage. To learn more about how Ai is reshaping our world have a look at my new book, The Intelligence Revolution: Transforming Your Business With AI.

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How Is Artificial Intelligence Used In B2B Companies: Here Are Powerful Examples - Forbes

There is already a beer created by Artificial Intelligence –

There is already a beer created by Artificial Intelligence

Technology has become a large part of our lives and with it Artificial Intelligence (AI) has intruded into our daily lives, so much so that with the help of it we have been able to create products that man normally makes.

In this context, a Swiss company launched Deeper, the first beer in the European country created with the assistance of AI. The recipe for the drink was made by the algorithm known as Brauer AI.


To carry out this project, the creators chose the type of Indian Pale Ale beer, subsequently the algorithm analyzed market trends and an international database with around 157 thousand recipes to choose the type of malt and hops to use.

The MN Brew microbrewery, the University of Lucerne and the Jaywalker Digital company participated in the creation of this product. On the official page of the drink, the little legend explains "we believe in the power of merging human wisdom with artificial intelligence."


See the rest here:
There is already a beer created by Artificial Intelligence -

Are we being played by Artificial Intelligence? – The Times of India Blog

Can an algorithm know more about you, your choices and intentions than you do yourself?

It was only by the time he turned 21 that Yuval Noah Harari understood he was gay. When questioned about a new algorithm that can decipher whether someone is gay or straight, based on a few facial images, the celebrated thought leader acknowledges that increasingly algorithms know more about us than we ourselves can possibly do.

Using his own example, he says hypothetically if an algorithm available with Coca Cola had deciphered that he was gay even before he knew it, they could have served up ads with photos of a shirtless man, while Pepsi (if unaware of his sexuality), may have sent him ads with women in bikinis. As a result, he would automatically veer towards Coke. This is how a corporate can manipulate our choices insidiously and sell us anything product or politician without our even being aware of it!

Scary thought, isnt it? The recent documentary The Social Dilemma has brought to the fore fears of privacy violation, polarization, and spread of fake news and communal tensions through internet companies. This is driven by their profit model, which thrives on extremely focused target advertising based on personal information gleaned from our internet usage.

Be it your shopping, music, food, reading or movie choices, by collecting all the right biometric data, companies can hit you with the right emotional message at the right time.

The greater danger is that most of this works at a subliminal level, such as the hypothetical Coke example above, where we are influenced at a subconscious level without even realizing it. When you know the danger of being influenced, you can work against that, but what happens when you do not even realise you are being manipulated? Subliminal messages work at the level of the subconscious advertisers flash a message for a period shorter than the conscious mind can catch, or one too subtle for it!

But the same algorithms that pick up our biometric details can also be used to benefit us. Yuval talks of a health algorithm that could constantly monitor the body without our being aware of it. It could help us deal with health issues well in time. Or, an algorithm that predicts markets in time for you to make profitable decisions. Or, one that understands your sadness, and plays a song that will uplift your mood!

The subconscious is privy to information that we know nothing of. That is why sometimes we just know something without being able to explain why or how, and we call it instinct. Ultimately however, whatever AI uses will come from us we are indeed being played by machines!

All these years we have been told to tap into that vast unknown within us and unleash our power. While humanity is still engaged in an attempt to do so, what if now technology is doing that to benefit others and to insidiously manipulate us and our choices with secret sales pitches? As with all else, hopefully humanity will ultimately tread the fine line between the advantages and disadvantages. Do we need an AI code of morality?

A double-edged sword indeed!

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.

Read the rest here:
Are we being played by Artificial Intelligence? - The Times of India Blog

9 Soft Skills Every Employee Will Need In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Forbes

Technical skills and data literacy are obviously important in this age of AI, big data, and automation. But that doesn't mean we should ignore the human side of work skills in areas that robots can't do so well. I believe these softer skills will become even more critical for success as the nature of work evolves, and as machines take on more of the easily automated aspects of work. In other words, the work of humans is going to become altogether more, well, human.

9 Soft Skills Every Employee Will Need In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

With this in mind, what skills should employees be looking to cultivate going forward? Here are nine soft skills that I think are going to become even more precious to employers in the future.

1. Creativity

Robots and machines can do many things, but they struggle to compete with humans when it comes to our ability to create, imagine, invent, and dream. With all the new technology coming our way, the workplaces of the future will require new ways of thinking making creative thinking and human creativity an important asset.

2. Analytical (critical) thinking

As well as creative thinking, the ability to think analytically will be all the more precious, particularly as we navigate the changing nature of the workplace and the changing division of labor between humans and machines. That's because people with critical thinking skills can come up with innovative ideas, solve complex problems and weigh up the pros and cons of various solutions all using logic and reasoning, rather than relying on gut instinct or emotion.

3. Emotional intelligence

Also known as EQ (as in, emotional IQ), emotional intelligence describes a person's ability to be aware of, control, and express their own emotions and be aware of the emotions of others. So when we talk about someone who shows empathy and works well with others, were describing someone with a high EQ. Given that machines cant easily replicate humans ability to connect with other humans, it makes sense that those with high EQs will be in even greater demand in the workplace.

4. Interpersonal communication skills

Related to EQ, the ability to successfully exchange information between people will be a vital skill, meaning employees must hone their ability to communicate effectively with other people using the right tone of voice and body language in order to deliver their message clearly.

5. Active learning with a growth mindset

Someone with a growth mindset understands that their abilities can be developed and that building skills leads to higher achievement. They're willing to take on new challenges, learn from their mistakes, and actively seek to expand their knowledge. Such people will be much in demand in the workplace of the future because, thanks to AI and other rapidly advancing technologies, skills will become outdated even faster than they do today.

6. Judgement and decision making

We already know that computers are capable of processing information better than the human brain, but ultimately, it's humans who are responsible for making the business-critical decisions in an organization. It's humans who have to take into account the implications of their decisions in terms of the business and the people who work in it. Decision-making skills will, therefore, remain important. But there's no doubt that the nature of human decision making will evolve specifically, technology will take care of more menial and mundane decisions, leaving humans to focus on higher-level, more complex decisions.

7. Leadership skills

The workplaces of the future will look quite different from today's hierarchical organizations. Project-based teams, remote teams, and fluid organizational structures will probably become more commonplace. But that won't diminish the importance of good leadership. Even within project teams, individuals will still need to take on leadership roles to tackle issues and develop solutions so common leadership traits like being inspiring and helping others become the best versions of themselves will remain critical.

8. Diversity and cultural intelligence

Workplaces are becoming more diverse and open, so employees will need to be able to respect, understand, and adapt to others who might have different ways of perceiving the world. This will obviously improve how people interact within the company, but I think it will also make the businesss services and products more inclusive, too.

9. Embracing change

Even for me, the pace of change right now is startling, particularly when it comes to AI. This means people will have to be agile and cultivate the ability to embrace and even celebrate change. Employees will need to be flexible and adapt to shifting workplaces, expectations, and required skillsets. And, crucially, they'll need to see change not as a burden but as an opportunity to grow.

Bottom line: we needn't be intimated by AI. The human brain is incredible. It's far more complex and more powerful than any AI in existence. So rather than fearing AI and automation and the changes this will bring to workplaces, we should all be looking to harness our unique human capabilities and cultivate these softer skills skills that will become all the more important for the future of work.

AI is going to impact businesses of all shapes and sizes across all industries. Discover how to prepare your organization for an AI-driven world in my new book, The Intelligence Revolution: Transforming Your Business With AI.

Read the rest here:
9 Soft Skills Every Employee Will Need In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Forbes