Artificial Intelligence in the Global Defense Market, 2020-2028: Outlays Expenditures Over the Next 8 Years – Yahoo Finance
DUBLIN, March 20, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The "Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Market and Technology Forecast to 2028" report has been added to's offering.
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This report examines, analyzes, and predicts the evolution of AI technologies, markets, and outlays (expenditures) over the next 8 years, 2020-2028 in the AI for the defense industry. It also examines AI markets geographically, focusing on the top 95% of global markets, in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
In particular, this report provides an in-depth analysis of the following:
Key Topics Covered
1 Introduction1.1 Objective1.2 Market Definition1.3 Methodology1.4 Events Based Forecast Scenario1.5 Who Will Benefit from This Report?1.5.1 Business Leaders & Business Developers1.5.2 Aerospace & Defense Manufacturers1.5.3 Policy Makers, Analysts and Planners1.5.4 Tech Companies1.6 Language
2 Executive Summary2.1 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Trends and Insights2.2 Major Findings2.3 Major Conclusions2.4 Important Tables and Graphs
3 Current and Future Technology Overview of Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense3.1 Introduction3.2 Types of Artificial Intelligence for Defense3.3 Current Technologies3.4 Future Technologies
4 Current and Future Market Overview of the Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense4.1 Introduction4.2 Number of AI-Powered Autonomous Systems - Per Region4.2.1 Americas4.2.2 Europe4.2.3 Asia4.2.4 Middle East4.2.5 Africa4.3 Current Markets4.3.1 North America4.3.2 Europe4.3.3 Asia4.3.4 Middle East4.3.5 Rest of the World4.4 Future Markets4.5 How to Reach Scale4.5.1 Challenges Involved in Scaling4.5.2 Strategy for Scaling
5 Market Analysis5.1 Introduction5.1.1 Industry Chain Structure5.1.2 Support for Local Industry5.1.3 Policy5.1.4 Drivers5.1.5 Inhibitors5.1.6 Opportunities5.1.7 Challenges5.2 Porter's 5 Forces Analysis5.2.1 Competitive Rivalry5.2.2 Supplier Power5.2.3 Threat of Substitution5.2.4 Threat of New Entry5.3 Macro Environment5.3.1 Macroeconomic Factors5.3.2 Political5.3.3 Economic5.3.4 Social5.3.5 Technological5.4 Forecast Factors
6 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by Region to 20286.1 Introduction6.2 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market by Region Overview6.2.1 Americas - in Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market6.2.2 Europe - in Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market6.2.3 Asia - in Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market6.2.4 Middle East - in Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market6.2.5 Africa - in Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market
7 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by Technology to 20287.1 Introduction7.2 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by Technology Overview7.2.1 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by Technology - Integrated Solutions7.2.2 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by Technology - Data Analysis7.2.3 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by Technology - Platform7.2.4 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by Technology - Interface7.2.5 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by Technology - Hardware
8 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by Application to 20288.1 Introduction8.2 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market by Application Overview8.2.1 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market by Application - Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)8.2.2 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market by Application - Search and Rescue8.2.3 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market by Application - Combat8.2.4 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market by Application - Transportation8.2.5 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market by Application - Explosive Ordnance Disposal8.2.6 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market by Application - Mine Clearance8.2.7 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market by Application - Firefighting8.2.8 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market by Application - Others
9 Forecast Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by Offering to 20289.1 Introduction9.2 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by Offering Overview9.2.1 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Machine Learning9.2.2 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Speech Recognition9.2.3 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Emotion Recognition9.2.4 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Computer Vision9.2.5 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - AI Optimized Hardware9.2.6 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Robotic Process Automation9.2.7 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Cyber Defense9.2.8 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Biometric
10 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by Type to 202810.1 Introduction10.2 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market by Type Overview10.2.1 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Reactive Machine10.2.2 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Limited Memory10.2.3 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Theory of Mind10.2.4 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Self Aware AI10.2.5 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Artificial Narrow Intelligence10.2.6 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Artificial General Intelligence10.2.7 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Artificial Super Intelligence
11 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by End-users to 202811.1 Introduction11.2 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by End-users Overview11.2.1 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by End-users - Army11.2.2 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by End-users - Air Force11.2.3 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by End-users - Navy11.2.4 Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense by End-users - Defense Department
12 Events Based Forecast for the Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense to 202812.1 Introduction12.2 Events Forecast Factors12.3 Event Forecast by Regions12.4 Event Forecast by Offering12.5 Event Forecast by Type12.6 Event Forecast by Application12.7 Event Forecast by Technology12.8 Event Forecast by End-user
13 Leading Companies in the Global Artificial Intelligence for Defense Market13.1 Airbus Defence and Space13.1.1 Company Profile13.1.2 Products & Services13.1.3 Segment Revenue13.1.4 Financial Info (Revenues, Profit Last 5 Years)13.1.5 Recent Contract Wins13.1.6 Recent Projects Completed13.1.7 Strategic Alliances13.1.8 Artificial Intelligence for Defense - Products & Services13.1.9 SWOT Analysis13.2 BAE Systems13.3 Boeing Co.13.4 Elbit Systems13.5 Inmarsat13.6 Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)13.7 Leonardo13.8 Lockheed Martin13.9 Northrop Grumman Corp.13.10 Saab13.11 Other Companies of Interest13.11.1 Alphabet13.11.2 Amazon13.11.3 AMD13.11.4 Apple Inc.13.11.5 Baidu13.11.6 Deep Mind Technologies13.11.7 Facebook13.11.8 General Vision Inc.13.11.9 Intel13.11.10 Microsoft13.11.11 Aptiv13.11.12 Open AI13.11.13 Qualcomm13.11.14 Tesla13.11.15 Yandex
14 Conclusions and Recommendations14.1 Major Conclusions and Recommendations14.2 Fulfilling the Business Objectives
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Artificial Intelligence in the Global Defense Market, 2020-2028: Outlays Expenditures Over the Next 8 Years - Yahoo Finance