Archive for the ‘Artificial Intelligence’ Category

Veritone Releases Industry Report Putting Spotlight on TV Industry’s Increasing Embrace of Artificial Intelligence – Business Wire

COSTA MESA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Veritone, Inc. (Nasdaq: VERI), the creator of the worlds first operating system for artificial intelligence, aiWARE, today announced the findings of an industry survey conducted in collaboration with Future Media Entertainment Group, which reveal that a majority of television organizations are embracing AI, and view the technology as a competitive necessity.

The report Pulse Check on AI Adoption: How the TV industry uses AI today and where its headed is based on a survey of individuals representing over 100 TV industry organizations. The report shows that while more than half of the industry is currently making conscious and strategic efforts to implement AI internally, the use of AI to track, analyze and monetize content more effectively is still in its infancy.

While the demand for AI technology is growing in the TV industry, there remains an untapped opportunity to use AI to generate smart content, engage audiences, and, in particular, to create operational efficiencies and new revenue streams, said Ryan Steelberg, president of Veritone. There is still enormous unrealized potential to fully leverage AI as a differentiator. Dominance in television and broadcast in the future will largely be driven by how well organizations take advantage of AI technology, especially now as the industry shifts to more remote work.

Key findings from the report include:

The report, based on the results of a survey conducted by Future Media Entertainment Group on behalf of Veritone, also reveals that AI implementation has been an exercise in trial-and-error for many businesses, and most are employing AI to complete repetitive, time-consuming tasks.

Details on these and other findings are included in the full report, which can be downloaded here:

More information about Veritones products and services is available at

About Veritone

Veritone (NASDAQ: VERI) is a leading provider of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and solutions. The companys proprietary operating system, aiWARE powers a diverse set of AI applications and intelligent process automation solutions that are transforming both commercial and government organizations. aiWARE orchestrates an expanding ecosystem of machine learning models to transform audio, video, and other data sources into actionable intelligence. The companys AI developer tools enable its customers and partners to easily develop and deploy custom applications that leverage the power of AI to dramatically improve operational efficiency and unlock untapped opportunities. Veritone is headquartered in Costa Mesa, California, and has offices in Denver, London, New York, San Diego, and Seattle. To learn more, visit

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Veritone Releases Industry Report Putting Spotlight on TV Industry's Increasing Embrace of Artificial Intelligence - Business Wire

Artificial intelligence | Wookieepedia | Fandom

Master Qui-Gon, more to say, have you?

It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded.

Artificial intelligence was a form of technology that could be installed into droids to give them some degree of independent thought.[1] Doctor Gubacher of the Galactic Republic was an artificial intelligence specialist, designing and making modifications to droids for the Republic during the Clone Wars.[2] Kallon, a member of the Free Ryloth movement, was considered to be a genius with artificial intelligence, and had used his knowledge to reprogram the brains of Separatist droid fighters.[1]

The Eternal Rur, was the name held by the disembodied consciousness of a deceased male human Rur which was stored within the Rur crystal. It was located at the Citadel of Rur and was destroyed around 0 ABY.[3]

In the time following the Battle of Endor, Imperial Grand Admiral Rae Sloane tried listening to a phono-play about a droid containing an artificial intelligence named ADAM.[4]

The auto-fighters were automated TIE line starfighters that were produced by the forces under Commodore Visler Korda on the planet Rekkana.[5]

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Artificial intelligence | Wookieepedia | Fandom

14 Most Popular Presentations On Artificial Intelligence …

For a quick overview of a subject or a breakdown of concepts, SlideShare serves as a go-to platform for many. The recapitulations found in many of the presentations are both concise and informative.

The most popular presentations are the ones that have received the most number of likes and have been viewed more than the other presentations in a particular category.

AIM brings you the 14 most popular presentations on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning. Deep Learning and everything else in between.

People who are not aware of what artificial intelligence is will find the topic presented in a very simple manner here.

Along with the explanation of what AI is, the two major approaches towards AI are discussed logic and rules-based approach, and machine learning approach. Special emphasis on machine learning approach can be seen in the slides devoted to its detailed examination. The examination goes beyond the rudimentary explanation of what machine learning is and presents examples of proxies that seem like machine learning but are not.

The presentation lists examples of AI in the field of law and identifies some of the limitations of AI technology.

For the uninitiated, this presentation offers an ideal rundown of AI. The question of AI being a threat is raised at the very beginning. However, as the presentation progresses, it discusses the basics necessary for understanding AI. The most basic question of what is artificial intelligence is answered.

A brief history of AI and the discussion on recent advances in the field of AI is also found. The various areas where AI currently sees practical application have been listed. Fascinating uses that AI can be put to in the future are also found in the presentation. The two approaches of achieving AI, machine learning and deep learning, is touched upon.

All in all, this presentation serves as a simple introduction to AI.

An exciting application of AI can be found in chatbots. Here, the limitless scope of chatbots is explored. The various milestones reached by leading players in bot technology such as Facebook, Skype and KIK are enumerated.

The evolution of chatbots and its absorption of more AI in the future is also looked into. E-Commerce is touted as the biggest beneficiary of the advancement in chatbots and that bot technology will owe its rise to services and commerce.

Two tech giants, Facebook and Google, have been pitted against each other based on their ongoing developments in this area and the question of who will emerge as the best is raised.

This presentation talksabout the far-fetching applicability of AI and ML,and the perils of that applicability. In order to derive a better understanding of this presentation, it is advisable to first watch the original talk.

During the course of the presentation, many examples of how machines can learn and perform any human task that is repetitive in nature are cited.

Other possibilities suggested include the creation of new unheard jobs for human beings as a result of aggressive use of AI and other allied technologies. Qualities that are characteristic only of human beings, may be the basis on which these jobs will be created is also suggested.

It concludes with a message- Ride the train, dont jump in front of it.

In this presentation, Carol Smith establishes that AI cannot replace humans. Smith conveys that AI can serve the purpose of enabling human beings in making better decisions.

The slides talk about how the actions of AI are the result of the human inputs going into its programming. An AIs bias is not its own, but the human bias with which it has been programmed, is emphasised on.

Other issues such as the need for regulations and other considerations within it that require deliberation are also touched upon. The presentation leaves you with a message Dont fear AI, Explore it.

Though no descriptive breakdown of topics related to AI is found, the presentation offers interesting numerical insights into many questions. Statistics on three main subjects artificial intelligence, virtual reality and wearable technology, is provided here.

A variety of questions and the numerical representations of their responses are found under four main categories:

From consumer opinions to overall consensus of countries, the numbers show current trends and the possible trends in the future based on increasing development in the mentioned technologies.

There are many who have been introduced to AI only recently due to the buzz surrounding it and may not be aware of the early developments that led to its current status.

This presentation from 2009 offers a simple yet informative introduction to the rudiments of AI. AIs history and a timeline of all the significant milestones in AI up to 2009 can be found. The presentation also provides an introduction to AI programming languages such as LISP and PROLOG.

For those who would like to have a crash course on the basics of AI in order to catch up with it current trends, this presentation serves the purpose.

While the concepts of AI or ML are not spoken about, light is shed on other important aspects of it. The presentation discusses about how many known tech giants such as Google are bolstering their AI capabilities through mergers and acquisitions.

The role of venture capital(VC) in the landscape of AI and machine learning,and the involvement of VC in the firms that were acquired are mentioned.

Another point highlighted is how large companies are moving towards ML and re-configuring themselves around ML, and how it is not a US-centric phenomenon. Key points have been expressed in the form of self-explanatory graphical representations. Rounding off the presentation is the possible direction that ML can take and a few pointers on achieving success in ML.

This presentation provides a comprehensive insight into deep learning. Beginning with a brief history of AI and introduction to basics of machine learning such as its classification, the focus shifts towards deep learning entirely.

Various kinds of networks such as recurrent neural nets and generative adversarial networks have been discussed at length. Emphasis has been given to important aspects of these networks and other mechanisms such as natural language processing (NLP).

Detailed examples of practical applications and the scope of deep learning are found throughout the presentation. However, this presentation may prove difficult for first time learners of AI to comprehend.

The subject of self-learning of robots and machines is explored here.Talking about the fictional Babel fish, it is suggested that the advancements in technology leading to improved learning and translations by machines made the Babel fish a near-real entity.

New power values such as speed, networked governance, collaboration and transparency, among others, have been put forth and juxtaposed against older ones that are not fully technology driven.

Going against the popular assumption that robots and machines will replace human beings, the presentation proposes that we are on the brink of the largest job creation period in humanity.

This presentation is a briefing paper by the MIT Technological Review and talks about how the global adoption of AI is being sped up by Asian countries. It suggests that Asia will not only benefit greatly from the rise in AI technology, but will also define it.

The data collected for the review has been summarized in the form of simple info-graphics. They are a numerical reflection of the mood surrounding the adoption of AI across different industries and how it could possibly impact human capital. The review also suggests that while there is awareness about AI in Asia, only a small percentage of companies are investing in it.

Pointers for business leaders in Asia to capitalize on AI is offered in the end along presentation with an info-graphic timeline of the history of AI.

While they are two separate presentations, they talk about the same subject- machine learning. The presentations are a summary of the analysis of machine learning adopted by two platforms, Netflix and Quora.

In case of Netflix, emphasis has been given to the choice of the right metric and the type of data used for testing and training. It also emphasises the need to understand the dependence between the data used and the models employed. The advice to optimize only areas that matter is offered.

The second presentation on Quora, talks about teaching machines only what is necessary. It stresses on the need the to focus on feature engineering and being thoughtful about the ML infrastructure. Another point it highlights is the combination of supervised and unsupervised being the key in ML application.

With 135 slides, this presentation provides an exhaustive insight into the creation of an ethically sound AI. An introduction to the subject of User Experience(UX) design is followed by the rules that have to be considered during the designing process.

The chronological progression of UX, beginning with experience design and ending with intelligence design, and the direction in which this process is headed is also discussed.

Supported by powerful visuals, the presentation touches upon many essential considerations such as nature of intelligence, purpose of existence, awareness of self and the need for which the AI is created.

It raises a pertinent point that while creating AI,human beings are creating something that embodies qualities that they lack.

Made for a school competition in 2009, it provides many examples of cutting-edge applications of AI at the time.

Many of the examples, such as mind controlled prosthetic limbs, Ultra Hal Assistant and Dexter- the robot provide a trip down the AI memory lane where the applications of AI seemed like a page out of a sci-fi novel. It presents a list of areas where AI can assist human beings.

It concludes with a series of questions, some of which, are still being debated. Such as machines replacing human beings and human unemployment due to the use of machines.


Excerpt from:
14 Most Popular Presentations On Artificial Intelligence ...

DOD Unveils Its Artificial Intelligence Strategy > U.S …

The Defense Department launched its artificial intelligence strategy today in concert with yesterdays White House executive order that created the American Artificial Intelligence Strategy.

The [executive order] is paramount for our country to remain a leader in AI, and it will not only increase the prosperity of our nation, but also enhance our national security, Dana Deasy, DODs chief information officer, said in a media roundtable today.

The CIO and Air Force Lt. Gen. Jack Shanahan, first director of DODs Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, discussed the strategys launch with reporters.

The National Defense Strategy recognizes that the U.S. global landscape has evolved rapidly, with Russia and China making significant investments to modernize their forces, Deasy said. That includes substantial funding for AI capabilities, he added. The DOD AI strategy directly supports every aspect of the NDS.

As stated in the AI strategy, he said, the United States together with its allied partners must adopt AI to maintain its strategic position to prevail on future battlefields and safeguard a free and open international order.

Speed and Agility Are Key

Increasing speed and agility is a central focus on the AI strategy, the CIO said, adding that those factors will be delivered to all DOD AI capabilities across every DOD mission.

The success of our AI initiatives will rely upon robust relationships with internal and external partners. Interagency, industry, our allies and the academic community will all play a vital role in executing our AI strategy, Deasy said.

I cannot stress enough the importance that the academic community will have for the JAIC, he noted. Young, bright minds continue to bring fresh ideas to the table, looking at the problem set through different lenses. Our future success not only as a department, but as a country, depends on tapping into these young minds and capturing their imagination and interest in pursuing the job within the department.

Reforming DOD Business

The last part of the NDS focuses on reform, the CIO said, and the JAIC will spark many new opportunities to reform the departments business processes. Smart automation is just one such area that promises to improve both effectiveness and efficiency, he added.

AI will use an enterprise cloud foundation, which will also increase efficiencies across DOD, Deasy said. He noted that DOD will emphasize responsibility and use of AI through its guidance and vision principles for using AI in a safe, lawful and ethical way.

JAIC: A Focal Point of AI

Its hard to overstate the importance of operationalizing AI across the department, and to do so with the appropriate sense of urgency and alacrity, JAIC director Shanahan told reporters.

The DOD AI strategy applies to the entire department, he said, adding the JAIC is a focal point of the strategy. The JAIC was established in response to the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, and stood up in June 2018 to provide a common vision, mission and focus to drive department-wide AI capability delivery.

Mission Themes

The JAIC has several critical mission themes, Shanahan said.

-- First is the effort to accelerate delivery and adoption of AI capabilities across DOD, he noted. This underscores the importance of transitioning from research and development to operational-fielded capabilities, he said. The JAIC will operate across the full AI application lifecycle, with emphasis on near-term execution and AI adoption.

-- Second is to establish a common foundation for scaling AIs impact, Shanahan said. One of the JAICs most-important contributions over the long term will be establishing a common foundation enabled by enterprise cloud with particular focus on shared data repositories for useable tools, frameworks and standards and cloud services, he explained.

-- Third, to synchronize DOD AI activities, related AI and machine-learning projects are ongoing across the department, and its important to ensure alignment with the National Defense Strategy, the director said.

-- Last is the effort to attract and cultivate a world-class AI team, Shanahan said.

Two pilot programs that are national mission initiatives a broad, joint cross-cutting AI challenge comprise preventive maintenance and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, the director said, adding that initial capabilities [will be] delivered over the next six months.

And while in its early stages, the JAIC is beginning to work with the U.S. Cyber Command on a space-related national mission initiative, he said.

Everything we do in the JAIC will center on enhancing relationships with industry, academia, and with our allies and international partners, Shanahan said. Within DOD, we will work closely with the services, Joint Staff, combatant commands, agencies and components.

The JAICs mission, the director said, nests nicely under the executive order that the president signed yesterday afternoon. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but theres no time to waste.

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DOD Unveils Its Artificial Intelligence Strategy > U.S ...

Veritone Wins 2020 Artificial Intelligence Excellence Awards

The award recognizes two of Veritones innovative AI solutions, IDentify and Redact

Veritone Inc. (NASDAQ: VERI), the creator of the worlds first operating system for artificial intelligence, aiWARE, today announced that Business Intelligence Group has named Veritone as a winner in the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Excellence Awards program for its applications Veritone IDentify and Veritone Redact, both of which are powered by Veritones aiWARE platform.

"We are honored to be recognized as a top provider of AI solutions, particularly for our turnkey applications for law enforcement agencies, IDentify and Redact," said Jon Gacek, Head of Government, Legal and Compliance at Veritone. "For the last several years, our team has worked hard to provide innovative tools to accelerate workflows, save costs and valuable resources, and protect the public. This award aligns with the traction we are getting in the market and represents a huge milestone and great recognition for our team. We are excited to continue to bring innovative, pragmatic AI solutions to the table for these important sectors."

The Artificial Intelligence Excellence Awards program recognizes the organizations, products and people who bring AI to life and apply it to solve real problems. Nominations were received and winners were chosen in four categories of AI, including Reactive Machines, Limited Memory, Theory of Mind and Self-Awareness.

"We are proud to name Veritone as a winner in our inaugural Artificial Intelligence Excellence Awards program," said Maria Jimenez, chief nominations officer for Business Intelligence Group. "It was clear to our judges that Veritone was using AI to improve the lives of their customers and employees. Congratulations to the entire team!"

Released in 2019, Veritone IDentify and Veritone Redact lower the barrier to access cutting-edge AI, enabling sectors like law enforcement and government to realize the power of the technology. Taken together, these products empower public safety by accelerating the identification of potential criminal suspects and protecting the privacy of civilians.

Veritone IDentify is a purpose-built solution that allows law enforcement teams to more quickly and accurately identify perpetrators of crimes. This application enables law enforcement agencies to easily upload still images and video of suspects in evidence footage and compare those images with thousands of known offenders in their existing criminal databases. The application gives investigators a list of potential matches for further investigation dramatically increasing the efficiency of a process that has traditionally been very manual and time-consuming. And through aggregation, filtering and selective sharing capabilities, IDentify empowers the next level of inter- and intra-agency collaboration.

As the volume of video footage collected by law enforcement and disclosed to defendants and in public information requests continues to increase, Veritone Redact ensures the privacy of innocent civilians isnt compromised in the process. Redact automates the process of obscuring both sensitive imagery and audio in video evidence, reducing the time required to redact these files by up to 90% compared with existing manual, frame-by-frame evidence redaction workflows. With automated face and head detection, as well as automatic tracking of manually selected sensitive imagery, Veritone Redact tackles massive volumes of audio and video content at incredible speed and efficiency freeing up valuable resources and helping agencies comply with privacy and disclosure laws quickly and efficiently.

For more information on Veritones solutions for government and law enforcement, please visit To learn more about how AI-powered technologies can help police departments efficiently redact audio and video evidence collected in the field, join our webinar with Microsoft and Pemberton Township Police Departments Chief David Jantas at 1 p.m. EDT on April 2, 2020.

About Veritone

Veritone (NASDAQ: VERI) is a leading provider of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and solutions. The companys proprietary operating system, aiWARE, powers a diverse set of AI applications and intelligent process automation solutions that are transforming both commercial and government organizations. aiWARE orchestrates an expanding ecosystem of machine learning models to transform audio, video, and other data sources into actionable intelligence. The company's AI developer tools enable its customers and partners to easily develop and deploy custom applications that leverage the power of AI to dramatically improve operational efficiency and unlock untapped opportunities. Veritone is headquartered in Costa Mesa, California, and has offices in Denver, London, New York, San Diego, and Seattle. To learn more, visit

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About Business Intelligence Group

The Business Intelligence Group was founded with the mission of recognizing true talent and superior performance in the business world. Unlike other industry award programs, these programs are judged by business executives having experience and knowledge. The organizations proprietary and unique scoring system selectively measures performance across multiple business domains and then rewards those companies whose achievements stand above those of their peers.

Safe Harbor Statement

This news release contains forward-looking statements, including without limitation statements regarding the features of Veritones IDentify and Redact applications, and the expected benefits to customers. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, words such as "may," "will," "expect," "believe," "anticipate," "intend," "could," "estimate" or "continue" or the negative or other variations thereof or comparable terminology are intended to identify forward-looking statements. In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances are forward-looking statements. Assumptions relating to the foregoing involve judgments and risks with respect to various matters which are difficult or impossible to predict accurately and many of which are beyond the control of Veritone. Certain of such judgments and risks are discussed in Veritones SEC filings. Although Veritone believes that the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements are reasonable, any of the assumptions could prove inaccurate and, therefore, there can be no assurance that the results contemplated in forward-looking statements will be realized. In light of the significant uncertainties inherent in the forward-looking information included herein, the inclusion of such information should not be regarded as a representation by Veritone or any other person that their objectives or plans will be achieved. Veritone undertakes no obligation to revise the forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

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Veritone Contact Allison ZulloWalker Sands, for

Business Intelligence Group Contact Maria Jimenez+1

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Veritone Wins 2020 Artificial Intelligence Excellence Awards