Archive for the ‘Black Lives Matter’ Category

Liberal medias latest Black Lives Matter martyr tried to murder police officers – Washington Examiner

Liberal media outlets are trying to turn a man who shot at police into another Black Lives Matter martyr.

Dexter Reed was pulled over in Chicago for not wearing a seat belt. He refused to follow the instructions of the officers and then decided it would be a great idea to open fire on them. The officers returned fire, killing Reed.

This would normally not be a national story, even with it happening in Chicago. But Reed also happened to be black, which caused the brains of liberal journalists and activists to shut off. Therefore, he must be the victim of racism, according to them, even though he attempted to murder police officers to get out of a basic traffic ticket.

The Associated Press immediately painted the story as one of concerns about the officers firing 96 shots in the exchange that Reed initiated. The Washington Post took what should have been a local crime story and blew it up into a national story, relying on a London-based reporter who tied the shooting to George Floyd. CNNs Omar Jimenez said that some say the shooting happened because Reed tried to murder police officers, but some believe that police started this because they had the gall to pull over a black driver in the first place.

Nothing changes the reality, though, that Dexter Reed opened fire on police officers. The American Civil Liberties Union can complain that officers didnt de-escalate an attempt to kill them all it wants, but the reality is that Reed escalated a ticket into a shooting. He is not a victim. Black drivers dont get to ignore the rules of the road just because Omar Jimenez or Reeds uncle think they shouldnt be pulled over.

The fainting couch routine over the officers firing 96 shots is also absurd. Those shots came from multiple officers who, again, were trying to avoid being murdered. Reed opened fire at them while he was still sitting in his car, meaning it was harder for officers to know when the threat was neutralized than if Reed was standing outside because he couldnt collapse to the floor. All of this took place over a span of about 41 seconds.


So, how long are police officers allowed to defend themselves from an active shooter without being able to verify if he has been neutralized according to the Associated Press or CNN? Should they only fire for 20 seconds and then wait to see if a criminal such as Reed starts firing on them again? Should it be 10 seconds? Or is this all just a convenient talking point to cling to to try and find another example of racist policing where none exists?

Everyone knows the answer. Just as with Michael Brown and other examples, Dexter Reed was not killed by a racist police system. He was killed in the process of trying to kill police officers. That may not matter to liberal media outlets and the ACLU, who just want a black police violence victim regardless of the facts, but it matters to everyone else who knows not to take those outlets or organizations seriously.

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Liberal medias latest Black Lives Matter martyr tried to murder police officers - Washington Examiner

Substitute teacher escorted off the job in Chesterfield –

Jason Jennings, a candidate for state office, said the organizations don't represent his beliefs. He doesn't feel students should be subject to their references.

CHESTERFIELD, Mo. A Parkway Central High Schoolsubstitute teacher had to be escorted off school grounds Friday. The removal stemmed from how he responded after he saw a Black Lives Matter and Pride sign when he showed up to class.

The substitute is now defending his actions.

"I decided to take those down and tear them up, Jason Jennings told 5 On Your Side.

He posted images on X, formerly known as Twitter, of the torn signs, saying "This is what needs to happen when teachers insist on grooming kids."

He refers to Black Lives Matter as a hate group.

"Adults can do what they want in their own lives, have their own convictions, their own beliefs, but when it comes to being in the classroom, it's not something that should be in front of kids, Jennings said.

Someone who appears to be the teacher he was substituting for fired back, saying on X, "Those were my signs. How dare you? You will not sub in my room again."

"What youre doing is creating a safe space for that student to know just be yourself in this classroom, said Jordan Braxton with Pride St. Louis, who said he believed both signs served an appropriate purpose. "Black Lives Matter is an organization is a movement that fights social injustice and inequality about the Black community. The Pride flag stands for a community thats accepting and inclusive."

Kelly Education, the company that hires substitutes for Parkway Central, issued this statement:

Kelly Education is deeply troubled by the reports of inappropriate behavior involving our employee. Our top priority is to protect the safety and well-being of the students we serve, and we do not tolerate employee behavior that violates our policies or the policies of our school partners. We are working with school administration as we investigate the matter, and the substitute teacher has been suspended from all future assignments pending completion of the investigation. We will take appropriate action at the conclusion of the investigation. We have no further comment regarding the ongoing investigation.

Jennings said the school principal approached him Friday while he taught.

"Very respectfully and just looked at me and said, Hey, I need you to grab your stuff and come with me. Honestly, I was shocked. I didn't know what it was about I got in my car and left, he said.

Jennings is running for state office.

A school spokesperson said he was soliciting votes from students at school. He denies it. Parkway said Jennings was relieved from his duties due to unprofessional behavior.

Friday night, Principal Tim McCarthysent this email to the school community:

PCH Community, "As you may have seen on the news, we received reports today of inappropriate conduct by a substitute teacher at Central High.

Reports from students and staff stated that a substitute teacher destroyed the classroom materials of a Central High teacher. Specifically, the reports indicated the individual took down signs that showed support for Black and LGBTQ+ students and tore them up. In addition, we received reports from students that the individual solicited votes during the school day for his upcoming campaign.

Based on my initial investigation and after consulting with human resources, I addressed the incident with the individual and escorted him out of the building. Kelly Education employs a substitute who has worked part-time in some Parkway schools since 2022. Parkway reported the conduct to Kelly Education and we are providing them with the information needed to support their investigation. Parkway and Kelly Education have policies and expectations regarding the professional behavior of all staff.

I am deeply sorry this incident occurred at Central High. The safety and well-being of our students and staff are always our highest priority. I am also extremely grateful that our students and their teachers recognized that this incident was in violation of who we are as a school community and reported their concerns directly to Central High administrators. With that level of commitment to each other, I am confident that the success and positivity that has been so much a part of this school year will continue in the weeks to come.

As always, if you have questions or concerns, please reach out to me."

Go here to see the original:
Substitute teacher escorted off the job in Chesterfield -

O.J. Simpson Is Dead. To Understand His Life, Watch These Two Shows – GQ

O.J. Simpson, who died this week at the age of 76, was a pop-cultural fixture long before he became America's most infamous alleged murderer. But in 2016, more than two decades after his acquittal, Simpson and the story of his rise and fall were once again at the center of the conversation, thanks to two remarkable television showsa five-part ESPN documentary, O.J.: Made in America, directed by Ezra Edelman, and a dramatic miniseries, Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski's The People Vs. O.J. Simpson. Made in America was a sprawling, kaleidoscopic, relevatory meditation on race, class, fame, and American justice, an early-21st-century television event as significant as the Sopranos finale it shared a title with; The People Vs.executive-produced by Ryan Murphy, with Cuba Gooding Jr. as O.J., David Schwimmer as a hapless Robert Kardashian, and John Travolta as a wildly meme-able Robert Shapirowas significantly pulpier, but in its camp-edged hyperrealness it captured the wild emotional energy the real-life O.J. trial threw off.

As a news event, the O.J. saga changed modern media forever; among other things, it ushered in the age of televised police chases and gavel-to-gavel court coverage as entertainment. But looking back, Made in America and People Vs. were also the beginning of somethingthe age of pop history going where journalism couldn't, reckoning with injustices often abetted by a feckless media. We've spent the ensuing decade-and-counting relitigating the tabloid 1990s through docudrama, putting a 21st-century lens informed by #MeToo and Black Lives Matter on recent history and questioning the conventional wisdom around everything from the life and death of Princess Diana (The Crown, Spencer), the Clinton/Lewinsky affair and the murder of Gianna Versace (Murphy's own Impeachment: American Crime Story and The Assassination of Gianna Versace: American Crime Story), the Pamela Anderson sex-tape scandal (Pam & Tommy), the Lorena Bobbitt case (Lorena), the public struggles of Britney Spears (Framing Britney Spears) and the Sinead O'Connor/SNL controversy (Nothing Compares).

Both shows are available to stream from various outlets; if you want to understand not just O.J. or his trial but the country in which it unfolded, they're both essential. In the meantime, revisit some of GQ's coverage of these television landmarks at the links below.

In this 2016 Q&A with GQ's Joshua Rivera, the actor Courtney B. Vance, who played defense attorney Johnnie Cochran on The People Vs. O.J. Simpson, reflected on the historical significance of the trial, its relevance to the age of #BlackLivesMatter, and Cochran's folk-hero status in the Black community. Johnnie understood the nature of what the case was about, Vance said. "He saw the larger vision. From the very beginninghe didn't need a jury consultant to tell him this case was about race, and race alone. He cut his teeth on cases like this, like Leonard Detweiler, whose only crime was driving while black ... Johnnie, that's how he began his journey with police brutality cases, knowing that the deck was stacked. And that's what African Americans knew, that the deck was stacked.

So knowing that going in, we were anticipating the deck being stacked. When you go into a trial, black lives don't matter, and we were going to end up holding the short end of the stick. So when we looked at our hand and we saw we were holding the long end, we were in shock and that's why we screamed.When you understand the history, you understand that African Americans by and large were not cheering for O.J. Simpson, because O.J. Simpson admittedly said he wasn't black. And even if you didn't hear him say it, you saw his life. Once he left USC and went pro he never looked back, or he never looked black. So we knew the cheering was for Johnnie Cochran, and how he worked the system in our favor, in the biggest case in history in terms of legalese. And we cheered him for his acumen.

Vance won an Emmy for his work on People Vs., and so did Sarah Paulson, who played Cochran's adversary, prosecutor Marcia Clark. In November 2016, just before that year's awards ceremony, Paulson spoke to GQ's Caity Weaver about the role and how sexism may have impacted the outcome of the O.J. trial. Women, collectively, I feel, were very anti-Marcia," Paulson said. "No one wanted to be that kind of woman because that kind of woman is perceived to not be liked by men, or desired by men, or wanted by men. So therefore we wanted to not be that way. Which I think is such a shame. Because if theres anyone in the world I could be like, it would be like Marcia Clark.

A few months later, Drew Magary wrote about the gruesome crime-scene photographs brought to light in Edelman's O.J.: Made in America, and praised the documentary for actually living up to the promise of what could have been a boilerplate subtitle.

Its about O.J. making himself into a football superstar, Magary wrote, "and then remaking himself into a TV icona fully calculated career trajectory that is common now for the likes of LeBron James but was unprecedented back in Simpsons time. Its about how Simpson, a black man, made himself into a member of white society, and how white society likewise made him into one of them (indeed, the series posits that Simpsons fall from grace was really a fall from whiteness). Its about a murder case that Simpsons defense team wisely made into a referendum on the Los Angeles Police Department and its history of racism, brutality, and sloppiness.

Original post:
O.J. Simpson Is Dead. To Understand His Life, Watch These Two Shows - GQ

What Happened to the ‘Glove of Blades’ Man Who Threatened Black Lives Matter Protesters? – The Root

The man who went full Freddy Krueger and decided to chase a bunch of peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters with a glove of blades has been sentenced.

Small Town Horror Story: The "Suicide" of Sandra Bland

In June 2020, Frank Cavalluzzi, 58, was filmed jumping out of his car equipped with a makeshift glove filled with what appears to be long kitchen knives to chase a small group of protesters on the side of the road in Queens, New York City. He shouted racial slurs and told protesters you are in the wrong neighborhood, according to court documents obtained by NBC 4.

In another video, Cavalluzzi is seen driving on to the sidewalk where protesters were standing while yelling I will kill you. People are sprinting away to avoid being crushed by Cavalluzzis car.

Cavalluzzi was sentenced to 14 years in prison after being convicted of nine counts of attempted murder and other charges last summer.

While there is something somewhat comical about a grown man putting on a costume because hes scared of a few people with posters, things could have taken a much darker turn.

In 2017, Black Lives Matter protester Heather Heyer, 32, was murdered by James Alex Fields when he rammed his car into a crowd, injuring dozens gathered to protest a white nationalist rally. Fields was later found guilty of first-degree murder.

In 2020, Kyle Rittenhouse shot three Black Lives Matter protesters, killing two of them. Unlike Fields and Cavalluzzi, Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges.

Cavalluzzis case ended without any deaths but with a sizable prison sentence.

A dangerous man is being held accountable for unleashing terror on peaceful demonstrators who were simply exercising their First Amendment right, Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz told NBC4 in a statement. Thankfully, the victims were not physically harmed and we secured justice on their behalf.

Read more from the original source:
What Happened to the 'Glove of Blades' Man Who Threatened Black Lives Matter Protesters? - The Root

"Black Lives Mat[t]er" + "Any Life" Drawing "Not Protected by the First Amendment" in First Grade – Reason

From B.B. v. Capistrano Unified School Dist. (C.D. Cal.), decided last month but just posted on Westlaw:

When B.B. was in first grade, she made a drawing (the "Drawing") that included the phrase "Black Lives Mater [sic]" printed in black marker. Beneath that sentence, B.B. added "any life," in a lighter color marker. B.B. gave the Drawing to a classmate, M.C., who took it home. When M.C.'s mother saw the Drawing, she emailed the school, stating that she would not "tolerate any more messages given to [M.C.] at school because of her skin color" and that she "trust[ed]" the school would address the issue.

Later that day, the school's principal, Becerra, approached B.B. at recess. Becerra told B.B. that the Drawing was "inappropriate" and "racist," and that she was not allowed to draw anymore. {At the hearing, the parties disputed whether B.B. testified that Becerra told her the Drawing was racist. Although B.B.'s deposition is unclear, the Court must construe her testimony in the light most favorable to B.B.} He also instructed B.B. to apologize to M.C., which B.B. did twice.

When B.B. returned to class from recess, two of her teachers told her that she was not allowed to play at recess for the next two weeks. The teachers did not tell B.B. the reason she could not play at recess, and there is no direct evidence that Becerra directed B.B.'s teachers to punish B.B. in this way.

Plaintiff [B.B.'s mother] argues that Becerra's response to the Drawingcompelling her to apologize to M.C., prohibiting her from drawing other pictures for her friends, and preventing B.B. from playing at recess for two weeksviolates her First Amendment right to free speech. However, this schoolyard dispute, like most, is not of constitutional proportions.

Although students do not "shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate," their rights are "not automatically coextensive with the rights of adults in other settings." For school children, the First Amendment must be "applied in light of the special characteristics of the school environment." Because educators best understand those special characteristics, courts give "educators substantial deference as to what speech is appropriate." "[T]he determination of what manner of speech is inappropriate" at school "properly rests with the school board, rather than with the federal courts."

"Under Tinker [v. Des Moines Indep. School Dist. (1969)], schools may restrict speech that 'might reasonably lead school authorities to forecast substantial disruption of or material interference with school activities' or that collides 'with the rights of other students to be secure and let alone.'"

Much of the caselaw applying Tinker focuses on its "substantial disruption" prong. As a result, "[t]he precise scope of Tinker's 'interference with the rights of others' language is unclear." However, the cases reveal three principles that help identify when speech unduly infringes on the rights of other students such that it is not protected under the First Amendment.

First, where speech is directed at a "particularly vulnerable" student based on a "core identifying characteristic," such as race, sex, religion, or sexual orientation, educators have greater leeway to regulate it. Although speech that is "merely offensive to others" cannot be regulated, courts have recognized that denigrations based on protected characteristics do more than offendthey can inflict lasting psychological harm and interfere with the target student's opportunity to learn. These types of denigrations, moreover, have little countervailing benefit to the learning environment. Derogatory speech is therefore "not the conduct and speech that our educational system is required to tolerate, as schools attempt to educate students about 'habits and manners of civility' or the 'fundamental values necessary to the maintenance of a democratic political system.'" Thus, "[w]hatever the outer boundary of Tinker's interference inquiry," the case law "establish[es] that students have the right to be free" from speech that "denigrate[s] their race" while at school.

Second, the mere fact that speech touches upon a politically controversial topic is not sufficient to bring it under the First Amendment's protective umbrella. In Harper, for instance, the district court denied a preliminary injunction brought by a student who was told that he could not wear a homophobic shirt to school. The Ninth Circuit affirmed the district court despite the "political disagreement regarding homosexuality" that existed at the time. At the same time, however, school administrators must have a justification above the "mere desire to avoid the discomfort and unpleasantness that always accompany an unpopular viewpoint" before they may regulate student speech.

Third, and most pertinent for the present case, age is an important factor when deciding whether speech is protected. In Tinker, the Court held that a high school could not ban students from wearing black arm bands that signaled opposition to the Vietnam War. The Court emphasized that denying students this type of expressionwhich neither interfered with the school environment nor intruded on other students' rightsmay coerce political orthodoxy and "strangle the free mind" of high school students. An elementary school, by contrast, is not a "marketplace of ideas." Thus, the downsides of regulating speech there is not as significant as it is in high schools, where students are approaching voting age and controversial speech could spark conducive conversation. As the Seventh Circuit has recognized, elementary schools "are more about learning to sit still and be polite, rather than robust debate." To fulfill that mission, elementary schools require significant latitude to discipline student speech. Indeed, "muchperhaps mostof the speech that is protected in high grades" may be regulated in elementary schools.

"The targeted student's age is also relevant to the analysis." Younger students may be more sensitive than older students, so their educational experience may be more affected when they receive messages based on a protected characteristic. Relatedly, first graders are impressionable. If other students join in on the insults, the disruption could metastasize, affecting the learning opportunities of even more students.

Giving great weight to the fact that the students involved were in first grade, the Court concludes that the Drawing is not protected by the First Amendment. B.B. gave the Drawing to M.C., a student of color. The Drawing included a phrase similar to "All Lives Matter," a sentence with an inclusive denotation but one that is widely perceived as racially insensitive and belittling when directed at people of color. Indeed, M.C.'s mother testified that those kinds of messages "hurt." Soon after discovering the Drawing in M.C.'s backpack, M.C.'s mother emailed the school, and stated that she believed her daughter received the Drawing because of her race. Based on this email and the content of the Drawing, Becerra concluded that the Drawing interfered with the right of M.C., a first grader, "to be let alone."

{The phrase "All Lives Matter" gained popularity in response to the growth of the Black Lives Matter movement ("BLM"), a social movement protesting violence against Black individuals and communities, with a focus on police brutality. "All Lives Matter" can be seen as an offensive response to BLM because that phrase obscures "the fact that [B]lack people have not yet been included in the idea of 'all lives.'"}

Undoubtedly, B.B.'s intentions were innocent. B.B. testified that she gifted the Drawing to M.C. to make her feel comfortable after her class learned about Martin Luther King Jr. But Tinker does not focus on the speaker's intentions. Rather, it examines the effects of speech on the learning environment and other students, giving deference to school officials' assessments about what speech is acceptable in an educational setting. Such deference to schoolteachers is especially appropriate today, where, increasingly, what is harmful or innocent speech is in the eye of the beholder. Teachers are far better equipped than federal courts at identifying when speech crosses the line from harmless schoolyard banter to impermissible harassment. Here, Becerra concluded that the Drawing, although well-intentioned, fell on the latter side of that line.

A parent might second-guess Becerra's conclusion, but his decision to discipline B.B. belongs to him, not the federal courts. Elementary schoolteachers make thousands of disciplinary decisions on American playgrounds every day. Federal court review of all these decisions would unduly interfere with school administration and overwhelm the judiciary. Regardless of whether Becerra was right or wrong, the decision is his, and this schoolyard disputelike mostdoes not warrant federal court intervention.

This seems to me unconstitutional, even in first grade. One can debate whether the First Amendment should apply to disciplinary decisions by K-12 schools (Justice Black, back in his day, argued it shouldn't, and so has Justice Thomas more recently); one can likewise debate whether it applies in the lowest grades. But the courts have not so held, and the premise of this particular court opinion seems to be that some first-grader speech, if approved of by a federal court, would indeed be protected. (The standards courts have set, which is that speech can be punished if it "materially disrupts classwork," sets a much higher bar that seems to be shown here.)

Rather, the court's view here seems to be that this viewpointsimply because it "can be seen" as dissenting from what some see as the only proper response to racial problemsis stripped of First Amendment protection. The "Black Lives Matter" slogan is accepted as the one orthodoxy, and any perceived dissent from the view that black lives should be specially stressed in this context can be forbidden. Seems quite inconsistent with the Court's conclusion that "In our system, state-operated schools may not be enclaves of totalitarianism."

See the original post here:
"Black Lives Mat[t]er" + "Any Life" Drawing "Not Protected by the First Amendment" in First Grade - Reason