Archive for the ‘Black Lives Matter’ Category

5 Things You Need To Know About Black Lives Matter | The …

According to the mainstream media, Black Lives Matter is a peaceful group fighting for civil rights. But this narrative flies in the face of hard truths concerning Black Lives Matters conduct since its inception in 2012.

Especially in light of the recent acts of anarchy and cop assassinations committed by members and sympathizers of the movement, its important that the public know exactly what this group participates in and stands for.

Here are five things you need to know about Black Lives Matter:

1. Black Lives Matter pushes a false narrative based on lies.

Leaders in the Black Lives Matter movement have expressed outrage over white cops allegedly targeting and murdering black men in cold blood with racial animus. The movement has depicted such horrors as an epidemic.

But such a narrative is false; statistical evidence has wholly debunked these claims and a new study has actually found no racial bias against blacks in police shootings.

Further, even the blown-up stories in the media helping to build the false narrative are built on lies: The Black Lives Matter movement earned its claim to fame by promoting the lie that Michael Brown was fatally shot by white officer Darren Wilson while he was surrendering with his hands up.

This is false. It never happened. Instead, Brown was believed to have been reaching for Wilsons gun moments before he was shot and killed in an act of self-defense. This was evidenced in the Justice Departments own investigation, which completely exonerated Wilson of wrongdoing.

Still, even today, Black Lives Matter protesters chant the lie over and over again.

2. Black Lives Matter calls for anarchy, and they follow through on it.

Black Lives Matter protesters staple chant is no justice, no peace. They have also explicitly called to dismantle this system.

And yes, they act on those calls for anarchy.

For instance, in response to the acquittal and total exoneration of law enforcement office Darren Wilson, movement members set the city of Ferguson, Missouri on fire. Innocent people had their businesses trashed and looted while the peaceful people of Missouri (black and white alike) awakened to find their city in shambles, literally on fire.

Further, just this weekend, over 300 people were arrested at Black Lives Matter protests held in New York, Chicago, Minnesota and Louisiana.

3. Black Lives Matter has explicitly called for dead cops and the lynching of white people.

Black Lives Matter members have disturbingly called for the murder of innocent white people, white police officers in particular.

Here are four videos calling for such action.

At a Black Lives Matter protest held in Portland, Oregon on Sunday, one attendee told fellow protesters to evade the law and murder cops if they feel they have been targeted by an officer for a crime they did not commit:

Black Lives Matter protesters chant Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon! at the Minnesota State Fair:

Black Lives Matter protesters chant What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now! in response to the death of Eric Garner:

A radio host affiliated with Black Lives Matter agrees with an anonymous caller demanding that white people be a sacrifice for alleged racially-motivated police brutality. The caller suggests that after black people murder innocent white people, they should hang them from a tree, take pictures of it and send it to mother f*ckers.

4. Black Lives Matter has pushed for segregation, even from Black Lives Matter sympathizers and their own members who are not black.

In November of 2015, Black Lives Matter members openly promoted segregation: Activists at the University of Missouri demanded a blacks only healing space where white allies and sympathizers of their cause were kicked out. This counterproductive move was in response to perceived racial injustices and white privilege at the college.

Earlier this month, Black Lives Matter members reportedly refused to sell a white supporter of the movement a Black Lives Matter t-shirt because of the color of his skin. Apparently the t-shirts were reserved for blacks only.

5. The Obama Administration has legitimized Black Lives Matter.

Despite all the racist, hateful acts committed and promoted by members of the Black Lives Matter movement, our president continuously legitimizes the group.

As recent as February of this year, Mr. Obama invited race-hustlers and prominent Black Lives Matter figures such as Deray McKesson to speak about race at the White House. He reportedly told McKesson and the other so-called activists that they have done outstanding work and made history.

Weve got some young people here who are making history as we speak.

Barack Obama, praising Black Lives Matter supporters

Weve got some young people here who are making history as we speak, said Obama. People like Brittany [Packnett] who served on our Police Task Force in the wake of Ferguson and has led many of the protests that took place there and shined a light on the injustice that was happening. People like Deray McKesson who has done some outstanding work mobilizing in Baltimore around these issues and to see generations who are continuing to work on behalf of justice and equality and economic opportunity is greatly encouraging to me.

Of course, the left as a whole, Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and the mainstream media at large, have also pitched in to legitimize and pander to the hate group.

5 Things You Need To Know About Black Lives Matter | The ...

Exposing The Black Lives Matter Movement For What It Is …

It's time to expose the Black Lives Matter [BLM]movement for what it is:a racist, violent hate group that promotes the execution of police officers. The evidence is in their rhetoric and written on their shirts.

If you take a look at the Black Lives Matter Twitter feed, you'll find photos of activists wearing shirts that say, "Assata Taught Me."

They're referring to infamous cop killer Assata Shakur, otherwise known as Joanne Chesimard, who shot and killed a New Jersey State Trooper back in 1973. In 1977,Shakur was convicted and sentenced to prison but quickly escaped and has been a fugitive in Cuba ever since. She's also on the FBI's most wanted terrorism list. BLM glorifies Shakur as a hero and uses her writings and materials during training sessions. Lee Stranahanhas more:

Former Black Panther Party member Kathleen Cleaver, who is a supporter of Shakur, is "thrilled" about the BLM movement.

Now, onto those who condone this behavior and the rhetoric being used.

Not only have the leaders of the Democrat Party refused to condemn the movement, they've desperately tried to embrace it. In the age of Obama, where Democrats thrive on division and embrace a racial justice narrative, this isn't surprising.

Last week at the DNC summer meeting in Minneapolis, a resolution was passed in solidarity with the movement. BLM later rejected it.

"The DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming Black lives matter and the say her name efforts to make visible the pain of our fellow and sister Americans as they condemn extrajudicial killings of unarmed African American men, women and children," the solidarity resolution states.

The day after the resolution was passed, BLM activists in Minneapolis chanted, "pigs in a blanket, fry em' like bacon," as they marched down the street. This rhetoric also came just one day after the execution of Texas Sheriff Deputy Daron Goforth while he was filling up his patrol car at a local gas station. If you aren't familiar, "pigs in a blanket" refers to the bodies of dead police officers in body bags.

Despite Richard Fowler's claims that he's "watching a different Black Lives Matter movement," we aren't and the calls for police executions are not isolated incidents (he also lied about the Tea Party connection to the Tucson shooting of former Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords, there wasn't a connection as he claimsbut that's a topic for a other post). In December the man who killed two NYPD officers while they were eating lunch in their patrol car posted on his Instagram page, "Going to put pigs in a blanket" before carrying out his killings. In Ferguson when news of the NYPD slayings hit, BLM protestors chanted and celebrated, "Pigs in a blanket!" We saw the same over the weekend in Minneapolis. This isn't happening in one place, it's happening around the country. BLM activists are using their own words and inspiration from convicted cop killers to promote the assassination of police officers.

Finally, it's important to point out two-thirds of the African American community flat out reject BLM or strongly disagree with the movement's tactics. From the Washington Post:

But at protests today, it is difficult to distinguish legitimate activists from the mob actors who burn and loot. The demonstrations are peppered with hate speech, profanity, and guys with sagging pants that show their underwear. Even if the BLM activists arent the ones participating in the boorish language and dress, neither are they condemning it.

"It's a racist movement, racist to the core...denounce the Black Lives Movement and replace it with All Lives Matter."

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Exposing The Black Lives Matter Movement For What It Is ...

Black Lives Matter Leader Pens List Of 10 Demands For White …

A Black Lives Matter leader from Louisville, Kentucky, is demanding white people pay for their inherent sin of being white by adhering to a 10-point list of demands, which includes small gestures like giving up your home and leaving your property to a minority family when you die.

Seems reasonable.

Chanelle Helm, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter-Louisville, penned the list of radical demands in Leo Weekly following the rally-turned-fatal riot in Charlottesville, Virginia, last weekend.

In the first six demands, Helm focuses on white people giving up their property and money to poor minorities, since white people are bound to make that money in some other white privileged way:

1. White people, if you dont have any descendants, will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably one that lives in generational poverty.

2. White people, if youre inheriting property you intend to sell upon acceptance, give it to a black or brown family. Youre bound to make that money in some other white privileged way.

3. If you are a developer or realty owner of multi-family housing, build a sustainable complex in a black or brown blighted neighborhood and let black and brown people live in it for free.

4. White people, if you can afford to downsize, give up the home you own to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.

5. White people, if any of the people you intend to leave your property to are racists assholes, change the will, and will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.

6. White people, re-budget your monthly so you can donate to black funds for land purchasing.

Then the racism dial somehow finds a way to get turned up even higher. Helm, while making several stereotypical and offensive claims, urges white people to get a racist fired.

White people, especially white women (because this is yaw specialty Nosey Jenny and Meddling Kathy), get a racist fired. Yaw know what the f*** they be saying. You are complicit when you ignore them. Get your boss fired cause they racist too, reads demand number seven.

And it continues, this time with mention of lil d***-white men.

8. Backing up No. 7, this should be easy but all those sheetless Klan, Nazis and Other lil d***-white men will all be returning to work. Get they ass fired. Call the police even: they look suspicious.

Demand number nine encourages the use of violence when getting supposed racists fired (emphasis added):

9. OK, backing up No. 8, if any white person at your work, or as you enter in spaces and you overhear a white person praising the actions from yesterday, first, get a pic. Get their name and more info. Hell, find out where they work Get Them Fired. But certainly address them, and, if you need to, you got hands: use them.

And, finally, demand ten implores white people to fight white supremacy.

10. Commit to two things: Fighting white supremacy where and how you can (this doesnt mean taking up knitting, unless youre making scarves for black and brown kids in need), and funding black and brown people and their work.

This is a brilliant plan by Helms; everyone knows the best way to fight phantom racism is to engage in open racism yourself.

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Black Lives Matter Leader Pens List Of 10 Demands For White ...

Why Black Lives Matter-L.A. is trying to take down the county’s first Black DA – NBC News

LOS ANGELES It's been nearly three years, and the protests outside Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey's office are only getting bigger.

What started as several hundred people gathered outside the Hall of Justice has swelled into the thousands as demonstrators call for the ouster of Lacey, the first Black district attorney in the nation's most populous county, for failing to prosecute police officers who kill civilians.

"We've tried everything with her," said Melina Abdullah, co-founder of Black Lives Matter-L.A. "We had a deep desire to have things be different."

Lacey, who is seeking a third term, fell shy during a March primary of getting enough votes to avoid a runoff in November. She will face off against former San Francisco District Attorney George Gascn, a longtime Los Angeles police commander who helped reshape the department following the Rampart corruption scandal of the late 1990s.

While Gascn is regarded as the reform candidate, Lacey is seen as the law-and-order pick. She has strong support from the law enforcement community, including the union representing Los Angeles police.

"Jackie Lacey is the only candidate we feel that will keep Los Angeles County safe while successfully being able to implement meaningful reform in the court system," said Dustin DeRollo, spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Protective League. "We have serious concerns about her opponent."

DeRollo cited Lacey's reputation as a district attorney who stands up for victims of crime. But Abdullah said that consideration does not extend to victims of police brutality.

"That's the general approach to victims of police violence," she said. "When you're killed by police, you're not considered a victim."

Abdullah said she had high hopes when Lacey became district attorney in 2012. She was not only the first Black person to become the county's top prosecutor but also the first woman.

"We tried to engage her in friendly ways for two years," Abdullah said. "We thought we could move forward, but the murders kept piling up."

According to a Los Angeles Times report tracking officer-involved killings throughout the county, more than 880 people have died at the hands of law enforcement officers since 2000. In almost every case the district attorney's office found a shooting justified or decided not to bring charges, The Associated Press reported.

Lacey was raised in Crenshaw, a majority-Black neighborhood in South Los Angeles. Her mother worked in a garment factory and her father for the city's lot cleaning division.

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Lacey attended law school at the University of Southern California and joined an entertainment law firm before moving to the Santa Monica city attorney's office. She joined the district attorney's office in 1986 and rose to second-in-command under Steve Cooley, who served three terms as district attorney from 2000 to 2012.

During her time in office Lacey has assembled specialty teams to handle environmental cases, sex trafficking crimes and child and elder abuse. She also created a unit that reviews claims of innocence by people convicted of felonies.

One thing she hasn't done, opponents say, is protect people who suffer abuse or die at the hands of law enforcement officers.

"Just on the assumption that she's Black and she's a woman, I assumed that she'd care about issues that impact our community the most," said Los Angeles resident LaTangia Oliver, who attended a protest outside Lacey's office this month. "It's about just the charges not saying you'll be successful, but just bring up the charges."

Lacey first became a target for Black Lives Matter-L.A. in 2014 after the shooting death of Ezell Ford, 25, by Los Angeles police. Officials said Ford tackled an officer to the ground and reached for his gun. He was shot during the scuffle. Ford's loved ones said he suffered from a mental health disorder and was not committing a crime when he was stopped.

Ford's family settled a wrongful death lawsuit after Lacey's office declined to prosecute the officers involved because physical evidence corroborated their account that Ford posed "an immediate threat" to police.

Following Ford's death, Abdullah and other Black Lives Matter-L.A. organizers requested a meeting with Lacey. Abdullah said she left the meeting hopeful that the district attorney's office would continue looking into officer-involved shootings and that it would evaluate them fairly. But as more people died during police encounters, the relationship soured, Abdullah said.

Lacey has refused to meet with Black Live Matter-L.A. organizers over the years, Abdullah said, a claim the district attorney denies.

"Throughout my time as DA, I have always been more than willing to sit down and have an open dialogue with the Black Lives Matter Organization," Lacey said in an email. "As an African American woman, and lifelong Democrat I have consistently pursued criminal justice reform and I strongly feel that BLM can play a very meaningful role in this debate. Unfortunately, in recent times the organization has rejected my offers to have constructive conversations."

Despite her contentious relationship with organizers, Lacey has been endorsed by top lawmakers, including Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and several Los Angeles County supervisors.

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But many of the endorsements came in before protests erupted throughout the country after George Floyd's death in Minneapolis police custody, and support for Lacey appears to be waning. U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, a Democrat who represents Burbank, withdrew his endorsement Saturday.

"This is a rare time in our nation's history," Schiff tweeted. "We have a responsibility to make profound changes to end systemic racism & reform criminal justice."

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti appeared to walk back his support for Lacey this month, saying in an interview that aired on NBC Los Angeles that it may be time for a change. Garcetti's father, Gil Garcetti, was a two-term district attorney.

Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus and co-author of a sweeping police reform bill, said Tuesday that it's past time for police officers to be held accountable when they brutalize civilians.

"For years our communities have watched, officer after officer, no charges be brought," she said during a criminal justice reform panel with Garcetti and other mayors. "That has led to the explosion that is happening in all of our cities now."

Lacey defended her record, saying in a statement that she is "proud" of "taking on systemic racism and reforming criminal justice, from bail reform to reducing juvenile cases by nearly 50 percent to increasing our office's focus on mental health treatment instead of incarceration."

Gascn, who immigrated to Los Angeles from Cuba as a teenager, picked up an endorsement from Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., who called him a "national leader in criminal justice reform and a powerful advocate for rethinking our approach to public safety and ending mass incarceration."

Gascn said Lacey's fractured relationship with communities of color has compromised the district attorney's office.

"When you break the social contract by looking the other way, you lose the moral authority," he said. "Then you see what you're seeing now, calls to defund the police and not wanting them in your community."

Black Lives Matter-L.A. doesn't endorse candidates, but Abdullah said recent interactions with Gascn were much more favorable than her contentious relationship with Lacey, whose husband pulled a gun on protesters in March.

It's the role of the people to hold elected officials responsible, Abdullah said. "It's not personal. It just is what it is."

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Why Black Lives Matter-L.A. is trying to take down the county's first Black DA - NBC News

Black Lives Matter seeks restraining order to prevent LAPD use of batons, ‘rubber’ bullets on marchers – Los Angeles Times

Black Lives Matter-Los Angeles and other protest groups are asking a federal judge to issue a temporary restraining order and injunction to forbid the Los Angeles Police Department from using baton strikes and rubber bullets to control crowds during future protests, arguing that such use violates demonstrators constitutional rights and has caused a plethora of injuries.

With protests over the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police bringing calls to end police brutality, lawyers for the protesters on Wednesday asked a federal judge to end LAPD practices that they say have fallen short of their constitutional duties.

The LAPD has used so-called rubber bullets and batons indiscriminately to disrupt and disperse protesters with many serious injuries resulting, attorney Paul Hoffman wrote on behalf of BLM-L.A. and more than a dozen protesters injured by police officers. The images of baton-wielding LAPD officers and protesters injuries unacceptably increase the cost of public participation in these important exercises of First Amendment rights.

The injunction effort comes as part of a class-action lawsuit filed earlier this month by the Los Angeles chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, Black Lives Matter and Los Angeles Community Action Network, which accuses the LAPD of repeatedly misapplying the law to clear the streets. The lawsuit says demonstrators constitutional rights were violated and many were left bloodied and bruised.

The filing by veteran civil rights attorneys on behalf of protesters echoes many of the findings of a Times review of dozens of instances of police force during the recent protests. That investigation found that demonstrators suffered a range of injuries at the hands of the LAPD, from minor bruising from baton strikes and falls as police skirmish lines advanced, to serious injuries to their genitals and heads from foam and sponge bullets and beanbags being fired into crowds, sometimes from close range.

In court documents filed Wednesday, recent UCLA graduate Tina Crnko described how shortly after LAPD Chief Michel Moore, clad in riot gear, used a weak bullhorn to address protesters at 3rd Street and Fairfax Avenue on May 30, advancing officers fired foam projectiles.

She said she was struck in the left bicep and rib cage. And without warning, she said, she was struck by a rubber bullet on the forehead above my right eye, causing temporary deafness, profuse bleeding from her forehead and likely sustained permanent nerve damage on the top of her skull.

Lawyers for BLM-L.A. and protesters also argue that the LAPD manipulated ever-changing curfews and improper declarations of unlawful assemblies in order to suppress marchers constitutional rights.

That resulted in thousands of arrests with arrestees packed into unventilated buses for as long as 12 hours with over-tight handcuffs. The lawyers are requesting that those cited at protests be released within 15 minutes and those booked for a misdemeanor spend no more than an hour in custody, given the availability of mobile booking technology.

They are also asking that protesters held on buses be in conditions that meet Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines to prevent the spread of coronavirus, with masks and adequate social distancing.

Deon Jones said he suffered two broken bones in his face after being hit by a projectile fired by an LAPD officer during a protest this month.


The lawyers argue that anyone subject to such a warlike display of police weaponry would think twice about coming to engage in First Amendment activity.

The LAPD has limited how police use force during the nearly 20 years since the infamous Rodney King beating. But the lawsuit argues that the department is ignoring its own rules and acting in an unreasonable manner by indiscriminately firing so-called less-lethal projectiles at protesters, causing many serious injuries.

The suit cites as an example a peaceful protester being shot in the face with an LAPD rubber bullet as she attempted to return to her car, fracturing her jaw. The suit notes that even bystanders were hit, including a man in a wheelchair who was struck in the back of the shoulder blade.

The lawyers cite a prior decision by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on non-lethal force during protests in Davis, where the court found the use of projectiles excessive.

I have never seen so many shots fired to the head, said Carol Sobel, one of the attorneys, of the less-lethal projectile rounds. We need action by the court because our clients are under real threat by batons and projectiles as well as hours in handcuffs.

Lawyers for the city asked for a day to reply to the extensive allegations, and were given until Friday to do so.

Mayor Eric Garcetti and LAPD Chief Moore said the actions of police officers who clashed with protesters in recent weeks are under review. Ten officers have now been taken off the street and assigned to desk duties pending internal investigations into their actions during recent protests. Those investigations are among more than 50 that have been launched by the LAPD.

See the original post:
Black Lives Matter seeks restraining order to prevent LAPD use of batons, 'rubber' bullets on marchers - Los Angeles Times