Archive for the ‘Black Lives Matter’ Category

What I Buy & Why: Collectors Carlos and Rosa de la Cruz on Why They Dont Actually Have Any Art Hanging Above the Sofa – artnet News

A version of this story first appeared in the spring 2020Artnet Intelligence Report.

What was your first acquisition?

Star Gazer (1956) by Rufino Tamayo, in 1988. Our collection changed direction in 1992 when we acquired the work of Flix Gonzlez-Torres. From then on, weve collected contemporary art.

What was your most recent acquisition?

Four large-scale paintings by Glenn Ligon and a neon from his series inspired by the poems and unfinished films of Pier Paolo Pasolini. We also acquired work by Jennifer Guidi and Picture 4 (2018), by Nate Lowman, from a series of paintings based on crime scene photos of the October 1, 2017, mass shooting in Las Vegas. Another recent acquisition: two paintings by Haiti-born, Miami-based artist Tomm El-Saieh.

Glenn Ligon, Notes for a Poem on the Third World (chapter two) (2019). Photo Courtesy of the de la Cruz Collection.

Which artists are you hoping to add to your collection this year?

We are looking at a younger generation of figurative artists whose work engages with contemporary social realities and movements such as Black Lives Matter and womens empowerment.

What is the most expensive work of art that you own?

The value of art is subjective.

Where do you buy art most frequently?

We have always built strong relationships with the artists we collect and the galleries who represent them. Additionally, we have been supporters of Art Basel and Frieze.

What work do you have hanging above your sofa?

We do not place furniture against our walls. Carlos and I have always lived with art in a way that for some may seem unconventional and do not consider artworks decorative objects.

What artwork, if any, do you have in your bathroom?

We dont place art in the bathroom.

Tomm El-Saieh, Fruiting Body (2019). Photo Courtesy of the de la Cruz Collection.

What is the most impractical work of art you own? What makes it so challenging?

Flix Gonzlez-Torress (Untitled) Portrait of Dad (1991) is a pile of candy placed on the floor. We have to make sure that the candy is always fresh!

What work do you wish you had bought when you had the chance?

One of Flix Gonzlez-Torress curtains.

If you could steal one work of art without getting caught, what would it be?

One of Flix Gonzlez-Torress curtains!

A version of this story first appeared in the spring 2020Artnet Intelligence Report. To download the full report, which has juicy details on the best-selling artists of 2019, how A.I. could transform the art industry, and how titans of the finance industry are infiltrating the auction houses,click here.

See the original post:
What I Buy & Why: Collectors Carlos and Rosa de la Cruz on Why They Dont Actually Have Any Art Hanging Above the Sofa - artnet News

Woman to stand trial following incident with cop at McDonald’s drive-thru – Yahoo Lifestyle

A former McDonalds worker in California is being ordered to stand trial after an incident in November 2019 where the employee was accused of tampering with a customers food.

According to court documents, Tatyana Hargrove reportedly rubbed a hamburger bun on the floor before spitting on it, as she prepared an order for a Bakersfield police officer.

A testimony said that Hargrove knew the burger was going to be served to an officer in the drive-thru and shouted Black lives matter, (expletive) the pigs!

While the Black Lives Matter group has not formally addressed Hargrove's statement, their mission states, "We embody and practice justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another."

Hargroves attorney, Deputy Public Defender Lexi Blythe, says that there was not enough evidence for a full felony charge against Hargrove. For the case to have been deemed appropriate for a felony charge, Hargrove would have had to willfully try to use harmful substances to poison the food.

But, Blythe argues, because its unknown when the last time cleaning products were used on the floors, it cannot be argued that Hargrove was intentionally trying to hurt the officer.

However, another McDonalds employee told the prosecutor of the case that they heard Hargrove force herself to hack up saliva as she prepared the order.

The officer reportedly said he did not feel sick from eating the burger nor did he go to a hospital after.

Hargrove is due in court on March 23.

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The post McDonalds worker accused of spitting in cops food appeared first on In The Know.

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Woman to stand trial following incident with cop at McDonald's drive-thru - Yahoo Lifestyle

Joe Biden is not an honorary black man, and that’s fine… – Gulf Today

Joe Biden, Cory Booker.

Andrea K. McDaniels, Tribune News Service

Presidential candidate Joe Biden is an honorary black man, according to House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn.

Former presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker recalled during a recent fundraiser for Biden in Detroit how Clyburn used the phrase during a recent Congressional Black Caucus meeting. Bloomberg reporter Jennifer Epstein tweeted about Bookers recollection of the comment.

A couple of weeks prior to that, former NFL safety Jack Brewer, who is African American, called President Donald Trump the first black president during a roundtable at the White House to discuss Black History Month. Mr. President, I dont mean to interrupt, but Ive got to say this because its Black History Month: man, you are the first black president, he said.

Both descriptions are problematic and trivialize the trials and tribulations an African American man or woman will face that a white person never will because of race. The fact that both Biden and Trump, men with starkly different ideologies, can both be embraced as embracive of the black race, shows how ridiculous the practice of assigning blackness to white politicians has become.

White people have not suffered high rates of mass incarceration that have torn their families apart and made them highly unemployable. They are not stereotyped as a unit as being less smart and less capable. They are not denied loans at higher rates like African Americans. Biden and Trump, or any other white person for that matter, cannot live the black experience and should not get honorary status to the race.

Instead, they should just be themselves. I dont need my elected officials to prove they have even an ounce of so-called blackness. Listening to soul music or dancing with the crowd at a campaign stop to prove that they can relate means nothing to me. I can personally attest that not all black folks have rhythm.

I am fine with my politicians being white. What matters is where they stand on the issues that will impact black lives. What are they doing to combat redlining, employment discrimination and health disparities that mean African Americans dont live as long as their white neighbours? What is their plan for the income disparities that exist in cities like Baltimore? Did their arm have to be twisted to declare lynching a national hate crime?

I am pretty sure that African American voters who have helped. Biden surge past Bernie Sanders and the other presidential candidates didnt check his name because they felt some sort of black kinship with the former vice president. (Although he did benefit from the connection some felt to Bidens former boss, the actual first black president Barack Obama).

The late novelist Toni Morrison started the fascination with assigning blackness to white elected officials when she described former President Bill Clinton in a New Yorker article as the first black president, although her words were misinterpreted and it wasnt her intention. She was describing the way Clinton was being dragged through the mud because of his affair with the intern Monica Lewinsky.

But some would argue his policies, including welfare reform and tough on crime laws that lead to mass incarceration, werent necessarily in the best interest of African Americans.

Id rather have a white representative with basic black cultural competency, but with the fortitude and insight to come up with legislation that benefits African Americans.

So, sorry Clyburn, Biden is not an honorary black man. Hes a white man with a working class background who grew up in Scranton, Pa. And thats OK.

It will be up to him to prove if he has policies in mind that benefit black communities. And up to voters to judge him on that and not some trivial connection to blackness.

Joe Biden is not an honorary black man, and that's fine... - Gulf Today

Nakia Was Right: Black Panther and the Difference Between Rage and Revolution –

Black Panther is a film that centers on two clashing ideologiesmaybe even two ways of achieving the same end goals. One of those perspectives is represented by Erik Killmonger Stevens, and a lot of digital ink has been spent on how his radical politics clashes with TChallas desire for the isolation and defense of his homeland of Wakanda. Killmongers ideological opposite, however, is not the titular character himself, but Nakia: the spy, the War Dog, the revolutionary.

It is important to get this part out of the way: #NakiaWasRight.

Nakia is almost always right.

The women in Black Panther are given room to be a multitude of things. They get to be confident and hard-working, they get to be committed to their duties without sacrificing healthy relationships, they get to possess real agency in their personal lives, and above all, they get to be consistently right. When Shuri jokes that her older brothers old tech is outmoded and dangerous in the field, she is right. When the Elder of the Merchant Tribe notes that Wakanda does not need a warrior, but a king, she is right. When Queen-Mother Ramonda begs her son not to accept a challenge from a stranger who admits to wanting little more than to kill him out of misplaced vengeance, she is right. Even when Okoye tells TChalla not to freeze, she says it because she knows things that even the man who would be king refuses to know about himself.

So lets just confirm this up front. Lets repeat it if people dont know by now: Nakia was right.

Nakia was so right that if people just took her advice in Act One, half the battle of the movie would be working through the process of solution-building before we even see Ulysses Klaues new prosthetic hand.

Black Panther is really intensely focused on confronting the theme of nationalism versus globalism in really sharp, considerate ways. Even when people come to the debate armed with dubious assumptions and stereotypes (like WKabis legit unhealthy, bordering on the alt-right insistence that when you let the refugees in, they bring their problems with them, and we become like everywhere else), they do so from very clear, well-established personal desires and worries. They come to it as people, flawed, impatient, and often with very little experience in the ways and woes of nation-building.

This is the kind of emotionally-driven, character-based logic that makes Killmonger such an interesting villain, but lets be sureit does not make him right. It does not mean that his arguments are valid, or that he makes a good point. And in a discourse that is currently flooded with false dichotomies and ignorant assertions of Wakanda as an alt-right paradise cut from the same cloth as a neo-Nazi ethnostate, its vitally important to note what Killmonger has actually become in the film. When TChalla tells him that hes become that which he despises, he means ithe means that Killmonger talks with the braggadocio and malformed lack of strategy of certain current world leaders, and fights with the cruelty and desire for instability reminiscent of a certain countrys foreign policy.

Not once does Killmonger even pose the question of how arms will get into or remain in the hands of the disenfranchised, or what a black market for vibranium will do to his revolution. Not once does he second-guess the moral value of selling the tools he needs for his revolution to a white arms dealer without any supervision. He hasnt beaten Western capitalist imperialism at its own game, because that game was a cruel and witless one from its outset. In more ways than one, Killmonger never learns that the masters tools will never dismantle the masters housewhether the physical structures that continue to marginalize the black diaspora, or the structure of his own imagination which crafts his ideology from a Western military framework.

Contrast this with Nakias experience. Nakia been out here, doing this work. Shes been doing it all alone, with no backup, even insisting on not being disturbed as she trots about the globe, righting capitalist neo-imperialist wrongs through her own wits. Nakia sees the value of providing a more lasting sense of peace for the disenfranchised, and knows that the late stage of that goal requires the commitment of Wakandanot to wage war on other countries, but to seek out the downtrodden and lift them up and out of struggle. In her first scene in the film, she even has the empathy to see a child soldier as a boy first and an aggressor second, preferring to send him back home than to fight him.

In that sense, TChalla is not actually Killmongers immediate foil. He learns to be, but the role is not truly ascribed to him from the start. Its ascribed to Nakia. In a film that can be broken down ideologically into a row of voices all vying for the ear of a new king, competing for the chance to make the ultimate decision about how Wakanda is seen (or why it will remain unseen) by the world, Nakia and Killmonger want the same thing, in different ways, for different reasons, and Nakia is wiser on both fronts. If, as so many recent thinkpieces have asserted, Killmonger is cast in the image of Malcolm X, then Nakia is really the Martin Luther King Jr. of the film.

This is not to say that Killmonger is meant to speak specifically to a kind of national politics, even though he does serve as quite an eloquent metaphor for such. Christopher Lebron in the Boston Review, however, makes a case for what he sees as the mistaken perception that Black Panther is a movie about black liberation, arguing that the film renders Killmonger an impotent villain, an uninformed radical, and a gormless denial of the presumably Panafrican ideals of the films imagery and themes, all for the sake of tearing down black American men. Black Panther is not the movie we deserve, Lebron counters. Why should I accept the idea of black American disposability from a man in a suit, whose name is synonymous with radical uplift but whose actions question the very notion that black lives matter? For my money, I disagree with this interpretation with every atom of my being, but Im also willing to admit my one blindspot is that Im not African American, even if I am also from the diaspora.

I can find a serious rebuttal to Lebrons premise, however: Killmonger is not truly motivated by radical politics. He may have a radical end goal, but that goal is driven, and corrupted, by a lossthe kind of loss that might make anyone in his position act similarly, Id say. He lost his father, and in so doing lost all access to a place his father called home. He struggles with the rest of his brothers almost especially because hes been left out of an escape route to somewhere perfect. Just because he isnt right doesnt mean that he isnt compelling, because the characters rage is what draws us to him. I am in far greater agreement with Ameer Hasan Loggins, who asks in his Blavity piece for us to imagine Killmonger not as villain, but as a super-victim of systemically oppressive forces, forces that forced him into a hyper-awareness of his dueled unwanted status in Wakanda and in America, due to having the blood of his mother, who was a descendant of black folks forced into the United States via the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. This two-pronged othering serves as the source of his super-power un-tempered black rage. His rage is, in rare glimpses, aimed at the right sourcethat is, at Western neo-imperialismand as both Loggins and Lebron can attest, we relate to him because it is diasporic rage. But we can admit that Killmonger speaks to us on that level without conceding for even a moment that he is right, or wishing that he were.

It should mean more for arguments like Lebrons that Nakia, a Wakandan who has grown up in the isolationist policies of her nation for her entire life, insists that she wants to reach out to the disenfranchised diaspora. Isnt that what we are really thinking of when we wish to work together? To know that the continent is thinking of us, to know that we can share resources and knowledge to rise up together? To be reassured that the motherland is the source of our salvation, instead of insisting its the other way around? Nakia wants what Killmonger does, what NJobu did, but doesnt it matter that she has emerged from the on-the-ground resistance that Killmonger wants to engage inthe same resistance he proudly admits to discarding entirely just to kill one man he has never met? Doesnt it matter that he murders his own lover without hesitation just to have a fleeting chance at that vengeance, making all of his further talk of the safety and progress of black people everywhere utterly hypocritical? Doesnt it matter that a Wakandan spy just as well-versed in combat and infiltration as Killmonger comes to King TChalla to pressure him into actionnot asking to arm those who suffer, but to feed and shelter them?

Which is more radical? To give the suffering a weapon, or to give them a home?

Mind you, its more than understandable, on an emotional level, that Killmonger would hate TChalla on those grounds alonethat he is owed a home, and was robbed of that connection and that birthright by TChallas father. But that is rage. Rage is not the same thing as revolution. That many examples of the latter are built upon the coals of the former, collected in the wounded hearts of decades of people of colour worldwide, does not make the two the same. Sometimes your rage is not radical. Sometimes your rage is misdirected and costly. Sometimes your rage asks you to expend a lot of energy doing nothing but be destructive and regressive. Sometimes you think youre woke, but youre just lucid dreaming.

The closing note of Black Panthers first post-credits scenethat it is wiser to build bridges than barriersis the film not simply casting aside Killmongers entire campaign of violence, but embracing precisely the end result Killmonger claimed to seek. It happens only in part because of Killmongers influence, however. Nakia is its real engine, the true architect of its strategybecause Nakia is the only one with a strategy at all.

One should not dismiss the value of righteous, justly directed, undiluted rage. But rage, like any other emotional motivator, is only as good, as critical, or as morally upright as what it drives the body to do. Empathy, as Nakia teaches us, is just as valuable, if not more. Wanting to share the wealth of your home with those who suffer is a high point of empathy. And if TChalla considered that before blood ever shed, perhaps Wakanda would have been in a better place much sooner.

So let that be a lesson: rage is not revolution. Rage is not a replacement for revolution. And whenever possible, when a black woman says you should think about doing something, dont dismiss it right away. She is most likely right.

Originally published in February 2018.

Brandon OBrien is a performance poet and writer from Trinidad. His work is published or upcoming in Uncanny Magazine, Strange Horizons, Sunvault: Stories of Solarpunk and Eco-Speculation, Arsenika, and New Worlds, Old Ways: Speculative Tales from the Caribbean, among others. He is also the poetry editor of FIYAH Magazine. You can find his blog at or on Twitter @therisingtithes.

Here is the original post:
Nakia Was Right: Black Panther and the Difference Between Rage and Revolution -

The ‘Warrior’ Behind NSAA African Creations – Afro American

By Katia ParksAFRO Intern

Black pride has recently returned to the forefront of our culture through Black Lives Matter and the natural hair movement but it does not stop there. Marjorie Nicoles afrocentric creations are paraded on the streets of Baltimore as her unique handmade garments provide individuality and confidence to both women and men.

In the 90s, as a young adult, Nicole embraced her roots in African culture and wanted to implement it in her life. At Maarifa, the African school her children attended at the time, Nicole learned more of the culture as a young mother. She loved the community element of the school and was allured by the African garb the mamas and babas wore.

Although she was preoccupied with being a full-time teacher and mother, she made it a point to instill African values in her household. As a math teacher at St. Frances Academy, Nicole was used to viewing the world in numbers and shapes. I wanted to dress afrocentric, but being a bigger girl with broad shoulders, nothing really fit, Nicole admitted to the AFRO. When Nicole looked in the mirror, she saw a collection of shapes. She wanted to wear styles that werent marketed to curvier women in mainstream African boutiques, and thats when she decided to make her own clothes. I wondered how hard it would be to make myself clothes and that started a journey I was not prepared for.

In 2014, Nicole established NSAA (en-sa) African Creations, and as with any career change, there are adjustments. The decision of starting her own company included leaving her job at St. Frances, so that she could focus all her attention on building her brand. That is why Nicole stressed that it is important for her to be self-sufficient and organized. My motto is: if you are gonna do it, do it with excellence, Nicole said before going on to say that NSAA is a symbol of excellence, genuineness and authenticity.

Feeling lost and intimidated by how much she did not know about her African roots, Nicole educated herself and then aimed to share what she learned through her clothing. I wanted a place where young people and even older people could come so I can teach them in a caring way. I had already taught for 11 years, so I got the concept. Her brand encourages people to learn about African culture through clothing designs and fashion shows.

One fashion show in particular was dedicated to Warrior Women. Warrior Women is actually the larger part of what I do. I had a voice that was with me my whole entire life and I realized it was my warrior, Nicole said. With the weight of the world on her shoulders being a survivor of molestation, rape, domestic abuse and a car accident, Nicole finally found her strength. I want to introduce other women to their warrior, she added.

Truthfully, a lot of people are torn between keeping a job that pays the bills or creating a career out of their passion. Nicole advises that people who want to start their own business should have a plan, put it in writing and be sure to leave their current job on good terms. Dont be rigid, and make sure you are living within the means of your business, she added. For more information, visit her website at

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The 'Warrior' Behind NSAA African Creations - Afro American