Archive for the ‘Black Lives Matter’ Category

The largest Black Lives Matter page on Facebook has been …

The largest Black Lives Matter page on Facebook is reportedly a fraud run by a white man in Australia who used it to take in more than $100,000 in donations.

The page was simply called Black Lives Matter and had nearly 700,000 followers, compared with the 322,000 for the verified page of the same name, CNN reported Monday.

The bogus page has been suspended and online payment platforms PayPal, Patreon, Donorbox and Classy have stopped working with it.

Some of the money raised through the fake page reportedly went into a bank in Australia.

The page was tied to Ian Mackay, an official with the National Union of Workers in Australia. He has served as an organizer and branch vice president, CNN reported.

Hes been suspended pending a union investigation.

The NUW is not involved in, and has not authorized, any activities with reference to claims made in CNNs story, said union national secretary Tim Kennedy.

CNN reported that Mackay has registered dozens of websites, many of which claim to be tied to black-rights issues.

In April 2015, he registered using his name, email address and phone number.

Patrisse Cullors, a BLM co-founder, said she was troubled by the apparent scam.

We rely on donors who believe in our work and our cause and that [the] money will be used in a way that is respectful, Cullors said.

DeRay McKesson, another prominent BLM activist, said the fast rise of the movement has left it vulnerable to such schemes.

Its important to remember the movement was organic and no organizations started the protests that spread across the country, McKesson said. The consequences of that is it hasnt been easy to think about authenticity in the digital space.

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The largest Black Lives Matter page on Facebook has been ...

At least 11 arrested during Black Lives Matter protest in …

At least 11 people were arrested, most for disorderly conduct, during a Black Lives Matter protest in New York City Wednesday night as hundreds gathered to express their anger over the recent death of Stephon Clark.

The protesters marched from Columbus Circle to Times Square, approximately 15 to 20 blocks, according to ABC station WABC-New York. Social media videos of the march showed at least one police officer leaping over a barricade to make an arrest.

Clark, 22, was killed in Sacramento on March 18 when two police officers shot at him 20 times as he stood in his grandmother's backyard holding a cellphone.

Police were responding to a 911 call that a suspect allegedly was breaking car windows and hiding in a yard nearby. According to body-cam footage, the officers thought Clark may have been holding a toolbar or some other form of weapon.

The Rev. Al Sharpton is expected to deliver the eulogy at Clark's funeral Thursday in Sacramento.

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How To Survive A Black Lives Matter Riot Return Of Kings

As we move into the fall of 2016, violent confrontations between black men and police of varied ethnicities continue to occur and be televised on national news, inevitably followed by the Black Lives Matter movement, which attempts to stop the shooting of black people by police because they are feared to be violent and felonious by being violent and felonious. Leaving aside their dubious logic, it is quite possible that any ROK reader living in or visiting America might find themselves on the wrong side of a riot, so heres some advice on that potential situation.

Whether youre a swastika-packing 1488 Stormfronter, or a Bernie Sanders hipster, if youre white, the BLM is going to hate on you, definitely beat you up and rob you, possibly rape you (if youre female or theyre gay), and maybe even kill you. This goes the same for Asians, and probably Hispanics and anything other than black people. Hell, you might even need to be Wesley Snipes black to be truly immune from harm.

Point being, theres no reasoning with these people at this point, and you need to regard ALL of them as dangerous, and only work on getting yourself out of there. There are three main situations where you might find yourself up against the BLM.

If youre out for a night on the town, and you turn the corner and theres the riot, you have some quick decisions to make. Best thing to do is head the other direction immediately in a quiet and discreet manner. Similar to the typical zombie movie, if you can get away without the mob noticing you, you win.

If they do notice you, now is the time to run like hell provided you have a decent lead on them. Part of my yet-to-be-written guide on tactical clothing is to always wear shoes in which you can run, and, although I will defer to my colleague Mr. Hallecks works on fitness, part of my standards is being able to run a good ways at the drop of a hat.

What if theyre close and they notice you? Theyll approach and either immediately engage in violence on your person, or start talking a big game, gearing themselves up for engaging in that same violence. Hopefully youre armed.

The legality here is reasonable expectation of harm. The mob has disparity of force; they dont need to be armed, although some will be, to be a lethal threat to you. However, you need to wait for a clear threat; you cannot legally shoot a mob not doing anything, but, on the other hand, you do not need to wait for them to assault you either. If they are assaulting someone else with deadly force, or they say something implying they are about to assault you with deadly force, that is the green light for you to employ self defense.

Once they notice you and start heading your way, Id draw whatever weapon you have and hold it at your side. As soon as it escalates into justifying lethal force, pick the leader, and put one upper-center mass. Headshots are hard to do, and youre looking for some shock value here; anything having to do with the trachea will make some pretty disgusting noises.

If its a small mob, chances are it will break if you blast their ringleaders and they will run from you. If its a big mob, you have a brief moment while the mob will flounder for a second after youve taken out the leader, and that is when you run like hell. You may have to periodically turn and shoot at some people chasing you, but they should get the hint. Conserve ammo.

Im not a knife fighter; about all I know is youre going to get cut in a knife fight no matter how good you are. Saps and batons are also good weapons; pepper spray, not so much. You may have to make an improvised club if you have nothing. If you truly have nothing, throw the first punch and put him down, and that might be enough in itself.

In a one-on-one shooting, I advise shooting to end the threat which should also kill the guy, then unloading the gun and calling the cops and filing as the victim. The more important part of this is to never let it get this far. Your job, when on the move on foot, is to see everyone before they see you and immediately head the other way if you see trouble. I would recommend the The Talk: Non-black version for the required mentality. Ive got no issue with most any single black person, but, when theres a lot of them and non-black you in the same area, you can get killed even if youre not racist.

The BLM seems to delight in blocking roads and being general pains in the ass. While this is illegal, its not something for which you can shoot them, or even run them over. However, just like the above scenario when youre on foot, you can, and should, employ deadly force when the mob has done so to others, or makes threats to do so to you.

This includes things like breaking a car window, trying to open a door, or trying to disable your vehicle. I would use any sort of physical contact with the car as a wide definition of trying to disable the vehicle. This also goes for any credible threat to do so, and it doesnt have to be the guy you aim for that said it. All that is required is you being legitimately in fear of your life, or of your companions, or of serious injury.

Do not get boxed in. Always leave a drivable space behind the car in front of you, and you should never hang out in the middle lanes, or left lane, of highly trafficed roads. Once you can no longer change lanes freely, you should stay in the right lane, keep a space, and be vigilant once you come to a stop.

Let them protest, but the instant they turn violent, even if it is not your car, pull onto the shoulder, and punch it. The idea here is an impressive, but controllable speed. 30 mph is plenty fast to wreck a rioter and keep your momentum up, but not make you lose control. You want them to be diving for cover, not getting ready to swing at your vehicle. Lay on the horn, do not stop, and hit anyone who wont move.

Once clear, you will need to call this in. Might want to call the lawyer first, briefly, but you need to identify as the victim to the police, and you want to be first, because someone in the mob got you, your vehicle, and your license plate on their phones camera, and, as fast as you can say Dindu Nuffin, theyre going to be saying they didnt do anything to deserve it. Remember, they started being violent, and you were in fear for your life.

Lastly, if you do get boxed in, or your vehicle is disabled, you may need to abandon it. You may want to use it as cover, then refer to the previous on foot section.

The media made a big deal about the Pulse Nightclub shooting when a bunch of patrons were killed when they were hiding in the bathroom. People dont realize the power of having predictable entryways to a position. Get lined up on the door to the room you are in, and drop the first guy who breaks the door down. If youve got a club or a knife, stand to the side of the door with the doorknob, and stick him or smack him as he comes in. If youve got a gun, get a rest, and you may punch through to the guy behind him as well.

That being said, always have another exit so you dont get trapped in there. Stay away from windows and keep lights off so you can hide. Once youve got a room secured, this is a great time to call the cops. Say exactly where you are and clearly state how scared you are. Feel free to embellish on the size of the mob, its violence, and any threats they may be yelling. This will get the police there faster, establish your innocence before the fact in case you have to shoot, and also put the blame of the shooting on the police since they were obviously not there fast enough if said shooting does, in fact, occur.

A worse scenario is fleeing into a building that is hostile already. Best thing to do there is keep moving and haul ass out the back door.

While this is theoretical on my end, and backed up by advice from various experts quoted throughout, your mileage may indeed vary. Your main takeaways need to be to stay armed, stay vigilant, and remain in control of the situation, because your odds go way down once you directly face off with a riot. Stay safe.

Read More: The Mindset You Must Have For Concealed Carrying A Handgun

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How To Survive A Black Lives Matter Riot Return Of Kings

Black Lives Matter’s Violence Undermines Its Credibility

In the aftermath of police killings of two black menAlton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, MinnesotaBlack Lives Matter (BLM)-led protests have sprung up in cities all over the country. While their grievances are clear and compelling, their methods of achieving redress are questionable and may hurt the movements long-term goals.

BLM may intend to do the right thing: enlighten the public about injustices within the black community, especially at the hands of law enforcement.

After the news of Castile and Sterlings deaths hit the nation, BLM held a protest in Dallas, Texas. Although that protest started out peacefully, it ended in bloodshed when a gunman who had a vendetta against white cops murdered five and injured several other on-duty officers.

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick blamed BLM: I do blame people on social media, with their hatred toward police. I do blame former Black Lives Matter protests last night was peaceful, but others have not been this has to stop.

The events in Dallas have set off a firestorm of protests, demonstrating just how livid and unruly the movement has become. Instead of protesting peacefully nationwide and despite condemning the Dallas shooting, BLM is doubling down in its protests, often violently. They shut down an interstate and major thoroughfare in Miami. In Oakland, protestors vandalized a police station with red paint and spray-painted streets, also stopping traffic on an interstate, during which protesters climbed atop a stalled semitrailer. Others lit a bonfire on the freeway.

Even widely viewed photos such as this one hide this aspect of violence, as the woman looks peaceful yet is being removed from a roadway she refused to exit of her own volition in an attempt to keep disrupting traffic.

Police pulled Castile and his girlfriend over because he matched the description of an armed robbery suspect (at first media reported it was only for a minor traffic violation). Its also reported he had a license to carry a firearm. It now appears as though those two pieces of information combined to aggravate an under-trained or trigger-happy officer, as the cop shot Castile four times and he died following the incident. Castiles girlfriend shot this video live to Facebook, which went viral, fueling BLM to organize an impromptu protest on the streets of the Twin Cities Saturday night.

BLM shut down part of Interstate 94, a major highway in St. Paul, and although it appears to have begun peacefully, some people started throwing water bottles, pieces of concrete, rebar, brick, Molotov cocktails, and rocks at police. At 3:27 in this video you can see a person throwing a small firecracker towards the police. To break up the crowd and push them off the highway, police responded with flash/bang grenades. About 100 protesters were arrested and more than 20 cops were hurt, one with a spinal fracture.

Few people are likely to be sympathetic to Black Lives Matter when they protest police by throwing Molotov cocktails and rocks at them, spurring multiple arrests, then demand to be released.

Following Sterlings death on Saturday, caught on video here, BLM protested in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where he lived. BLM activist DeRay McKesson tweeted, just before he was arrested, that police were provoking them for no reason. But when you watch the clip, the police are walking alongside or escorting the protestors, and the protestors are the ones making snarky insults.

When a few hundred people attempted to close off a Louisiana interstate, police headed them off and arrested between 30 and 40.

BLM may wish to be peaceful, well-meaning, strategic, and persuasive, and these violent and disruptive behaviors are the actions of a relative few. Yet when the few are attacking police officers, its hard to overlook. As Barbara Reynolds, a minister and 1960s activist, wrote last year of the current movement:

Many in my crowd admire the cause and courage of these young activists but fundamentally disagree with their approach. Trained in the tradition of Martin Luther King Jr., we were nonviolent activists who won hearts by conveying respectability and changed laws by delivering a message of love and unity. BLM seems intent on rejecting our proven methods[A]t protests today, it is difficult to distinguish legitimate activists from the mob actors who burn and loot. The demonstrations are peppered with hate speech, profanity, and guys with sagging pants that show their underwear. Even if the BLM activists arent the ones participating in the boorish language and dress, neither are they condemning it.

The BLM movement, unlike Kings, only seem to come out in droves following very specific murders: when white cops kill black people. Yet this is not the major scourge of the black community. Recounting his days as mayor of New York City, when crime was reduced by over 50 percent, Rudy Giuliani noted on Fox News,

Black Lives Matter hasnt saved nearly as many black lives, if theyve saved any at all, as I have. Where are they? Where are Black Lives Matter when six kids get shot in Chicago by other black kids? The reality is were going to end this issue when we get control of the significant amount of violence in urban America within the black community. And its the police who are doing that. Black Lives Matter divides us.

Given the videos of the killings of Castile and Sterling last week, it seems clear BLM has legitimate grievances. But if they want to be heard and remembered as a movement that changed racial unrest in America, in line with the success of the 1960s civil rights movement, they must do so without provoking police or inciting violence. Until they can figure out how to do this, their actions will continue to besmirch their reputation and cause.

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Black Lives Matter's Violence Undermines Its Credibility

Black Lives Matter, other community groups win seat at …

Black Lives Matter and a coalition of other community groups have won a seat at the table as the city of Chicago and the state attorney general's office hash out a consent decree that would guide reforms to the troubled Chicago Police Department.

The agreement comes on the heels of three lawsuits filed last year against the city, urging Mayor Rahm Emanuel to allow a federal judge to oversee an overhaul of the Police Department in the wake of a U.S. Department of Justice report that found the department was deficient in training and supervision and prone to excessive force, especially against minorities.

Word of the agreement came Tuesday evening as news organizations devoted their resources to covering the primary election certain to dominate headlines.

The community groups, a coalition of legal firms and the ACLU of Illinois all plaintiffs in the pending federal lawsuits hailed the 10-page agreement, filed in federal court, as a major step in the fight for federal oversight of the Police Department.

The agreement will give a prominent role to community groups that have been staunchly critical of police and the citys oversight and discipline of officers. If precedent holds, Tuesday nights news will not sit well with police union leaders, who have complained that officers are unfairly portrayed as prone to misconduct.

Under the agreement, the community groups can provide input as the city and the attorney generals office continue to negotiate the terms of the consent decree. And once the decree is in place, they can object if it is inadequate or push for enforcement if the Police Department fails to follow through on its commitments.

Following the appointment of an independent monitor overseen by a federal judge, the community groups have been promised quarterly meetings with the monitor outside the presence of city and state officials to discuss the citys compliance with the consent decree, according to the agreement.

Its really setting up the community groups as watchdogs that will have a role to make sure that reform really continues no matter what happens as politicians come and go, Kathy Hunt Muse, an ACLU staff attorney, told the Tribune. The city and the attorney general still need to do the hard work here of hammering out the terms of the consent decree, and we really hope that now that weve defined this role for involving the community that theyre going to move quickly to draft that consent decree.

The agreement reaffirms our commitment to a transparent process and (supports) our promise that the public will have opportunities to provide input as we take this next step on Chicago's road to reform, Bill McCaffrey, a spokesman for the city's Law Department, said in a statement.

In a statement, the head of the Chicago Police Departments largest union expressed his concern about the agreement.

The city of Chicago should be careful where they go with a consent decree, said Kevin Graham, president of the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police. Without the support of the rank and file Chicago Police Officers, their move today will go nowhere. Anyone who thinks it will is sadly mistaken. As I have said before, we will never give up our collective bargaining rights.

Under the terms of the agreement, the community groups have 60 days to propose what they think should be part of the consent decree.

An important step in achieving reform is ensuring that communities that have been particularly impacted are engaged in this process, a spokeswoman for Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan said in a statement. The agreement ensures that community groups have a clear process to provide their input on the consent decree and enforce its terms.

The community groups agreed to put a hold on their lawsuits for now but could move to revive them if the consent decree hasnt been filed in federal court before Sept. 1.

The ACLUs lawsuit in October alleged that Chicago's police reform efforts have neglected how officers are trained to handle people with mental illnesses or developmental disabilities. The suit sought a permanent injunction to block the city from continuing what it calls its current practices "of using unlawful force against black and Latino people and individuals with disabilities."

Earlier in 2017, two separate lawsuits were filed by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and about 15 civil rights lawyers from Chicago and New York representing African-American plaintiffs who allege they were victims of excessive force and other abuses by Chicago police. That suit, which includes community groups such as Black Lives Matter, was filed days after Emanuel backed away from his pledge to sign a consent decree.

The Justice Department report, made public in January 2017, was prompted by the court-ordered release in November 2015 of video showing Officer Jason Van Dyke shooting Laquan McDonald 16 times a year earlier. The video sparked widespread protests, the firing of Chicago's police superintendent and calls for widespread reforms. Van Dyke is awaiting trial on first-degree murder charges.

After the Justice Department released its findings early last year, Emanuel signed an agreement with then-President Barack Obama's attorney general to enter a consent decree in which a federal judge would enforce reforms. By May, however, Emanuel was trying to reach an out-of-court agreement with President Donald Trump's administration, which had signaled its opposition to court oversight of police departments. Emanuel argued that an out-of-court deal would get the same results as a consent decree.

City attorneys have asked a judge to dismiss the lawsuits, arguing the plaintiffs' claims were moot because the Emanuel administration already had instituted police reforms recommended by the Justice Department and the mayoral-appointed Police Accountability Task Force a year earlier. Then, shortly after the city's lawyers sought that dismissal, Madigan filed her lawsuit in late August seeking to force judicial oversight. With Emanuel appearing with Madigan at a news conference announcing the litigation, the two described the effort as a "partnership."

Chicago Tribunes Dan Hinkel contributed.


Community activists demand to be part of the Chicago police reform effort

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