Black Lives Matter Set To Face Off With White Nationalists In Charlottesville – The Daily Caller
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters joined church groups early Saturday morning as they prepare to face off with white nationalists and anti-Semites in Charlottesville, Va.
Hundreds of white nationalists marched on the University of Virginia campus Friday evening, where they clashed with counter-protesters. Shouting White Lives Matter, and Jews will not replace us, the white nationalists held tiki torches and rallied under a statue of former President Thomas Jefferson, the founder of UVA.
Thousands of demonstrators and counter-protesters areexpectedto rallySaturdayafternoon at Emancipation Park, formerly Lee Park, where several white nationalist groups are hosting a Unite the Right rally.
BLM joins dozens of other groups to protest the rally, saying that they plan to out number the rally-goers.
Men and women from state and local agencies will be in Charlottesville [on Saturday] to keep the public safe, McAuliffe said in a statement, and their job will be made easier if Virginians, no matter how well-meaning, elect to stay away from the areas where this rally will take place.
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Black Lives Matter Set To Face Off With White Nationalists In Charlottesville - The Daily Caller