Archive for the ‘Black Lives Matter’ Category

‘What Happened to Black Lives Matter?’ – Movement For Black Lives … – The Root

An article was published Wednesday that questioned the organization, the leadership, the purpose, the plans and the goals of Black Lives Matter. It was an article that organizers in the Movement for Black Lives say included multiple inaccuracies, and as the group seeks corrections or a retraction, they responded with an op-ed of their own to set the record straight.

In What Happened to Black Lives Matter?, BuzzFeed reporter Darren Sands said that in the wake of Donald Trumps election in November 2016, while the nation had the biggest outpouring of liberal activism in more than a decade, Black Lives Matter seems less visible than it was a year ago, and the movement is struggling with disputes over direction and leadership.

Sands spoke with members of groups that are part of Black Lives Matter and spoke of the history of the movement, the origins of its ideals, the people who are said to have started it, and those who are perceived to lead it. There are also hints of infighting, people disillusioned with the movement and where it is headed, and questions about how it will be sustained and continued.

Organizers within the Movement for Black Lives took issue with that portrayal and wrote their own op-ed on Mic addressing the things said in Sands article.

These are dangerous times for our people, they wrote. History tells us that we need responsible, thoughtful and brave journalism. But movements can be stopped in their tracks by uninformed and inaccurate hit pieces that trade in gossip. We must consider what we believe in, who we stand with, and what we are fighting for.

Its worth reading both pieces to consider the differing opinions surrounding the movement. Those who spoke on the record with Sands echoed some of his assertions, the same assertions that Movement for Black Lives seeks to clarify.

One point that Movement for Black Lives makes clear is that just like in previous movements, there is going to be conflict; everyone is not going to agree on every point or every approach, but its the way that conflict is handled that will dictate how far the movement can go.

We are not always in full agreement, we have competing ideas and we will undoubtedly upset each other in the process of making difficult decisions. We are here because we believe that our victories in service of black people are bigger and better when we win together.

And then:

And when we arrive at conflict, we do our best to hold each other to that standard, no matter how difficult or inconvenient. We dont always get this right, but in order to do so, it requires all of us to hold these values.

Read more at Mic. and BuzzFeed.

Continued here:
'What Happened to Black Lives Matter?' - Movement For Black Lives ... - The Root

Halle Berry Comments On Quiet Black Lives Matter Supporters – Vibe

Halle Berry believes that ifyoure all talk and no substance when it comes to making a difference, dont whine when nothing gets done.

READ: Halle Berry Motions Shes Pregnant, Twitter Is Confused

According to Page Six, the Oscar-winning actress discussed the latter at the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity Girls Lounge, in reference to the Black Lives Matter movement.

In my world, I get so tired of people complaining about, Oh black lives matter, and they pontificate and pontificate about it, and I say, Well, what are you doing about that? she explained. It may not seem significant to you, but thats how we start. Have you called your local politicians, have you written a letter?

When they say theyve done nothing, I say, Well, dont talk to me, because you are part of the problem, because you are sitting here spewing negativity and complaining, she continued. I dont have time for people who talk the talk but dont walk the walk.

READ: Halle Berry: 50 And Flawless

Berry has reportedly been overseas to work with tech and marketing teams to re-lauch her website and social media platform, Hallewood, which drops next month.

Excerpt from:
Halle Berry Comments On Quiet Black Lives Matter Supporters - Vibe

Stevie Wonder Chides Black Lives Matter – LifeZette

Stevie Wonder is no fan of Black Lives Matter.

It is in your hands to stop all the killing and all the shooting wherever it might be. Because you cannot say black lives matter and then kill yourselves, the 67-year-old singer told a gathered crowd at a North Minneapolis peace summit, which was focused on ending gun violence among youth.

Because, you know, weve mattered long before it was said, but the way we show that we matter, the way that we show all the various people of color matter, is by loving each other and doing something about it," Wonder said. "Not just talking about it, not just waiting to see the media and press come when theres a horrible thing."

Wonder had some sharp and direct words for the crowd about black-on-black violence.

The first thing you must do is stop believing the fallacy of you not being important, he said. Because it is completely unacceptable for one to hate themselves so much that anyone that looks like you, you want to kill.

The singer closed his words in the most appropriate way he could with music.

He played Loves in Need of Love Today and Higher Ground.

Here is the original post:
Stevie Wonder Chides Black Lives Matter - LifeZette

Updating Frankenstein For The Age of Black Lives Matter : Code … – NPR

"I wanted to explore that kind of grief, that bring back who you love and to wish for that power not simply out of hubris, but to see the one you love back again," LaValle says. Boom Studios hide caption

"I wanted to explore that kind of grief, that bring back who you love and to wish for that power not simply out of hubris, but to see the one you love back again," LaValle says.

A sinewy, grayish, vaguely human thing sits on the ice cap somewhere in the Arctic, before plunging into the water below. That's when a very unfortunate whaling vessel arrives and harpoons a whale, setting the thing on a rampage. It won't take long for readers put the pieces together: The creature is the Monster as in Frankenstein's monster and his encounter with the whaling ship sets him on a mission to destroy, pitting him against the humanity that rejected him centuries ago.

That's the premise of Destroyer, a new six-issue, limited-series comic by the author Victor LaValle, which hit comic book stands earlier this month. (He also has a new novel out this month , called The Changeling.)

In Destroyer, the monster from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is disturbed after centuries of solitude, and sets himself on a collision course with his creator's last-living descendant an African-American scientist named Josephine Baker. Boom Studios hide caption

LaValle has long married matters of race to the fantastical. The same is true here in Destroyer: The last living member of the Frankenstein line in the modern day happens to be a woman named Josephine Baker, a brilliant African-American scientist overwrought with grief after her 12-year-old son is killed by a police officer. But Baker, like her notorious forebear, has the means to bring the dead back to life, and she unknowingly puts her family's legacies her resurrected son and her ancestor's rage-filled abomination on a collision course.

I talked with Victor LaValle to talk about why he thought the Frankenstein myth lends itself to an exploration of the fallout of modern police violence. Here's our conversation, edited for length and clarity:

So much really effective horror literalizes the specific cultural anxieties of the moment, and this comic is very much about the desire for a parent whose child has been killed by the police to overcome death. Why'd you choose Frankenstein as the way into that idea?

It's one of the first science fiction novels, a great horror novel. But what really stayed with me is the origin of it in Mary Shelley's emotional life. She's the daughter of a woman who died giving birth to her, and she held on to this grief all her life: that she didn't know herself. Her mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, was a pretty famous woman herself. A suffragette, a vegan

A vegan?

Frankenstein's monster is actually a vegan in her novel! It's a very minor thing, but he talks very proudly about how he lives entirely off berries and grass which is impressive because he's eight feet tall, so he's got to eat a lot of berries! But Shelley lost her mother at birth ... and then she runs off with Percy Shelley. Their first kid together was born premature, and a couple months into the baby's life, Mary Shelley walks into the nursery room and finds the baby dead in its crib. She writes in her journal: "Found baby dead. Very bad day." That's all she wrote in her journal that day.

Not long after that, Lord Byron and Percy and she all go off on their famous trip where they all say, "Let's come up with ghost stories. Let's come up with something really spooky." It's in that context that she comes up with this story about a man who tries to bring the dead back to life.

I wanted to explore that kind of grief, that desire forget Victor Frankenstein's desire but what I read as Mary Shelley's desire to bring back who you love and to wish for that power not simply out of hubris, but to see the one you love back again.

There's no way I couldn't think of in 2014, 2015, 2016, all these black parents, and particularly black mothers black mothers on the news that I see wrecked by the murders of their children. And it occurred to me that this is on some level the same urge. If I were to say to any one of them, "Would you be willing to do anything to bring back your child?"

I felt pretty sure the answer would be "Yes, I'd do anything." And so I thought of Frankenstein's monster, and this is how I would make it relevant to today and not this old rehash but a continuation of these really essential ideas and a way to talk about issues that are up to the moment, unfortunately.

In the first issue, you synopsize the circumstances under which the young boy, whose name we don't learn, is shot by the police, although we don't initially see his killing.

His name is Akai.

GD: Like Akai Gurley? [Gurley was an unarmed Brooklyn man who was shot by a police officer while walking down a pitch-black stairwell in a public housing complex in 2014. The officer in that shooting was fired by the police department and later convicted of manslaughter.]

I didn't want to call him "Tamir" like Tamir Rice because it seemed too ghoulish. And because Tamir Rice's name is a name that many people knew, it would be hard to see this character as a character, and there were ways that readers might demand a more literal version of him. But Akai Gurley didn't become a national story, even though his story was just as horrible. And I thought, here's a tiny way I can keep his name alive.

It's clear that Akai and the Monster are going to cross paths, and Josephine Baker is going to have to deal with her family's legacy. So she's the great-great-great a descendant of the original Dr. Frankenstein?

The only Frankenstein who lives in Mary Shelley's novel is Edward Frankenstein, one of Victor's younger brothers. When Victor Frankenstein destroys the mate he was making for the Monster, the Monster says "I will be with you on your wedding night." And then the Monster shows up and kills Victor's seven-year-old brother then he kills the woman Victor was going to marry then he kills Victor's father. He basically kills everyone.

My thinking, was: Edward is the only one who survives and because of what happened in Europe, he comes to America. Eventually, as these things happen, the last living descendant of the Frankenstein line is Josephine Baker.

A black woman.

A black woman. In the later issues, there's the suggestion of, "Well, why couldn't she be a Frankenstein?" Why would you assume she wasn't? Especially if you know how the world works particularly how America works.

Were people skeptical about the plausibility of that?

No, but I was anticipating skepticism. Like sometimes, being used to degrees of ignorance or prejudice, I start coming up with explanations or retorts to things that don't even come up. I just said, she's the last Frankenstein, and my editors were like, "OK, sounds good."

You say in the afterword that you never read the novel until you started working on this project. And full disclosure, I've never read it either, but it's one of those touchstones that's so iconic that most people probably think they know the rough outline.

Yeah, as I wrote in the afterword, the novel is so much weirder than its offspring. I departed from the Boris Karloff Frankenstein depiction ...

With the bolts in the neck.

Right, and the flat head and also 'the innocent monster.' That's a real change from the book. The sweet Monster who just wants to be loved, that's in the book. But when Victor Frankenstein rejects him, he basically is like, "OK, well I'm going to become a serial killer!" And that part magically stays out of the later Frankenstein stuff. Because I think it makes the Monster in a good way complicated, but for popular entertainment, makes him less simple and sympathetic.

Your characterization of the Monster in Destroyer is that he's a rampaging, unstoppable force.

At the end of the novel, the Monster sees Victor Frankenstein die, and basically runs away to the Arctic. So my thing is he's got several hundred years apart from humanity. I don't see what humanity has done over those 200 years that would make anyone have a softer view of humanity.

There are lots of people who would argue on the other end, that there's a lot of good. But this version of the Monster, will be like, "All your good intentions, they don't mean anything. All I look at is the ways in which you have wrecked this world. I'm at war with you." Toward the end of Mary Shelley's novel, the Monster says that he is at war with humanity. And I liked the idea of this Monster who is just a being of rage. It's going to be a very grim depiction of the Monster.

But that's going to be juxtaposed by this other character who is brought back from the dead, in Akai. He's a 12-year-old, and he's not going to be a being full of rage, right?

He's a 12-year-old, and he's a sweet 12-year-old. So one, I wanted to show just a sweet black boy, just to have that as something you see in the comic, because I feel like you don't see that anywhere. And then two, the overarching battle on the spiritual level is Josephine, who is teetering between madness and sanity because of her grief at the loss of her son. And then you have these two literal embodiments of those choices: the Monster, on one end, is just the impulse to give in to grief and rage, and to just say "I'm sick of humanity, let's just kill everyone." And on the other end is Akai, who is, despite even what happened to him, still imbued with the spirit of hope. And to say, "look how amazing it is, Mom, through your brilliance and technology, there's still a chance for good in the world to still exist."

But if one of the themes in the original novel is hubris even if Josephine brought back this sweet kid from the dead, she's still doing something that is ethically ... let's, say, murky.

The return of her son and the return of the Monster will force her into a larger consideration of many of the ethical choices she has made up to this point, and to make her have to stop having blinders on about her responsibility and her culpability in some of the harsh thing that her brilliance has brought into the world. The two guys who come looking for Josephine in the first issue work for a woman who is the director of this thing called the Lab. And they have been doing, as they must always do, "secret government experiments." [Laughs.] And Josephine was always the brilliant scientist at the heart of those experiments, but those experiments came with a cost as well.

Did she stop working at the Lab after Akai was killed by the police?

It was because of the birth of Akai, and that being the beginning of a flowering of new conscience. But I do really want to wrestle with some real-world things, and as women talk about quite a bit, you get pregnant at a high-powered job and they push you out. Even the people who are higher up, they lose confidence in you as a serious professional. So outside of the superpowers and the bringing-back-the-dead stuff, I wanted to deal with how hard it is to be an ambitious woman within an organization. It's harder than it is to be an ambitious man.

In the first issue, we see an allusion to the police dispatch call that leads to the police encounter in which Akai is killed. Did you model the way his killing happened on any of the specific stories of black people being killed by the police in the last few years?

That call is literally the call that is the beginning of Tamir Rice's murder. I went and found the transcripts between the dispatcher and the police who eventually showed up. The part we hear is the part where the dispatcher is trying to find a unit that can come to the scene.

Whenever one of these stories happen, there's always this impulse to decontextualize it. This person made that choice and that person made that choice and those choices seem to exist inside this sphere that only involve the people immediately involved. We don't appreciate the forces that bring a random black kid and a random police officer into contact, even though those things happen literally thousands of times a day. Not necessarily shootings like Tamir Rice's, but there's nothing aberrant about those encounters with the police. And there's a whole bunch of reasons, you know, why Akai Gurley was in a place where he had this encounter while he was just walking down a stairwell ...

Even down to how or why it was commonplace thing for the lights to be out in that building's stairwell, so that that cop walks in extra nervous and won't even walk in the stairway.

What I was even more interested in setting up was this other thing that gets lost. How did his parents meet? What was their courtship like? When we finally get to the moment when we sort of replay the moment in which he is killed, I want it to feel like, I've known this family since his parents met, since Josephine and his dad met at the lab. That all this life was ended there, and that all these lines of human existence that came to a close at that moment.

Read the original post:
Updating Frankenstein For The Age of Black Lives Matter : Code ... - NPR

What Happened To Black Lives Matter? – BuzzFeed – BuzzFeed News

Donald Trumps election and presidency has inspired the biggest outpouring of liberal activism in more than a decade. But Black Lives Matter seems less visible than a year ago. After a meteoric rise to prominence, the movement is struggling mightily with sharp disputes over direction and leadership.

Posted on June 21, 2017, 17:06 GMT

The Highlander Research and Education Center is one of the unsung mileposts of the struggle for civil rights. People like Rosa Parks, John Lewis, and Ralph Abernathy refined their organizing skills at Highlander. It was there, in 1957, that a young Martin Luther King Jr. first heard Pete Seeger sing We Shall Overcome. On his way to the airport after the anniversary of what was then known as the Highlander Folk School, King proclaimed, Theres something about that song that haunts you. Highlander has since moved farther east, but its mission remains the same.

Thats why shortly after the 2016 election, on November 18, several dozen Black Lives Matter leaders selected it as the place to gather.

Top activists in the movement like Alicia Garza, cofounder of the Black Lives Matter network of organizations (a namesake group), Charlene Carruthers of the Black Youth Project 100, and others met to privately discuss how to move forward in Trumps America. Protests had already dominated the news for days. This would be the time for decisive action, undergirded by a clear strategy. Here, in the hills of Tennessee, the activists would come together for a meeting of groups involved in the Movement for Black Lives, an umbrella group of organizations that want the same things, and devise a plan to address the new president, the shock of his election, the law and order he had promised during the campaign, and the devastating blow it all had delivered to generational movements about race and criminal justice policy in the United States. They would devise a plan like the heroes of the civil rights movement once had decades before.

That good feeling didnt last long. Few people want to talk about exactly what went wrong how exactly the meeting devolved. But one problem, according to people who attended or were briefed on the meeting, was pretty simple: The ideas werent that good.

Some activists pitched things that had been pitched before. Someone pitched a plan that would require the recruitment of new groups into the fold, and leadership of the so-called resistance. And someone pitched a grand vision: the organization of 1 million black people. This last idea in particular infuriated people inside and outside the meeting. After years of organizing, local activists were cash-strapped, trying to keep their people motivated, and struggling to coordinate with other groups nationally while staying relevant at home. One million black people organized? Organized by whom? Organized for what? And this was the plan?

One million black people organized? Organized by whom? Organized for what? And this was the plan?

On top of that people fumed over this the meeting had done little to address the structural problems that had dragged down the movement since its meteoric rise from dispersed beginnings to national political influence. Many local activists felt they couldnt get access to funding, and didnt know who to take it up with. Organizers felt like theyd been lured in before by the promise of greater collaboration, the sharing of resources, and cultivation of a social community only to feel left out, especially when it came to the Movement for Black Lives, an umbrella group of organizations that want the same things. Many chafed at the tenet, repeated by the press, that Black Lives Matter was free from hierarchy and instead began to question the existence of tight control exercised by a small group of activists. The hierarchy was clearer than ever, even though folks are sure there isnt one on the outside, said one person briefed on the meeting. For months during the campaign last year, key progressives had watched Black Lives Matter and kept wondering two things many activists on the inside were starting to wonder themselves: What is the movements strategy? What is the end goal?

Nobody resolved the structural issues at Highlander. There was no one big plan.

Since then, amid the daily chaos inside the White House, the Trump administration has begun quietly rolling back progressive, Obama-era recommendations on sentencing and policing. In response to mounting opioid overdoses, President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions seem intent on reigniting the war on drugs, which put into motion many of the elements, like heavily armed police and mandatory sentences, that sparked Black Lives Matter and a larger generational response. Its an uncertain time in America, and many of the avenues once open to the movement such as a president sensitive to the moral authority of young black activists have closed. This is a new moment, with different challenges. Outside Washington, the left has been revitalized; protesters have organized some of the biggest demonstrations in US history.

Inside Black Lives Matter, some activists have argued that their lowered visibility on the national scene is because the movement is focused on policy. In response to questions for this story, Shanelle Matthews, the director of communications for the Global Black Lives Matter Network and the representative for Garza, wrote as part of a larger statement to BuzzFeed News, We are committed [to] keeping our people safe and building our power. We are also committed to building movements with more integrity, dignity, and inclusiveness than ever.

Some groups are internally questioning whether working in tandem with the Movement for Black Lives is a useful way to spend their time, though. Asked whether the Million Hoodies Movement for Justice plans to leave the larger coalition of groups which one source had indicated the group's executive director, Dante Barry, neither confirmed nor denied that in an email, but wrote that his group is seeking to "clarify our direction and focus as an organization." He said the group would remain focused on its priorities, which include sanctuary-city and community-safety efforts. Million Hoodies will always work to improve the conditions of black and brown people and we are currently focused on how our members want to show up in this moment in light of Trump because our communities are on the front lines and are at stake," he wrote. "We are aware that many alliances are forming and we will continue to partner where needed and prioritize supporting the development of next generation human rights leaders that are participating in various social movements for transformation.

Inside the larger movement, many of the movements young activists some of whom had never organized before joining lack experience in dealing with the realities and challenges of a national effort, and the tricky alliances and factions involved in many political movements. Some have also come up against the hard reality of full-time activism and dont know what to do: There are no tactics for helping organizers feed themselves. In the civil rights movement of the early 1960s, during a drawn-out confrontation in Birmingham, leaders turned to children to lead demonstrations, in large part because the adults couldnt afford to take time off work, let alone stay in jail for days at a time in defiance of segregation. Questions over how unsalaried activists are supposed to lead, oftentimes in a full-time capacity, without a job, has become an unresolved conflict inside the movement.

Does the talent to meet those challenges exist in the Black Lives Matter organization? Absolutely it does. Problems that arise are an opportunity to get things right, said Donna Davis, an organizer and activist in Tampa, Florida. But we cant pretend that were not plagued by some of the issues and concerns that have taken down the movements in the past. Were not immune to it.

Black Lives Matter is still here. Its groups are still organizing. But Black Lives Matter is on the verge of losing the traction and momentum that sparked a national shift on criminal justice policy.

Students gather at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte on September 21, 2016, for a protest against police brutality following the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott nearby.

Its helpful to describe what the movement is in the most basic terms: Theres no way to tell how many people call themselves Black Lives Matter activists in the United States. Activists, largely dispersed across the country but concentrated in some cities or regions more than others, largely communicate online. There is a large coalition of groups called the Movement for Black Lives; some of the activists whose names you might recognize (like Garza) lead that coalition, but others (like Campaign Zeros DeRay Mckesson, Brittany Packnett, Samuel Sinyangwe, and its army of loyalists) arent involved in it. There are no universal meetings. There is no centralized, national organization called Black Lives Matter.

Some activists believe that while the internal conflicts are indeed real, they are no different from what other long-lasting groups faced, and they do not portend the movements end. Discord and disagreement are part of the natural evolution of all political movements. In her statement to BuzzFeed News, Matthews noted that its healthy for people building movements not always to agree, and while we dont always get along, what keeps us going through this hard work together is our shared desire for justice.

But identity battles can be different. In interviews with 36 people inside and allied with the movement both the optimists and the disillusioned activists largely agreed that the identity of the movement, its existential purpose and aim, remains unresolved. If I want to get involved with the NAACP, I feel clear about where they are as an [organization], said Ashley Yates, a Ferguson, Missouri, protester who has since relocated to the West Coast. Even if you look at the black Greek letter organizations, they have certain structures so that if something strays too far, theres something to rein it in. That hasnt happened with Black Lives Matter or the Movement for Black Lives. Its not to say it has to happen, but people are unclear about what they are coming to these organizations for.

Thats partly a product of how the movement came to be. People went outside of their house because they were angry with the state of affairs, and a movement followed from there.

People are unclear about what they are coming to these organizations for.

The broad contours are well known. Black Lives Matter was born sometime after George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin in 2012, was charged with murder, and was then acquitted in 2013. Protests started in Florida and in other cities, against how law enforcement handles violence against black people; against mass incarceration, over-criminalization, police militarization; against the way police sometimes commit violence against black people, especially young black men and women. The August 2014 shooting of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old in Missouri, turned those protests into a national cause and obsession especially as the aftermath became a complicated, at times toxic mix of media, violence, and ineffective or even absent official leadership at the local and state levels. To young black people all over the country, Ferguson, and the way Browns death seemed just one piece in a larger pattern of violence, demanded more protests.

Dozens of organizations sprouted up under the Black Lives Matter banner. Twitter became the staging ground, but these were real protests in real places. In the summer of 2015, the Movement for Black Lives launched a conference on the campus of Cleveland State University where, one evening, the families of multiple young people who had been killed by the police shared personal testimony recounting the tragedy in their lives.

Around then, the debates had begun to intensify about what exactly the movement would do, what it stood for. Different schools sprang up. Some preached a policy-driven approach that would require collaboration with existing power structures, like Mckesson, who started a Washington-style public policy group. Campaign Zero outlined specific policies on a targeted set of criminal justice issues. But unlike the Latino immigration activists who rose to prominence during a similar time period, Black Lives Matter activists faced the challenge of having no particularly obvious target: The US president has immense discretionary power over immigration policy; policing and sentencing laws can vary from state to state, municipality to municipality. Some preached a hyperlocal entry into politics: Activists from the Black Youth Project 100 led the ouster of a states attorney in Chicago, Anita Alvarez, who couldnt be bothered with a case concerning the shooting of an unarmed teen, Laquan McDonald, and the subsequent handling of evidence by police. Some preached the primacy of demonstration: Only by staying on the outside, only by making people in power uncomfortable through protest, could the movement succeed. Some were just happy to finally have a movement that affirmed that their struggles were real.

Around then, the debates had begun to intensify about what exactly the movement would do, what it stood for.

It was also around this time of uncertainty in the movement, though, that activists began interrupting Democratic candidates, launching Black Lives Matter into the nuclear stratosphere of presidential politics. The interruptions werent part of a nationally coordinated campaign it was mostly individuals here and there who seized an opportunity. When activists confronted Bernie Sanders (Phoenix, Seattle) and Hillary Clinton (New Hampshire, Minnesota, South Carolina), tense, explosive exchanges followed. The words black lives matter were applied to each video, then discussed in debates, in the New York Times, on CNN, on Fox News (where a single clip of some isolated protesters chanting Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon often played). Now everybody thought they knew what Black Lives Matter was: It was a political movement. The striking, often misunderstood phrase at the center, by turns an affirmation and a movement, was being flattened into a single entity, even if nobody really had a handle on what that meant. If you think about the lies and false narratives in the movement, said one activist, and why they exist in the first place, you'll go crazy.

In that vortex, the fights over resources, direction, and ownership of the movement intensified, much of it swirling around the largest national group: the Movement for Black Lives.

From left: Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi, cofounders of the Black Lives Matter movement, November 14, 2016, in Los Angeles.

As the story goes, three women originated the phrase black lives matter.

By her account, Garza wrote a love letter to black people in 2013, first coining the phrase Black Lives Matter. Then, Patrisse Cullors put #BlackLivesMatter into a hashtag. Then, Opal Tometi began organizing people online, sensing there was momentum on which the three women could build. Garza has often told this story. (In some corners this narrative has become known, derisively, as the Founders Myth.) She frames the movement as something that couldnt be invented.

It is important to us that we understand that movements are not begun by any one person that this movement actually was begun in 1619 when black people were brought here in chains and at the bottoms of boats, she told a Detroit audience last year. Whether or not you call it Black Lives Matter, whether or not you put a hashtag in front of it, whether or not you call it the Movement for Black Lives, all of that is irrelevant. Because there was resistance before Black Lives Matter, and there will be resistance after Black Lives Matter. In recent public appearances, shes said she gave it language that the movement was a continuation of a uniquely American struggle led by black people.

The language and ownership of Black Lives Matter has always been a contentious, fraught subject, and one with significant ramifications. In 2014, Garza grew frustrated as, in the mainstream media, Black Lives Matter began to signify the Missouri protests over Michael Browns death. A 2016 study by media scholars Charlton McIlwain, Deen Freelon, and Meredith Clark examined more than 40 million tweets, finding that #BlackLivesMatter was used only sparingly before August 2014, the same month Brown was killed in Ferguson. This resulted in the media driving the narrative: The Ferguson protests had become synonymous with the phrase Black Lives Matter.

Friends and colleagues say Garza grew fiercely protective of the hashtag so much so that she moved to make Black Lives Matter and the Movement for Black Lives into two separate entities, encouraging others around her to do the same.

A former labor organizer with a degree from the University of California, San Diego, Garza has often said the movement is leaderful, not leaderless. The formation of the Movement for Black Lives, though, amounted to the creation of a power structure inside the movement, one that Garza leads.

The idea that the movements looser, egalitarian structure allowed for a free flow of ideas yielded to a predictable irony: Because theres little public dissent about what direction the activism should take, the Movement for Black Lives has a lot of latitude when it comes to some kinds of press coverage and decisions. Its not a subject the activists protective of the movement particularly like talking about: the public perception of the movement versus the unwritten rules and hierarchy inside.

The Movement for Black Lives is the most prominent group in the larger movement, and many trace its ideology and activism back to Garza. She, more than any other prominent activist, has advocated for staying outside of existing power structures. She, friends say, is not interested in playing ball with Democratic politicians for the sake of a few concessions here and there or, worse, being used as a photo op prop by politicians. She contends that black organizing has changed the landscape of what is politically possible and that people were no longer content with the same old tactics devoid of a larger strategy that stares transformation directly in the face and that this resistance was one that challenges the notion that only policy change will get us to where we are trying to go.

Separatism is hardly a new concept in black political movements like Marcus Garvey at the start of the 20th century, and even the early Nation of Islam days of Malcolm X, whose activism revolved largely around creating separatist black states, somewhere in the agrarian South. Garzas growing part of the movement had designs on a society even if it were a more existential one free from pain being inflicted on it by police, racist structures, and capitalism.

Alicia Garza speaks after being presented with a public service award at Harvard Memorial Church in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on October 30, 2015.

By intentionally departing from what they viewed as the centralized patriarchal leadership that scuttled other black-led political organizations, Garza and others envisioned a movement in which the most marginalized members of the community took central positions in leadership. This act of making the most vulnerable the most visible was part of a broader set of philosophies by which people would govern themselves not only now, but also in preparation for a world in which black people were truly free. The world was an abstraction. But it was powered by the idea that three black women (two of whom, Cullors and Garza, identify as queer) had become central to the movements image in the public eye.

In response to a critique from outside the movement that the groups aims were too existential, the Movement for Black Lives in 2015 announced the Policy Table, which produced a policy platform that was wide-ranging and comfortably leftist. They have not abandoned that platform, at least not officially. The Movement for Black Lives has said its focused on a hopeful and inclusive vision of Black joy, safety, and prosperity. That is to say they like policy, just not that much: We recognize that not all of our collective needs and visions can be translated into policy, but we understand that policy change is one of many tactics necessary to move us towards the world we envision. And the group has focused on different policy initiatives: Since the November meeting, the Movement for Black Lives has engaged in an action involving freeing jailed mothers who couldn't afford bail, and a land-rights campaign. (Theyve also introduced The Majority, a coalition of groups that includes United We Dream and progressive grassroots organizations like Color of Change.)

What that all means in practice for the Movement for Black Lives has been a little more complicated. Sometime in 2015, Garza and Opal Tometi one of the three founders of the Black Lives Matter organization had a falling out.

It used to be that wed say turn up on the state and turn down on each other. But now I think people are just tired."

An organizer who had come up in the immigration rights movement, Tometi grew up in Phoenix as the daughter of Nigerian immigrants. Friends describe her as an unlikely addition; Cullors and Garza had known each other long before Tometi entered the picture. Today, her group, the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, is carrying out a specific vision: America and the Trump administration, Tometi argued in May, had a moral obligation to extend temporary protected status and end deportations to Haiti. The administration has extended the status for 60,000 people for six months. In an emailed statement to BuzzFeed News, Tometi said of her work with the group, This has always been one of the primary ways I contribute to the black liberation struggle. As with any organization, serving as the executive director means I am its primary steward.

Activists close to the leaders say Tometi has taken a step back from her work with Black Lives Matter. She was not present at the meeting in November in Tennessee. In her statement to BuzzFeed News, Tometi said, In 2013, as with everyone, I was outraged that George Zimmerman was acquitted for the murder of Trayvon Martin. I wanted be of greater service and contribute my skills to the movement and so I cofounded Black Lives Matter to inspire and plug more people into organizing. However, I have not been involved in the day-to-day organizational and fiscal management of [Black Lives Matter] since December 2015.

Its not completely clear why Garza and Tometi split. But according to sources in interviews, as well as what the women themselves have said in public appearances, what is clear is they didnt agree on the direction of the movement. Garza refused to endorse Hillary Clinton, who once helped promote her husbands tough-on-crime policies during the 1990s and was unpopular with the economic and progressive left. (Garzas refusal has attracted the ire of Democrats post-election.) Tometi was having a different experience: Old friends and fellow immigration activists were speaking to her about the black activists showing up for brown people. Friends say Tometi saw a shift toward immigration as a potential pivot for the movement, but one that would take increased discipline. The thought was an extension of Tometis feeling that the struggle was a global one; Trump was posing real dangers to undocumented immigrants, and he was wrapping up the nomination.

The split weighed heavily on one activist close to the pair: It used to be that wed say turn up on the state and turn down on each other. But now I think people are just tired.

A protester approaches police officers September 20, 2016, in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Some of these activists are people in the best position to shape what Black Lives Matter means. In addition to name recognition that the Movement for Black Lives has, the coalition also works closely with a public relations firm called Blackbird. One activist familiar with the inner workings of the groups said, If you cant tell the difference between the Movement for Black Lives and Blackbird, thats probably because theyre one and the same.

In June 2015, after a white supremacist massacred nine parishioners at a Charleston church including Clementa Pinckney, an up-and-comer in the South Carolina legislature representatives from Blackbird arrived. They offered talking points, assistance, and a media strategy. It was not that local organizers didnt know what to do, or how to do it, but Blackbird had a national profile and was connected to high-profile activists.

A major point of contention in the movement is that Blackbird likes to keep much of its operation quiet. It doesnt have a website or Twitter account. They want to remain invisible, said one activist familiar with, but jaded by, the groups inner workings. Our reason for going along with that is...what?

Its unclear how the group is organized and who exactly works in it. (Blackbird activists have in the past asked specifically not to be named or quoted in reports on the movement by BuzzFeed News.) In her statement to BuzzFeed News, Shanelle Matthews wrote, Blackbird provides communications and tactical support to organizations working toward this vision in and outside of [the Movement for Black Lives].

To some, its emblematic of the secretive way that some decisions get made. To others, just being secretive doesnt mean that the group has bad intentions if you imagine a teenage activist who becomes a viral news story, for instance, you can imagine when talking points and a publicist could be a relief.

On the outside, though, organizers like Marissa Johnson, a co-founder of the Safety Pin Box who is perhaps best known for interrupting Bernie Sanders before thousands in Seattle, suggested Garzas protectiveness over the phrase black lives matter paid dividends for the group but created challenges for others. In an interview with BuzzFeed News, the former Black Lives Matter Seattle organizer said the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter is what encompasses all the movements activity, and therein lies a very particular dilemma. Part of the problem there is a lot of the resources end up getting directed to just the national [organization] because people on the outside of the movement dont know any other names besides Black Lives Matter, Johnson told BuzzFeed News. It prevents resources from getting to a whole wide range of people doing on-the-ground work and similarly to the nonprofit structure, we havent seen this big resurgence of funds directed to people who are on the ground.

But activists in the Black Lives Matter organization struggle, too. In a telephone interview with BuzzFeed News, Margaret Haule, the founder of Black Lives Matter Austin, said her group needed more support from leadership. A lot of us were looking for support, cues or direction, and we werent getting it, she said. If emergencies came up, there would be conflicting messages. [We watched as] some chapters were given more attention than others.

She thinks that leaders are trying, and that theyre aware from her perspective of some peoples concerns and frustrations. Still, at times, Haule said Black Lives Matter Austin felt as though they were on the outside of the organization looking in, even as an official chartered group. Two leaders in other cities echoed a similar sentiment but declined to be quoted for this story.

Many organizers said they are wary of airing the groups dirty laundry. If one thing goes wrong, its Now theyre laundering money, a northern organizer said, using that hypothetical to characterize the way that people inside the movement worry a dispute could be exaggerated or wildly misconstrued. People dont want to raise those flags, but its one of those things that people are tired of.

If I dont have a place to live, we dont have a chapter."

Activists do have disagreements over where resources should be directed, and how it should be done. Johnson quietly led a campaign during 2016, questioning the allocation of resources. Intra-movement tension spilled over into a meeting that Black Lives Matter leaders held in Charlotte in August of last year. According to one source in attendance, people talked about how well-known, accomplished local leaders had spoken of being homeless, or close to it. There were at least four people at the national convening talking openly about being [personally] housing insecure, the source said.

Its not clear what kind of resources and money truly exist inside the movement. Funding for activism is often difficult; fundraising (even in the age of crowdsourcing) can require intense, dedicated work (meetings, travel, pitches, compromises), tailored to foundations or donors, who operate on their own timetables.

Matthews raised, in her statement to BuzzFeed News, the difficulties and constraints of a large movement with many needs. We cant speak for other [Movement for Black Lives] organizations, but for [Black Lives Matter], like every organization trying to scale up responsibly, we are experimenting and learning as we go, she wrote. Its hard to please everyone, and we have had to make some hard decisions as we learn not unlike most new organizations.

Millions of people across the globe are drawn to the mission and vision of Black Lives Matter, and were proud to build with them toward a future where we can all thrive, she wrote. And to reach that goal, and earn some real wins along the way, we must make some strategic decisions about how to allocate our resources. Unfortunately, movements arent equipped to pay every person, activist, and organizer who shows an interest, and that makes some people unhappy, but we do our best to resource people in a variety of ways and as often as we can.

She noted that organizers have been paid in the past to do work, dating back to the 1960s and SNCC, but that most people dont commit to community organizing for the money we do it to survive. Matthews also said, "Yes, many of the organizations within [the Movement for Black Lives] are stretched thin. For many reasons, we dont always have enough resources to the things we need to do, but where we lack in resources, we are rich in imagination. Despite the unfair scrutiny and unsafe working conditions, we are still able to fight back against the anti-black racism and state-sanctioned violence thats killing us.

Still, local activists felt there was a disparity from their point of view, some people were famous, being featured in magazines. Even being more known isnt necessarily a solution.

It gets exhausting asking for stuff, said Daunasia Yancey, the founder of Black Lives Matter Boston, whose group had a much-publicized confrontation with Hillary Clinton, then a candidate, in nearby New Hampshire.

Yanceys local profile in Boston grew quickly. In January 2015, she was the cover subject of Boston Magazine. Yancey said she turned down an offer to be funded by a small family foundation based in the Boston suburbs. Cullors encouraged her to accept it, but her team expressed misgivings. My biggest regret is buying into the idea if youre getting paid for work its not good, she said. Yancey didnt have a job; Black Lives Matter Boston was her job. She said members of her team had two or, in some cases, three jobs.

Back in Boston, Yancey has brought her activism to a halt. If I dont have a place to live, we dont have a chapter, she told BuzzFeed News.

President Barack Obama speaks to the media at a meeting. In the blue vest is DeRay Mckesson, cofounder of We the Protesters and Campaign Zero.

On a recent spring evening, DeRay Mckesson rarely alone walked with Symone Sanders, Bernie Sanders former national press secretary, into a room filled with black Harvard students.

Mckesson was receiving the Man of the Year award at a dinner honoring black Harvard men hosted by the Association of Black Harvard Women. An emotional ceremony followed: Students talked about what they described as toiling through a culture meant for white people. Here they were, dressed up, to express their love for one another. One award recipient, a handsome young gay student with an assured baritone, reminded everyone that things had not always been easy for the group. Still, a moved Mckesson noted, They have it together.

But it was Mckesson who was the center of attention. He held forth. He posed for pictures. During his turn on the podium, Mckesson, in an extended rhetorical flourish, shouted out, by name, each honoree at the award ceremony.

After three years in the public eye, Mckesson is still reckoning with what his popularity means (he does not, for instance, think that it offers him a lasting mission for his life). But he was happy to be in Cambridge, where he was recognized nearly everywhere he went. He says his speeches now are part of a larger effort, an attempt to give would-be allies he engages with in live settings language they can repeat. Its not clear how Mckesson sees this as a means to his ultimate goal, which is the creation of a mass movement pushing for changes in criminal justice policy. He does it anyway: He performs, he is an eloquent speaker, and the performative part of it all is a real hit.

His critics inside the movement are numerous, though there are fewer these days. The main complaint about Mckesson has been that its always about him. A Bowdoin-educated Teach for America alum, Mckesson came to prominence in the wake of the Ferguson protests. The things that irk some in the movement make him significantly more accessible to those outside it: He is willing to play the politics game. He is good on TV. He is good in a boardroom. He has policy goals. He hosts a podcast (Pod Save The People) on the Crooked Media network and is a darling of the monied, progressive left.

DeRay wants to work within political structures and inform the processes. Alicia has a more transformative framework."

His and other movement leaders trajectories are ones that call to mind the way politics and organizing have changed with the internet. Over the last 15 years, a series of online-based US movements blew up and, to varying degrees, reshaped politics: the anti-Iraq movement in the 2000s, the tea party, and Occupy Wall Street. Each eventually fell apart or lost the thread, at the very least for different reasons. Each influenced US politics, sometimes in unexpected ways. and the groups of that era started in earnest online fundraising and massive online organizing. Occupy Wall Street reinvigorated leftist economics, just in time for Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders to ride that (loud) wing of the Democratic Partys support. The tea party elected a wave of younger, more conservative senators and governors (even if the movement almost certainly elevated the populist anger that drove the election of Trump, who is by no means a tea party conservative). Some activists bristle at the idea of the Black Lives Matter movement breaking up, arguing that the issues confronting the movement now are a part of how political movements evolve. Then again, Trumps presidency is sparking new kinds of activism, as the movements leaders deal with fights about resources and direction.

Is there a model for Black Lives Matters legacy in these movements? Revolutionizing social mediabased organizing? Changing the policy paradigm around race and policing inside the Democratic Party? Producing a generation of leaders?

If its the last of these, Mckesson seems the one most likely to benefit. He is the most famous activist to emerge out of the movement and has largely stayed away from conflicts over funding. For its drawbacks, one of the advantages of The DeRay Show is that theres no subterfuge about whos really the leader, and if working within existing power structures sounds unappealing to some, it remains a strategy with established direction and clearer targets. Mckesson has fewer critics these days, and one reason is that he has a clear end goal.

Mckesson and Garza are often held up as examples of movement leaders whose differences and disagreement on tactics embody the split within the movement. DeRay wants to work within political structures and inform the processes, an activist close to both leaders said. Alicia has a more transformative framework. There has always been an inside-outside game, but she wants to disrupt all structures as a strategy.

In this July 10, 2016, photo, Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson talks to the media after his release from the Baton Rouge jail in Louisiana.

Few people predicted the last five years of US politics. Its a line of thinking that usually concerns Donald Trump. But we also live in an era in which an online movement of dispersed activists elevated and for many Americans, introduced an entire paradigm for viewing race and policing in the United States.

Black Lives Matter did that. If you think of the conversation, on Twitter or Facebook, on the news, after a shooting, that conversation has changed and intensified in the last decade. Local shootings become national news for a reason now.

The movements organizers are still organizing, still trying to figure out what comes next, still trying to keep the momentum alive. Much bigger things could be on the way for Black Lives Matter, or the people who the movement has helped introduce to organizing. But trying to appear united to the outside has put strain on people inside.

Repeatedly, activists interviewed for this story described a culture inside the Black Lives Matter organization that suppresses dissent, or hints of any disagreement that could be considered divisive on the outside. You do what youre told, one activist, who is based in the Mid-Atlantic, told BuzzFeed News. Theres a tyrannical element.

The movement is struggling with the complications of becoming associated with an internationally recognized brand of activism in the space of a few years. Activists believe most, if not all, problems are due more to inexperience than anything else. Its hard to build a self-sustaining, effective political movement. And even at this tense juncture in US national politics, Black Lives Matters internal tensions are occupying a large share of their time these days.

Asked to describe what might happen if activists were to critique leaders on the record, the Mid-Atlantic organizer, citing the facts laid out in this story, said, I think the fallout will be greater than the concerns that are troubling us.

I'm surprised people even wanted to do a story like this, the activist said.

Going on the record had a cost, and the activist seemed to weigh that cost openly during our interview.

Do I really want to give up on the last three years of my life?

Darren Sands is a political reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York.

Contact Darren Sands at

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