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Countering organized violence in the United States – Brookings Institution

Chairman Bishop, Ranking Member Ivey, and members of this distinguished subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to submit a statement for the record.1

Political violence in the United States is a grave threat not only to the lives of Americans, but also to the health of American democracy. Violence poses a threat to political leaders and to Americans who participate in politics. It polarizes our already-divided country and undermines political discourse.

Although this hearing focuses on left-wing violence and movements like Antifa, it is vital to recognize that in recent years violence linked to white supremacist, anti-government, and other causes lumped under the label right-wing have proven far more lethal and more politically consequential. Congress must use its powers to bolster law enforcement, improve our understanding of the threat, and otherwise fight the scourge of extremism. All political leaders must reject those who espouse violence and extremism, creating a clear line between legitimate politics and illegitimate extremism.

The remainder of this statement has three sections. I first provide some caveats on the labels used, as both right- and left- wing movements are divided, and the uses of terms are politicized. In the second section, I compare left-wing and right-wing political violence, noting in particular the grave danger that anti-government and white supremacist violence has posed in recent years. In the final section, I offer recommendations for reducing the threat of political violence in the United States.

Using the labels left-wing or right-wing to describe political violence invariably leads to the conflation, sometimes accidental and sometimes deliberate, of extremist activity with the actions of legitimate political activists. To be clear, the overwhelming majority of the millions of Americans who are concerned about police violence against minority communities and similar legitimate causes associated with the political left in the United States have nothing to do with the violent extreme; similarly, the overwhelming majority of the millions of Americans who favor strong gun rights, are concerned with federal government overreach, worry about the level of immigration, and otherwise share concerns associated with the political right have nothing to do with the violent extreme. We can, and should, have a robust debate with people espousing their views, even if unpopular, without the threat of violence. By using the labels left and right to describe violence extremists I am trying to separate out legitimate politics from illegitimate violence.

Making this more difficult, and in contrast to jihadist groups like Al Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS), both left- and especially right-wing extremists are difficult to categorize, with few robust organizations but strong informal networks. Antifa is a label under which left-wing extremism is often lumped. Contrary to much commentary, Antifa is not a group or an organization in any traditional sense; rather, it is a set of beliefs shared by a few activists, many of whom disagree with one another considerably. Antifa is short for anti-fascist (itself a word used broadly and inconsistently), and many of its members today focus on what they consider to be anti-racist activism. They do not have a tight organization or coherent command and control, and indeed the concept of hierarchy is anathema to many local groups. In a few cities, their ranks are slightly coherent, but in most places, it is a small group of informal activists. Much of the information put out about Antifa, including by prominent figures such as President Donald Trump, has exaggerated its coherence and reach.2 Russian influence operations have also attempted to amplify disinformation linked to Antifa.3

Many Antifa adherents do not favor violence of any sort. Others argue it is necessary to be prepared for violence in self-defense. Some of these attend rallies, such as those protesting police brutality, prepared to defend protesters against groups like the Proud Boys. They are prepared, indeed at times eager, to brawl with them. Others Doxx their opponents, publishing embarrassing private information (usually on their neo-Nazi or other right-wing extremist activities) to get them fired or shamed in their communities.4 A smaller number do use violence without even the excuse of self-defense, such as the Antifa adherents who joined broad, and mostly peaceful, anti-Trump or pro-Black Lives Matter protests and smashed the windows of local businesses or threw Molotov cocktails. In a very small but still notable number of cases, Antifa activists have used more lethal forms of violence. In July 2019, one activist attacked an Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention center in Tacoma, Washington with a rifle and bombs. As this spectrum of activity related to violence suggests, using the label Antifa thus tells us little about the specifics of an adherents goals or methods.

This organizational chaos is even more pronounced among right-wing extremists. Some are anti-immigrant, some focus on the Black community, and many are anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim. Some hate all these communities. Others are strongly opposed to the federal government to the point that they see government officials as agents of tyranny. Making this more complex, many among these extremists embrace a range of conspiracy theories, and some embrace a virulent form of male supremacy. Organized groups themselves are weak: almost every major attack involving right-wing terrorism in the United States was conducted by individuals with little or no group involvement so-called Lone Wolf attacks.5 An important exception to this was the January 6, 2021, insurrection, in which violent groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers played leading roles, although even there the majority of participants were not affiliated with these extremist groups.6

There are different ways to measure the danger posed by political extremists, but one of the simplest is to look at the number of people they kill. In the post-9/11 era, on the left, the United States has seen one murder, which occurred when Michael Forest Reinoeh, a left-wing extremist, shot and killed a member of the right-wing extremist organization Patriot Prayer in Portland in 2020. The killer had previously provided security for left-wing protests. He described himself as anti-fascist, but he was not a member of any local Antifa group.

Numbers for right-wing extremist violence are far higher, with numerous high-profile terrorist attacks as well as lower-level assaults, vandalism, and other forms of violence. Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, far-right extremists have killed 130 people in the United States, more than any other political cause, including jihadists.7 Notable attacks in recent years include the 2018 Pittsburgh Synagogue attack, the 2019 El Paso mall killings, and the 2022 Buffalo market attack. A range of far-right extremists, including organized groups such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers as well as hundreds of unaffiliated conspiracy theorists, anti-government extremists, and ordinary supporters of President Trump, also stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, in a direct assault on American democracy. Far-right extremist violence has not abated: earlier this month, on May 6, 2023, an apparent neo-Nazi with misogynist leanings shot up a Texas mall, killing eight people.

Another concern is the role of right-wing extremism in the ranks of the military and among police officers. Although the overwhelming majority of law enforcement and military personnel reject extremism, even small numbers of extremists in uniform are of concern given the important role these entities play in American society, including their position at the frontline of the battle against violent extremism itself. Here the difference with left-wing extremism is considerable: many left-wing adherents reject authority, see the police and military as instruments of authoritarianism, and otherwise are far less likely to join their ranks. Many right-wing extremists, in contrast, glorify military and police forces in theory, though in practice they have attacked them. Violent extremist crimes among those with U.S. military backgrounds have increased significantly in the last decade, and such members have played important roles in anti-government extremist groups like the Oath Keepers and disorganized anti-government movements like the Boogaloos.8

In contrast to far-right extremists in the past, todays violent far-right often targets law enforcement. On January 6, 2021, of course, far-right extremists were responsible for the death of a Capitol police officer and the wounding of over 100 others. A right-wing extremist also threatened an FBI facility in Cincinnati in 2021.9 Anti-government extremists have regularly attacked and killed local police, questioned their authority to enforce the law, resisted arrest, and otherwise pose a grave threat to law enforcement.

Another danger of violence is that it infects and degrades politics. After the 9/11 attacks, Americans of all political beliefs came together, supporting a strong response to jihadist terrorism. Unfortunately, during its four years in office, the Trump administration increased public fears of white supremacist and anti-government violence because of its perceived toleration, and at times even encouragement, of these causes. Trumps rhetoric matched some white supremacist talking points, playing down police violence against Black people, calling Mexican immigrants rapists, declaring COVID-19 to be a Chinese virus, telling Black and other minority members of Congress to go back to their home countries, claiming a mythical deep state, and demonizing the FBI. When violence occurred, as it did during a 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia organized by white supremacists, Trump opined that their ranks included very fine people.

Political support, or at least toleration, of extremism also occurs at the state and local level: political figures have at times embraced racist and anti-government ideas, and a few even have ties to violent organizations.10 The demonization of the FBI when it carries out legitimate investigations of American politicians is another instance of how politics can degrade an effective response against extremism. At times, the effects are simply to turn good Americans off politics, with many who would otherwise engage in local politics afraid of, or simply disgusted by, the constant stream of abuse from extremists.

Extremism of one political variety encourages its opposite. Antifa, in fact, rose in both its appeal and its activism with the rise of the white nationalist alt-right early in the Trump administration.11 Similarly, many right-wing extremists claim they are acting in self-defense, often promoting outlandish conspiracy theories to prove that Antifa and others are controlling events and thus justifying their violence.

The U.S. government, including the U.S. Congress, should take several steps to fight political extremism of all stripes.

A first step is to understand the problem beyond isolated examples. Data on extremism is bad in the United States, and Congress should require and resource better reporting at the federal, state, and local levels. Despite attempts such as the 1990 Hate Crimes Statistics Act, many local jurisdictions, including many that have troubling histories, simply do not report on hate crimes, and those that do report often are inconsistent.12 Legislation that required consistent reporting and resourced local jurisdictions would improve our understanding of violent extremism and allow a better distribution of resources. The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security should use this data to produce regular reports on the threat of extremism in the United States.

Ensuring the ranks of U.S. law enforcement and the U.S. military remain free from violent extremism of any sort is also vital. This requires careful screening of recruits, training that helps inoculate them against extremist recruitment, and other measures that reduce the danger to ensure that those charged with protecting America do so fairly and impartially.

Existing laws offer law enforcement many ways to disrupt violent extremist activities. On social media, many openly threaten others in specific terms and otherwise reveal their intentions. Many extremists violate state gun laws and rules against private paramilitary militias.13 Congress should encourage federal, state, and local officials to use their authorities to target those entities that have a propensity toward violence.

Both right-wing and left-wing extremists use social media to publicize their messages and to harass their enemies. Online harassment is especially common against people of color and women, making their lives far more difficult and discouraging many from engaging in political discourse. Social media companies should be strongly encouraged to crack down on such harassment.

Political leaders should also work to delegitimize violent extremists of all stripes, drawing clear lines between those engaging in politics even on contentious issues such as abortion, immigration, gun rights, and police abuse and those who favor or legitimate violence. Leaders should disavow any connections to those who espouse violence against minorities, law enforcement, and others. A model is President George H.W. Bush, who declared neo-Nazi and former KKK leader David Duke a charlatan and called for him to be rejected by voters when Duke ran as the Republican candidate for governor of Louisiana in 1991.14 Such condemnations are the right thing to do. They also discourage extremists from trying to take over the political process and ensure that U.S. law enforcement agencies know they can use the proper power of the law against violent extremists without political criticism.

Strong leadership is necessary in the fight against extremism. It is my hope that hearings such as these can both identify weaknesses that must be corrected and also educate the public on the need to stop political violence of any sort.

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Countering organized violence in the United States - Brookings Institution

Black Lives Matter campaigner included in king’s birthday honour list – –

In total, 2,830 people have been given an award in the 2023 kings birthday honours list, mainly people who are recognised for their charity or community work.

This years recipients include the first Cliniclowns, who cheer up sick children in hospital and Mitchell Esajas, one of the founders of the Kick Out Zwarte Piet protest movement and the Black Archives. He was recognised for his services to diversity and inclusion and for combating discrimination and racism.

The oldest recipient is 93-year-old Harrie Saes uit Weert who has been recognised for his volunteer work for a choir in Oudkarspel and for years of visiting dementia patients.

The youngest is Marco Peters (32) who has been on Heerlen city council for 12 years and is therefore automatically entitled to an honour.

Like last year, 64% of those given an honour are male, despite the expressed wish of the organisers to improve the balance. Just 5% of the awards are made to people in recognition of paid jobs.

Most people were made members of the Order of Oranje-Nassau which has six levels. That honour was introduced in 1892 for foreigners and the lower classes. Just 9 people were given an honour in the more exclusive Order of the Dutch Lion.

The first Dutch honour was introduced by king Willem I in 1815.

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Black Lives Matter campaigner included in king's birthday honour list - -

From dress codes to equality, Phil Jackson is exactly who we thought he was – The Guardian

The former Bulls coach didnt like how NBA players dressed 20 years ago. And now he objects to them making basic requests for humanity

Wed 26 Apr 2023 04.00 EDT

I remember the NBA labor negotiations of 2005, during which I was on the players union executive committee. The talks took place in the aftermath of the Malice at the Palace, and commissioner David Stern and the league were in full crisis mode. They wanted to introduce a dress code, a much-maligned policy whose tacit aim was to make Black players less threatening to the white season-ticket holders and TV viewers who drove much of the leagues revenue.

I had worn my clothes baggy since high school. That was just my style. Phil Jackson, who had won six titles with Michael Jordan as head coach of the Chicago Bulls and three more with the Los Angeles Lakers, had a different opinion though.

The players have been dressing in prison garb the last five or six years. All the stuff that goes on, its like gangster, thuggery stuff. Its time. Its been time to do that, he told the San Gabriel Valley Tribune as the dress code was introduced.

Jackson, who by then was the head coach of the Lakers, had no problem echoing sentiments usually heard on Fox News, stereotyping an entire generation of young Black men. It was at that point that I knew exactly what Jackson thought of us.

So it came as no surprise when Jackson said last week that he has lost interest in the NBA because its too political. He seemed particularly irritated by the leagues support of the Black Lives Matter movement after the police murder of George Floyd in 2020.

[The NBA] even had slogans on the floor and on the baseline. It was trying to cater to an audience or trying to bring a certain audience to the game, Jackson said on a recent episode of music producer Rick Rubins podcast. They didnt know it was turning other people off. People want to see sports as non-political. Politics stays out of the game. It doesnt need to be there.

He added: They had things on their back like Justice. And a funny thing happened like: Justice just went to the basket and Equal Opportunity knocked him down. Some of my grandkids thought it was pretty funny to play up those names; I couldnt watch that.

The NBA was responding not only to the murder of Floyd but a summer that saw 26-year-old Breonna Taylor killed by Louisville police in her own home, and Jacob Blake shot in front of his children by officers in Kenosha, Wisconsin. And those were just the highest-profile cases.

The entire country was in an uproar as protests took place across the United States. People of all races, colors, nationalities, and cultures let their voices be heard. And NBA players were not on the sidelines but were active participants in that movement.

However, this apparently didnt sit too well with Jackson. It was particularly odd coming from a man who has been happy to lap up praise for his embrace of Buddhist teachings, peace and progressive opinions.

The things on their back that Jackson was referring to were slogans such as Justice, Equal Opportunity, Vote and Peace. Shouldnt they be right up his alley, considering his alleged forward thinking? Does peace for all not include Black people?

How is it possible that someone who made a fortune thanks to the skills of Black players such as Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Shaquille ONeal and Kobe Bryant is triggered by athletes saying that their lives matter? Is Jackson really so disgusted that he cant watch basketball, even as social activism in the league has faded from its peak in 2020?

It raises the question whether Jackson ever saw the lives of the Black athletes he coached as being of any significance outside an NBA court. Or were they to him just, as the journalist William Rhoden once wrote, $40m slaves? Men who are not respected for their opinions, minds or intellect. Men who shouldnt have the gall to say Black people should be treated as equals to people who look like Jackson.

What Jackson calls politics wasnt really political at all. It was just a request for equality.

He wasnt just disrespectful to players, though. He insulted the countless family members of victims of police brutality. They value athletes using their voices and their platforms to bring awareness to the loved ones killed at the hands of police.

It was a sentiment echoed by the Emerald Garner, the daughter of Eric Garner, in Finding My Voice, a book we wrote together.

NBA players as a whole supported my family after my father was choked to death by the NYPD. Back then, every time I turned on the TV, all I saw were people justifying his murder and saying why my father deserved to die, she wrote.

When NBA players were putting Black Lives Matter on the front of their shirts, it wasnt about promoting an organization, they were using their tremendous platforms to take a stand and saying that our lives mattered. That my fathers life mattered. That George Floyds life mattered. That Breonna Taylors life mattered. It meant so much to us impacted family members. I will forever be thankful to the NBA and all the athletes who stood with us.

Hopefully, Jackson can share this message with his grandchildren, so they no longer find it amusing that NBA athletes have the courage to take a stand against racism and police brutality, and advocate on behalf of justice and equality.






From dress codes to equality, Phil Jackson is exactly who we thought he was - The Guardian

When the Broadway Lights Went Out, Two Theater Workers Found … – The New York Times

Since receiving a bachelors degree in theater arts from State University of New York at New Paltz in 2014, Ms. Bonnick, 30, has worked in theater. In 2016, she had her big break as the production assistant for Hadestown at the shows Off Broadway debut at New York Theater Workshop. She went on to work on shows like The Cherry Orchard, Caroline, or Change and, more recently, Sweeney Todd. But several months into the pandemic, she was wondering if her career in theater was over. All she could think, she said, was Ive spent five years investing in something that doesnt exist anymore.

She was facing challenges on a personal level as well. In late spring 2020, Ms. Bonnicks maternal grandfather, Joseph Johnson, died, and in August, her paternal grandfather, Keith Bonnick, also died. The Black Lives Matter protests that began in late May raised difficult emotions for Ms. Bonnick. And she and her roommate found out on short notice that they had to move out of their apartment.

Mr. McDonnell, 28, who received a bachelors degree in theater from Brooklyn College in 2017, had held on to his job for the New York Theater Workshop when the pandemic began. He is currently working full time as a security guard at Madison Square Garden.

That summer, he faced a major health scare. I had a massive tumor growing along the side of my jaw, he said. It started the size of a pea and by summer it was the size of a golf ball. I started going for tests. In mid-August, I had surgery to remove it. When he went in for a follow-up, the doctors told him that the lump had been an extremely rare form of cancer called secretory carcinoma. Luckily it was a clean removal, he said.

Also that summer, Mr. McDonnells grandfather on his fathers side, James McDonnell, died, an event that deeply affected his family.

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When the Broadway Lights Went Out, Two Theater Workers Found ... - The New York Times

How Tucker Carlson rode a wave of populist outrage – BBC

25 April 2023

Image source, Getty Images/BBC

Last Wednesday night, Tucker Carlson opened his Fox News show in typical fashion. "Sometimes you wonder how filthy and dishonest our news media are," he mused.

"The question is, who is telling the truth? There are not many of those."

For the last six years, Carlson has used his perch to convince a conservative-leaning swathe of the American public that he is one of those few voices of truth - even as he aired segments that critics say featured misinformation and racism.

The approach was incredibly effective. Carlson was one of the highest-rated hosts in network news, consistently attracting about three million viewers, establishing himself as a powerful figure in the conservative movement.

But despite that success, just days after he questioned the honesty of the news media, he would be forced out of primetime.

On Monday, Fox News abruptly announced the network and its biggest star had, in its words, agreed to "part ways".

Neither party has yet provided details of the departure. But Carlson's exit comes days after Fox News paid an extraordinary $787m (633m) settlement to Dominion Voting Systems over false election claims.

The lawsuit revealed, among other things, that Carlson derided Donald Trump's election fraud claims in private messages while backing them publicly on the air. At one point, he texted that he hated the former president "passionately".

Now, the future of one of America's loudest conservative voices remains uncertain.

A steady rise and a sudden fall

Carlson got his start in the media world of the 1990s, writing for several prominent publications. He worked as a commentator for CNN in the early 2000s before joining MSNBC to host a nightly programme.

He moved over to Fox News in 2009 to work as a political analyst, eventually launching his own show, Tucker Carlson Tonight, in 2016. The debut episode attracted about 3.7 million viewers.

Around that same time, two seismic events swept through the conservative world that propelled Carlson to the media stratosphere.

The first came in 2017, when Fox News fired its biggest star at the time, Bill O'Reilly, leaving an opening for the next network star. The New York Times had reported millions in payouts made to women who had accused O'Reilly of sexual misconduct - allegations he said had no merit.

Carlson's stature ballooned during the Trump era, as he often used his new primetime slot to defend the president, riding a wave of populist outrage that fuelled his election victory.

Image source, Getty Images

Ex-president Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson and Republican lawmaker Marjorie Taylor Greene last summer

"The main message is a populist one," Yotam Ophir, who studies disinformation at the State University of New York at Buffalo, explained. "'They', whoever they are, are coming to get you... that the country you love is changing before our eyes. And only we at Fox are willing to say the truth and fight for people's values."

Since launching Tucker Carlson Tonight, "they" have included immigrants, political correctness, the Black Lives Matter movement, Democrats, Hollywood, an amorphous elite class, and LGBT people, to name just a few.

The populist message was potent. Republican politicians were eager to appear on his show, seeing it as a direct conduit to their political base.

His show generated $77.5m in advertising revenue last year, figures from agency Vivvix showed, with Carlson's hour attracting 45% more advertising dollars than the next biggest show in primetime.

After news of his departure broke, Republican lawmakers and right-wing pundits praised Carlson.

Donald Trump Jr., the former president's son, said Carlson was "one of the few voices in the Republican Party that would call out the nonsense from GOP senators, governors, and otherwise".

Accusations of racism and misogyny

While lauded on the right, Mr Carlson and his show frequently drew condemnation from misinformation experts, fact-checkers and activists.

He was accused of elevating racist and nativist talking points and promoting conspiracy theories.

Experts on hate speech and extremism have accused him of endorsing white supremacist ideologies.

Carlson faced condemnation outside of his show, as well.

In recordings from 2006-11 obtained by a watchdog that monitors conservative media, Carlson called women "extremely primitive", defended child marriage and made sexual comments about underage girls. Carlson responded by inviting "anyone who disagrees" with his comments to appear on his show.

In another instance, audio captured him calling Iraq a "crappy place filled with... semiliterate primitive monkeys".

In 2019, Carlson criticised Ilhan Omar, the Somali-born Muslim Democratic congresswoman, saying on his show she was "living proof that the way we practice immigration has become dangerous to this country".

Carlson also faced accusations of spreading misinformation around Covid-19 vaccine requirements, and entertaining election-denying conspiracy theories - even though, as the Dominion lawsuit revealed, he privately denounced Trump's claims to have won the 2020 election.

"Not everything he says is misinformative, but it all creates this aura of disregard for truth," said Kristy Roschke, a media literacy expert at Arizona State University.

"Those things have had a tremendous impact on our media environment and therefore on the viewer."

An unexpected exit

His controversial statements did not go unnoticed - and occasionally caused blowback for the network - such as in 2018 when he said immigrants made America "poorer and dirtier", leading several large companies to pull their advertisements. But for the most part, the network left him to his own devices.

Which makes his sudden, unexplained departure from Fox News all the more shocking.

Image source, Getty Images

Carlson - seen here on a billboard at Fox News HQ - was at the heart of its primetime schedule

BBC News contacted a lawyer said to be representing Carlson, but did not receive a reply. Carlson himself has remained silent thus far.

High profile conservatives expressed their support. Commentator Matt Walsh said the move was "disastrous" for Fox News, and called Carlson "by far the most important and relevant figure at the network".

Carlson's next move remains unclear.

Like his predecessors O'Reilly and the bombastic former opinion host Glenn Beck, who was prominent during the Obama era, he may try to pivot into his own media brand.

Both Beck and O'Reilly - who have launched news podcasts alongside other ventures - have struggled to command the same level of influence.

Nonetheless, Carlson's supporters are optimistic. "Wherever Tucker Carlson goes," Republican congresswoman Lauren Boebert tweeted, "America will follow!"

Without the powerful engine of Fox News behind him, it is unclear whether Carlson will continue to hold sway.

"It is a watershed moment," said Mr Ophir. "His departure from Fox is a big moment for the balance of our information system at large."

Read the original here:
How Tucker Carlson rode a wave of populist outrage - BBC