Archive for the ‘Black Lives Matter’ Category

US embassies authorized to hang Black Lives Matter flags, banners on anniversary of Floyd’s murder – ABC News

The secretary of state encouraged U.S. posts to promote racial justice overseas.

May 26, 2021, 8:48 PM

6 min read

In advance of the one-year anniversary of George Floyd's murder, Secretary of State Antony Blinken authorized all U.S. embassies and consulates overseas to fly the Black Lives Matter flag on their official flagpole this year, according to an internal memo obtained by ABC News.

All U.S. diplomatic posts are "strongly encouraged" to use the department's resources "to promote policy objectives to advance racial equity and support for underserved communities," especially on May 25 and during June to commemorate Juneteenth, according to Blinken's memo.

That includes support for using "the term 'Black Lives Matter' in messaging content, speeches, and other diplomatic engagements with foreign audiences to advance racial equity and access to justice on May 25 and beyond."

That push to promote racial justice and equality has been a cornerstone of Blinken's short time at the agency, rankling critics, including his predecessor Mike Pompeo.

People take part in a Black Lives Matter protest rally in Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester, England, June 6, 2020.

Last year, demonstrations in the U.S. that started over Floyd's murder and spread to protest racial injustice were swiftly swept overseas to dozens of countries, often addressing local issues as well. In Colombia, for example, protesters denounced the killing of Floyd and Anderson Arboleda, a young Afro-Colombian man whose family said he was beaten by police and later died, while in France, Floyd's killing reignited mass demonstrations over the death of Adama Traor, who died in French police custody.

In a video released Tuesday, Blinken said the U.S. can only be a "credible force for human rights around the world" if it faces "the realities of racism and hatred here at home."

The video, which includes U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield and other senior U.S. officials, was shared by U.S. posts around the world.

"We can't sweep our shortcomings under the rug or pretend they don't exist. We need to face them openly and honestly, even if that's ugly -- even if that's painful," Blinken says in it, under photos of protests held around the world last year.

A Black Lives Matter banner, marking the one-year anniversary of the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, hangs from the U.S. Embassy in Athens, May 25, 2021.

His internal memo encourages embassies and consulates to plan events and messaging around that theme, but "as appropriate and depending on local context."

The phrase "Black Lives Matter" and the surrounding issues can be a source of greater sensitivity in certain countries, including Colombia where protests against tax reform in April have more recently taken on police violence after police used deadly force against demonstrations. But the Colombian government remains a critical U.S. partner in Latin America, making any political statements by the U.S. embassy there more difficult in a fraught political environment.

"On the anniversary of George Floyd's killing, we reaffirm that what distinguishes the U.S. is not that we are perfect. It is that we face our flaws and challenges openly to move forward, defend our core values, and demonstrate the resilience of our democracy," the U.S. embassy in Bogot tweeted Tuesday, mirroring Blinken's words.

Back in Washington, the top U.S. diplomat has unveiled some of his own policies to do just that, speaking repeatedly about the need to diversify the State Department's historically white and male ranks. Last month, Blinken announced that he had tapped veteran diplomat Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley to be his chief diversity and inclusion officer, the department's first ever.

Former ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley speaks after Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that she would be the first chief diversity officer in the Benjamin Franklin Room of the State Department in Washington, D.C., April 12, 2021.

His push also contrasts with Pompeo, who in his final days in office criticized "multiculturalism," tweeting that it is "not who America is." He also blasted the New York Times' "1619 Project" as a "disturbed reading of history" based in "Marxist ideology" that made the Chinese Communist Party "gleeful."

Last June, as George Floyd protests swept across the U.S., former President Donald Trump's ambassador to South Korea Harry Harris hung a Black Lives Matter banner and a LGBT Pride flag on the U.S. embassy -- both of which were later removed, reportedly at Washington's instruction.

US embassies authorized to hang Black Lives Matter flags, banners on anniversary of Floyd's murder - ABC News

Leaders of Eugenes Black Lives Matter movement reflect on momentous year for better or worse – The Register-Guard

Jordyn Brown and Tatiana Parafiniuk-Talesnick, Eugene Register-Guard, and Elizabeth Gabriel, KLCC| Eugene Register-Guard and KLCC

Four days after George Floyds murder last May,Lane County residents of all backgrounds took their anger and sadness to the streetto fight injustice, apathy and, sometimes, their own feelings of hopelessness and continued to do so nearly every day for weeks through a summer of action.

Many young Black leaders and protest groups with different goals and politicsemerged to organize marches, rallies and organizations to spread the message that Black lives matter.

Now, a year later, some activists said they remain energized and hopeful for the future while others feel theyve been placated, tokenized and are disappointed by the lack of changes.

Meet some local leaders in last summers Black Lives Matter activism as they reflect on the anniversary of George Floyds murder, the status of the movement and whats yet to come.

25-year-old co-founding member ofBlack Unity and thecurrent BIPOC Communications Liaison for Lane County Public Health

Before Martin Allums got involved in last summers protests, he waited to see whether this time might be different.

I had gotten tired of seeing people that look like me getting killed, I just started ignoring it and turning it off, and turning a blind eye to it, because there were other things that I wanted to focus on, he said. But it got to a point where I could no longer avoid it, you know? It was everywhere. It was happening in your face, and it was happening to a point where something needed to be done. And so I had to put everything aside for a minute and decide what I wanted to do.

He had seen responses like this before, where a viral moment instigated a surge of activism that would quickly drop off after about a week. So, he decided to wait specifically for the two-week point when action was dying down to step in and keep it going.

Allums stepped in June 2 on a night when the energy was shifting. After months of pandemic-induced isolation, many white activists started treating the protest events as a celebration complete with drum circles and dancing in Kesey Square.

What had happened in that protest was it felt like everyone was celebrating that we won, and that was the end, he said. That was the reason why I came out there, and that was the reason why I grabbed the microphone to let them know that now this isn't the end. This is actually the beginning.

That night felt like a moment of dissonance, he said. Many Black protesters, including Allums, took the mic to share their concerns about white protesters treating the solemn and urgent topic of police brutality and racism like a party. One young woman told the crowd, Im tired of watching white people make a parade out of this.

Allums said the local movement was made better for the conversation.

I was so afraid to grab thatmic and tell them what I was feeling, he said. And I felt like we got to a place where we did understand each other at least the people who had stayed, because there were people who stayed and those people who stayed really got involved and really helped make this movement into what it's become today.

As the year progressed, Allums moved from taking the mic at protests with Black Unity, an activistgroup he co-founded,to taking one up for Lane County Public Health.

Hes a graduate student of public health atSouthern New Hampshire University, studying the impacts of social aspects, particularly mental health, and is currently applying to medical schools. This year he was also tapped to be the BIPOC Communications Liaison for the county, working with marginalized groups to get out the latest information on COVID-19 and vaccine distribution.

He said he simply views the challenges that came up in his roles, as a protest leader with BU and an advocate with the county, over the past yearas something he needs to go back and try again. Its what LCPH has had to do all year and what he plans to do in Lane Countyuntil the problems he sees are fixed.

Back in the day, they used to tell you if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. I literally internalized that message. So I do that I will never stop trying, he said.

Nearly a year later, Allums points to some changes hes been involved in such as Lane County declaring racism a public health crisis and the passage of Measure 110, which decriminalizes small quantities drugs in Oregon and will potentially decrease yearly convictions for possession by 90%.

What's really changed is my hope, he said. I feel like for some folks, they might feelthings haven't been moving as fast as they've wanted them to move. But for me, they've moved exactly how I expected them to move, and that's a pretty good feeling. There are a lot of things that have changed really once you learn about those things, and really seeinghow those things are going to affect the community, I think a lot of folks will be hopeful as well.

The22- and 21-year-old siblings and co-founders of Black Led Action Coalition, also known as BLAC.

When videos of George Floyds murder went viral, the violent minutes hit the Smith siblings hard, in different ways.

I never saw it. I've never seen any of the videos of unarmed innocent Black people being murdered by law enforcement I refuse to watch them, Madeliene said. I actually texted and called every Black man I knew.

She told her loved ones: Dont walk anywhere by yourself at night, don't drive fast, turn your music down. If your windows are tinted, take the tint off. Make sure your plates and tags are up to date.

On the list of people she was worried about was one of her closest friends, her brother Spencer, who did watch the video.

I remember ... driving to my house and hysterically bawling, Spencer said. The first person I called was my mom, and I told her, I'm so done with this world.

He said he was surprised by his own negativity. He always thought of himself a positive person, but news of yet another Black man dying at the hands of police had pushed him emotionally.

He refused to allowdespair to take his power.

As Madeliene panic-called her Black friends and family, she also paused.

I was just thinking, I shouldn't have to do this. I know white people don't text their white friends or their white family members and tell them to be extra careful, she said. I decided something had to happen.

So, the siblings worked together to plan two of the largest organized events of last summers local Black Lives Matter movement. The rally on May 31 in Eugene was one of the biggest demonstrations in recent decades, with more than 7,000 people marchingthrough the streets. The pair teamed up with other local organizations to throw a Juneteenth celebration that brought hundreds of people to Alton Baker Park for dancing, art, poetry and to support local businesses owned by people who are Black, Indigenous and people of color.

As a college student studying political science, philosophy and ethnic studies hoping to become a practicing civil rights attorney and having faced a lifetime of first-hand racism, Spencer said he was primed to step in.

Constantly learning about this stuff, from a historical standpoint, factual standpointand then also dealing with it in a social standpoint was kind of the tipping point for me, Spencer said. (I thought), OK, it's time for me to become not only active in my education and what I want to do in the future, but also right now in my community.

As the summer went on, they hosted two more events and supported other organizations demonstrations and teach-ins. The duo said they support a police abolitionist ideology," meaning they promotereplacing policing with other systems of public safety,and frequently call on supporters to reach out to local and state government officials. Additionally, Spencer worked as a cultural competency director for local unarmed crisis response team CAHOOTS.

Planning for this years Juneteenth event already has begun.

That'll be a really good time to … check in with the community, Spencer said. (We can ask) where are we at? How many people attended this year as opposed to last year? How many people think that this is a beneficial event this year, as opposed to last year?

The two said the work has been endless. Yet, after a year of events and demonstrations, they said theres not much to show for it.

In the last year, I have seen little to no change. I'm going to be 100% honest, it's disappointing, Madeliene said.

She added that she continues to see police treat Black residents unfairly, as recently as a few weeks ago.

Maybe some work will be done next year, and I can't tell the future, but I don't think anything will change in my lifetime in the direction we're going, she said.

Much of the work ahead, she said, is the responsibilityofwhite people.

"I think that it's really hard to expect Black people to fix racism in the middle of mourning, in the middle of death, in the middle of violence and fear, when the system is rigged against us, the system is created by white supremacy," Madeliene said."I'm sorry, my Blackness is not going to change white supremacy, I can't change the minds of white supremacists andI feel like a lot of the work is, honestly, up to white people."

Through the success and challenges of the last year, theyve been glad to have each other. As two Black, biracial, queer, young activists, Oregon can be lonely, but theyve been able to turn to each other for support, solidarity and love.

Our mom is white and our dad is Black and when I was 8 and Mae (a nickname for his sister) was 9, our dad passed away, Spencer said. "So we've always been very reliant upon each other, especially when we have issues where we experience something completely different than our mother does.

It's kind of a little sanctuary to have not only throughout this movement, but throughout life.

His sister agreed.

It always made me feel like I had somebody I was fighting for, because at the end of the day, I want to serve the Black community, but I would die for my brother, Madeliene said. And that's why I'm here.

The31-year-oldco-founder of Willamette Racism Response Network and mental health therapist

Growing up mostly in Southern Oregon, Ashley Carr tried to fit in by wearing the lightest makeup and straightening her hair.

I tried and tried and tried to be white, because everyone else was, so my experience growing up in Oregon was that I don't fit it was that I don't belong here, that I'm not right, that there's something wrong with me, she said.

As a Black, biracial woman, she said she endured people calling her racial slurs and often found herself ashamed of her facial features. After protests erupted last year, Carr wanted to create an organization for continuing anti-racist work, never wanting her own three children to feel ashamed of who they are.

I'm doing what I didn't have, which is really important to me, but it's also important because I want to do itso that my kids have it …because I don't want them to feel like they don't fit in, that they don't belong, because they do, Carr said.

I don't want my daughter to think her lips are too big or that her skin is too dark, because her skin is beautiful, and shes gorgeous.

Like many others, she could not bring herself to watch the video of Floyds murder last May.

I can't even begin to describe the complexity of what I felt, she said. It was just pain. It was so, so loud that other people could hear it. Other people that weren't Black could hear it, this pain. So it was this grief, the suffering in the sadness.

Carr attended some early protests, but stopped after attending one in Springfield where marchers were met with loud motorcyclists, and she saw police hit protesters. It was traumatizing for her to see this happening in her community, she said.

I kept thinking to myself, daily, moment to moment, what can I do? What can I do? I'm here, and I feel so alone, being a person of color here … . I don't see anybody who looks like me, but I know they're there, she said. And I know there are people who look like me who want community like I do.

Carr found others who shared her priorities and co-founded the Willamette Racism Response Network last summer,an organization that focuses on community-building events.

For example, we've been doing these BIPOC horse camps, and we've made them free to kids and teenagers of color because horse riding is a notoriously white sport, Carr said. So we're creating that access. We're bridging that gap.

The group has also hosted community conversations with panels of BIPOC people, and story time events for children, focused on hearing from people of color who read books by people of color, in hopes of cultivating anti-racism from a young age.

The thought process is to create the teacher-student dynamic, the teacher being a person of color, student being being primarily white and just sort of normalizing that, but also for the kiddos who are of color, also seeing that (is) so important, so incredibly important, Carr said.

A year later, she still feels the heavy weight of Floyds murder as well as the strange ways it changed her life.

Before Floyd's murder, I felt alone… I felt like I couldn't talk, that I didn't have a voice that I could even use that I wasn't even worthy of using … as a Black biracial woman, she said. And you know, it's very conflicting to me. I have to acknowledge that, because of his death, I grew. That's something that I struggle with, knowing that I've benefited from that.

She hopes these conversations will lead to her children having the same opportunities as white children: learning from teachers who look like them, living without fear of police and where Black culture and artists such as Kendrick Lamar are included in education without question. But this community is still far from the one she hopes to see for her children, she said.

I don't even know what would make it better here. It's so hard to really specify, because there are so many things wrong it's kind of like, pick one, she said. I want to see a community that's more of a community and not so afraid … and that's not full of hate.

20-year-old founding member of Black Unity and independent activist

For Tyshawn Ford, protesting is like going to church. You can come into the event, knowing someone is going to lead and tell you a story. There are snacks, water and people chanting together for a common goal akin to singing gospel.

Everyone's going to be really nice to you, people who you've never even met in your life, he said. Its really the same exact thing. That's what makes protesting so worth it.

We know that protesting is not going to create actual political change … but it does so much more than that: it creates mutual aid networks and it's a way to educate the community about the problems that are actually happening, he said. Even though I might not physically change laws and stuff like that, protesting does so much for the community.

Ford has always been deeply interested in the work of historical Black leaders hes listened to every one of Malcolm Xs and Huey P. Newtons speeches, podcasts and other works related to prominent Black Panther members. He said he spends as much time as he can gathering facts, statistics and other information about the issues.

So once protests took off last year, he didnt want to waste a chance to inform and educate others.

When the earlier protests were happening, I was much younger … so I wasn't as educated on what was going on in the Black community, he said. So as I got older, I actually started realizing what was happening in the Black community, and then when the protests took off, it was just a good opportunity to go out there and try to do something.

Every day, I'll just be educating myself, he said. Any information I can get my hands on, facts, statistics, like everything, because when it comes down to it, I've changed a lot of people's minds protesting.

Since last May, Ford has attended protests across the U.S. and has been at the front of the local Black Lives Matter movement in Lane County. He co-founded Black Unity, one of the largest local organized activist groups, has spent time working with activist group Rose City Justice and is one of the lead plaintiffs in a lawsuit against Springfield Police Department, which accuses the department of violating civil rights and denying equal protection of protesters during a protest in Thurston.

We're gonna win 100%, he said, about the lawsuit. I have no doubt.

The decision to sue the police comes as part of a larger plan toward police abolition, which is his goal.

I can't say much about it, but a big hope is that with this case, it will hopefully force them to make some big changes to that police department.

Ford said he hopes the case will lead to the department losing some of its funding by 50% or more.

When asked what this last year has meant to him personally, he pointed out that he was only 19 when he helped start BU, and that its been a long year of growth in all areas of his life.

I wish that I knew as much back then as I know now, Ford said. I'm definitely just a way better person now. I learned a lot of stuff being an activist when it comes to women's rights, I went to my first Pride …learning how to compromise and my people skills (improved), I'm just a way different person than I was a year ago.

I'm definitely just more sentimental, he said. I just didn't care about people back then, as much as I do now. I care about how people feel, I care about how people look at me, and being a leader.

Editors' note: This project is a collaboration between The Eugene Register-Guard and KLCC public radio.

Contact reporter Jordyn Brown at jbrown@registerguard.comand on Twitter @thejordynbrown; reporter Tatiana Parafiniuk-Talesnick and on Twitter@TatianaSophiaPT; andreporter Elizabeth Gabriel andon Twitter@_elizabethgabs.

Listen to the BLM leaders reflectin KLCC's radio broadcast and read more protester profiles at

More here:
Leaders of Eugenes Black Lives Matter movement reflect on momentous year for better or worse - The Register-Guard

Fact check: Black Lives Matter tweeted in support of Palestinians, not Hamas – USA TODAY

The 11-day long military conflict between Gaza and Israel has come to a halt, and people in Gaza took to the streets to celebrate. Storyful

After 11 days of military confrontation that left hundreds dead, Israel and Hamas agreedto a cease-fire followingaunanimous votefrom Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinetto endtheassaultin theGaza Strip.

Activist groups and politicians in the UnitedStatesand abroad have been weighing in on the conflict, with more progressive Democrats urging the Biden administration to be tougher on Israel and Netanyahu.The officialBlack Lives MatterTwitter accountshowed support forPalestinians in a May 17 tweet.

"Black Lives Matter stands in solidarity with Palestinians," the tweet says."We are a movement committed to ending settler colonialism in all forms and will continue to advocate for Palestinian liberation."

Since thetweet was posted, social media userson Facebook and Instagramhave spread the claim that the organization supports Hamas, amilitant Palestiniangroup that controls Gaza. AFaith Wirearticle also promotedthe misleading claim.

Fact check:Photo of Palestinian child in tears not from recent Israeli airstrikes

USA TODAY reached out to the Facebook userswho shared the posts for comment.

The Black Lives Mattertweet indicatesthe organization's support for Palestinians, not Hamas. Several websites have corrected their stories to reflect that fact.

OneFacebookpost showsa screenshot of aDaily Wire story with a headline that reads, "Black Lives Matter Declares 'Solidarity' With Hamas In Israel Conflict."The headline has since been updated to say "Palestinians" instead of "Hamas."

Anotherpost includes a screenshot from a Fox News story with aheadline thatreads, "Black Lives Matter says it stands with Hamas terrorists in Israeli conflict."The headline of that story has since been updated, and an editor's note acknowledging the change was added tothe bottom of the article.

"This reports headline was updated to more closely reflect the Black Lives Matter tweet,"the editor's note says.

Anarticlefrom the RF AnglesaidBlack Lives Matter "essentially" declared support for Hamas in the tweet. It has since been updated. "Black Lives Matter did not declare their solidarity with Hamas, they declared their solidarity with Palestinians. The RFAngle has changed the title to reflect this,'' anoteon the article says.

But, others still misrepresent the stance taken by Black Lives Matter.

The article from Faith Wire makes the oversimplification, saying the tweet "effectively" indicated the organization's support for the militant group.

However, Black Lives Matterdid not tweet in support of the Hamas militant group, but rather the Palestinian people. Those are two distinct groups.

Fact check: Netanyahu did not give a speech thanking Hamas for uniting Israel

USA TODAY reached out to Black Lives Matter for comment.

The claim that Black Lives Matter tweeted in support of the Hamas militant group is FALSE, based onour research. The organization tweeted in support of Palestinians, not Hamas.

Thank you for supporting our journalism. You cansubscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here.

Our fact check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook.


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Fact check: Black Lives Matter tweeted in support of Palestinians, not Hamas - USA TODAY

Lewisville teacher on leave as parents upset over Black Lives Matter, I cant breathe yearbook back – The Dallas Morning News

A Lewisville middle school art teacher is on leave as the district looks into parent concerns about a yearbook cover that includes phrases such as Black Lives Matter, I cant breathe and others related to major events that occurred in the past year.

Kayla Mick, who teaches at Downing Middle School in Flower Mound, approved the artwork featured on the back of the yearbook, which was decided on by eighth grade students. Mick, who is on paid administrative leave during the districts review, could not be reached for comment.

The district is reviewing the circumstances surrounding the design of the yearbook before taking further action. LISD spokeswoman Amanda Brim said it would be inaccurate to say Mick was placed on leave as a result of parent complaints, but she declined to give further details, citing the ongoing review.

It is our best hope that all of our teachers connect with students in a way that makes them feel safe and creates a sense of belonging in every classroom, Brim said. Having said that, we expect staff to remain neutral while engaging students in these conversations, in accordance with district policy.

The yearbook was published this month, as the country approached a year since the death of George Floyd.

The back of the book features the phrase spoken by Floyd, a Black man as a Minneapolis police officer held his knee against his neck just before his death which raised concerns from parents, Brim said.

The schools principal gave families the opportunity to request and receive an alternate cover for the yearbook.

Stephanie Bell, a former Flower Mound mayoral candidate, started a petition asking the district not to infringe on the students freedom of speech and to protect the teacher. It currently has more than 3,400 signatures.

The artwork chosen represents major events in our community and around the world including the documentation of racial inequality protests, COVID-19, the 2020 presidential election and support of basic human rights, Bell said. Censorship in journalism simply because you disagree with the content is not only unacceptable, its dangerous.

She added that the Flower Mound community politicized two phrases connected to Floyd in an unfortunate manner and that they were the main points in the yearbooks artwork that caused controversy among parents.

Instead of censoring the students, the school and community should encourage the children to have challenging conversations, Bell said.

This is such a time in a childs development where they are learning to be their own person and when were muzzling them from thought, she said.

The DMN Education Lab deepens the coverage and conversation about urgent education issues critical to the future of North Texas.

The DMN Education Lab is a community-funded journalism initiative, with support from The Beck Group, Bobby and Lottye Lyle, Communities Foundation of Texas, The Dallas Foundation, Dallas Regional Chamber, Deedie Rose, The Meadows Foundation, Solutions Journalism Network, Southern Methodist University and Todd A. Williams Family Foundation. The Dallas Morning News retains full editorial control of the Education Labs journalism.

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Lewisville teacher on leave as parents upset over Black Lives Matter, I cant breathe yearbook back - The Dallas Morning News

Black Lives Matter flags planted on Brookings Hall lawn | The Source | Washington University in St. Louis – Washington University in St. Louis…

In commemoration of the one-year anniversary May 25 of the killing of George Floyd, the leaders of Washington University in St. Louis Center for Diversity and Inclusion planted Black Lives Matter flags on the Brookings Hall lawn.

The flags were planted in the shape of 9:29 in recognition of the nine minutes and 29 seconds that former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on the neck of George Floyd.A jury on April 20 convicted Chauvin of murder in Floyds death.

Mark Kamimura-Jimnez, associate vice chancellor for student affairs and dean of the Center for Diversity and Inclusion, said the act of planting the flags was fittingly and surprisingly harder than expected.

The grass is thick and the ground is hard, said Kamimura-Jimnez, whose staff was assisted by Facilities employees. That is symbolic of the Black Lives Matter struggle. But that hard work must start here. Students at Washington University will go on to influence organizations, businesses and government. Our nation has and will be shaped by the students who walk on this campus.

Kamimura-Jimnez joined the CDI not long before Floyds death and has spent the past year supporting students through virtual programming and conversations. Kamimura-Jimnez urged the university community to continue its reckoning with racisms legacy on campus and in the country.

Our generation will be defined by how we responded to the awakening around race that unveiled the deadly reality of anti-Blackness, Kamimura-Jimnez said. What Ahmaud, Breonna and Georges lynchings revealed as discovery for many in our society was already known intimately by communities of color.Most importantly, the depths of racism had silently continued to seep into the crevices of our society, poisoning how we think, learn, understand and engage with each other.

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Black Lives Matter flags planted on Brookings Hall lawn | The Source | Washington University in St. Louis - Washington University in St. Louis...