Archive for the ‘Censorship’ Category

Chinas Internet Censors Try a New Trick: Revealing Users Locations – The New York Times

One hashtag calling for the feature to be revoked quickly accumulated 8,000 posts and was viewed more than 100 million times before it was censored in late April. A university student in Zhejiang province sued Weibo, the Chinese social platform, in March for leaking personal information without his consent when the platform automatically showed his location. Others have pointed out the hypocrisy of the practice, since celebrities, government accounts, and the chief executive of Weibo have all been exempted from the location tags.

Despite the pushback, the authorities have signaled the changes are likely to last. An article in the state-run publication, China Comment, argued the location labels were necessary to cut off the black hand manipulating the narratives behind the internet cable. A draft regulation from the Cyberspace Administration of China, the countrys internet regulator, stipulates that user I.P. addresses must be displayed in a prominent way.

If censorship is about dealing with the messages and those who send the messages, this mechanism is really working on the audience, said Han Rongbin, a media and politics professor at the University of Georgia.

With the worsening relationship with United States and China and propaganda repeatedly blaming malign foreign forces for dissatisfaction in China, Mr. Han said the new policy could be quite effective at snuffing out complaints.

People worrying about foreign interference is a tendency right now. Thats why it works better than censorship. People buy it, he said.

An uncertain harvest. Chinese officials are issuing warnings that, after heavy rainfalls last autumn, a disappointing winter wheat harvestin June could drive food prices already high because of the war in Ukraine and bad weather in Asia and the United States further up, compounding hunger in the worlds poorest countries.

A pause on wealth redistribution. For much of last year, Chinas top leader, Xi Jinping, waged a fierce campaign to narrow social inequalitiesand usher in a new era of common prosperity. Now, as the economic outlook is increasingly clouded, the Communist Party is putting its campaign on the back burner.

The vitriol can be overwhelming. One Chinese citizen, Mr. Li, who spoke on the condition that only his surname be used for privacy reasons, was targeted by trolls after his profile was linked to the United States, where he lived. Nationalist influencers accused him of working from overseas to incite protest in western China over a post that criticized the local government of handling a students sudden death. The accounts listed him and several others as examples of spy infiltration. A post to publicly shame them was liked 100,000 times before it was eventually censored.

Inundated by derogatory messages, he had to change his Weibo user name to stop harassers from tracing him. Even though he has used Weibo for more than 10 years, he is wary of the baseless attacks these days. They want me to shut up, so Ill shut up, Mr. Li said.

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Chinas Internet Censors Try a New Trick: Revealing Users Locations - The New York Times

Students share growing concerns over classroom censorship with Congress – WPXI Pittsburgh

WASHINGTON, D.C. More than a dozen states have new laws prohibiting schools from teaching certain topics in the classroom, including lessons related to racism, bias, and LGBTQ+ topics.

This week, Congress reviewed these policies and heard some passionate statements from several high school students about this issue.

Krisha Ramani, a high school student from Michigan, told lawmakers she has seen firsthand how some of these new policies are affecting her education.

Gen Z has the capacity and more importantly the willingness to learn about the issues affecting us, said Ramani. We want to participate in these tough conversations. We want to read about the diverse perspectives affecting us and efforts to regulate what can be taught in the classroom is an insult to a young persons ability to understand nuanced arguments.

These students are urging Congress to preserve their freedom of speech and protect their teachers.

Some of these new state laws will punish teachers who violate them.

Something has gone very wrong when teachers think they will be fired for supporting the concept of diversity, said Claire Mengel, a high school student from Ohio. Most critically students of color are being told by the highest authority in the district that their stories dont deserve to take up school time, school grounds or school resources.

Many Democrats believe these laws are undermining public education by banning literature, historical concepts and other classroom materials.

But some Republicans say these policies are set up to increase parental rights and transparency.

Our childrens innocence should be protected and prioritized and along with their potential for their personal and academic success, said Rep. Nancy Mace (R South Carolina).

Rep. Mace believes schools should focus on supporting students, especially those who are suffering from COVID-19 learning loss.

Our children should not be taught that they are oppressors or that they are victims merely based on the color of their skin. Instead, we should re-double down on our efforts to ensure that our children have the foundation to achieve their best and full potential, said Rep. Mace.

Some educators say these new laws are also contributing to the teacher shortage because its harder to recruit staff.

Congress working on legislation to help workers recover stolen wages

2022 Cox Media Group

Continued here:
Students share growing concerns over classroom censorship with Congress - WPXI Pittsburgh

Facebook Releases Report On Which Posts They Remove and Censor, Turns Out Most Aren’t Political – SFist

Facebook held a conference call Tuesday to discuss which posts they most often remove and why, which was inconveniently timed after the weekends Buffalo mass shooting video was still on the platform.

One of the many depressing aspects of Saturdays racist mass shooting in Buffalo was how the grisly video proliferated on social networks. According to CNN, the shooter livestreamed it on Twitch, and to that streaming platforms great credit, the stream was cut off within two minutes. The Washington Post reports that only 22 people saw it.

But eventually Facebook enters the picture. Clearly some (if not all) of those 22 viewers were horrible white supremacist trolls, because according to the New York Times, the video was was posted on a site called Streamable and viewed more than three million times before it was removed. And a link to that video was shared hundreds of times across Facebook and Twitter hours after the shooting.

As of Tuesday, there were still a few copies of the video floating around on Facebook, according to that Washington Post report. And this is the unfortunate backdrop against which Facebook released a quarterly report on which posts they remove and why, as The Verge explains.

The report was accompanied by a conference call, as Facebooks parent company Meta now has these calls and reports quarterly, not long after the company's earnings calls. The call was scheduled well before the shooting took place, but obviously, Meta had some explaining to do.

People create new versions and new external links to try to evade our policies, vice president of integrity Guy Rosen said, according to AdWeek. We will continue to learn, refine our processes and refine our systems to ensure that we can take down these links more quickly in the future. Its only a couple of days after the incident, so we dont have any more to share at this point.

Meta also released the Facebook quarterly community standards enforcement report, which The Verge describes as a document that has a boring name, but is full of delight for those of us who are nosy and enjoy reading about the failures of artificial-intelligence systems.

And yes, human moderators are much better at recognizing genuinely problematic posts than bot moderators. Facebook counts up the posts they admit were wrongfully removed, and the bots wrongfully remove posts more frequently than human moderators. No surprise there.

What is a surprise, at least in the context of the current Big Tech censorship discourse, is that very little political speech is removed. The Verge sifted through the removed-post numbers and concluded Very little of it is political, at least in the sense of commentary about current events. Instead, its posts related to drugs, guns, self-harm, sex and nudity, spam and fake accounts, and bullying and harassment.

These are Facebooks own numbers, and not independently verified, so take that into account. But some standout numbers are that Facebook removed 1.6 billion fake accounts, and 2.5 million posts labeled "Terrorism and Organized Hate."

The current conservative horseshit grievances about Facebook censorship try to frame this as an attempt to attack free speech, all done by a company where Left Coast Liberals are supposedly in charge. This is a huge part of Elon Musks Twitter takeover discourse (to whatever degree said takeover is actually happening). And while I hate to give Facebook the benefit of the doubt, its pretty clear that the censorship claims are driven by bad-faith attempts to blur the line between political speech and actual violence. But since those bad-faith efforts have proven an excellent political talking point, there is no amount of transparency from Facebook that will likely change this.

Related: Facebook Relaxes (and Then Reverses) Its Rules Over Calling for Leaders to Be Killed, Because of Putin [SFist]

Image: Solen Feyissa via Unsplash

See the article here:
Facebook Releases Report On Which Posts They Remove and Censor, Turns Out Most Aren't Political - SFist

Letters for May 20: Don’t censor, use controversial books as a way to teach – The Virginian-Pilot

Re Virginia Beach School Board group removes Gender Queer book from libraries, calls it pervasively vulgar (May 16): As both a Virginia Beach citizen and librarian, I find the removal of this book very concerning. This act is censorship, plain and simple. Is the book for everyone? No. Will some kids be able to identify with it, maybe find some answers in it, and feel less alone? Yes.

Heres the thing, there are lots of books in the library that have content I find objectionable. Yes, Im an adult, but what I think is missing in these censorship cases is that if you find your kid has been reading something you dont agree with, that is a huge opportunity to discuss the book or topic with your child. You may discover they still have questions. They might share how they are feeling. You can share, this is what our family believes and why.

Banning books doesnt make a childs questions dissolve, doesnt bolster what is often fragile self-esteem, doesnt help build their critical thinking skills, and doesnt help the child learn to navigate the world with all its variety of people and ideas. Teens are uniquely positioned to discover their identities and books are, or should be, an amazingly nonjudgmental method for them to learn. Finally, do you honestly think reading something will change your sexual preference? No. It wouldnt work for you, and it doesnt work like that for your kids. Stop with the homophobia.

Tamara Sarg, Virginia Beach

Re Forced out: Closure of Newport News airports mobile home park throws residents lives into turmoil (May 15): What have we come to in this country when we no longer have any compassion for the least of our countrymen and place greed and profit over every other human consideration? The Peninsula Airport Commission should reverse the shameful, unilateral, patently cruel and uncaring decision of the Airport Executive Director Mike Giardino and guarantee the occupants of mobile homes in the airport commission-owned mobile home park that their tenancy is safe and will not be uprooted.

It isnt being socialist to think that we all have some responsibility for our fellow citizens, especially those at the base of the economic pyramid. Were already losing our identity as caring Americans in the face of the terrible divisions in our country, and this has to stop somewhere. I urge everyone reading this letter to contribute to the legal defense fund for the mobile home occupants being handled by Newport News attorney Nathaniel J. Webb III. I intend to do so.

Anthony R. Santoro, Yorktown

Re Newport News budget includes first real estate tax reduction since 2008 (May 11): Thanks a lot, Newport News City Council, for reducing the tax rate on real estate by 1.6% ($1.22 to $1.20 per $100), when my assessment has increased 38% since 2018 and 24% in just the past two years.

And thanks to Council member Patricia Woodbury for wanting a larger reduction but voting for this one anyway. It reminded me of using the, all the other kids were doing it defense as a kid when I did something stupid, and of having my mother ask me, If all the other kids jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?

Charles Wilson, Newport News

Now that politicians, columnists and others are saying it is okay to protest in neighborhoods, it is time for them to give out their addresses. This way people who disagree with them can protest in front of their homes. Or how about making any opinion on anything include the persons actual name and address with it?

It just seems we no longer have the right to be civil to others and to disagree without going to the nth degree. Americans have allowed so much to change our lives for what? Are we better off now than before? Americans have worked together in the past and should do now as Americans without any other label attached. Stop the division and start uniting all Americans to build a country we can all be part of for our children.

Joan Fuhrman, Virginia Beach

Re All about power(Your Views, May 6): Besides demanding that the minority must switch its votes to support the majority, which is a pretty power-hungry move, its too late. Power-hungry lunatic Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has already got that position locked up. First he blocked former President Barack Obama from his constitutional right to select a Supreme Court judge. It was too close to the election, and he wanted to make sure the next president got to make the choice.

Then when the vacancy came open at the end of President Donald Trumps term, he now had to rush through the nominee, not worrying about the people getting to choose to see who would be the next president. So, whos the power-hungry lunatic changing all the rules to suit his partys every need? Rather obvious isnt it Don Lovett?

Mike Schoen, Norfolk

See the article here:
Letters for May 20: Don't censor, use controversial books as a way to teach - The Virginian-Pilot

Censorship won’t cure disinformation (featuring Jacob Mchangama and Nadine Strossen): Part 17 of answers to arguments against free speech – FIRE -…

In May 2021, I published a list of Answers to 12 Bad Anti-Free Speech Arguments with our friends over at Areo. The great Nadine Strossen former president of the ACLU from 1991 to 2008, and one of the foremost experts on freedom of speech alive today saw the series and offered to provide her own answers to some important misconceptions about freedom of speech. For this entry, I asked Jacob Mchangama, author of the excellent book, Free Speech: A History from Socrates to Social Media, to provide his answer.

Earlier in the series:

Assertion: Disinformation (and misinformation) about such vital topics as elections and COVID must be censored because it constitutes an existential threat to democracy and individual/public health.

Jacob Mchangama: What do the Catholic Church, England under Henry VIII, The Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and the European Union have in common?

Certainly not much in terms of ideology, ethics, or philosophy. However, for all their fundamental differences each of these states and institutions have prohibited various forms of false information.

For centuries, the Catholic Church was preoccupied with stamping out heresy, which has its roots in the Greek word, haresis, meaning choice. In the Middle Ages, heresy was defined as an opinion chosen by human perception contrary to holy Scripture, publicly avowed and obstinately defended, and could ultimately be punished by death. As late as 1832, Pope Gregory XVI warned that removing the restraints that keep men on the narrow path of truth was a pestilence more deadly to the state than any other and, therefore, the evil of immoderate freedom of opinion, license of free speech, and desire for novelty had to be countered at all costs.

Englands Henry VIII broke with the Catholic Church, making him the supreme head of both state and the Church of England. To cement his power Henry prohibited publications containing open and manifest errors and slanders contravening the dignity and authority royal of the kings majesty and of his Imperial Crown. Henry built on older precedents, since a Scandalum Magnatum act punishing [F]alse News or Tales scandalizing the king or the Great Men of the Realm had been enacted under Edward I in 1275.

While disinformation is a serious problem worthy of debate and countermeasures, censorship and repression is likely a cure worse than the disease.

On February 24, 1920, a leading member of the German Workers Party (DAP) read the partys manifesto out loud. His name was Adolf Hitler, and his demands included legal warfare against conscious political lying and its dissemination in the press. In Mein Kampf written while in prison Hitler again accused the liberal press of being concerned only with dig[ging] the grave for the German people and REICH whereas the lying Marxist Press was spreading falsehoods to enslave the nation for the benefit of international finance and its masters, the Jews.

According to Hitler, the state meekly allowed the media to hide behind the principle of freedom of the Press and liberty of public opinion, which permitted poison to enter the national bloodstream and infect public life with complete impunity. The solution was to bring the press under state control and free it from the enemies of the people. Shortly after Hitler assumed power through democratic means, the Nazis used constitutional means to expand existing emergency laws permitting the (Nazi) minister of the interior to ban publications that contain obviously inaccurate news, the dissemination of which is likely to endanger vital interests of the state.

And once the Nazis had pushed President Hindenburg to use the emergency provision of the Weimar Constitution to pass the so-called Reichstag Fire Decree to suspend civil liberties including free speech paving the way for a dictatorship, laws against malicious gossip were enacted, which made it a crime to spread rumors about or gossip against the government and its officials.

The European Union can trace its origins to the European Coal and Steel Community aimed at strengthening European integration and avoiding new and devastating wars and persecution like those unleashed by the Nazis. The European Union is committed to democracy and human rights and has a Charter of Fundamental Rights, which protects freedom of expression. However, in early March the EU banned Russian state-sponsored media outlets RT and Sputnik from broadcasting, as a response to these outlets nefarious pro-Kremlin disinformation and propagandistic coverage of the conflict in Ukraine. The ban also requires search engines like Google to delist all search results from Sputnik and RT, and an obligation for social media companies to block their accounts as well as deleting the sharing and reproduction of RT and Sputnik content by other users.

While the scope, severity and consequences of all these laws against false information differ significantly, they are all aimed at protecting against certain forms of false information thought to be particularly dangerous to the fundamental values and institutions of the relevant polity, as defined by the very rulers or political leaders whom laws against false news will be protecting.

This is a lesson of which contemporary authoritarians are keenly aware. In 2021, 47 journalists were imprisoned on charges of spreading false news in countries like Myanmar, Egypt, Rwanda, and Ethiopia, according to data from the Committee to Protect Journalists. Moreover, since the onset of COVID, a censorship pandemic of laws has infected authoritarian states, which prohibits various forms of allegedly false information under the guise of protecting public health, while actually aimed at repressing dissent.

There is little reason to believe that things would be different in America should the Supreme Court decide to roll back landmark First Amendment cases like New York Times v. Sullivan, which now limits the governments power to punish false statements about public issues, in order not to chill vigorous debate and criticism of public officials. The Sedition Act of 1798 showed that even luminaries of the Founding Generation, including Washington, Adams, and Hamilton, were willing to punish false, scandalous, or malicious writings against the government and Congress they dominated, and to use this law in a deeply partisan manner to target their Democratic-Republican opponents.

Those intolerant and tribalist impulses are still alive today. Donald Trump frequently demanded tougher laws against the fake news media. A 2017 poll showed that a plurality (45%) of Republicans agreed that courts should be able to shut down media outlets for publishing or broadcasting stories that are biased or inaccurate, with fewer than 20% of Democrats supporting this idea.

In 2021 when Biden had become president 65% of Democrats agreed that the government should do more to restrict false online information even if it limits freedom of information, whereas only 28% of Republicans were on board. We can be sure that Trump and Biden as well as Democrats and Republicans have conflicting ideas about what types of speech should be deemed inaccurate or false and who should be punished for peddling it.

So, while disinformation is a serious problem worthy of debate and countermeasures, censorship and repression is likely to be a cure worse than the disease.

Nadine Strossen: First Amendment principles permit the government to punish false speech when it directly, immediately causes specific serious harm. Important examples of punishable false speech include defamation, fraud, and perjury. The term disinformation (or misinformation) has no specific legal meaning, but is widely used to designate false or misleading speech that cannot constitutionally be punished precisely because its potential harms are indirect and speculative.

As current debates illustrate, one persons cherished truth is someone elses despised or feared fake news. Speech that critics seek to suppress as disinformation almost never consists of objectively verifiable facts alone, but rather, also involves subjective matters of interpretation and analysis. After all, speakers who intentionally or recklessly utter false factual statements may constitutionally be punished under existing laws such as those against fraud. In contrast, though, the Supreme Court has ruled that [u]nder the First Amendment there is no such thing as a false idea. However pernicious an opinion may seem, we depend for its correction . . . on the competition of other ideas.

Most vulnerable would be ideas that challenge government policy.

To this day, expression by racial justice advocates continues to be assailed as disinformation. For example, a May 2021 NPR story quoted Mike Gonzalez, a senior fellow with the Heritage Foundation, as stating: I feel that Black Lives Matter is one of the greatest sources of disinformation. . . They have manipulated the good nature of many people.

The inherent problems with censoring disinformation specifically plague recent laws that are touted as restricting pandemic-related disinformation. The Economist reported in February 2021 that [c]ensorious governments are abusing fake news laws, invoking the pandemic as an excuse to gag reporters and to silence critics of their anti-pandemic policies. Given the inescapable elasticity of the concept of disinformation, restrictions on it can easily be wielded against important information, even in democratic countries. Throughout the pandemic, we have witnessed constantly evolving and shifting views among expert individuals and agencies, as they steadily gather and analyze additional data. Yesterdays life-endangering disinformation can and has become todays life-protecting gospel. As one example, recall the CDCs changing edicts about mask-wearing.

Because of these unavoidable problems, in 2020, the ACLU brought a lawsuit against Puerto Ricos laws targeting pandemic-related disinformation. The complainants are two prominent investigative journalists, who explained that developing stories on matters of immense public concern are often complex, contentious, and murky, so that inadvertent inaccuracies are inevitable even in the most thoroughly vetted reporting.

Multiple studies have concluded that the most fruitful anti-disinformation tool is accurate information that can check its spread and influence: targeted responses to specific disinformation, as well as preemptive general educational approaches, and enhancing critical media skills. Psychological research shows that even more effective than debunking disinformation after its dissemination is prebunking: inoculating people against disinformation before they are exposed to it.

In contrast with censorship, these counterspeech/more speech strategies not only are more compatible with free speech and democracy; they are also more effective in promoting truth.

Continue reading here:
Censorship won't cure disinformation (featuring Jacob Mchangama and Nadine Strossen): Part 17 of answers to arguments against free speech - FIRE -...