Archive for the ‘Censorship’ Category

Under the Wire: Evading Censorship & Protecting Sensitive Information – Security Boulevard

Troubled Times

In times of trouble, citizens can feel a sense of deep helplessness. With war, famine, or political unrest raging outside of their window, many feel compelled to help or somehow make a difference, but may not understand how their position is valued.

The organization Reporters Without Borders is a consultant for the United Nations and aims at defending freedom of press and information. They have been active in filing complaints to the International Criminal Court regarding the Russian military attacks on journalists and in assisting with reporting the tragedies in Ukraine more generally. Journalists with jobs as dangerous as this use a wide variety of tools to release data, but they are not inaccessible to the public.

Availability of communications (and basic services) is one of the first major concerns limiting speech in times of crisis. This may be an attempted shutoff from communications outside the country or simply an issue with delivery of services. Either way, this problem must be addressed before any other.

Ukrainians continue to face a crisis of the availability of basic utilities and tools for freedom of communication. This starts with internet access. Connections to primary ISPs in Ukraine are down a massive amount since the start of the invasion, to the point of showing a notable dip on monitoring maps.

However, Ukraine also has deep complexity in their smaller independent internet providers, unlike some countries which may rely on only a few larger monopolies. This creates a situation in which censorship by government entities becomes far more difficult to perform and utilities have more stability. Ukraine has faced censorship in the past, but there is some hope in satellite communications, which require far less infrastructure on the ground than traditional cable or fiber.

Starlink, which uses advanced satellites in low orbit, has been providing internet access to citizens who may not otherwise be able to access cable infrastructure due to damage or dangerous conditions. Though it is not the only option to evade censorship, it is likely quite appreciated by citizens in dire need or with less technical prowess.

In the world of cybersecurity, we have a lot of tools for evading censorship. The most traditional such as VPNs or Virtual Private Networks are a method of subverting prying eyes of internet providers or possible eavesdroppers on the local network.

Tor browsers are another option, being easily downloadable from the internet. They allow a user to connect into a vast network of open-source nodes that bounce around a users communications and make it harder to track them. Both common solutions allow users to access items that would otherwise be banned, dodging censorship, tracking, and monitoring by all forms of bad actors.

A step up from this is eliminating digital fingerprint. An example is through flashing an image of Tails (a Linux distribution specifically aimed towards privacy and security, famously used by Edward Snowden) to a flashdrive and using it to disseminate information, something recommended for use by Reporters Without Borders.

Over the years, weve also seen increasing popularity in applications like Signal, which provide end-to-end encryption on messages in an easily accessible mobile app. End-to-end encryption is vital when service providers cant be trusted to keep their eyes off of communications, because only the end users (the senders and recipients) are privy to the unencrypted data.

Some applications are very close to end-to-end encryption or have options for it, such as Telegram. These can be equally good options for everyday use, but those looking for a private pipeline for communications should use caution and ensure their level of privacy is what they desire. The risk of using applications like this is usually low, and to most, readily available.

As the war in Ukraine continues to devastate the country, it is vital that citizens and journalists under siege are able to access and transmit critical and accurate information. With cities and townships under almost constant bombardment, the ability to intercept or receive information or timely warnings can help keep people safe.

Journalists and media workers risk their lives to provide war coverage, as well as document evidence of atrocities. Using these tools and techniques can help at-risk journalists and civilians stay connected to critical emergency services, utilities, and life-saving information.


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*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Blog | LogicHub authored by Tessa Mishoe. Read the original post at:

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Under the Wire: Evading Censorship & Protecting Sensitive Information - Security Boulevard

COMMENT | The pak turuts and self-censorship – Malaysiakini

"I always read about Islam, but I have learnt my lesson. I will keep away from Islam and not write anything about Islam in the future, that would be the best."

- Uthaya Sankar SB (above)

COMMENT | Uthaya Sankar SBs self-censorship is a lesson that every non-Malay citizen of this country has learnt.

The state has done an extremely good job in reminding non-Malays that there are consequences for provoking the majority when it comes to racial and religious issues.

In newsrooms across the country non-Malay journalists, dilettantes, and the non-Malay corporate interests that control them impose self-censorship whenever it comes to issues that may touch upon race and religion.

As someone who has unfairly earned a reputation for being anti-Islam and anti-Malay in my depictions of race relations in this country I am supposedly also anti-DAP it should surprise nobody that I too practice self-censorship.

I do this because the livelihoods of people...

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COMMENT | The pak turuts and self-censorship - Malaysiakini

Conservative ‘That Show Tonight’ Latest Victim of Big Tech Censorship – Hollywood in Toto

Comedy shouldnt be this hard in 2022.

We just watched one of stand-ups biggest starsget slapped for telling the wrong joke during the 94th Oscars gala. Thats on top of the woke gestapo deciding how and why we can laugh.

Just ask Dave Chappelle.

Big Tech similarly threatens anyone who tells jokes outside the approved topic list.

Comedians like Ryan Long and Tyler Fischer found this out the hard way. The same is true for The Babylon Bee, which faces the double threat of fabulist fact checksalong with Big Tech censorship.

That Show Tonight is relatively new to the scene, but it swiftly joined the ranks of censorship victims. Why? Telling jokes about the current administration isnt approved by the powers that be, according to the fledgling troupe.

The series, spearheaded by comedian Michael Loftus, offers right-leaning satire for those exhausted by mainstream comedys hard-left agenda. The showcase features stars like Jim Breuer and guitar slinger Brian Haner cracking wise about President Joe Biden, COVID-19 mandates and more.

The shows TikTok account, launched in September, had more than 15K followers as of a few days ago. That Show Tonight clips generated hundreds of thousands of views, according to the show, including one video that boasted more than 400K views.

TikTok pulled down one video from the account, Coma Man, but quickly restored it following an appeal.

That was the only sign of trouble from the Chinese platform. No warnings, no clues that the channel ran afoul of TikTok culture. Nor did the comedy troupe post anything adult in nature, be it upsetting visuals or coarse language.

None of the above stopped TikTok from removing That Show Tonights account, presumably for good.

It isnt the only Big Tech interference the group has endured.

A representative of the troupe says YouTube and Facebook routinely block attempts to boost content parodying the Biden administration or the Left in general.

The group tried to circumvent this by attempting to promote a video featuring sad puppies, as harmless a clip as one can imagine, to make a point.

That strategy worked, but it only highlighted the content discrimination it faces.

Right-leaning comedians cant promote their work through the typical channels. Late night shows wont let them grace their couches.

Publications such as Variety and The Hollywood Reporter rarely give them precious space on their sites.

Social media can be the great equalizer, letting rebellious talent thrive without corporate filters. Digital stars like Tim Dillon, Tom MacDonald, Buddy Brown and Chrissie Mayr have done just that.

Thats increasingly not the case, though, and its not funny for comedians trying to survive in a biased media landscape.

Original post:
Conservative 'That Show Tonight' Latest Victim of Big Tech Censorship - Hollywood in Toto

Justin Trudeau is determined to censor the internet (Feat. Ezra Levant) | The Paradise News – The Paradise News

After Justin Trudeaus dreadful online censorship bills thankfully died because Trudeau called an election in the Fall of 2021, theyre back and theyre worse than before. The Trudeau government has reintroduced its latest online censorship legislation Bills C-11 and C-18.

Under Trudeaus new censorship regime, big tech platforms will be forced to promote government-defined Canadian content and to pay news outlets for articles that are shared on online platforms.

On todays episode of The Candice Malcolm Show, Rebel News boss Ezra Levant joins Candice to discuss what Trudeaus online censorship legislation means for Canadians and why Trudeau is determined to censor the internet.


Were asking readers, like you, to make a contribution in support of True Norths fact-based, independent journalism.

Unlike the mainstream media, True North isnt getting a government bailout. Instead, we depend on the generosity of Canadians like you.

How can a media outlet be trusted to remain neutral and fair if theyre beneficiaries of a government handout? We dont think they can.

This is why independent media in Canada is more important than ever. If youre able, please make a tax-deductible donation to True North today. Thank you so much.

Source: Culled From TNC.

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Justin Trudeau is determined to censor the internet (Feat. Ezra Levant) | The Paradise News - The Paradise News

Big Abortion’s Big Tech Allies Aim to Censor Pro-Lifers. They Won’t Win. – Daily Signal

The future of abortion law in the U.S. hinges on the forthcoming ruling in a Supreme Court case, Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health Organization, but the pro-life movement must begin gearing up to fight another insidious foeBig Tech censorship.

Organizations standing for the sanctity of life are well aware of the uphill battle they face.

The prominent anti-abortion group Live Action had its content censored online long before the docket put the Supreme Courts 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion nationwide in the crosshairs.

In 2019, social media platform Pinterest added Live Actions website to its blacklist of banned sites. The blacklisting meant users were unable to link to Live Actions content or post it on Pinterest.

The Daily Signal reported that after Live Action attempted to appeal the ban, Pinterest took things a step further and permanently banned its account, claiming the organization violated Pinterests misinformation policies.

Andrew Moore, digital and creative director at pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List, says his organization also has been hit by Big Tech censorship on several occasions.

In 2017, Twitter prevented SBA List from running an ad featuring a pro-life quote by Mother Teresa, claiming our ad violated their policy on promoting the sale of health and pharmaceutical products, Moore said in a statement to The Daily Signal.

In 2020, citing a factually incorrect fact-check by the Dispatch, Facebook banned our ads stating that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support late-term abortion. Meanwhile, Big Abortion was permitted to run comparable ads without any restrictions.

The examples of Big Tech censorship of pro-life causes are innumerable. But what it all leads back to is that Big Tech is hostile to the anti-abortion movement and has openly thrown its considerable weight behind leftist pro-abortion causes.

That isnt really shocking. Its an open secret that platforms such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter are run by leftists whose sensibilities align more with rabid pro-abortionists.

Where this is likely to become an issue is when pro-abortion activists and their kindred spirits in the Silicon Valley hubs of Big Tech see Roe pared back or even struck down by the high court. A ruling is expected in late June.

The doomsaying surrounding a possible end to Roe already has the far left reeling. Its not hard to imagine a scenario in which the tech titans would push even harder to censor dissenting voices seeking to end or restrict abortion across the country.

Moore says Susan B. Anthony List is expecting a new wave of censorship.

We are prepared for a crackdown on any messaging on abortion that does not fit the narrative of Planned Parenthood and their numerous allies in Silicon Valley, he said, adding:

If the Supreme Court hands the question of abortion back to the people through their legislatures, Big Abortion will stand to have everything to lose. This new reality will motivate their friends in Big Tech to enact even more draconian measures.

As a silver lining, pro-life conservatives are at least aware that censorship will occur and have time to prepare. Pro-abortion forces already have shown their hand, so the pro-life movement knows what to expect if Roe is struck down.

Conservatives should demand transparency and accountability from Big Tech companies thatcensor them. The tech titans shouldnt have the power to hide behind shadowy algorithms and selective enforcement as they repeatedly remove pro-life content.

Recent bills in Georgia and Florida provide a model for consumer protections at the state level. The Georgia legislation has a provision under which Big Tech companies would be forced to provide a report on how frequently they censor content and why they took action. That would give users proof that theyd been censored.

But even if the online gatekeepers prevent pro-life messages from reaching a digital audience, pro-lifers can still take the movement offline.

If Big Tech increases their censorship of pro-life speech in a post-Roe America, pro-life Americans must step up by fostering person-to-person communications, through word of mouth, email, text, and alternative messaging, and social media platforms that have more respect for freedom of speech, Moore said.

The biggest pro-life event each year is the March for Life. Tens of thousands of Americans dedicated to protecting the unborn gather each year in Washington, D.C., to make it clear that life matters.

As it becomes more likely Roe will be struck down, or at least curtailed, the March for Life has begun spinning off marches in states such as Connecticut and California. Pro-life conservatives should attend these marches and organize their own, free from the censoring power of Big Tech.

The radical left will use every trick it has to keep abortion unrestricted, but the pro-life movement ultimately will win. Big Tech can try, but life wont be censored.

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Read the original post:
Big Abortion's Big Tech Allies Aim to Censor Pro-Lifers. They Won't Win. - Daily Signal