Letter: Censorship on Potter Hill Dam removal | Letters to Editor | thewesterlysun.com – The Westerly Sun
Two public sessions have been held via Zoom seeking input from the community on the removal of the Potter Hill Dam. The first meeting was on March 18 and the second on June 10. This dam removal effort will affect the residents of both Westerly and Hopkinton. Hopkinton was not made aware of this until March 18. There has been little notice of these public information sessions. These sessions have been online only via Zoom and public comments were limited by the Zoom moderator.
There was a website built after the first meeting to submit questions. These questions and comments are not publicly visible. My questions and others I have spoken with have had no replies after being submitted.
In the most recent public meeting on June 10 there were many people who had their hands raised on the Zoom meeting who were not called upon. For the limited few (including myself) who were called upon, we were not allowed to speak after our question was replied to.
This team has been working on this removal proposal for 10 years and has not fully explained the options reviewed and how decisions were made. There are several unanswered questions that the public should have answered by this team before any work to remove the dam commences in July. There needs to be a public meeting in person that allows the public to comment without censorship.
Jim Duksta
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Letter: Censorship on Potter Hill Dam removal | Letters to Editor | thewesterlysun.com - The Westerly Sun