Archive for the ‘Censorship’ Category

Censorship row over report on UK BAME Covid-19 deaths – The Guardian

Concerns about censorship have been raised after third-party submissions were left out of the government-commissioned report on the disproportionate effects of Covid-19 on black, Asian and minority ethnic people

Public Health England said it had engaged with more than 1,000 people during its inquiry. But the report, which has been criticised for failing to investigate the reasons for the disparities or make recommendations on how to address them, did not mention the consultations.

Anger has been compounded by a report in the Health Service Journal claiming that before publication the government removed a section detailing responses from third parties, many of whom highlighted structural racism.

The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), which called in its written submission for specific measures to tackle the culture of discrimination and racism [within the NHS], said it had contacted PHE to ask why its evidence was not included.

Its secretary general, Harun Khan, said: To choose to not discuss the overwhelming role structural racism and inequality has on mortality rates and to disregard the evidence compiled by community organisations, whilst simultaneously providing no recommendations or an action plan, despite this being the central purpose of the review, is entirely unacceptable. It beggars belief that a review asking why BAME communities are more at risk fails to give even a single answer.

TheMCBis seeking further clarification from PHE as to why the report removed the submission from theMCBand others. It is imperative that the full uncensored report is published with actionable policies and recommendations as suggested by community stakeholders, and a full Covid race equality strategy is introduced.

The report, which was published on Tuesday, found that BAME groups were up to twice as likely as white Britons to die if they contract Covid-19. But numerous studies had already established disproportionate mortality among BAME people, leaving many furious as to why PHE did not examine the reasons for the disparities or propose solutions.

Dr Zubaida Haque, the interim director of the Runnymede Trust, who attended a Zoom consultation relating to the review, said: Its extraordinary, theres nothing about that in the document at all. What was the point of carrying out that consultation exercise? Its a partial review, in terms of the fact that it doesnt have any written recommendations or plan of action, and its a partial review because it clearly hasnt taken onboard any of the concerns of voluntary and grassroots organisations. In that sense its very difficult to have confidence and trust in the review.

In a webinar on 22 May, Prof Kevin Fenton, the PHE regional director for London, who led the review, said the public health body had engaged more than 1,000 almost coming up now to 1,500 individuals who have participated in briefings, lectures, discussions, listening sessions on this issue. The extensive exercise included steps being taken already because we shouldnt be waiting to act when we know what to do, he said.

The British Medical Associations written evidence included the need to take account of socioeconomic factors. Its council chair, Dr Chaand Nagpaul, said: It is further incredibly concerning, if true, to hear claims that parts of the review have not been published. We first pushed for this review two months ago and a number of concerns we have consistently raised are not reflected in the paper. While this review was being compiled, BAME workerswere dying and will continue to do so unless the government engages in actions not words.

Neither PHE nor the Department for Health and Social Care responded to the Guardians question as to whether a section of the report had been removed before its publication.

See more here:
Censorship row over report on UK BAME Covid-19 deaths - The Guardian

Twitter Censorship, And Other Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix –

If people truly understood the extent to which mentalnarrative dominates their experience of life, propaganda,advertising and all other forms of psychologicalmanipulation would be regarded by our society similarly tophysical assault or property theft.


It is verytelling that Twitter only started censoring Trump forviolating terms of service when he promoted violence againstAmericans. He's been tweeting insanely hawkish threatsagainst people in other nations for years, but they don'tcount as real people.


FYI if you're more upsetby Twitter censoring one of the most powerful people in theworld for inciting violence than by Twitter routinelycensoring anti-imperialist accounts, it's because you're amindless partisan hack.


Twitter going to warwith Trump benefits ordinary people. If we're lucky Twitterwinds up being forced to scale back its censorshipprotocols. If we're really lucky Trump stops advocatingmurdering people for looting.


It's sofascinating how liberals think they can just end conspiracytheories by having them censored by a blanket collaborationof shady Silicon Valley tech oligarchs. Says a lot about howlittle they understand - or want to understand - about otherperspectives.

I mean how do they imagine that's goingto work exactly? "Oh okay I used to think that 5G was forcontrolling nanobots injected into us under the pretense ofa mandatory coronavirus vaccine, but now all the onlineposts about that have been removed by an opaque conspiracyof tech billionaires so I guess I'll stop believingthat."


The establishment doesn't fear Trump's"populist" base anymore than they fear Trump. They've beeneasily propagandized into backing longstanding establishmentagendas against Iran, China, Venezuela, Russia, Assange,etc. They're as worthless and neutered as Obama's basewas.

Support Assange? Okay well we need to extraditehim for his safety. Oppose Russia hysteria? Just ignore allTrump's cold war escalations then. Oppose war? Those areObama's wars, not Trump's. A slight narrative adjustment wasall it took to herd them in.


If you believefighting the deep state has something to do with beating theDemocrats and supporting Donald Trump, then you are notactually interested in fighting the deep state. What you areactually doing is called "being aRepublican".


Life pro tip: If you findyourself cheering for the same "people's uprising" in aforeign nation that the US State Department is also loudlycheering for, it's because you've been propagandized. Pleaserevise your media consumption habits and critical thinkingskills accordingly.


I don't know who needs tohear this, but you will never, ever hate China hard enoughto make manufacturing jobs return toAmerica.


People think they're making aprofound and important distinction when they say "No I hatethe Chinese government, not the Chinesepeople." As though all the worst warmongers haven'tbabbled about supporting "the people" ofIraq/Libya/Syria/etc prior to every act ofimperialism.


Complete list of arguments I'vereceived against my opposition to cold war escalations withChina:

- You love the CCP

- You think they'venever done anything wrong

- Commie

- How manyyuan were you paid to say this?

- If you love China somuch you should move there

End oflist.


If people moving too far to the leftfeatures anywhere on your list of major imminent threats toour society, you are an asshole.


Trump is nota Nazi Putin puppet, nor is he a populist savior. He's amiserable rich man from a miserable rich family who did whatwas necessary to become the president of a corruptbloodthirsty empire, and then had a bunch of gratuitousnarratives heaped on that from bothsides.


I've never encountered anyone onlinewith whom I consistently agree, and if you're an independentthinker you won't either. Spend less energy concerningyourself with which individuals are good or bad and more onwhat information and ideas are true andhelpful.

Scoop Media

Rogue journalist

Caitlin Johnstone is a 100 percent crowdfunded rogue journalist, bogan socialist, anarcho-psychonaut, guerilla poet and utopia prepper living in Australia with her American husband and two kids. She writes about politics, economics, media, feminism and the nature of consciousness. She is the author of the illustrated poetry book "Woke: A Field Guide For Utopia Preppers."

Read more:
Twitter Censorship, And Other Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix -

TikTok Apologizes for Technical Glitch That Appeared to Censor #BlackLivesMatter Posts – RADII

TikTok has released an apology and formal statement after a glitch in the platform appeared to censor content related to the US protests over George Floyds killing at the hands of police.

Earlier this week, TikTok users began reporting that the search results for the hashtags #BlackLivesMatter and #GeorgeFloyd showed zero views. Many accused the platform, which is owned by Chinese company Bytedance, of deliberately stifling the conversation around the Black Lives Matter movement.

TikTok allegedly censoring Black Lives Matter and George Floyd related content. Black Lives Matter hashtag and every single George Floyd related hashtag gets absolutely no views and are allegedly not being suggested to users. Is this a glitch, or is TikTok doing this on purpose?

Def Noodles (@defnoodles) May 29, 2020

The official statement, titled A message to our Black community, comes from Vanessa Pappas and Kudzi Chikumbu, TikTok US General Manager and Director of Creator Community respectively. In it, they say that the incident was a display issue only that widely affected hashtags at large.

Nevertheless, we understand that many assumed this bug to be an intentional act to suppress the experiences and invalidate the emotions felt by the Black community. And we know we have work to do to regain and repair that trust.

They also pledged to donate a total of 4 million USD to coronavirus relief efforts and to funds related to other causes that disproportionately affect the black community. Users later found that the glitch had been fixed, and that other popular hashtags had been similarly affected.


ByteDance: How the TikTok Creator Took Over the Internet and Incited International Controversy

TikTok has previously come under fire in the US for censoring posts related to users with disabilities, as well as severalChina-specific issues. Some US lawmakers have even suggested that the app poses a threat tonational security due to its alleged ties to the CCP. Part of TikToks response has been to open a content moderation center in its Los Angeles office in March of this year in the hopes that this will be seen to offer more transparency in the US.

Go here to see the original:
TikTok Apologizes for Technical Glitch That Appeared to Censor #BlackLivesMatter Posts - RADII

Blood Brothers #36: Social media censorship, nationalism and defending Muslim rulers – 5Pillars

In this episode of the Blood Brothers Podcast, Dilly Hussain speaks with the founder and editor-in-chief of DOAM (Documenting Oppression against Muslims), Zahid Akhtar.

Zahid explains how he manages DOAM across various social media platforms and in five different languages, and the challenges he has faced with bans, closures and censorship.

The content creator states how nationalism and weak leadership has resulted in the current state of the Ummah.

Both Dilly and Zahid briefly go over the different groups of Muslims who are being persecuted around the world: the Rohingya (Myanmar), Uyghurs (China), Palestinians, Syrians, Kashmiris, India among others.

Topics of discussion also include whether Uyghur Muslims should seek help from the U.S. against China, the role of Muslims in the west in standing up for the oppressed, and collaborating with other media outlets who we may differ with on some areas for the sake of unity.




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Read more here:
Blood Brothers #36: Social media censorship, nationalism and defending Muslim rulers - 5Pillars

Texas and the Twitter Censor – Dallas Observer

Last week, Twitter attached a link to one of President Donald Trump's tweets, asserting that the president's claims about voter fraud and mail-in voting weren't true. The social media platform decision incensed Trump and many Republicans, including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Attorney General Ken Paxton. The president even issued an executive order attempting to strip social media companies of liability protections they've enjoyed since the '90s.

There a plenty of times over the past couple of years where Texans on Twitter could've used a little help from the fact checkers. If Jack Dorsey and company want to police their platform, here are a couple of places we wish they'd have started.

1. Let's start with an easy one:

In September 2019, North Texas state Rep. Jonathan Stickland called vaccines witchcraft during a Twitter fight with Dr. Peter Hotez, one of Texas's leading vaccinologists.

The fact check could've been one sentence: "Vaccines are not witchcraft."

2. Gov. Greg Abbott pumps up Kid Rock's Senate campaign: In 2017, Kid Rock acted like he was running for Senate in Michigan. He wasn't, really, but that didn't stop Abbott from celebrating his campaign.

The problem with poll Abbott tweeted out, as FiveThirtyEight would later explain,is that the organization that conducted it, Delphi Analytica, wasn't a polling firm. It wasn't even clear, the politics analysis website found, whether or not the firm even conducted the poll the way they said they did. Delphi Analytica's goal was to get attention. It worked, thanks in large part to the governor.

3. Abbott, part two: In August 2018, in the midst of a right-wing frenzy over the loosely collected leftists who compose Antifa, Abbott tweeted a quote he believed came from Winston Churchill.

The fascists of the future, an image macro featuring Churchill said, will call themselves antifascists.

The thing is, Churchill never uttered the sentence quoted in the meme. The meme itself came from @9gag, a Hong Kong-based content farm. Abbott deleted the tweet, but not before he made The Washington Post.4. Katrina Pierson mixes up Gaza and Belarus: Failed Dallas congressional candidate and Trump acolyte Katrina Pierson has never worried to much about consistency or the truth. A little more than a year ago, in an apparent attempt to attack Minnesota U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar over violence between Palestinians in Gaza and Israel, Pierson tweeted out images of rocket's being fired.

The rockets in question, The Washington Post found, were likely fired in Belarus. Pierson still hasn't deleted the tweet.

5. Abbott dooms the Astros: In 2014, the Astros were up 6-2 over the Royals in Game 4 of the American League Division Series. They led the series 2-1 and looked poised to make their first American League Championship Series. Abbott crowned them early. The Royals came back and then won Game 5 in Kansas City.

Another easy fact check: "No, they haven't."

6. Twitter tries to shoot Amari Cooper: On Feb. 19, a now-dead Twitter account called@TOffseason caused Dallas' sports media to melt down by tweeting that the Cowboys' Amari Cooper had been shot in a local parking garage. It never happened. Less than a month later, the Cowboys signed Cooper to a brand new, five-year, $100 million contract.

Wide receiver Amari Cooper, one of the keys to the Cowboys' potential success in 2020.

Sean M. Haffey / Getty

7. Dallas police make Mark Hughes wait: Late on the night of July 7, 2016, one of the worst in Dallas history, Dallas police tweeted out a photo of Mark Hughes, identifying him as a suspect in the police shootings that left five officers dead. Hughes had nothing to do with the shooting, but DPD left their tweet of his photo up for hours, even after police killed the alleged shooter, Micah X. Johnson, with a bomb robot.

Maybe a simple "This isn't the guy!" clarification would've helped.

Mark Hughes was mistaken for Micah X. Johnson, the black man who killed officers on July 7, 2016.

Mark Graham

Stephen Young has written about Dallas news for the Observer since 2014. He's a Dallas native and a graduate of the University of North Texas.

Read the original post:
Texas and the Twitter Censor - Dallas Observer