Archive for the ‘Censorship’ Category

Mob Censorship on Campus –

In todays political climate, there are sharp divisions of opinion over a range of issues, from health care and climate change to education and labor law. Ideally, a civil debate undertaken with mutual respect could ease tension and advance knowledge. Politics, however, often takes a very different turn.

One of the landmark decisions of the United States Supreme Court, New York Times v. Sullivan, was decided in 1964 at the height of civil rights movement. Writing for the majority, Justice William Brennan insisted that the First Amendments guarantee of freedom of speech rested on a profound national commitment to the principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open, and that it may well include vehement, caustic, and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials. He then concluded that the First Amendment offered extensive protection to the media from defamation suits brought by private individualsa principle that was later extended to apply to public figures as well. Defamation suits in his view could chill public debate.

There is an obvious tension between the efforts to secure deliberative democracy and those to provide extensive constitutional protection of caustic speech. That tension came to a head in two recent free speech incidents on university campuses. At Berkeley recently, an organized group of armed protesters overwhelmed local police officers and turned what was a peaceful protest by many Berkeley students against the provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos into a violent attack against persons and property. The protestors shut down Yiannopouloss lecture and have so far escaped any police or university punishment for their misdeeds. A similar incident happened just over a month later at Middlebury College, where student protestors violently silenced the thoughtful conservative social scientist Charles Murray, who had been invited to speak before a Republican student group.

Of course, the scope of the constitutional protection for freedom of speech can be debated. But in these two cases, its pretty clear that the First Amendment does not protect these disruptive protesters. To be sure, there is one critical difference between the two cases. One took place outside the forum. The other took place within it. The Berkeley student protestors on the street did not disrupt Yiannopoulos lectures when they waved posters and sang chants in opposition to his beliefs. But the moment the songs and signs turned to threats and violence, any claim for constitutional protection of their speech necessarily vanished. Whenever speech inspires violence, it should be shut down. The law is clear on that point. Abstract advocacy is allowed, because there is ample opportunity to intervene before incendiary words lead to incendiary actions.

Speaking more generally, the term freedom of speech is not some constitutional absolute, for it is subject to the same limitations that are imposed on all other forms of human behavior. People have freedom of location, but they cannot engage in criminal trespasses. People have a freedom of contract, but not to enter contracts to disrupt by force the activities of other individuals. People have freedom of religion, but they cannot kill or steal in service of their faith All forms of freedoms, verbal and nonverbal, carry with them correlative duties to respect the rights of others.

Yiannopoulos did not violate the legal rights of others when he spoke to people who chose to listen to him. But the outside mob surely did. If the use of force is illegal, then the threat to use that force, whether by words or actions, is illegal as well, and indeed just as insidious because it allows the protesters to gain their unlawful objective without having to risk their own lives and property. Criminal trespass and violence to person and property are not protected solely because the protesters wish to express their intense dislike of the speakers views.

The situation at Middlebury was different, insofar as organized throngs of students shouted out in unison a prepared statement that made it impossible for Murray (who conducted himself with patient dignity) to speak. Here, the shouts and protests that might be permissible outside the hall cannot be allowed inside, where the rules of engagement are quite different. Whenever a private institution like a university offers someone a forum to speak, it is entitled to impose rules of engagement on all participants to that discussionas Middleburys rules did. The whole point of those rules is to protect the speaker from any vehement, caustic, and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks, so that he may get his message across. The constitutional norms for public protest can be altered and supplemented by other institutional rules that are intended to promote civil discourse among those who disagree.

Thus, the moment the students started clapping and shouting, they were in violation of the same norms that protect their own speech there, warranting their removal by public force. Their offense may even be prosecutable under the criminal law. In this situation, it is unclear whether Middlebury, which imposed the rules, will discipline the students internally, or let the entire matter slide. Right now, Middleburys president has vowed accountability for those involved, but only after a long investigation with the police. But once some protestors resorted to force and violence as Murray and his local host, Middlebury political science professor Allison Stanger, sought to leave, the criminal law kicked in. Violence on private property is as much a danger to the fabric of social order as it is everywhere else, and it is the first business of any government, no matter how limited its functions, to protect its citizens, and others within its territory, from it.

It is a somewhat different question of whether a private university has to open itself up to all forms of speech in the first place. If it is treated as a matter of positive law, it is clear that a university can refuse to allow anyone it chooses on its campus: the right to exclude is an essential feature of property rights. The First Amendment prohibition does not allow one person to commandeer the property of another for his own purposes. But in terms of their roles in society, there is a critical difference between a university and a private business: Universities have as their central mission the discovery and promotion of knowledge across all different areas of human life.

As Justice Holmes said in his 1919 dissent in Abrams v. United States, The best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market. He penned those words in defense of a raucous public protest against World War I. Applied to the university context, that same principle counsels against creating a privileged sanctuary for some points of view to the exclusion of another. The discovery of truth is an ongoing process that often leads to the modification and rejection of the basic tenets of another age. It is in this spirit that the guidelines announced and defended by the University of Chicago represent the sensible private response to the free speech question that goes far beyond the scope of the law. The principle of competition means that no point of view is privileged over anyone elses, especially on the hot-button issues of our times. The university rightly casts itself into the position of a common carrier that takes all customers so long as they obey the standard rules against disruptive behavior.

There are several additional points. The first is that one should be wary of trigger warnings given to any students about matters that might offend them. On a university, no position is out of boundswhich is the only trigger warning a student should receive upon arriving on campus. In dealing with the issue of emotional distress, Professor and Judge Calvert Magruder said a long time ago that the best remedy is a certain toughening of the mental hide. The modern law dealing with intentional infliction of emotional distress speaks of extreme and outrageous conduct. Microaggressions do not meet that standard. And one sides microagressions can justify the kind of senseless violence that occurred at Berkeley and Middlebury, while much more abusive language against conservative students and teachers passes by without so much as a shrug of the shoulders.

A related key principle is that no level of personal offense gives rise to any claim to silence speech, however abhorrent that speech may be. Otherwise, the most vocally aggrieved individuals will get additional benefits over those who take more moderate positions. A culture of microaggressions creates an incentive for people to magnify their grievances, which in turn increases social polarization.

At this point, the question is whether the same principles should apply to Berkeley, a public institution, as to Middlebury, a private one. One huge advantage of private universities is that they can consider a wide range of options that might work to facilitate internal debate and independent inquiry. It is, however, unclear whether a public university has the same degree of freedom, given that the First Amendment normally binds state institutions. But a university is not a police force. It seeks to regulate its internal affairs, not those of ordinary citizens, and necessarily needs some discretion in deciding what forms of speech are permissible within the institution.

Yet it is worrisome, at the same time, to think that any university, especially any public university, could deny the routine privileges of membershipthe use of rooms and bulletin boards, for exampleto those students who fail to toe some collective line on race and religious issues. That issue arose when the Supreme Court held in 2010 that Hastings Law School could deny certain privileges to the Christian Legal Society so long as it was not prepared to open its membership to all comers. And it is surely the case that any effort to apply First Amendment norms to hiring and promotion decisions would be utterly disastrous, given that what is needed is a judgment on the merits of a candidate and his or her body of work. It is here, of course, that we have great dangers, given that many universities have a stunning uniformity of viewswhich, as I wrote in connection with Yale University, makes it ever harder for more conservative academics to gain positions in these institutions, at great cost to their own institutional diversity. One good consequence of the Middlebury situation was that an impressive number of its faculty members signed a letter in support of the proposition that learning is possible only where free, reasoned and civil speech is respected.

Its tragic that this statement was necessary at all. Lets hope that there will be no repetition of these violent incidents, and further, that universities and colleges come to understand that intellectual diversity within their own ranks offers the greatest protection for this vital principle of free speech.

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Temporary censorship a precaution by Wando principal – Moultrie News

On Thursday, March 9, a Wando High School student called the Moultrie News desperate for answers as to why a student video production had been tabled.

Valeria Hughen, one of the anchors for Wando's school news show, Tribe Talk, said that last week's Tribe Talk episode had been pulled by Principal Sherry Eppelsheimer.

"We uploaded the episode onto Youtube yesterday afternoon, and this morning, before airing, an administrator was sent to tell us to completely remove it and that no teacher will be airing the episode due to an issue with one of our pieces," Hughen explained.

Like her classmates and fellow production crew members, Hughen wanted to know, "If it was only one piece they had an issue with, why was the whole episode to be taken down?"

She said they tried to address the situation with administrators but received very little response.

However, when contacted, Charleston County School District spokesman Andy Pruitt explained that the district's legal counsel was contacted by Wando High School Principal Sherry Eppelsheimer to inquire whether legal or other issues were raised by a plan to broadcast a student-produced video.

"The report by Tribe Talk addressed the subject of the rights of transgender students to use the bathroom for the gender with which they identify. Broadcasting the story into required classes for all grades raised questions that Dr. Eppelsheimer felt the need to address with counsel for the district," he said.

Hughen's concern was that the Tribe Talk episode was a follow-up to one on this same subject, with the same student in question, that had already aired.

All Tribe Talk episodes are student produced with little oversight from advisers other than training on equipment and technique.

Pruitt said that Eppelsheimer primarily wanted to ensure the student report was consistent with any limitations set forth in state law.

"Specifically, attention was drawn to the South Carolina Comprehensive Health Education Act, which places strict limitations on what can be discussed in certain classes. Legal counsel determined that the story was not related to health education. All issues have been resolved, and the video will be broadcast," he said.

The video can be found online att

See the article here:
Temporary censorship a precaution by Wando principal - Moultrie News

Study Says 12% of Iranians Support Social Media Censorship – Financial Tribune

A recent study says 12% of Iranians believe that social media networks and applications should be filtered with immediate effect. The first of its kind, the study was conducted last month by Iranian Student Polling Agency (ISPA) affiliated to the Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research orJihad Daneshgahi, which is a subsidiary of the non-governmental Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution. Working with a statistical sample of 1,500 people, the study showed that 62% of the participants believe that the state should have oversee all social media networks operating in Iran. Only 12% of the respondents believed that there is no need for governmental oversight while an equal number said the social media networks should be filtered in its entirety. The remaining 14% were indifferent. The research found that 41% of participants believe social media networks are beneficial to society as a whole, while 48% opposed the fast growing networks as harmful. Eleven percent were undecided.

Fake News The study also questioned the sample group about news and reports made available through social media like Telegram and Facebook. With the presidential elections on May 19, Iranian officials are keeping a close eye on social media and the dissemination of news and reports it deems incorrect and possibly dangerous to social cohesion. When participants in the survey were asked to what degree they check the reliability of the news they read on social media networks, 35.7% said they always do so. This is while 17.1% said they sometimes check the source of the news and 39.6% of the respondents said they seldom do. The remaining 7% were unconcerned about the spread of fake news.

Education, Jokes in Social Media The study also showed that 35% of those polled use Telegram as a source of educational material and 28% read news and analysis via this application. This is while 24% consider the application a source of entertainment by using channels sharing jokes. Similarly with 28.8%, educational material had the biggest share in terms of the material forwarded by users. Moreover, the study showed 20.2% of Telegram users usually forward jokes and comedy memes to their contacts via the application. Ameme(pronounced meem)is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture.A meme is often a picture based with a caption attached to it to symbolize humor or irony. Of social media platforms used in Iran, Telegram messenger has a 55% share and Instagram 23%. Last year, the same study revealed that 38% of Iranians were using Telegram, the number has increased by 17%. As for Instagram, 17% of Iranians were members of the photo sharing app in the month ending February 18 last year, the figure increased by 6% this year. The study said each user spends an average 72 minutes on social media per day. This is while ISPA believes this number to be 120 minutes for most Iranian smartphone users. Data published in December shows that Telegram Messenger has 170,000 Persian channels, 11,000 of which have more than 5,000 members. An estimated 45 million Iranians actively use the app.

The rest is here:
Study Says 12% of Iranians Support Social Media Censorship - Financial Tribune

Censorship at Middlebury College – Canada Free Press

Having witnessed how the Yugoslav tragedy was essentially driven (vis a vis "wag the dog" 20) by pseudo-intellectual thug "academics" and "journalists" who pimp themselves out to the highest bidder

The recent embarrassing censorship of Dr. Charles Murray at the hands of a student mob at Middlebury College1 gave me horrible flashbacks of my numerous unforgettable experiences with academic censorship as a Serbian-American activist in the Boston area when I was a graduate student at Harvard in the 1990s 2.

During this time, the Yugoslav civil wars were raging and the media and Western politicians were blaming the Serbs for everything bad that happened in the Balkans and beyond 3. Many conferences and lectures were suddenly and spontaneously organized at local colleges and universities. But just like the corporate-controlled mainstream media discussion of the facts surrounding tragic civil wars in the former Yugoslavia, I found that they were consistently presenting only 1/2 (or less) of the real story4,5.

Serbian experts were not being invited to present their side. Self-described pseudo-intellectual experts on the Balkans who werent even from Yugoslavia (and in many cases had not even visited the region) were instead regurgitating US State Department agitprop to demonize the Serbian people. And there were so many of them: dermatologist (!) Philip Cohen MD, NYT columnist Anthony Lewis, journalist (later US ambassador to the UN) Samantha Power, historian and journalist Noel Malcolm, columnist Georgie Anne Geyer etc. etc. etc., who were giving biased/distorted presentations at esteemed academic institutions against the Serbs and advocating military action against them with little or no counterpoint. We tried in vain to challenge their distorted arguments only to find hostile conference organizers who would allow maybe a two minute response - and it had to be in the form of a question (for an hour long talk) - if we were lucky - and then shut us down once they saw that we were disrupting their carefully constructed web of distorted information.

At one memorable conference at Wellesley College, Croatian nationalist professor Ivo Banac at Yale angrily, publicly and loudly called my friend who had civilly and diplomatically questioned his Yugoslav communist sources a Serbian propagandist. I made the point there publicly that there were no Serbian perspectives/voices who were invited. Afterward, an anthropology professor at Wellesley took my group out for a late dinner to apologize because he told me that he was asked to present a Serbian viewpoint but admitted that he knew nothing about the war or the region and felt that Wellesley had done a disservice to the Serbs. When my wife who was a Wellesley alumna wrote a letter to the president of the college explaining this horribly anti-intellectual situation, the president explained in written response that Srdja Popovic was invited. This is the same Mr. Popovic who openly called for bombing of his own people as a traitor while the majority of his family was safely in America courtesy of the US State Department. I wouldnt consider his views representative of the majority of Serbs.

Another American anthropologist at Boston University whom I knew and who actually did field work in Yugoslavia was viciously threatened by Croatian scholars when she presented her pro-Serbian (really just balanced but to be balanced in those days was to be pro-Serb) perspectives at another scholarly academic conference. She was rarely invited to present papers due to the anti-Serbian McCarthyesque hysteria that swept up academia in the 1990s despite the gravity of her important work in Yugoslavia in the 1970s. A Canadian sociology professor at McMaster University received death threats from Croatians in Hamilton Ontario when she wrote about the savage genocide of Serbian Orthodox Christians in WWII at the hands of the Croatian Catholic Ustashe 6-8.

A Japanese-American professor who was a friend of mine and fellow activist wrote a letter to Elie Wiesel to query him why he was so anti-Serbian given that he should have had some understanding of why Serbs were so terrified to live in a Croatia that sought to resurrect the symbolism and rhetoric of its shameful Nazi Ustasha era when hundreds of thousands of Serbs (my relatives included) perished. Prof. Wiesel wrote him back a bizarre, strangely worded and unintelligible response which was also sent to the president of his university demonstrating the McCarthyesque means that some scholars utilized to scare and possibly get fired those who disagreed with them.

Even MIT had a biased anti-Serbian panel which included a Bosnian Muslim warlord commander (who had likely committed war crimes against Serbian civilians) but with no Serbian side to challenge the information presented. When I pointed this out, I was threatened by some members of the largely Muslim student audience and had to make a hasty exit for fear of my life - at MIT of all places!

More recently historian and columnist Dr. Srdja Trifkovic was banned from entering Canada in 2011 due to an angry Bosnian Muslim organization/mob that prevented him from giving an invited talk on the future of the Balkans at the University of British Columbia just because he was Serbian and had written pieces and books critical of Muslim extremism in the past 9-12.

And so it went for many years and continues to go on to this very day. I write the Canada Free Press this piece because there are few (if any) American news outlets who would dare to publish this essay because to publish it would be to admit decades of censorship and information control in the American free and fair media 2. There was no real debate on the Balkans at our nations finest academic institutions because the intention was never to inform American students and scholars about the reality of the civil wars in Yugoslavia but to demonize the Serbs to build support for illegal military action against them and breakup Yugoslavia at Serbian expense. These actions culminated in the illegal and vicious bombing of Serbia in 1999 to enable an Islamic terrorist safe haven of Kosovo (from which we continue to receive blowback) by stealing it from Serbia and to create Camp Bondsteel for protecting the AMBO pipeline and act against Russia someday13-15.

Though many of the allegations against the Serbs have been proven to be grossly exaggerated and many of the atrocities against them have reluctantly and finally been exposed, the damage has been done. Yugoslavia, which was an anchor of stability in the Balkans, has been torn asunder and the Balkans has returned to its pre WWI status as an unstable and divided powder keg that could go off any moment thanks to NATOs desperate need find a new purpose and new enemies to justify its senseless existence after the fall of the Berlin Wall 16. And so this costly Quixotic quest for imaginary enemies, betrayal of century-old allies (e,g. WWI and WWII ally Serbia), and divide-and-conquer modus operandi continues to this very day in Libya, Syria, the Ukraine and elsewhere and now in my own country - America.

I will never forget the racism, ignorance, censorship that Serbians and Serbian-Americans endured at the hands of ignorant academics such as Samantha Power who were nothing more than pseudo-intellectual propagandists doing the bidding of their Bilderberger/CFR masters: globalists and master strategists such as Zbieniew Brzezinski and George Soros in their fanatical and sinister effort to force an unelected new world order which will enslave much of humanity 17-19.

Fast forward to the censorship of Dr. Charles Murray at Middlebury College and I see exactly the same McCarthyesque/fascist pattern of ignorant, immature, and misguided students (led by their mentors and other sponsors) most of whom Ill bet have not even read Dr. Murrays book but nevertheless feel self-righteous in their anger and censorship of this scholar.

The point of this essay is not to defend Dr. Murrays work. It is not even to say who was right and who was wrong in the Yugoslav civil wars where no side was innocent. The point of this essay is to explain that many so-called scholars and their students dont know how to debate and are destroying respect for and the purpose of academia. They are afraid of information that may not fit their carefully crafted and generously funded paradigms and so, to prevent the truth or at least different ways of thinking from emerging, they censor it. The Middlebury students betrayed the constitutional right of free speech by preventing Dr. Murray from presenting his ideas. As Americans, we have the right to hear and should hear ALL sides of any story (regardless of what is right and what is wrong) - particularly in an academic setting and to debate these ideas. They key to being a good scholar is precisely the willingness to examine different directions of thought that may be controversial but nevertheless, may yield tremendous insight and will at the very least instill caution where fools dare to tread. When we become afraid of ideas, we become slaves to that fear and lose our ability to think freely and thus be creative which is what made America great.

The essence of democracy and intellectual freedom is the free exchange and expression of ideas. Democracies require educated citizens to flourish and that requires exposure to differing points of view even if some citizens disagree with them. Civilized debate is the proper means for flushing out bad ideas so that we can agree on and adopt good ideas and move positively forward. Without debate, we encourage polarization, ignorance and confusion around controversial ideas which is extremely dangerous.

I was deeply disappointed in the students at Middlebury college who prevented different ideas from being presented. The immature students who disrupted the event should be severely reprimanded by college authorities and those who assaulted the professor should face criminal charges and be expelled from the college. If students are unwilling to even listen to opposing ideas (regardless of their political correctness) and civilly participate in the debate/discussion, they will never learn anything and have no business being in college.

Having witnessed how the Yugoslav tragedy was essentially driven (vis a vis wag the dog 20) by pseudo-intellectual thug academics and journalists who pimp themselves out to the highest bidder and encouraged mob/NATO violence against the Serbs culminating in the destruction of international law, and seeing how Nazi Germany got its way by similarly encouraging mob violence, bullying and burning books, I shudder for the future of academia and for my country. We should all be deeply concerned by what transpired at Middlebury College.


The rest is here:
Censorship at Middlebury College - Canada Free Press

World Day Against Cyber-Censorship The Media Express – The Media Express

The Internet has been key to providing a voice for those who have been ignored by the traditional media streams. While those groups have been able to enjoy free expression and an exchange of ideas. Yet around the world, governments are trying to limit individuals access to the web.

As part of the World Day Against Cyber-Censorship, the reminders are focused on how the web remains a battleground for free speech, as well as a way to rally users in fighting repression of online speech. Reporters Without Borders created this day to also celebrate the work of brave individuals who are promoting free speech and expression on the Internet.

While there are a variety of reasons offered for censorship, in Iran, the web has become a way to track potential opposition and those who are arguing for change. Bloggers have been imprisoned, websites are blocked and access to the global internet is limited to non-existent. The argument has been to block obscene content, since the Iranian government promotes Sharia law, which includes more intense controls over content.

But this work has also had a cooling effect on free speech, as social media sites are blocked or heavily monitored and individuals are arrested based on questionable charges of insulting government officials. State-mandated blocking and filtering programs have become a standard part of the web in Iran.

Irans nationwide Halal Internet is meant to cut off a majority of citizens from the global web and they are attempting to block all foreign sites. As part of this day, Reporters Without Borders updates its Enemies of the Internet and Countries Under Surveillance lists. Countries on the Enemies of the Internet list include all of these countries mark themselves out not just for their capacity to censor news and information online, but also for their almost systematic repression of Internet users. Iran has been on that list since 2006.

There has also been an increase in the number of countries that have used the Internet for surveillance, in addition to censorship. Iran has also employed programs to track the usage of their citizens. Censorship and monitoring programs are being sold to multiple dictatorships, including Syria and Iran, according to Electronic Frontier Foundation. Yet, these capabilities would not be possible without the help of American and EU companies that sell the state-of-the-art programs being used to spy on their citizens.

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World Day Against Cyber-Censorship The Media Express - The Media Express