Strike Against SOPA & PIPA
Join the largest online protest in history: tell Congress to stop this bill now!
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Not In The US? Petition The State Department.
I am writing to you as a voter in your district. I urge you to vote "no" on cloture for S. 968, the PROTECT IP Act, on Jan. 24th. The PROTECT IP Act is dangerous, ineffective, and short-sighted. It does not deserve floor consideration. I urge my representative to vote "no" on SOPA, the corresponding House bill. Over coming days you'll be hearing from the many businesses, advocacy organizations, and ordinary Americans who oppose this legislation because of the myriad ways in which it will stifle free speech and innovation. We hope you'll take our concerns to heart and oppose this legislation by voting "no" on cloture.
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Watch the video American Censorship page View the Infographic Read SOPA on OpenCongress Read PIPA on OpenCongress
The three most definitive articles on SOPA and PIPA: Free Speech, Problems, Security
Fight for the Future is a non-profit organization fighting for people's freedoms in a new digital age.
Continued here:
Strike Against SOPA & PIPA