Archive for the ‘Censorship’ Category

SONY HACK: False Flag to Pass Internet Censorship Bill – Video

SONY HACK: False Flag to Pass Internet Censorship Bill
In today #39;s video, Christopher Greene of AMTV explains why the Sony Hack is a false flag. AMTV Website: Donate $5 / month to AMTV: Get.


Read more from the original source:
SONY HACK: False Flag to Pass Internet Censorship Bill - Video

Keller @ Large: Try Self-Censorship In 2015

December 23, 2014 8:47 AM

Jon Keller is WBZ-TV News' Political Analyst, and his "Keller A...

BOSTON (CBS) Looking for a New Years resolution thats realistic and might save your job one day?

Heres an idea, with apologies to Archie Bunker: stifle yourself.

Regular listeners here know I tend to support free speech, and decry the censorship instincts of the PC police. I think its OK to wish someone a Merry Christmas, even on public property.

But self-censorship is not just a good thing, its vital to the functioning of a civil society, and, according to new academic research, to the productive functioning of a mixed-gender business meeting.

Researchers found that creativity in mixed-sex groups is enhanced by imposinga norm that sets clear expectations for how men and women should interact with one another.

You know like a middle-school dance party.

That same principle should be broadly applied to use of the internet, an arena where the ease of access and the illusion of anonymity seems to spur people to say offensive things theyd never put their name to. And in the last few years the internet has emerged as our primary theater of self-destruction.

Remember Justine Sacco, the p-r person who got herself fired a year ago for tweeting as she boarded an overseas flight: Going to Africa. Hope I dont get AIDS. Just kidding. Im White!

Read this article:
Keller @ Large: Try Self-Censorship In 2015

Citing Censorship, Artistic Directors Sign Letter of "Outrage" Over Ousting of Theater J's Ari Roth; Tony Kushner …

Citing Censorship, Artistic Directors Sign Letter of "Outrage" Over Ousting of Theater J's Ari Roth; Tony Kushner Issues Scathing Statement

By .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and Carey Purcell 22 Dec 2014

Artistic directors from leading theatres in the U.S., including the Public Theater, Lincoln Center Theater, Playwrights Horizons, La Jolla Playhouse and the Guthrie Theater, issued a letter in support of Ari Roth, artistic director of Washington D.C.'s Theater J, who was fired Dec. 18, in what industry members are calling "an act of politically motivated censorship."

On Dec. 18, Roth told the Washington Post that Carole R. Zawatsky, chief executive officer of the DC Jewish Community Center, of which Theater J is an arm, delivered notice of his dismissal and that the given cause was insubordination. He had served in his role there for 18 years.

The Post reported that Roth and Zawatsky frequently disagreed on Roth's programming choices, with the most recent being over the the fate of Theater Js Voices From a Changing Middle East Festival. In November, the Jewish Daily Forward reported that the DCJCC was removing parts of the festival; Roth told the Post that his comments to the media following that article were used as an example of his insubordination.

"Theyve crafted a letter thats saying Im resigning, not fired," Roth told the Post, adding, "I was terminated abruptly." He said he refused to sign a severance agreement and that he had been discussing "an elegant transition" that would result in him departing Theater J in a few months.

The DCJCC released a statement quoting Zawatsky Dec. 18 that read: "Ari Roth has had an incredible 18-year tenure leading Theater J, and we know there will be great opportunities ahead for him. Ari leaves us with a vibrant theater that will continue to thrive."

Kushner wrote, "Ari wasn't fired, as the executive committee has claimed, because of insubordination. That's a preposterous and cowardly whitewashing of the truth. Ari was fired because he believes that a theater company with a mission to explore Jewish themes and issues cannot acquiesce to a demand for uncritical acceptance of the positions of the Israeli government regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict or to insistence on silence. Ari was fired because he refused to surrender to censorship. He was fired because he believes that freedom of speech and freedom of expression are both American values and Jewish values."

The video can be seen in full at the bottom of this article.

In addition, artistic directors from leading theatre companies from across the U.S. issued a statement in support of Roth.

Original post:
Citing Censorship, Artistic Directors Sign Letter of "Outrage" Over Ousting of Theater J's Ari Roth; Tony Kushner ...

Obama calls Sony censorship wrong; labels Keystone a hyped project

WASHINGTON U.S. President Barack Obama rebuked Sony Corp. Friday for caving into North Koreas cyber attacks by cancelling the release of the satirical film The Interview.

I think they made a mistake, he said. We cannot have a society in which some dictator some place can start imposing censorship here in the United States because if somebody is able to intimidate folks out of releasing a satirical movie imagine what they start doing when they see a documentary that they dont like or news reports that they dont like or even worse, imagine if producers or distributors and others start engaging in self censorship.

Obama said he wished Sony had spoken to him before making the decision to cancel the movie.

I would have said to them do not get into a pattern in which you are intimidated by these kind of criminal attacks, he said.

Sonys decision, he said, is not what America is about.

Sony President Michael Lynton told CNN that Sony officials had been speaking with senior White House officials prior to cancelling the films Christmas Day release. However, he appeared muddled about whether Sony discussed withdrawing the film. He also said it was the movie theatres that cancelled the release and not Sony.

Obama made the comments Friday afternoon at his final news conference of the year before flying off to Hawaii for a family holiday.

He also addressed the issue of the Keystone XL pipeline, pouring cold water on what he called a hyped project of little benefit to Americans.

Obama confirmed the attack on Sonys computer system came from North Korea, adding that no other country was involved.

I think it says something interesting about North Korea that they decided to have the state mount an all-out attack on a movie studio because of a satirical movie, he said.

Go here to read the rest:
Obama calls Sony censorship wrong; labels Keystone a hyped project

Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 | European Ice Storms and Zonal Media Censorship (32) – Video

Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 | European Ice Storms and Zonal Media Censorship (32)
During the beginning of Dec 2014, powerful ice storms covered Austria, Germany and Czech Republic in several inches of ice with near hurricane force winds. US media did not cover the story...

By: Adapt 2030

Continued here:
Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 | European Ice Storms and Zonal Media Censorship (32) - Video