Censorship - Steve Friess with Bill Press
Freelance Journalist Steve Friess talks with Bill Press about the issue of censorship.
By: freespeechtv
See the original post here:
Censorship - Steve Friess with Bill Press - Video
Terminal Censorship in OS X
By: Andrey Keske
Here is the original post:
Terminal Censorship in OS X - Video
" #39;Braking News #39;: Censorship, Media and Ukraine" Roundtable: Reporting on Ukraine
Roundtable: Reporting on Ukraine Participants: Brian Bonner (Kyiv Post); Myroslava Gongadze (Voice of America); Olena Tregub (Global Education Leadership); A...
By: columbiauniversity
Excerpt from:
"'Braking News': Censorship, Media and Ukraine" Roundtable: Reporting on Ukraine - Video
10/18/13: Video from 10/18/13: Censorship from the hateful YouTube
October 18, 2013 YouTube and the rest of the conglomerate ridicule me all the time. If YouTube is sure that nobody takes me seriously, and that nobody could ...
By: journalfrombadalternateuniverse
10/18/13: Video from 10/18/13: Censorship from the hateful YouTube - Video
Internet Censorship in China
New Project.
By: Maggie Czarnecki
Internet Censorship in China - Video