Archive for the ‘Censorship’ Category

Indian net service providers too play censorship tricks

The study by a Canadian university has found that some major Indian ISPs have deployed web-censorship and filtering technology.

Your internet service provider (ISP) could be blocking some content. A study conducted by a Canadian university has found that some major Indian ISPs have deployed web-censorship and filtering technology widely used in China and some West Asian countries.

The findings, published on January 15, were the result of a search for censorship software and hardware on public networks like those operated by ISPs.

A research team at Citizen Lab, an interdisciplinary laboratory based at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, found a software-hardware combo package called PacketShaper being used in many parts of the world, including India.

The study identified the presence of four PacketShaper installations on the networks of three major ISPs in India during the period of study in late 2012. These ISPs had been earlier implicated in filtering to some degree, the report said.

The deployment of such traffic management technologies by ISPs could threaten privacy, freedom of expression and competition, said Sunil Abraham, Executive Director of the Bangalore-based NGO, Centre for Internet and Society.

He said tools like PacketShaper could be used by ISPs for two types of censorship to block entire websites or choke traffic on certain services or destinations in a highly granular fashion.

The U.S.-based producers of the technology, Blue Coat Systems, are quite open about the product features on the companys website. They say it could be used to control and weed out undesirable content. It could also be used to slow down or speed up the operation of programmes and content flow to achieve the goals set by the operators of the networks.

Transparency is the key

Technology experts said such products could be used to exercise legitimate control over the internet traffic and prioritise the use of bandwidth and resources, if used ethically.

See original here:
Indian net service providers too play censorship tricks

Theewall200 And Xam3000Hehehe Dicuss: Internet Censorship – Video

Theewall200 And Xam3000Hehehe Dicuss: Internet Censorship
Yutube needs to change something.

By: theewall200

Go here to read the rest:
Theewall200 And Xam3000Hehehe Dicuss: Internet Censorship - Video

Schapelle Corby: Freedom of Information, Government Evasion and Censorship.wmv – Video

Schapelle Corby: Freedom of Information, Government Evasion and Censorship.wmv

By: marieandkarn

Follow this link:
Schapelle Corby: Freedom of Information, Government Evasion and Censorship.wmv - Video

Anti-censorship group blasts Paterson public library for possible ban on violent video games

PATERSON An anti-censorship group and a video game trade association are battling to try to stop the Paterson public library from banning violent video games, according to a report on

The National Coalition Against Censorship fired off a letter to the city library last week saying a ban would violate free speech protected by the First Ammendment.

The letter says that library administrators are public officials and are barred from removing materials merely because they dislike them or find them offensive.

It also says, "The role of libraries is not to police the use of a perfectly legal form of casual entertainment, whether the user is a teen or any other patron," according to

The Washington-D.C. based Entertainment Software Association, meanwhile, asked library trade groups to intervene on its behalf.

Although it was reported last month that the library voted to ban direct-shoot games, library officials told that hasn't happened. A vote will take place on Feb. 27.

'Call of Duty,' other violent video games banned from Paterson library

See the original post here:
Anti-censorship group blasts Paterson public library for possible ban on violent video games

Book News: Myanmar Celebrates As Censorship Recedes; And Oh Those Seussian Hats

A sea of Seuss hats at an event at the Library of Congress in 2010.

A sea of Seuss hats at an event at the Library of Congress in 2010.

The daily lowdown on books, publishing, and the occasional author behaving badly.

Myanmar pro-Democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi presided over the country's first international literary festival over the weekend. The Irrawaddy Literary Festival in Rangoon featured such international authors as Vikram Seth and William Dalrymple, along with around 80 Myanmarese writers, most of whom have not been translated into English. The festival comes as Myanmar (also known as Burma) begins to relax its censorship laws.

"All over Dr. Seuss's beloved children's books, his characters sport distinctive, colorful headwear unless they are the kinds of creatures that have it sprouting naturally from their heads in tufted, multitiered and majestically flowing formations." The New York Times, in honor of an exhibit of Seussian headgear opening today at the New York Public Library.

NFL players re-imagined as Dickens characters, from McSweeney's: Otis Grigsby "maintains a cheerful outlook on life despite being much afflicted by gout, baldness, and an old harpoon injury."

In a profile of the French spy novelist Gerard de Villiers, New York Times writer and Middle East expert Robert F. Worth makes the surprising assertion that the Lockerbie bombing was carried out by Iran and not by Libya, and quotes a CIA official who says "the best intelligence" points to the Iranians. This has been something of an unconfirmed conspiracy theory for years.

Jared Diamond, the popular anthropologist with an endearingly apparent comb-over and a tendency toward overgeneralization, is in trouble with the indigenous rights group Survival International because of his new book The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? Director Stephen Corry wrote, "Describing tribal peoples as more violent than industrialized societies sounds much like the arguments put forward by missionaries, explorers and colonial governments from the 16th century onward."

Ernest Hemingway's garden gate is up for auction.

The Most Important Books Coming Out This Week:

Read the rest here:
Book News: Myanmar Celebrates As Censorship Recedes; And Oh Those Seussian Hats