Archive for the ‘Chess’ Category

When 3 is greater than 5 – Chessbase News

10/18/2020 Star columnist Jon Speelman explores the exchange sacrifice. Speelman shares five illustrative examples to explain in which conditions giving up a rook for a minor piece is a good trade. As a general rule and in fact (almost all?) of the time you need other pieces on the board for an exchange sacrifice to work. | Pictured: Mikhail Tal and Tigran Petrosian following a post-mortem analysis at the 1961 European Team Championship in Oberhausen | Photo: Gerhard Hund

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[Note that Jon Speelman also looks at the content of the article in video format, here embedded at the end of the article.]

During the Norway tournament, I streamed commentarya couple of times myself at, but mainly listened to the official commentaryby Vladimir Kramnik and Judit Polgar.

Both were very interesting, and Kramnik in particular has a chess aesthetic which I very much like. In his prime a powerhouse positional player with superb endgame technique, he started life much more tactically and his instinct is to sacrifice for the initiative whenever possible, especially the exchange: an approach which, after defence seemed to triumph under traditional chess engines, has been given a new lease of life by Alpha Zero.

So I thought today that Id look at some nice exchange sacrifices, but first a moment from Norway where I was actually a tad disappointed by a winning sacrifice.

At the end of a beautiful positional game, which has been annotated here in Game of the Week, Carlsen finished off with the powerful


and after

42...Qxe8 43.Qh6+ Kg8 44.Qxg6+ Kh8 45.Nf6

Tari resigned

Of course, I would have played Re8 myself in a game if Id seen it, but I was hoping from an aesthetic perspective that Carlsen would complete this real masterclass and masterpiece with a nice zugzwang.

You start with c4 to prevent 42.f3 c4, creating some very slight confusion and then it goes:

42.c4 Kg8 43.f3

And for example: 43...Qd7 44.Qh6 Qe6 45.Kg3 fxe4 (45...Rg7 46.Nf6+ Kf7 47.Qh8 Qe7 48.Kg2) 46.dxe4 Rf4 47.Nxf4 exf4+ 48.Kxf4 Qf7+ 49.Kg3 Qg7 50.Qxg7+ Kxg7 51.Rxf8

Black can also try43...Rh7

and here after 44.Rxf8+ Kg7

as the engine pointed out to me, its best to use the Re8 trick:

45.Qxh7+! (45.Rf6 is much messier) 45...Kxh7 46.Re8!

Mega Database 2020

The ChessBase Mega Database 2020 is the premiere chess database with over eight million games from 1560 to 2019 in high quality. Packing more than 85,000 annotated games, Mega 2020 contains the worlds largest collection of high-class analysed games. Train like a pro! Prepare for your opponents with ChessBase and the Mega Database 2020. Let grandmasters explain how to best handle your favorite variations, improve your repertoire and much more.

The black queen is trapped.

For todays examples I used my memory and the ChessBase search mask when I couldnt track down a game exactly. For instance,for the first one byBotvinnik [pictured], I set him as Black with 0-1, disabled ignoring colours, and put Rd4 e5 c5 on the board which turned out to identify the single game I wanted a hole in 1!I also asked my stream on Thursday for any examples, and one of my stalwarts, a Scottish Frenchman, found me Reshevsky v Petrosian (I couldnt remember offhand who Petrosians opponent was) and drew my attention to the beautiful double exchange sacrifice by Erwin L'Ami from Wijk aan Zee B.

Before the games themselves, which are in chronological order,it might be worthwhile to consider what makes an exchange sacrifice successful. Whole books have been written on this and Im certainly not going to be able to go into serious detail. But a couple of points:

The need for extra pieces applies particularly to endgames. For instance,this diagram should definitely be lost for Black:

Its far from trivial, but as a general schema the white king should be able to advance right into Blacks guts and then White can do things with his pawns. Something like get Ke7 and Rf6, then g4 exchanging pawns if Black has played ...h5. Play f5, move the rook, play f6+, and arrange to play Rxf7.

But if you add a pair of rooks then it becomes enormously difficult. And indeed I really dont know whether God would beat God.

Select an entry from the list to switch between games

Master Class Vol.11: Vladimir Kramnik

This DVD allows you to learn from the example of one of the best players in the history of chess and from the explanations of the authors (Pelletier, Marin, Mller and Reeh) how to successfully organise your games strategically, consequently how to keep y

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When 3 is greater than 5 - Chessbase News

The Queens Gambit Tries a Risky Play: Betting Chess Can Be Good TV – The New York Times

The Queens Gambit includes more than 300 games, some glimpsed only in the foreground or background. To keep each match and each tournament from blending entirely into the next, the production designer, Uli Hanisch, developed unique color palettes to distinguish one locale from another. Steven Meizler, the cinematographer, varied the angles. The sounds the pieces make against the board change, as do the rhythms from allegro to adagio.

No traditional match plays out fully from start to finish. (A few speed chess sequences come close.) Typically, the camera captures only a few moves. Novice viewers rely on sportscasters or whispers among the audience or the gestures of the characters drummed fingers, blinked eyes, pursed lips to understand the dynamics and stakes.

For Beth, abandoned first by her birth parents and then by her adoptive family, the stakes tower. Only while playing does she feel a sense of purpose and belonging. In a later episode, Beth overhears some Russian champs discussing her. Shes like us, a grandmaster says. Losing is not an option for her. (This was dialogue Kasparov suggested.)

Beth struggles with her addictions, believing that tranquilizers enhance her play. The accuracy that defines the chess scenes perhaps falters here could someone play excellent chess while doped? I cant tell you Ive ever heard of a chess player performing on Valium, said Jennifer Shahade, a two-time United States Womens Champion.

Pandolfinis response: This is entertainment.

Whether a woman could play this well ever, on or off tranquilizers, has been a source of debate since the novel was released. One Times reviewer wondered whether women had the extreme aggressiveness required. Another doubted that women lacked the physical stamina. Those views didnt end in 1983.

At chess camp, Shahade remembered, a visiting lecturer told the girls that women lacked the I.Q. Shahade sees the lack of great women players as more of a social one: Women dont see other women playing so they dont take up the game themselves.

Read more here:
The Queens Gambit Tries a Risky Play: Betting Chess Can Be Good TV - The New York Times

Chess and bees – TheArticle

The Howard Staunton Memorial Chess tournaments were staged for several years at Simpsons-in-the-Strand, the traditional home of British Chess. At one of these august events, Professor Michael Crawford, in his persona as Director of The Institute for Brain Chemistry and Human Nutrition, based at Londons Imperial College, delivered an opening speech, and one deliberately aimed at the players in the event.His point was that the consumption of marine based nutrition was beneficial for the brain.

Listening in the audience was the Grandmaster Nigel Short, Britains only challenger for the World Chess Title in the 20th century. Emulating Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson after the successful denouement of the short story,The Dying Detective, Nigel went to Simpsons dining room for something nutritious a giant Dover sole. Nigel persevered with his piscatorial, brain-enhancing diet throughout the competition and duly turned in a superb performance.

Professor Crawford does not just confine his dietary advice to fish and related aquatic delicacies. He is also a keen apiarist and advocate for the health benefits of honey, in particular raw honey, that retains the vital pollen, which the EU would so like to remove. In his guise as a beekeeper, Professor Crawford has now challenged me to write a column forTheArticle, linking bees and chess.

The solution to this conundrum is, in fact, relatively simple, in that both bees and chess have famously been invoked as models for exemplary social structures. There is a vase by Exekias in The Vatican Museum, as indeed another in The British Museum, which depicts the heroic warriors Ajax and Achilles absorbed in a board game, one of the hallmarks of a civilised society, during the siege of Troy.

The game involved was almost certainly not chess, but Achilles himself definitely figures in Homers use of bees to delineate the harmonious running of society. In his bee similes, Homer underscores the reciprocal dependencyof the collective, the individual, and the household, extolling unity within diversity. Homer describes the Greeks gathering for a council of war, writing in hisIliadcirca 700 BC, and , in this instance, they resemble a cloud of bees:

as when offrequentbeesSwarms rise outof a hollow rock, repairing the degreesOf their egression endlessly,with ever rising newFrom forth their sweet nest;as their store, still as it faded, grew,And never would cease sending forthher clusters to the spring,They still crowd out so(HomersIliad, Book II, lines 87-93. Translated by George Chapman, first published in 1598).

This simile emphasises the unity of the individuals who make up the Greek army, illustrating the ideal dynamic, in which neither the interests of the individual, nor those of the collective, take excessive precedence. According to Homer, a fully functioning society will, therefore, maintain a balance between unity and diversity.

Yet they,as yellow wasps, or bees(that having made their nestThe gasping cranny of a hill)when for a hunters feastHunters come hot and hungry in,and dig for honeycombs,Then fly upon them, strike and sting,and from their hollow homesWill not be beaten, but defendtheir labours fruit, and brood;No more will these be from their port,but either lose their blood(Iliad, Book XII, lines 167-170).

Thus,each Greek warrior is actually promoting his own personal interests, whenever he defends the collective. It is at the tipping point where individuality exceeds its bounds and proper discipline is abandoned, that disaster strikes, as when Achilles sulks in his tent and his soul mate, Patroclus, is inadvertently slain, by the Trojan hero, Hector.

Shakespeare encapsulates this problem in his tragedyTroilus and Cressida, when the wily Odysseus (identified by his Latin name Ulysses in the play) explains that order, or degree, has broken down: Take but degree away, untune that string, and hark, what discord follows!

Bee similes also figure prominently in VirgilsAeneid, appearing first in Book I, then in Book VI, and finally in Book XII. Their studious arrangement suggests that, like Homer, Virgil regarded bees as significant, in order to fully comprehend hisentire magnum opus. Indeed, Virgils other works support this inference, because they prove that Virgil considered bees toexemplify a well-organised, homogenous, and dutifully obedient society.

In his poemGeorgics(Book IV) Virgil discusses bees and their habits at length, using bees as a paradigm for his vision of the perfect society: a hardworking, patriotic, thrifty, disciplined community, all striving towards a single, noble end. Each of the four references to bees in theAeneidprovides an insight into this model community, especially emphasising the collective, renascence, and the future foundation of Rome itself.

In Virgils time (writing in the late 1st century BC), it was still believed, following Aristotles lead, that the hive was ruled by a king bee (rather than a queen) which makes the deployment of the bee simile/metaphor of precise relevance in the transition period between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. In fact, it was not until 1609, with Charles ButlersThe Feminine Monarchy,that the Queen was correctly identified, not so much as a leader, more as afons et origoof the hive.

Such is their toil, and such their busy pains,As exercise the bees in flowry plains,When winter past, and summer scarce begun,Invites them forth to labor in the sun;Some lead their youth abroad, while some condenseTheir liquid store, and some in cells dispense;Some at the gate stand ready to receiveThe golden burthen, and their friends relieve;All with united force, combine to driveThe lazy drones from the laborious hive:With envy stung, they view each others deeds;The fragrant work with diligence proceeds.(VirgilsAeneid, Book I, lines 430-436.Translated by John Dryden and first published in 1697.)

Virgils bees are not a clustering swarm, like Homers, but a homogenous mass, divided only by their varying tasks, which they perform faithfully and mechanically. Such a devoted and focused society, in Virgils mind, represents the ideal human template forcivilisation. The poet illustrates the importance of the collective, but dismisses individuality altogether, a shift that distinguishes him from Homer. It is easy to see the direction in which the poet is leading us.

In sharp contradistinction to the poet Ovid, who was banished by the Emperor Augustus far from Rome to Tomi on the Black Sea, Virgil is composing state-sanctioned, if subtly disguised, propaganda, where one emperor and one unified compliant imperium are the order of the day.In actual bee society, this is stretching the metaphor, but as a refined political message within human society, it is highly persuasive. It is a feat of legerdemain, not lost on contemporary environmental advocates, to imply that the path to paradise for humans lies in a direction imposed by nature itself. As Alexander Pope put it in hisAn Essay on Man:

All nature is but art, Unknown to thee;All chance, direction which thou canst not see.

Virgil emphasises the paramount importance of society and the need for people to have their appointed place in it, implying that the collective must take precedence over the individual. Roman society was, indeed,highly stratified, and, again, Shakespeare points the way in the opening lines ofJuliusCaesar:

Hence! Home, you idle creatures, get you home. Is this a holiday? What! Know you not. Being mechanical, you ought not walk. Upon a labouring day, without the sign of your profession. Speak, what trade art thou?

Liberal arts or professions in Rome were those practised by free men and included rhetoric, law, politics, poetry, medicine and architecture. Opposed to these were those considered sordid, such as portitor (the boatman or carrier), fenerator (the usurer), while lowest of the low were craftsmen who worked with fire, such as smiths and potters, known as banausic in Greek and mechanical in Latin.

Virgil understands a beehive to be an illustration of human civilisation. Though the individual will pass away, the legacy of the community will endure. Over and over again, the hive is reborn as a new generation of insects rises to take the place of the old one, defying and surviving various crises, such as

Thus, when the swain, within a hollow rock,Invades the bees with suffocating smoke,They run around, or labor on their wings,Disusd to flight, and shoot their sleepy stings;To shun the bitter fumes in vain they try;Black vapors, issuing from the vent, involve the sky.(Aeneid, Book XII, lines 587-592).

This simile introduces a significant, final aspect of Virgils ideal society: the shepherd, or leader of the people.

According to Virgil, the ideal society must have a ruler. Again,GeorgicsBook IV provides an explanation, using the bees devotion to the ruler, which the Romans, as we have seen, interpreted as a king, although due to more modern science we now know to be a queen. The bees labour intensively and selflessly, because of the ruler; but when that ruler eventually expires, the hive degeneratesand the bees annihilate their own work.Likewise, a rulers wise guidance unifies the Apian way and thus preserves the peoples purpose.

It is impossible, once again, to avoid inferring a reference here to the rise of Augustus. In particular, hissoi distant necessaryslaughters of the opposition on his way to the top, such as the proscriptions of the second triumvirate, and the cauterisation of the wounds caused by fanatic republicans, such as Brutus and Cassius.In Virgils vision of the perfect Roman society, such harsh measures are justified, if order and universal peace, the Pax Augusta and the closing of the doors of the temple of Janus, are to be the beneficial outcome.

Now we come to the chess element of the equation, proving unequivocally that chess, in common with bees, has been adapted as a social model, one singularly popular in the late Middle Ages. At that time, chess was already recognised as one of the seven liberal arts, supposedly promulgated by Aristotle, no less, the sage described by Dante as il maestro di Collor che sanno (the Master of the men who know). These were meant to be the common attributes of knights and their ladies, embracing,inter alia, equestrianism, toxology, pugilism andde arte venandi cum avibus(the art of hunting with birds, or in other words falconry).

Around 1300, the northern Italian Dominican Friar, Jacobus de Cessolis published his moralising book about chess,Liber de Moribus hominum et officiis nobilium super ludo scacchorum. Packed with entertaining stories and material ripe for sermons, this book proved inordinately popular, even appearing as the first book ever published in English, in England, by Caxton in the late 1470s,The Game and Playe of the Chesse.

One turns to Cessolis in vain for instruction on how to win at chess, instead the descriptions of the pieces and pawns stratify and reinforce the prevailing social order. Although a hierarchical social model is by no means inherent in the game of chessper se, it is no surprise that such a self-perpetuating template was so popular with kings, dukes and other members of the ruling nobility, whose libraries often contained multiple copies.

The ranks of society, according to the Cessolis template, began with the King and Queen, at the apex,followed by the Alphins, aka bishops or judges, then knights and rooks, or royal messengers, followed by the common people, in other words, the pawns. Indeed, the eight pawns on each side were actually credited separately with their trades, much as in the antique Roman classification mentioned both by Shakespeare and the Lewis & Short Latin dictionary. The trades included labourers, tillers of the earth, drapers and makers of cloth, merchants, money changers, physicians, taverners and the banausic or mechanical trades of smiths and other workers in iron and metal.

The word Alphins (bishops) requires some explanation. The concept still survives in Spanish (Alfil) and Italian (Alfiere) where the L/F sound is more important than the meaning, signifying a reference to the word elephant, the root of which is Aleph Hind, or Indian Ox. Since most Western Europeans would never have seen such a pachyderm, it was the phonetic representation, rather than the meaning, which travelled with the expansion of chess. Traces of Alphin can also be found in other languages, where the word for a chess bishop embracesLe Fou, the jester in French,Loperin Dutch,Luferin German, both meaning runner andLovac(hunter) in Serbo-Croatian. As one journeys further East, however, the modern mammoth reclaims its own, as in the Russian for Bishop,Slonwhichtranslates as the elephant.

The book of Cessolis drew on and strengthened the late mediaeval mind-set that chess was a symbolic representation of society and imparted to that notion much greater force and precision. At one point it was, though still a distant rival, second only to The Bible in terms of popularity, and thus merits its place alongside the bee metaphors of Homer and Virgil, as a genuine attempt to describe an ideal social structure of civilisations which have long since fallen into desuetude.

Fascinating, as it is, to excavate mediaeval views about chess, the modern game still continues apaceand twochess news items of note occurred this past week. The first was the87th birthday ofDr. Jonathan Penrose. He won The British Chess Championship a record ten times and was subsequently awarded the Grandmaster title Emeritus.His doctorate is in Psychology. His brothers areOliver Penrose, as well as prominent author and physicist Professor Sir Roger Penrose, who was honoured with the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics, for his discovery that black holes are a robust confirmation of Einsteins general theory of relativity.

The second momentous item of note was the first loss by World Champion Magnus Carlsen in classical chess for two years, two months and ten days. Carlsen suffered this rare setback against Jan-Krzyztof Duda last Saturday in Stavanger, Norway, where the first over the board elite event for many months has been taking place, in spite of Covid 19 restrictions. Here is a link to the game, with commentary.Carlsens 125 game unbeaten streak is a World Record and in next weeks article I shall be looking at world records, including Carlsens unbeaten run in chess, as well as two in other sports, which occurred recently, in both tennis and Formula 1.

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Chess and bees - TheArticle

Chess’s cheating crisis: ‘paranoia has become the culture’ – The Guardian

In one chess tournament, five of the top six were disqualified for cheating. In another, the doting parents of 10-year-old competitors furiously rejected evidence that their darlings were playing at the level of the world No 1. And in a third, an Armenian grandmaster booted out for suspicious play accused his opponent of doing pipi in his Pampers.

These incidents may sound extreme but they are not isolated and they have all taken place online since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

Chess has enjoyed a huge boom in internet play this year as in-person events have moved online and people stuck at home have sought new hobbies. But with that has come a significant new problem: a rise in the use of powerful chess calculators to cheat on a scale reminiscent of the scandals that have dogged cycling and athletics. One leading chess detective said that the pandemic was without doubt creating a crisis.

The problems are not confined to chess, with similar issues reported in poker, bridge and even backgammon, but they are perhaps most disruptive for a game with a reputation for gravitas and class.

The pandemic has brought me as much work in a single day as I have had in a year previously, said Prof Kenneth Regan, an international chess master and computer scientist whose model is relied on by the sports governing body, Fide, to detect suspicious patterns of play. It has ruined my sabbatical.

Fides general director, Emil Sutovsky, described it as a huge topic I work on dozens of hours each week, and its president, Arkady Dvorkovich, said computer doping was a real plague.

At the heart of the problem are programs or apps that can rapidly calculate near-perfect moves in any situation. To counter these engines, players in more and more top matches must agree to be recorded by multiple cameras, be available on Zoom or WhatsApp at any time, and grant remote access to their computers. They may not be allowed to leave their screens, even for toilet breaks. In some cases they must have a proctor or invigilator search their room and then sit with them throughout a match.

Sutovsky has also suggested eye-tracking programs may be a way to raise a red flag if a player appears to be looking away with suspicious frequency., the worlds biggest site for online play, said it had seen 12 million new users this year, against 6.5 million last year. The cheating rate has jumped from between 5,000 and 6,000 players banned each month last year to a high of almost 17,000 in August.

Gerard Le-Marechal, the head of the sites fair play team, said he had brought in three new members of staff to deal with the problem. I think its to do with people being cooped up. Its just so easy to do, so alluring, and its without doubt creating a crisis.

The growth in cheating and a corresponding explosion in social media discussion of the problem has created a new atmosphere of suspicion and recrimination. Paranoia has become the culture, said Le-Marechal, whom a friend declared the cyber chess detective when he got the job. There is this very romantic vision of the game which is being scuppered.

While is reluctant to reveal details of its system, Regan describes his as a model that detects cheating as the deviation from the proclivities of an honest human player. With enough evidence, such models produce a high level of confidence that a given player could not possibly have played a particular set of moves unaided.

The most prominent of the recent disqualifications came in the PRO Chess League when the St Louis Arch Bishops, a team made up of top American players, lost in the final to the underdog Armenia Eagles.

The Eagles victory rested on the performance of Tigran Petrosian, an Armenian grandmaster and the world No 260, who stunned commentators with his victory over Fabiano Caruana, ranked second in the world.

Petrosian attributed his play to the gin he sipped during the game. But suspicious observers suggested he seemed to be glancing away from his screen frequently, and later overturned the teams wins and banned him for life.

Petrosian later called the claims idiotic, invented allegations. He posted a lengthy rant addressed to another opponent, the world No 8 Wesley So: You are a biggest looser [sic] I ever seen in my life! You was doing PiPi in your pampers when I was beating players much more stronger than you! you are like a girl crying after I beat you!

So, for his part, told the Guardian in an email that he felt sorry for Petrosian. Perhaps thinking of Lance Armstrong, he added: I was a big fan of a certain cyclist and a part of me understands the pressure to succeed at all costs. At the same time I feel pain for other competitors ... Who will restore what was taken from them?

Conrad Schormann, who has covered the cheating crisis as news editor of, notes that Petrosian did not appear to get help on every move, making the suspicious behaviour even harder to spot. In his games there were abnormalities, sequences that he played godlike, but there were blunders as well, he said.

Such controversies have been replicated even in the lower-stakes world of junior play. Sarah Longson, a former British ladies champion who runs the Delancey UK Schools Chess Challenge, said at least 100 of 2,000 online participants cheated.

The cheating was blatant, she said, with mediocre preteens at the level of the world champion, Magnus Carlsen. But only three of them admitted it, which is pretty disgusting. After realising the night before the final that the top three qualifiers had all been cheating, she said, we stayed up til 3am deciding what to do and nearly cancelled altogether.

Its the children from the private schools, sadly, she said. When I ring their parents they just get angry with me. Theyre under such pressure to succeed.

Without a significant culture change, most say, the cheats are unlikely to go straight. Regan is realistic but determined. If you cheat on a single move I will disclaim any ability to catch you, he said. You can fly under the radar. But if you keep going at the same rate, you will come into the radar in the end.

Here is the original post:
Chess's cheating crisis: 'paranoia has become the culture' - The Guardian

What Anya Taylor-Joy Learned About Chess and Alcoholism for The Queens Gambit – Observer

As of late, a few things have become cool again: dad sneakers, flip phones and now chess. Who knew that one of the nerdiest games of all time, typically reserved for old men in Central Park, would make a sexy comeback?

Anya Taylor-Joy is the new star of the new drama series The Queens Gambit, premiering October 23 on Netflix. The story is based on a coming-of-age novel by Walter Tevis written in 1983, which details the story of a chess prodigy named Beth Harmon, who wins her way to the top of the world championship in Russia after escaping an orphanage and outsmarting the rest of the players in this male-dominated field. At the same time, she struggles to battle her inner demons, falling victim to alcohol and tranquilizers. The Queens Gambit(the name of a well-known chess move), taps into the zeitgeist of the time the series is set, the 1960s, from womens lib to hippie culture and Russia-US relations during the height of the Soviet Union.

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Taylor-Joy rose to fame after her breakout role in horror flickThe Witchin 2015, which set her as the queen of spooky horror for roles to come, be it as an AI bot in the sci-fi film Morgan, to an abducted teen in the psychological thriller,Split. She also stars in the recent Marvels X-Men seriesThe New Mutants, has been cast as a young Furiosa in the prequel to Mad Max: Fury Road (announced after we did this interview), and next up, she stars alongside Bjrk and Nicole Kidman in The Northman,a Viking film set in 10th century Iceland directed by Robert Eggers, as well as horror film Last Night in Soho,both expected next year.

Until then, Taylor-Joy spoke to us about breaking into the boys club, genius alcoholics, Russia and the stigma of the female genius onscreen.

Observer: Did you even know how to play chess going into this?Anya Taylor-Joy:No, not prior to beginning this odyssey. Im very grateful to say my knowledge of chess came from people that are revered as chess gods. I got infected with the chess bug. I have mad respect for the game.

So what kind of research did you do for this role? Chess is such a boys club, and this a story about a woman who outsmarts them all.Unfortunately, if you look through history, everything has been a boys club. Of course, it pertains to chess. But even now, were struggling to break the constraints. One of my favorite things about Beth is she exists kind of outside of society, so she genuinely is baffled whenever people bring up her gender. She doesnt understand why it has anything to do with her independence. I do think thats a nice message to send, one where she lives in a society where gender or how you identify doesnt dictate the moves youre allowed to have.

Is there a stigma behind playing a female genius onscreen? Do you see that?Absolutely. Im an avid reader. Im reading a book about the construction of alcoholism in gender. Male writers, [in] Paris in the 1920s, they were alcoholics, but they were geniuses. They were brilliant. But female alcoholics were not spoken about. We put that away, we dont see that; we dont look at that because its not pretty and its not interesting. That really bothered me. Im glad Beths addiction shows its a problem for everybody. Just because youre a boy doesnt make it sexy. Its still a problem.

But despite her alcoholism, Beth stays in control of her chess talent in a way?Something I found interesting in my research with addiction is whatever it was the addict was using, at some point, it worked. Otherwise, they wouldnt use it. Whatever it is, at some point, that substance was working. The difficulty with that is that people say addicts either end up in rehab, in jail or dead. Theres no way for it to be sustainable. Whatever that addiction is that youve been keeping, once that is thrown off, when it goes off the rails, thats when you have to figure it out.

Do you think watching the show, that it takes something nerdy like chess and makes it cool again?There certainly were moments where we were onset and people would say, why are you so stressed when you look so sexy right now? Thats just weird. Anything you bring an intensity to has the power to be sexy or cool. I think chess is very cool, personally. Its something people are willing to dedicate so much work and passion about, I find that very sexy and cool.

Is part of that in you as an actor? Your drive as an actor?The way Beth feels about chess is basically exactly how I feel about my art. Literally, I breathe it, I think about it all the time, its the thing that most excites me. I definitely nerd out over what I do. And every aspect of it, as well. Im always looking for more.

What makes you feel like you were meant for acting?I dont know what it was. I will say the longer I do it, the more I think: Ah, I have a very particular set of skills that would be completely useless elsewhere.That is, other than if Im an artist. I dont know where else having short term memory or doing intricate, long chess sequences in five minutes would get me, or help me in the world. I feel grateful Im given the opportunity to do what I do.

How important is Russian-American relations in the film? Is Beth used as a pawn in politics?Any sort of love for Russia, especially in the 1960s was seen as dangerous. But since her great passion in life is chess, and its the place where Russia is taken the most seriously, especially at the time, where people were paid to play chess, I think she has a deep fascination with Russia and deeply connects with the people. They love the thing she loves the most. While the politics are going on around her, her love and respect for the country and the game she loves, is excited. Its her biggest goal to go to Russia, but shes terrified.

Is it a story about womens empowerment? How difficult was it to be a feminist in the 1950s and 1960s?I think it is. What I noticed about the story is that Beth is a feminist in a way that a lot of people are. Unfortunately, the word has a stigma, but if you take the word away, the meaning of feminism just means that all genders are created equal, and that everyone is allowed to want what they want. Beth is lucky because she grew up outside of the societal norms that said Youre a girl in the 1950s, this is what youre allowed to want. She just wants what she wants and doesnt apologize for it. I hope people connect with her mindset. I, for one, find that period of womens history fascinating. I didnt think it would pertain to the part, but Beth is just naturally is a feminist.

Last question, what was it like working with Bjrk in TheNorthman, the new Viking film set in Iceland you filmed with Robert Eggers?I cant talk about that yet. But maybe next time!

The Queens Gambit premieres on Netflix October 23.

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What Anya Taylor-Joy Learned About Chess and Alcoholism for The Queens Gambit - Observer