Archive for the ‘Chess’ Category

Chess: an expert took an hour to solve this simple puzzle can you do better? – Financial Times

The blame game is under way following last Thursdays decision by Arkady Dvorkovich, president of the global chess body Fide, to suspend the world title Candidates at Ekaterinburg half-way through the 14-round contest to decide Magnus Carlsens next challenger.

Dvorkovich acted following the Russian announcement that international air flights would be banned indefinitely as from Friday, fearing that the grandmasters from China, France, the Netherlands and the US might otherwise be stranded.

Teimour Radjabov, the World Cup winner, who had qualified to play but withdrew citing virus fears, is now claiming that the event should be replayed with himself included. The Azerbaijani may have a moral case, but probably not a legal one.

Fides intention is to play the postponed second half later this year, which could prove too optimistic. Arguably Dvorkovich, who admitted that he made his decision to suspend after just a few seconds of thinking could have allowed the Candidates to continue until its planned end of April 4, and then to have asked for a charter flight to enable GMs to leave Russia. As a former deputy prime minister, he was in a good position to pull strings.

There were stringent medical precautions in place, so the risk was low. The reward would have been an opponent for Carlsen for a title match at its scheduled date in December. As it is now, the future of the next world championship series has become unclear.


An expert who I wont name admitted in a book that he had taken an hour to solve this simple puzzle. Can you do better? White mates in three moves against any defence, and it shouldnt be that hard because the black king is trapped by a vastly superior force deep in white territory.

Click here for solution

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Chess: an expert took an hour to solve this simple puzzle can you do better? - Financial Times

Chess | Gukesh has been forced to slow down – The Hindu

Last year, at the Delhi International Open GMs chess tournament, D. Gukesh became the worlds second youngest Grandmaster at 12 years, seven months and 17 days.

The youngster reached the summit, but the rest of 2019 wasnt great for him. He had to wait until February 2020 to get his first tournament win the Hillerod Chess Club open in Denmark and followed it up with another win at the Cannes Open.

Just when he was hitting good form, the coronavirus pandemic scuppered his plans.

Also read: A Grandmaster for every square: What has Indian chess got right and what can it do better?

Speaking to The Hindu, Gukesh said, After last year, I did not play well for a year, and my rating even went down. I needed to work on a few areas like openings and dealing with time pressure.

Winning these two tournaments has really helped my confidence. I felt I played well after a long time.

One reason for the change in fortunes was the camp in January for young chess players in Chennai, organised by Microsense with chess legends Vladimir Kramnik and Boris Gelfand.

Also read: Data | Indian chessmasters becoming younger

Speaking about the experience, Gukesh said, It was a different camp. For 10 days, through the day, I focused on openings.

It came at the right time as well since I was trying a different approach. So, it was very useful.

Another area that Gukesh said he improved was in dealing with time pressure.

He worked extensively on the time taken for his opening with his coach Vishnu Prasanna.

The wins in the last two events helped him pocket 20 points and take his Elo rating to 2563, and the 13-year-old targeted going past 2600 this year.

COVID-19, however, has forced the cancellation of tournaments in Germany and Iceland with no events likely to be held till the end of April.

Gukesh, who plays a lot of matches in a year, is not happy about this forced break.

I would have loved to play more tournaments. I was doing well. I prefer playing a lot of tournaments, and we had planned quite a few as well. But for now, I am just playing some online tournaments conducted by Chessbase India and

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Chess | Gukesh has been forced to slow down - The Hindu

Scachs d’amor: Describing the rules of chess – Chessbase News

This is the second of a three-part series. Part 1was an introduction;in Part 3 we will dig deeper into the poem's historical relevance.

The poem exhibits severalprecise elements thatconnect it with the chess universe:

1. It consists of sixty-four chained verses (which follow the ABAB /BAB/CC metric rhyme), the same number of squares on a chess board.

2. The story begins thus, giving the poem its name: "Trobant se Mar ab Venus en un temple, / ensemps tenint Marcuri (en) sa presencia, / ordi hun joch de scachs, ab nou exemple: ()"

As Mars met Venus in a temple,

While having Mercury in their presence,

He devised a game of chess, with new example:

The expression "with new example" is key, as it gives a clear indicationthat this is the modern form of the game and, in that sense addingthe details that we will mention below the poem canbe considered to be a work that outlines the rules ofchess.

3. It is noteworthy that colouring the squares is presented as a novelty. And in fact it was!In the Eastern versions, the squares were single-coloured they were usuallywhite.In the poem:

Mercury, always ready in his ways,

Painted the board with hues clear and dark:

And made it Time, split into days and nights,

A box to bring the first enclosures.

4. Theidea of the squares being associated with time ("pintl 'taulell de sorts clares y escures" and "partis per nits y diez", in the original), is in line with the famous quatrains of the Persian Omar Khayym (1048-1131), who wrote in hisRubiyt:

But helpless Pieces of the Game He playsUpon this Chequer-board of Nights and Days;

[Translation byEdward FitzGerald (5th edition, 1889)]. Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) invokes the work of the Persian in one of his sonnets:

The player also is a prisoner(The saying is Omar's) of another boardOf black nights and of white days.

[Image:Narcis de Vinyoles]

5. Each piece is given specific characteristics. Red pieces were described thus:

Taking Reason as King without preeminence;Will for Queen, with great potency;Thoughts he deems for his Bishops;His Knights, praises of sweet eloquence;Rooks are desires to flare up ones memory;Pawns are servers striving to Victory.

Bishops, who are associated with Thoughts, were usually representations of wise, old men, who gave advice to the monarch.

6. Green pieces, on the other hand, were depicted as follows:

Desired for her Rooks cautious reserve;For Knights, disdains of deserved return;Her Bishops, glances of delightful sight;For her Lady she took most pleasing beauty;And her King, following the tale of love,Was Honor, his life ever in danger;For faithful Pawns he took courtesy,All armed and clad with ostentation.

7. The queen's mobility is expanded "ab gran potencia" ("with great potency), as you can witness inthe game presented below.

8. As we could imagine, fairly classical ideas of medieval moral values are followed.Reason and honour are attributed to the king; to the queen, the most feminine virtues of will and beauty; in the case of the rooks,the gift of desirescontrastswith the representation ofshame; a kind of contradictionoccursin the case of the knight, between praise and disdain; bishops are attributed, for both the red and green pieces, positive qualities: thoughts and delightful sight; while the humble pawns are relegated in the social hierarchy, as can beexpected within the framework of the rigid courts, considering them as mere servants although theyseemto be vindicated by being associated with courtesy(which should, of course, be given to their masters) and by being given the chance to bepromoted.

9. The knights are given a place of nobility, when the author says:

10. In addition to clarifying the way in which the pieces move, some regulations that continue to this day are mentioned, like the touch-moverule ("Diu que lo tocat se hagia de jugar").

The first rule you must abide byIs, in this game, that a piece once touchedFirmly, admitting neither debate nor confront,By any player, true, must be played.

The rule is then justified by making a parallelism with life itself:

It falls to reason: for a lover's thoughtsHaving chosen, cannot freedom affordOr doubt, but take full submission.Thus the saying: Courage and follyIn every move, as once done, done it is!

[Image:Bernat Fenollar]

11. The game begins with the king's pawn moving two steps ahead:

He moved towards the field of the beautifulThe most valiant Pawn in conquest:He moved two paces towards her.By this move the King discovers ReasonAnd opens the road of Will.

So, while the monarch may become unprotected, the queen is allowed toshow her strength, and the fight begins...

Chess for Novices Vol.1

This DVD is for anyone who knows the rules of chess but would like to be able to improve their game with some specific tactics and strategies. It builds on the basic principles of chess that should have already been learnt.

12. The previous mention clearly denotes that the game begins according to the prevailing chess notation with e4 (P4K, in descriptive notation). And so it will be from then on: each stanza is easily associated witha specificmove, so we can follow the sequence of thegame, in which the red pieces will end up clearlyimposing their strength overtheir green counterparts.

13. Three paths to victory are mentioned. Some are not in use nowadays, asthe "mat offegat" (stalemate), which later wouldnot lead to defeat but to adraw, and the "mat robat",when the king is left alone, with nopiece of his army left over the board (this is not enough to win a game in modern times).The prevalent "mat com" is also mentioned, which happens when the king cannot move to any squareand none of his piecescan help him (while being threatened at the same time, i.e. the classic checkmate).

14. Another rule that might seem strange to us, which the arbiter Fenollar points out, is that the empowered queen cannot capture her colleague and thatcatchingher counterpartlosesthe game. It is prescribed that the queen must be at the service of the king since:

If Will won't placate Reason,It stands to sense that the captured be felled.

15. As for the king, the so-called "leap of joy" is considered, as the following passage shows:

The next decree for this our gameIs that Kings to their third house,At first shot, keeping within measure,May jump in total freedom;

In an older form of chess,atranj, the piece known as ferswas allowed a similar jump it couldmovethree squares backwardswhen it was the product of a sarbaz (pawn) promotion.

Attacking with the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez

The purpose of this DVD is to teach players how to conduct the attack on the black king using different methods. Although the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez are mostly positional openings, it is very often possible to make use of attacking methods of play

16. In some medieval versions of chess and despite the fact that when exposedit was in a very dangerous position the king was given the ability to jump.Ruy Lpez de Segura (c.1530-1590) mentioned this possibility in hisLibro de la invencin liberal y arte del juego del ajedrez, published in Alcal de Henares in 1561: "the first time you can jump three houses through the pathyou wishfinding the path cleared; and this neither above a piece, or a pawn, own or else's, as long as it is not to capture the opposite: because the King cannot jump and seize..." [Own translation].

17. This "king's leap", in any case, can be considered to be apredecessor tocastling. In this sense, this leap served as a model to the modern manoeuvre,since itcan only take place under three conditions: a) that the king cannot capture any piece in the jump; b) that the king cannot jump over other pieces; and c) that the jump cannot be made when the king is in check.

18. As often happens, the intricacies of the gameofferpoets a chance to give lessons or moral advice, such as the following:

...among others.

Thegame lasted 21moves, with De Castellv checkmating Vinyoles while marshalling the red (white) pieces. The complete poem translated to English can be found here.

Translation from Spanish: Carlos Colodro

View original post here:
Scachs d'amor: Describing the rules of chess - Chessbase News

The Tip-Off | Chess players proving they are and aren’t model citizens in a health crisis – SportsPro Media

Check, mates

Of the very, very few sporting events to take place anywhere in the last week, perhaps the most consequential is the ongoing FIDE Candidates Tournament. Eight chess grandmasters are facing off in Yekaterinburg, Russia for the right to play world champion Magnus Carlsen later this year.

FIDE and its promotional partner World Chess have been at pains to insist that it is doing all it can to ensure the safety of its players, with coronavirus tests, twice-daily health checks and abundant quantities of hand sanitiser. Curiously, in a sport that can so easily be played remotely, the competitors are sitting across the board inpersonbut some creative measures have been taken to encourage social distancing.

The most remarkable of these involved commissioning a collection of five-inch-tall Ken and Barbie-like models in each players image to be arranged for handshakes and other currently impossible protocols in official photographs. But as the Wall Street Journal has noted, there is one specific safety measure the proponents have not quite managed under intense concentration.

Of coursewe touch our faces, said world number sixMaximeVachier-Lagraveof France.That much is clear.

The sports industry is adapting to a period with pretty much no live sport. Staying a relevant, consistent, or even an uplifting part of peoples everyday lives through the social distancing and isolation needed to stave off the coronavirus pandemic is taking some creative thinking already.

For the most part, this has meant turning to two types of content: the archives, and shared digital events. Formula One andNascarhave launched enthusiastically into esports series involving current and former drivers as well as celebrities, with Formula Two driverGuanyuZhou winning the Bahrain Virtual Grand Prix on Sunday and theeNascariRacingPro Invitational Series has secured a linear TV deal with Fox Sports. Meanwhile organisations like world soccersFifahave opened up all manner of historic coverage for those who prefer their sport to be from the real world, albeit also from the past.

At this point, as can only be expected, these initiatives are fairly close to the minimum viable product phase and a high degree of improvisation. Still, there are a couple of questions that it will be worth asking as they continue.

First of all, who are they for and who will actually end up enjoying this content? Will esports output, for example, appeal to existing sports audiences hungry for something to follow, or existing esports communities hungry for something new? Do retro matches fill the gap for everyone, or just a specific niche? What can this tell us about the value of these types of offerings in the long term?

Secondly, what are rights holders aiming to accomplish? Retaining a measure of visibility and viability will be essential, to be sure, and there isa need to preserve a commercial link just as there is for thosepay-TVbroadcasters without live events to keepviewersonside withsubscription freezes. Yetasgovernment responses in country after country makeitlikelythat playing sport will take longer to return as a leisure activity than watching it on television, it will be just as important to thinkhard onhow toprotect some of those deeper connections, too.

Another event standing out across a barren sporting landscape is Major League Fishing in the US. 500,000 unique visitors watched a combined 19 million minutes of competition on the leagues in-house live stream,MLFNOW!,during the third round of the Bass Pro Tour in Lake Fork, Texasfrom 13thto 18thMarch, whenever that was.

Viewing numbers were up 20 per cent on events in February, which were themselves up 89 per cent on similar events year-on-year, while stage three also saw a 72 per cent rise insocial media impressions on the earlier contests.MLF says its sport is tailor-made for social distancing and took additional stepsto meet changing public health guidelines last week, including cancelling joint weigh-ins of each catch and altering accommodation arrangements. Round four of the Bass Pro Tour, ifyouneed things to put in your diary, runs from 3rdto 8thApril.

At a time when the current hiatus threatens financial insecurity for almost everyone, freelancers will be feeling that uncertainty more than most.

Credit is due, then, to the Professional Triathletes Organisation, which has instituted a series of radical measures to protect those men and women ranked 21 to 100 in its global rankings. Its Year-End Annual Bonus Programme will pay out immediately based on the current standings, rather than later in the season. The overall pot has grown from US$2 million to US$2.5 million, with the extra US$500,000 spread between those in those lower ranking brackets based on their position as of 1stJanuary or 15thMarch, whichever is higher.

Meanwhile, thetop ten triathletes in each list have committed to spending some of their downtime during the suspension of races making commercial appearances online to bring in additional funds for their fellow competitors.

On the subject of emergency pay responses, PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan is to forego his salary indefinitely in the wake of golfs flurry of cancellations and postponements, according to ESPN and Golfweek. Monahans gesturecomeswith a number of Tour executivestaking pay cuts of 25 per cent and all other staff facing salary freezes to 2019 levels.

Probably the closest any sports story has come to pulling attention away from any coronavirus-related updates was the news that Tom Bradys marathon, multiple Super Bowl-winning stint at the New England Patriots is at an end.

The Californian, who will be 43 by the time the new NFL season is scheduled to begin, has gone south to Florida and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and has made an immediate impact on the merchandising market. Fanatics has revealed that the top three bestselling jerseys across and the Buccaneers online store have been mens and womens Tom Brady jerseys, with his day-over-day jersey sales rising 900 per cent.

The Bucs, unsurprisingly, are the strongest-performing team in the league in merchandise sales, selling twice as much inventory on Friday as the rest of the Fanatics network had in the previous two weeks. In Europe, ten times as many Brady jerseys were sold on Fridayas those for any other player.

Read more:
The Tip-Off | Chess players proving they are and aren't model citizens in a health crisis - SportsPro Media

Triangular Chinese Chess and the Oil Market – Valdai Discussion Club

We are facing an economic and political drama against the backdrop of a viral pandemic that played in unison in an unexpected way on March 8, 2020. The imbalance of the world oil market in March has already led to a drop in oil prices below the crisis levels seen in 2009 and 2015. The world media is enjoying asserting various conspiracy explanations, entertaining the reader, but barely hiding the pleasure that the actors themselves are bleeding amid financial hits and losses to their image.

A model of the situation exists in ancient Chinese chess, in which three of the players must make their moves with stone faces (that is, without the media!). Only one player wins in Chinese chess, and along the way every player constantly has to make moves in a coalition with either the partner on the right or the left.

The fundamental difference between the oil market and Chinese chess at the moment is that absolutely everyone is losing. But we have two trios of players. The first one is the US private shale industry; the Russian group of oil companies; and ARAMCO, the state-owned mono-company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The first group came out of a mature industry and, seeking profitability, began to export. It does not need a drop in oil prices, since it was the threat of lower prices from competition that forced OPEC+ to gradually give the market to it. If prices fall for a long time, investors will suffer losses, which the Russian government absolutely does not need in the year of elections and pandemics. Russian companies are in a specific position: they will survive in the price war, but they cannot manipulate production (wells are difficult to bring to life after they are closed). Big losses will be borne by the budget, which usually removes most of the oil rent (through export duties). This is not desirable for our Ministry of Finance, especially given low growth rates and costs to combat the threat of an epidemic! Saudi Arabias oil producers are generally the easiest of all Russia has 50 times as many wells, and it is much easier for the Saudis to increase/reduce production. But the country does not need its own high expenses or a long depressed state of the market. A previous attempt to bring down prices and slow down the development of the shale industry yielded the opposite results the cost of shale oil production decreased and production volumes increased. There were many financial losses, but the rigs survived and changed hands (most probably at a lower price).

The triangle of companies corresponds to the triangle of the respective governments with their political interests. While the chess players are making statements that are more likely to indicate the willingness of the parties to wait and see what happens, the global recession from the pandemic is gaining momentum and you can wait for the April IMF Report, which everyone will believe and adjust forecasts of the dynamics of national economies, energy demand, prices for them and the income of companies and ministries.

The Wall Street Journal cited White House officials as saying the Trump administration is considering new sanctions against Russia in connection with its withdrawal from the OPEC deal. Of course, Russia, which has its own complex array of interests, certainly did not push its partners to pursue a collapse in prices. It is unlikely that during a pandemic it makes sense to impose any sanctions based on far-fetched pretexts, all the more so, as this will in no way lead the market out of its current impasse on the oil chessboard. There is a large volume of excess oil; according to the IEA, in the 1st quarter it amounted to about 4 mbd (approximately 4% of world production). These volumes can be partially poured into reserves (the US government is already buying oil 77 million barrels). But China is still experiencing a severe recession, while the EU is quarantining itself country by country.

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Triangular Chinese Chess and the Oil Market - Valdai Discussion Club