Archive for the ‘Colin Flaherty’ Category

Colin Flaherty Quotes (Author of White Girl Bleed a Lot)

Here is your law enforcement and media question of the day: Was the TV show COPS real or BS?

It might have been real incidents, but it wasn't really all that real. They edited the episodes to make it appear as if black people were committing fewer crimes. That is what the show creator John Langley said in a 2009 interview in response to people who were unhappy his long-running reality show, COPS, was showing too many black people getting arrested.

What irritates me sometimes is critics still watch and say, 'Oh look, they misrepresent people of color.' That's absolutely not true. To the contrary, I show more white people than statistically what the truth is in terms of street crime..It's just the reverse. And I do that intentionally, because I do not want to contribute to negative stereotypes, said Langley, the show's producer, in 2009. Colin Flaherty, White Girl Bleed a Lot

See the original post:
Colin Flaherty Quotes (Author of White Girl Bleed a Lot)

Capitulating to Black Racism – American Thinker

President Trump has a surprising solution to black violence and the enormous gap between white people and black people in America: Same-old, same-old.

The scene of this epic capitulation was the Oval Office, where this week a posse of black executives from black colleges were happy that the same guy they have vilified for two years seems oddly eager to let bygones be bygones.

Every person in that room knew Trump had only two choices:

1) Grab the entire system of racial preferences and quotas by the stem and pull it out by the roots; or

2) Pretend that system does not promote black on white hostility and violence, and double down with more preferences, more quotas, more stories of relentless black victimization and white racism.

Trump chose Number 2.

Which is nothing more than a repeat of many other solutions for the problems of black colleges and black students over the last 100 years:

More money. More special treatment. Lower standards. Unprepared graduates with degrees in black studies wondering why they cant find a job, then remembering why: White racism is holding them back.

Later, rinse, repeat. Then visit the Museum of African American Racial Hostility at the Smithsonian.

For all the political geniuses out there who are stapling their fingers, getting ready to explain the pure genius of trying to split at least a few black people from the Democratic coalition, dont bother. Every Republican tries it -- George Bush with AIDS in Africa ring a bell? How about Condi Rice and Colin Powell? -- and it never works.

Maybe this time, this will be different.

The idea is generally grab the graduates of black colleges, send them back to black neighborhoods, where they will preach love, devotion, and surrender. And forget the black on white hostility they learned every day in their black colleges.

Wouldnt it be pretty if that were true?

Instead we get community organizers, who, if they get their way, take eight years to install racial preferences into every nook and cranny of the federal government. Then sit back and wait for racial hell to break loose if Trump tries to touch even one.

Meanwhile, Trump supporters around the country are under violent attack from black people, while MSNBC and others are trying to convince us the opposite is true.

The latest comes from Kettering, Ohio, in the suburbs of Dayton. Over the weekend, a white kid walked out of sports bar where a dozen black people started taunting and harassing and threatening him about Donald Trump.

Stop me if you have heard of this story before in dozens of other places around the country over the last few months: pulling white people out of cars, beating them to the sounds of Trump obscenities. Or my personal favorite, the black person who, just a few days ago, pulled on AR-15 rifle out of the trunk of his car, removed a Trump bumper sticker, then challenged to the owner to stop him.

All on video --all because Trump wants to deport black people back to Africa. I would not have believed that either unless I saw it on video. So here it is:

Four or five of the guys held me down on the hood of my girlfriends car, Jackson told WHIO news. While the biggest one punched me in the face repeatedly. I felt my face break. I was yelling at them and screaming at them, guys you just broke my face. Why? Why are you doing this?

Anyone who attended a black college knows the answer to that question: Black on white violence wildly out of proportion is caused by white racism. Which is everywhere. All the time. And it explains everything. They call it Critical Race Theory -- only it is not a theory anymore, it is an industry of books and lectures and movies and lifestyles and TV shows and government programs that is a staple of life on black colleges -- and white ones too.

The beating continued, much to the delight and encouragement of other black people kind enough to put some of the encounter on video:

Along with lots of other black on white violence visited upon Trump supporters and ignored by national news. You find that here: Colin Flaherty Trump violence playlist.

Meanwhile, national news continues to try and convince us that Trump supporters (white nationalists all, says NPR) are desecrating Jewish cemeteries in St. Louis and Philadelphia, because this is how white people roll.

Another fairy tale that only makes sense the further you get from those two cities and the closer you get to Washington. Because people who live in and around those two chocolate cities know that large-scale criminality is a black thing.

And unless you went to a black college, you wouldnt understand.

Colin Flaherty is the author of the Amazon #1 Best Sellers, White Girl Bleed a Lot and Dont Make the Black Kids Angry. Subscribe to him on YouTube by clicking here.

President Trump has a surprising solution to black violence and the enormous gap between white people and black people in America: Same-old, same-old.

The scene of this epic capitulation was the Oval Office, where this week a posse of black executives from black colleges were happy that the same guy they have vilified for two years seems oddly eager to let bygones be bygones.

Every person in that room knew Trump had only two choices:

1) Grab the entire system of racial preferences and quotas by the stem and pull it out by the roots; or

2) Pretend that system does not promote black on white hostility and violence, and double down with more preferences, more quotas, more stories of relentless black victimization and white racism.

Trump chose Number 2.

Which is nothing more than a repeat of many other solutions for the problems of black colleges and black students over the last 100 years:

More money. More special treatment. Lower standards. Unprepared graduates with degrees in black studies wondering why they cant find a job, then remembering why: White racism is holding them back.

Later, rinse, repeat. Then visit the Museum of African American Racial Hostility at the Smithsonian.

For all the political geniuses out there who are stapling their fingers, getting ready to explain the pure genius of trying to split at least a few black people from the Democratic coalition, dont bother. Every Republican tries it -- George Bush with AIDS in Africa ring a bell? How about Condi Rice and Colin Powell? -- and it never works.

Maybe this time, this will be different.

The idea is generally grab the graduates of black colleges, send them back to black neighborhoods, where they will preach love, devotion, and surrender. And forget the black on white hostility they learned every day in their black colleges.

Wouldnt it be pretty if that were true?

Instead we get community organizers, who, if they get their way, take eight years to install racial preferences into every nook and cranny of the federal government. Then sit back and wait for racial hell to break loose if Trump tries to touch even one.

Meanwhile, Trump supporters around the country are under violent attack from black people, while MSNBC and others are trying to convince us the opposite is true.

The latest comes from Kettering, Ohio, in the suburbs of Dayton. Over the weekend, a white kid walked out of sports bar where a dozen black people started taunting and harassing and threatening him about Donald Trump.

Stop me if you have heard of this story before in dozens of other places around the country over the last few months: pulling white people out of cars, beating them to the sounds of Trump obscenities. Or my personal favorite, the black person who, just a few days ago, pulled on AR-15 rifle out of the trunk of his car, removed a Trump bumper sticker, then challenged to the owner to stop him.

All on video --all because Trump wants to deport black people back to Africa. I would not have believed that either unless I saw it on video. So here it is:

Four or five of the guys held me down on the hood of my girlfriends car, Jackson told WHIO news. While the biggest one punched me in the face repeatedly. I felt my face break. I was yelling at them and screaming at them, guys you just broke my face. Why? Why are you doing this?

Anyone who attended a black college knows the answer to that question: Black on white violence wildly out of proportion is caused by white racism. Which is everywhere. All the time. And it explains everything. They call it Critical Race Theory -- only it is not a theory anymore, it is an industry of books and lectures and movies and lifestyles and TV shows and government programs that is a staple of life on black colleges -- and white ones too.

The beating continued, much to the delight and encouragement of other black people kind enough to put some of the encounter on video:

Along with lots of other black on white violence visited upon Trump supporters and ignored by national news. You find that here: Colin Flaherty Trump violence playlist.

Meanwhile, national news continues to try and convince us that Trump supporters (white nationalists all, says NPR) are desecrating Jewish cemeteries in St. Louis and Philadelphia, because this is how white people roll.

Another fairy tale that only makes sense the further you get from those two cities and the closer you get to Washington. Because people who live in and around those two chocolate cities know that large-scale criminality is a black thing.

And unless you went to a black college, you wouldnt understand.

Colin Flaherty is the author of the Amazon #1 Best Sellers, White Girl Bleed a Lot and Dont Make the Black Kids Angry. Subscribe to him on YouTube by clicking here.

Continue reading here:
Capitulating to Black Racism - American Thinker

Chris Matthews and SPLC Fall for Hoax Even the NYT Says Is a Lie…Again – American Thinker

Chris Matthews and the Goofy Looking Dude from the Southern Poverty Law Center have a point: We do nothave any evidence Donald Trump did notpersonally knock over 200 headstones in a Jewish graveyard in St. Louis.

But they were sure if Trump did not do it, then some of his supporters did and everyone knows that.

The further from St. Louis you get, the less insane that sounds. Because in St. Louis, large-scale vandalism and criminality is a black thing --not a political thing.

The Trump tombstone desecration was just the warmup.Chris and the Goofy Looking Dude said Trump and his ilk have been responsible for gajillions of acts of hatred and violence against everybody except white men, starting the day after the election.

In most newscasts, this is usually the time when they run a video that supports at least a little bit what they said. This they did not do, at least not at first.

But when they did get around to giving a specific example of this nationwide tsunami of hatred and violence, the Goofy Looking Dude from SPLC reminded Chris how a woman in a hijab in a New York subway was attacked by the Trump acolytes on a mission of hate: 37 percent of the perpetrators, as you said, either named President Trump by saying something like --you know --yelling toa woman wearing a hijab you go back to your country, now Donald Trump is President. That kind of thing.

Chris nodded in knowing satisfaction.

That was the only specific example the Goofy Looking Dude could come up with. And it was a lie. A fabrication. A hoax.

Even the New York Times had to admit that in the headlines, no less: Muslim Woman Made Up Hate Crime on Subway, Police say.

A few details for the truth- and memory-challenged folks at MSNBC: This happened way back in December 2016.Yasmin Seweid --if you need help remembering, you could always pronounce it seaweed --told every cop and reporter should could find that three white men screaming Donald Trump! attacked her on Dec. 1 on an uptown No. 6 train at East 23rd Street, said the Times.

Over at the Daily Beast, aka Newsweek, they passed along the phony baloney details just as quickly as Seaweed could manufacture them:

On Thursday night, an 18-year-old college student who wears a hijab was on the subway after a Women in Business Style Your Success fashion show when three apparently drunk men began shouting, Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!

The men then zeroed in on her.

Look, a f---ing terrorist. Get the hell out of the country! You dont belong here!

They yanked her bag and the strap broke.

Can you please leave me alone? she asked.

They responded with laughter and followed as she tried to walk away from them. They tried to pull off her hijab.

Take that rag off your head!

What made it all the more nightmarish was that none of the many other people aboard the train sought to help her. Passengers looked at her and at the men and clearly understood what was happening, but then just looked away without offering so much as syllable in her defense.

It breaks my heart that so many individuals chose to be bystanders while watching me get harassed verbally and physically by these disgusting pigs, she posted on Facebook afterward.

The studentYasmin Seweidwrote of the incident itself as someone who is American born and raised: Trumps name was repeatedly said & it finally clicked in my head. No matter how cultured or Americanized I am, these people dont see me as an American.

Hundreds and hundreds of other mainstream outlets followed the story with glee.

And when police unmasked the hoax --every bit of it was a lie, including if, and, and but --thousands of other outlets reported that too, and wondered why so many reporters were so eager to believe these fake stories about Trump.

Others wonders why these same reporters refused to write about the violence against Trump supporters, which really did happen. On real video. In the real world. Just a few of which you can find onthis playlist.

Maybe Chris and the Goofy Looking Dude did not get that memo. Or they just forgot about it.

My hands are not entirely clean here: Shortly after the Boston Marathon bombing, the Goofy Looking Dude gave me the same treatment on the Rachel Maddow show.

GLD of the SPLC said my stories and books about black violence and journalistic denial created a climate of hate that caused the bombing.

Yes: Good ol Colin caused the Boston Marathon bombing. Im looking forward to including that in the scrapbook at my next high school reunion.

So far, no federal agents have knocked on my door to investigate. And neither has Rachel Maddow repeated it again. So I appear to be off the hook. This time.

But this must also be said: I do nothave any evidence that Goofy Looking Dude is nota full-time occupant of a mental hospital, diagnosed with an extreme cased of batshit craziness; and that he wears a white straitjacket all day, only to be removed for the occasional appearance on MSNBC.

Ditto for Chris Matthews, now that I think about it.

So it must be true.

Colin Flaherty is the author of the best selling books Dont Make the Black Kids Angry and White Girl Bleed a Lot. You can subscribe to him on YouTube too.

Chris Matthews and the Goofy Looking Dude from the Southern Poverty Law Center have a point: We do nothave any evidence Donald Trump did notpersonally knock over 200 headstones in a Jewish graveyard in St. Louis.

But they were sure if Trump did not do it, then some of his supporters did and everyone knows that.

The further from St. Louis you get, the less insane that sounds. Because in St. Louis, large-scale vandalism and criminality is a black thing --not a political thing.

The Trump tombstone desecration was just the warmup.Chris and the Goofy Looking Dude said Trump and his ilk have been responsible for gajillions of acts of hatred and violence against everybody except white men, starting the day after the election.

In most newscasts, this is usually the time when they run a video that supports at least a little bit what they said. This they did not do, at least not at first.

But when they did get around to giving a specific example of this nationwide tsunami of hatred and violence, the Goofy Looking Dude from SPLC reminded Chris how a woman in a hijab in a New York subway was attacked by the Trump acolytes on a mission of hate: 37 percent of the perpetrators, as you said, either named President Trump by saying something like --you know --yelling toa woman wearing a hijab you go back to your country, now Donald Trump is President. That kind of thing.

Chris nodded in knowing satisfaction.

That was the only specific example the Goofy Looking Dude could come up with. And it was a lie. A fabrication. A hoax.

Even the New York Times had to admit that in the headlines, no less: Muslim Woman Made Up Hate Crime on Subway, Police say.

A few details for the truth- and memory-challenged folks at MSNBC: This happened way back in December 2016.Yasmin Seweid --if you need help remembering, you could always pronounce it seaweed --told every cop and reporter should could find that three white men screaming Donald Trump! attacked her on Dec. 1 on an uptown No. 6 train at East 23rd Street, said the Times.

Over at the Daily Beast, aka Newsweek, they passed along the phony baloney details just as quickly as Seaweed could manufacture them:

On Thursday night, an 18-year-old college student who wears a hijab was on the subway after a Women in Business Style Your Success fashion show when three apparently drunk men began shouting, Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!

The men then zeroed in on her.

Look, a f---ing terrorist. Get the hell out of the country! You dont belong here!

They yanked her bag and the strap broke.

Can you please leave me alone? she asked.

They responded with laughter and followed as she tried to walk away from them. They tried to pull off her hijab.

Take that rag off your head!

What made it all the more nightmarish was that none of the many other people aboard the train sought to help her. Passengers looked at her and at the men and clearly understood what was happening, but then just looked away without offering so much as syllable in her defense.

It breaks my heart that so many individuals chose to be bystanders while watching me get harassed verbally and physically by these disgusting pigs, she posted on Facebook afterward.

The studentYasmin Seweidwrote of the incident itself as someone who is American born and raised: Trumps name was repeatedly said & it finally clicked in my head. No matter how cultured or Americanized I am, these people dont see me as an American.

Hundreds and hundreds of other mainstream outlets followed the story with glee.

And when police unmasked the hoax --every bit of it was a lie, including if, and, and but --thousands of other outlets reported that too, and wondered why so many reporters were so eager to believe these fake stories about Trump.

Others wonders why these same reporters refused to write about the violence against Trump supporters, which really did happen. On real video. In the real world. Just a few of which you can find onthis playlist.

Maybe Chris and the Goofy Looking Dude did not get that memo. Or they just forgot about it.

My hands are not entirely clean here: Shortly after the Boston Marathon bombing, the Goofy Looking Dude gave me the same treatment on the Rachel Maddow show.

GLD of the SPLC said my stories and books about black violence and journalistic denial created a climate of hate that caused the bombing.

Yes: Good ol Colin caused the Boston Marathon bombing. Im looking forward to including that in the scrapbook at my next high school reunion.

So far, no federal agents have knocked on my door to investigate. And neither has Rachel Maddow repeated it again. So I appear to be off the hook. This time.

But this must also be said: I do nothave any evidence that Goofy Looking Dude is nota full-time occupant of a mental hospital, diagnosed with an extreme cased of batshit craziness; and that he wears a white straitjacket all day, only to be removed for the occasional appearance on MSNBC.

Ditto for Chris Matthews, now that I think about it.

So it must be true.

Colin Flaherty is the author of the best selling books Dont Make the Black Kids Angry and White Girl Bleed a Lot. You can subscribe to him on YouTube too.

See the rest here:
Chris Matthews and SPLC Fall for Hoax Even the NYT Says Is a Lie...Again - American Thinker

PLAYOFF PRIMER – The Daily News of Newburyport

The Newburyport boys basketball team has made its regular season statement.

After losing back-to-back games to open the season, the Clippers won 17 of their last 18 games thanks to some lights out offensive showings as well as a number of stout nights on defense.

The 17-3 record, and all the wins that gave coach Tom LItaliens boys the No. 2 seed in the Division 3 North tournament, are inconsequential to how the crimson-and-gold are feeling headed into todays first round match up with Lynn Tech (7-13).

We said to the kids the last few days that the big picture is in. Now, its about doing the little things we did to get to the big picture. Everyone knows how we play. We know how we play, said LItalien.

Itsgetting up and down the floor both offensively and defensively. Its sharing the ball on offense and on defense, getting back to good basics with conversion defense, help angles, ball pressure, communication off the ball and finishing with a box out. Itsabout a whole bunch of little things adding up to the big thing at this point in the year.

It will be the first home playoff game for a Newburyport boys basketball team since 2013 when they beat Hamilton-Wenham 43-42. This years Clippers lost just once in their own gym, and it came in the season-opener against North Reading.

I think its huge for us. We havent had a home tournament game in a few years, so its huge. Were really looking forward to it, said senior captain and downtown sharpshooter Nick Rogers. I couldnt have asked for a better season so far. All the new guys on the team fit in well with everybody and we have a good mix of seniors and underclassmen.

The contribution from the elders and the younger guys was evident in the teams final game of the regular season when the Clippers put up 98 points in a 23-point win over Innovation Academy in which Rogers and fellow senior captain Brendan Powers, as well as sophomore Casey McLaren, all went over 20 points.

Todays opponent plays a similar style to the Red Tailed Hawks as Lynn Tech boasts an athletic roster with a few guards who can push the tempo and score off the dribble.

The one common opponent the two squads have is Mystic Valley, which blasted the Tigers, 74-46 earlier in the season. The Clippers edged MV, 56-50 in the second to last game of the regular season.

Theyre an athletic team. There will be a lot of 1-on-1 match ups on defense so it comes down to us on defense shutting down our man 1-on-1 and then on offense, play as a team and move the ball, said Powers, who talked about what the Clippers are doing when theyre locking things down in their own end.

Everyones talking. We are good at the point of attack and they guys in back are letting everyone know whats going on. When they shot goes up, everyone says shot, is boxing out and then running in transition.

Port has the athletes to win a track meet if thats what Lynn Tech wants to turn the game into, just as the Clippers did when Innovation Academy turned up the tempo.

The Newburyport offense can get buckets in the paint thanks to the length and athleticism of Powers and McLaren, but the Clippers are most dangerous when the guards are driving to the basket and kicking to open shooters. Rogers, Cam MacRae, Rob Shay, George Coryell, Ronnie Mwai and Brian Hadden all see time as guards while McLaren is equally deadly on the perimeter and Powers can shoot from the outside.

Theres some nerves going on. This will be some guys first tournament game, and its a home tournament game, but overall I think were all anxious to get out there, said Rogers. We know we put in the work to get to the spot we are at.

A win tonight would advance Newburyport to the second round, where the Clippers would take on the winner of Triton hosting Pentucket tomorrow night.

As far as looking at the bracket and potential match ups down the road, LItalien said its already been addressed in his locker room.

Sometimes when people see seedings they think of March Madness and they want to fill out brackets. Thats a tournament (where seedings are done) by strength of schedule and your team and not based on your record. The way the MIAA does it is based on win/loss, said LItalien, pointing out that Lynn Tech may be worst seed in the bracket but that it plays a tough schedule, won the Commonwealth Conference and had to win four in a row to close out the regular season just to make the dance.

Theyreplayign their best basketball right now, so we need to focus and play 32 minutes of Newburyport basketball ... were players and coaches, not spectators. We cant get caught up in the brackets.


If the first two meetings were any indication, Tuesdays tilt between Triton and Pentucket should be close.

Very close.

The Vikings defeated the Sachems twice, but both games were three-point losses with Triton taking the first by a 53-50 score and the second, 55-52.

Head coach Dave Clays Vikings rely on team defense, and when they need a bucket, they feel good about going to either senior captain Jack McCarthy, who hit a thrilling game-winner late in the season to beat North Reading, or junior captain Will Parsons. Colin Brennan and Liam Spillane (senior captain) and Chris Trotta are all good two-way players.

Pentucket meanwhile likes to spread the scoring around, but has its fair share of weapons in Conor ONeill, Nathan McGrail, Gus Flaherty, Spencer Pacy and Jimmy Cleary.


Amesbury will head to Bedford (14-6) tomorrow night for their playoff tilt after winning 5 of its last 6 games to qualify for the tournament.

Senior captains Kyle Martin, Eric Dawes and Will Parady set the tone for the Indians, who do have some solid size with Martin, Parady and Cam Leary (senior) as athletic scorers who rebound very well.

John Sydlowski, Billy Sydlowski, Timothy Hudsonand the rest of the Indians will have to find the magic they used late in the season if theyre going to upset Bedford on the road. If the Tribe pulls out the win, theyll earn a date with the winner of No. 3 Weston (17-3) and No. 14 Saugus (7-13) in round two.

Excerpt from:
PLAYOFF PRIMER - The Daily News of Newburyport

Acton-Boxborough boys track places 2nd in Div. 1, girls 5th – Wicked Local Acton

On Saturday Feb. 18 qualifying athletes from the Acton-Boxborough indoor track teams participated in the MIAA Division 1 championships at Bostons Reggie Lewis Center. Competing against all Division1 schools from across Massachusetts, the A-B boys placed second, and the girls tied for fifth.

Highlighting the meet for the girls was junior Samantha Friborg who won the 600 meters in 1 minute, 33.69 seconds, 3.47 seconds ahead of the second-place runner. Friborg broke the A-B school record that she set last year and also set Division 1 record.

Friborg was also the anchor for the 4x400 relay team (with Samantha Cannarozzi, Sara Mitchell, and Stella McDermott), which placed second behind Andover at 4:05.47, their best time of the season. Cannarozzi placed fifth in the long jump at 16-6, and fourth in the 55-meter dash at 7.47.

In the 1,000, Mitchell placed seventh at 3:04, and Ellen Malloy placed 11th at 3:14. Danielle Beerman tied for sixth in the high jump (4-10) by making the height on her first attempt. McDermott was 18th in the long jump at 14-7.

Senior Annika Maas had a personal best time in the 55-meter dash at 7.85. Friborg, Cannarozzi, and Mitchell in their individual events, as well as the 4x400 relay team, advance to the All-State meet on Sunday to compete against athletes from all Massachusetts divisions.

Coach Kenneth Feitsaid, We had another outstanding meet. Everyone performed great, and again came to compete. We are looking forward to next Sunday.

The A-B boys earned 47 points to place second behind Newton-North. Contributing to the teams second-place team finish were four second-place medal earners: Colin Grip in the 1,000 at 2:29 (a school record), Matt Antes in the 300 at 35.71, Adam Yang in the 55-meter hurdles with a seasonal best time of 8.01, and the 4x200 relay team (Antes, Will Collins, Brendan Flaherty, and Grip) at 1:31.

The 4x400 relay team (Collins, Flaherty, Gabe Lundy, and Grip) earned a third-place medal with a season-best time of 3:26. In the 2-mile, Patrick Nero placed fifth at 9:45, and Jackson Hamilton ran a personal best at 10:05. Lundy placed seventh in the 600 at 1:26.

In addition to the relays, Collins ran the 300 at 37.20, and Antes placed sixth in the 55-meter dash at 6.77.

Coach Brian Crossman said, The boys were strong and brave in the way they competed at the D1 meet. Just about every boy did their seasonal best. The 4x800 team of Winston Thompson, Brent Wang, Justin Klatt, and Otis Robb ran hard.

The 4x200 and 4x400 relay teams, Nero in the 2-mile, Antes in the 300, Grip in the 1000, and Yang in the 55-meter hurdles advance to the All-State meet on Sunday.

Read more from the original source:
Acton-Boxborough boys track places 2nd in Div. 1, girls 5th - Wicked Local Acton