Archive for the ‘Communism’ Category

COMMENTARY: Communism to blame – The Tand

Adolph Hitler and associates admired fascism under Mussolini in Italy, particularly the state control of industry, and sought to emulate Mussolini with Germanys brand of what they would refer to as National Socialism. Nazism, like the CCP, outlawed all opposition parties.

Venezuela is a modern example of the horrific effects of one-party socialism on the people and economy of a nation. With all opposition parties outlawed, no checks and balances exist. The results are predictable and deadly.

Marx, the father of communism, decried what he called the "bourgeois" family of father, mother and children. He believed family helped foster ideas about private property and should be abolished. Our American founders established the antithesis of Marx's communism. In declaring independence, Thomas Jefferson proclaimed to the world that God gave the individual unalienable rights to be protected by government. Included in basic human rights, alongside life and liberty, was the "pursuit of happiness."

Jefferson had followed 17th-century political philosopher John Locke's three basic rights of "life, liberty and property." Pursuit of happiness is predicated upon right to private property, but going beyond into moral decisions about the use of life, liberty and property. The American system recognized limitation of government, the primacy of the individual and family, and the importance of religion, all detested by Marx and therefore the CCP. Importantly, our founders stressed the importance of checks and balances to the party in power.

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COMMENTARY: Communism to blame - The Tand

Mexico dangerously on the edge: The ghost of communism. – The Yucatan Times

The leader of the Morena party wants to carry out a census of the rich to find out who concentrates the wealth and equalize everyone socially. Ramirez Cuellar proposes to empower the Inegi to access the patrimonial and real estate information of all Mexicans

MEXICO CITY (Times Media Mexico) No one in Mexico had forgotten when in 2019, Luciano Concheiro Brquez, the undersecretary of higher education at the Ministry of Public Education, said: To transform Mexico, it is necessary to be a communist. Especially when it comes to Lpez Obradors Fourth Transformation against predatory capitalism. (SIC)

Alfonso Ramrez Cullar, national leader of Morena, has released an analysis prepared by his party, MORENA, to make constitutional changes. The magnitude of the economic and health emergency demands it. The starting point and the outcome of the new rules of social coexistence are, without a doubt, the issue of welfare. Said the MORENA politician.

The Welfare State, as a concept and purpose, must be explicitly stated in our Magna Carta, pointing out the universal protection systems derived from the constitutional mandate, he stated. These are the new systems that transcend partial programs and synthesize and ensure inescapable rights for all Mexicans. It is a matter of agreeing on the new states construction that will emerge from the crisis we are suffering. It seeks to give national certainty of what will be the new normality.

Alfonso Ramrez Cullar, presidente de Morena, present un paquete de reformas para enfrentar los efectos negativos de la crisis sanitaria

Entre las propuestas est dar facultades al Inegi para que mida la concentracin de riqueza

The Federal Executive, the Congress of the Union or the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation must integrate. All the state and municipal governments, the organisms of workers and businessmen, the political parties and the institutions of higher education in this great dialogue, Ramrez Cuellar pointed out.

As a second point, Ramirez proposes giving the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) the constitutional power to measure the concentration of wealth in our country. Morena party leaders wants to carry out a census of the rich to find out who concentrates the wealth and equalize everyone socially. Ramirez Cuellar proposes to empower the Inegi to access the patrimonial and real estate information of all Mexicans

As a third point, Ramrez Cullar noted the fiscal progressiveness. All Mexicans should contribute to the expenses of the state and the financing of the Welfare State. He said. Fiscal progressivity will have to be applied to property, wealth, income, CO2 emissions, and damage to health.

Historical experience shows us with a stubborn conviction that the Welfare State can only be effective and become a reality when those who have more pay more, he added. He then proposed the constitution of a Fiscal Council: an organism with autonomy and professionalism and dependent on the Congress of the Union that measures and permanently evaluates the quality of the income and expenses of the Mexican State. The country requires an agency that has the responsibility to show every year if contributions and expenditures are benefiting the most vulnerable sectors of the population. The organism will have an obligation to report whether the quality of public spending is contributing to reducing inequality between regions and whether it is being used to generate wealth and national prosperity. Ramirez Cullar stated.

El dilogo y el Acuerdo de Unidad y de Solidaridad Nacional tienen que reconstruirse. La magnitud de la emergencia econmica y sanitaria as lo demanda. El punto de partida y el desenlace de las nuevas reglas de convivencia social es, sin lugar a duda, el tema del Bienestar.

Finally, he called for greater strength and powers for the Federal Commission for Economic Competition (Cofece). The concentration and power that companies have in a large number of markets that produce and distribute the goods and services that are basic to the population have become one of the most important sources of social and economic inequality between regions and the various segments of Mexican society he accuses.

In addition, he added, the Competition Commission must be given higher powers to measure the impact on the levels of welfare suffered by Mexicans to strengthen a joint action in the design of policies that ensure access to goods and services with fair prices.

Mexico is dangerously on the edge. Every day becomes more explicit where AMLO wants to go.

The Yucatan TimesNewsroom


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Mexico dangerously on the edge: The ghost of communism. - The Yucatan Times

Nehru, Gandhis and the rise of Communism in Nepal – MyNation

Nepal has been at an unfortunate end of the geo-strategic rivalry between India and the Peoples Republic of China for a while now. The Nepal governments decision to include Limpiyadhura, Lipulekh, and Kalapani has been dubbed as an unjustified cartographic assertion by the Indian establishment. One should not seem surprised if the communists in Nepal seem to tow Beijings line further. A series of bad decisions by New Delhi since the 1950s has put India in a difficult situation.

During Jawaharlal Nehrus Prime Ministership, King Tribhuvan suggested the merger of both the countries for better prospects. The threats emerging from the Chinese expansionism reflected towards Tibet concerned India about Nepals northern borders. The infrastructure that the Chinese had been building was simply not restricted to Nepal. Beginning at Sin Kiang, a highway was constructed to Tibet that ran through Ladakh in 1958. Right after the Sin Kiang-Tibet highway, the Chinese built roads all the way south that bordered Nepal, Sikkim, and Bhutan. In the summer of 1960, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) soldiers entered Nepal and made an advance towards Bu Ba La. With the assistance of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Tibetan insurgents were hiding there, hoping to fight the Chinese troops. King Mahendra actively cooperated with China, allowing their troops to enter deep inside Nepals territory.

Rajiv Gandhis handling of the neighbourhood is deeply questionable, especially when it came to Sri Lanka and Nepal. Disagreements on several issues between the former prime minister and King Birendra took to new heights when the Sino-Nepali defence deals were signed. In 1988, tensions emerged between the Government of India and Nepals monarchy as Sonia Gandhi was denied entry into the Pashupatinath temple in Kathmandu. Non-Hindus are not allowed entry to the temples inner sanctum. Rajiv Gandhi had been on a state visit to Nepal and the incident bittered relations between the two countries for years to come. This prompted Rajiv Gandhis government to cut off most of the trade routes, except for a few, leaving Nepal out of medical supplies, fuel, ration, and basic amenities.

To make matters worse, a new revelation made by Amar Bhushan, former Research & Analysis Wing (R&AW), Indian external intelligence wings special Director wrote in his book about the plans put forth by the agency to overthrow King Birendra and support the democratic peoples movement in Nepal. This distanced Kathmandu from New Delhi and found its friend in Beijing. The relations were somewhat normalised with the evolution of the Gujral Doctrine in the 90s and a change in South Blocks attitude towards pursuing better relations with immediate neighbours.

A little more than a decade ago, Nepal faced a triangular power contest. The tussle for power was between the monarchy, parliamentary parties and Maoist rebels. India stepped in, brokered a deal between the rebel Maoists and parties and the former gave up arms and joined electoral politics. In less than two to three years, Nepal elected its first-ever communist Prime Minister. Pushpa Kamala Prachandas visit to India in 2008 made waves in the diplomatic circles. After all, he too won the elections with a nationalist rhetoric and decided to contest elections, promoting democratic values in the country. He met Dr Manmohan Singh, hugged him, attended a special lunch arranged by Sharad Yadav, and spoke at business chamber meetings. Since then, the communists have fought their way for power in Nepal, and India has been placed in a tricky position. The pro-China stance by KP Oli should not be a surprise to anyone.

Now, one may dismiss the Manisha Koirala tweet as attempting to appear nationalistic, it is anything but that. Her grandfather, Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala, was responsible for bringing democratic reforms in the Himalayan nation. His careful balancing of political acculturation between India and Nepal has made a special place for him in the history books. After fighting the 104-year old Rana regime, he led his party to a landslide victory in the 1959 parliamentary elections, only to find himself dismissed from power within a year. King Mahendra, who was pro-China, imprisoned him and many of Koiralas colleagues.

A series of bad decisions and diplomatic moves beginning from Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to Dr Manmohan Singh has been responsible for Nepali tilt towards Beijing over the years. Rajiv Gandhi will be remembered for his unsuccessful attempts at dealing with challenges in Nepal, which troubles India even today.(Sharan KA is a post-graduate scholar at the Department of Geopolitics and International Relations, Manipal Academy of Higher Education. He tracks the political developments in South Asia)

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Nehru, Gandhis and the rise of Communism in Nepal - MyNation

Fallout 76 Update 19 Arrives, Nerfing Communism Bot and Bolstering the Bourgeoisie – PlayStation LifeStyle

A blog post from Bethesda in the past few days made mention that an update to celebrate the one year anniversary of the Fallout 76 battle royale mode Nuclear Winter was on the way. Little did we know that today would be that day, as Update 19 makes its way to all versions of the game and brings a lot more than just cattle prods and good times in squads of three. While the major highlights include ally customization, seasonal events, and crafting upgrades, theres only one real change that needs to be noted. If you remember our reporting as of late on everyones dear comrade Communism Bot, then youll be sad to know that his work for the Proletariat is now that much more difficult, with the patch notes stating Collectron Station: The Communist Collectron will now find Propaganda Flyers less often while scavenging. The Bourgeoisie has won. Communism is quelled.

Regardless, heres some other major changes making it into this 8GB (for PS4 users, 10GB for Xbox One) update for Fallout 76.

Ally Customization:Give your Allies stylish new looks by sharing your wardrobe with them using the new option to customize their outfits.

Hunt for the Treasure Hunter:Mole Miners have discovered treasure in the Ash Heap! Starting May 21, hunt them down to claim their loot for yourself during a new limited-time event.

Fasnacht Parade:By popular demand, this Seasonal Event is returning for a full week starting May 25, and there are plenty of new Fasnacht Masks up for grabs.

Item Naming Updates:Weve made improvements to the way your weapons and armors are automatically named when you apply new mods and skins.

Backpack Updates:Changing your Backpacks appearance is now as simple as applying a skin, and you can now apply them to Small Backpacks, too!

(NW) Limited Time Challenges:Unlock new cosmetic rewards by completing limited-time Challenges in Nuclear Winter, from May 19 June 11.

Weve improved Backpack customization so that you can now apply different appearances to your Backpacks as skinsno more crafting required!

Head to an Armor Workbench and use the modify menu to swap the appearance of your existing Backpack with any skins youve unlocked through quests, events, or the Atomic Shop.

Skins can now be applied to Small Backpacks, as well for those who have not yet unlocked the normal Backpack Plan by completing the Order of the Tadpole quest.

You can apply skins to your existing Backpacks, as well as any new ones you craft.

Limited Time Survivors Challenges Unlock Themed Cosmetics!

Weve added 8 Nuclear Winter Challenges that you can complete to earn new Survivors themed cosmetic rewardsstarting today, and lasting until 7:00 p.m. ET on June 11.

One new challenge will appear in the Character Challenge menu each day until all 8 are available, and they will remain available until the end of the event.

You can earn the first reward with 150 Overseer XP, and the last with 2,500 Overseer XP. All others will each require 2,000 Overseer XP.

Overseer XP you earn will roll over from one Challenge to the next, but they must be completed one at a time and in order.

As you complete each Challenge, youll be able to claim new themed rewards, like new furniture for your C.A.M.P., Survivors Denim and Ghillie Suit outfits, as well as skins for Nuclear Winters newest weapons: The Bow, Cattle Prod, and Gauss Shotgun.

You can learn more about this event directly from ZAX and preview the rewards by reading our latestZAX Transmission article on

New Items

New Weapons:The Bow, Cattle Prod, and Gauss Shotgun have been added and tuned for combat in Nuclear Winter matches. Find them in Supply Crates as you scavenge for gear.

Theres far more going on in the update, including a list of bug fixes far too long to put here but can be checked out on the patch notes. Regardless, this is yet another step in the right direction for a game that has much ground to make up in regards to consumer good faith and fixing a broken product.

But, still: Pour one out for Communism Bot. He was just doing his job.

Original post:
Fallout 76 Update 19 Arrives, Nerfing Communism Bot and Bolstering the Bourgeoisie - PlayStation LifeStyle

Slavoj Zizek on coronavirus: We need some form of communism, the world we know has disappeared! (E880) – RT

On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to world-famous communist philosopher and author of Pandemic!: Covid-19 shakes the world, Slavoj Zizek. He discusses different coronavirus responses from governments around the world, from the capitalist barbarism of Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, to the responses of governors like Andrew Cuomo, why the world as we know it no longer exists, the discovery of a new working class of nurses, caretakers and essential staff, class warfare in the pandemic world, why capitalism and free markets cannot be relied on for handling future crises, why he believes some form of communism is needed in the post-coronavirus world, the need for increased international health collaboration and more!


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Slavoj Zizek on coronavirus: We need some form of communism, the world we know has disappeared! (E880) - RT