Jesus: Prophecy of Scourges on Italy and Invasions by Communism
"Daughter, My dear child, soon Italy will suffer the consequences of her mistakes.
She is walking in the darkness of darkness, since she abandoned the precepts givenby the Lord.
Although she has been the seat of Peter, even more she will be responsible for the scourges drawn upon herself.
Have you all forgotten what it was expected by a nation destined to become holy, being the seat of the Vicar of Christ on Earth.
You[1] (the Italians) should have set an example for other countries and bring other nations to Me, the Savior.
You (the Italians) are at the mercy of the spirit of the world, unable to follow the rules given by The Most High, instead you devoted your time to activities far from God, building sand castles on the shore of a stormy sea.
The faculties you have been able to come in possession and the way you pretend to manage political and social activities, have nothing to do with the Project of a holy nation God as designated.
You will see the wrath of the Father falling on of the southern shores[2] (of Italy), on account of injustices and of the intemperance, the disorderly living that characterizes this area of the nation.
Nevertheless, if the south (part of the country of Italy) will be hit by rough seas and wide-ranging earthquakes, all this will be expanding like wildfire: from the center of the capital people will cry and will get scared at unexpected happenings.
Rome will witness events that will be known worldwide.
Rome has thrown mud on My Holy Vicar[3], making the heart of the Church suffer.
Rome will see the decay of the great works built by the hands of men; wondrous monuments will be leveled to the ground, being for very long time an offense in the eyes of My Father. Being idolized as great wonders, they will fall and will cease to exist.
Purify[4] (nation of Italy), bend your knees to the power of The Most High, you who have been the spectator of the martyrdom of Peter, and that do not cease to condemn to death the Christ Himself, nailing Him to the cross and beating Him in a mercilessly flagellation.
Rome will cry.
Italy will look helpless when armies will invade her streets and will take possession of the freedom of the people, by imposing the terrible law of communism[5].
Italy will raise her eyes towards Me and will cry asking for mercy.
And as quickly as said, Justice will fall on the heads of those responsible for this abomination toward the Italian people.
Children, the time of conversion and of the Act of Mercy is approaching rapidly.
Try to be prepared at all times, because you never know when the set time of events will come.
Also understand that all will be preceded by specific facts, some of which might be changed by the Will of the Father, you will have to stay with your ears open in listening to the Voice of God, and keep your clothes washed to welcome the Bridegroom.
I will knock at the door (of your soul) when you least expect it and you'll be taken by surprise, for the large number of you.
Nothing happens by chance, in the end.
Nothing comes by itself, if not from The Father Himself.
Each event has its own designated purpose, such as a tile that is added to the puzzle until the design is clearly visible.
Do not lose hope, but act upon it by waking up and preparing those fallen asleep because of the mundane world and the passions that obscure the truth.
Gather as many souls as possible under the protection of My Blood and the Immaculate Mantle of My Mother.
Pray for them, saying:
Lord Jesus, bend the knees of these souls (you can specify the names) by putting them at the foot of Thy Holy Cross and fill them with the power of Your Precious Blood.
I will take them and will put them at the foot of the Holy Cross, washing them with My Blood.
It will be repelled in them every demonic influence that can harm themselves and others, in order to save them all.
Act accordingly and be aware that with the Power of My Name and of My Blood, you will have in your hands the victory over the forces of evil.
Because whoever acts in My Name and believes in Me, acquires a limitless force and the Power of the (Holy) Spirit will blow strongly.
Your Jesus, Priest and King of the Universe."
[1] Here The Lord (to my understanding) refers to religious authorities, political rulers and the people of Italy
[2] Shores of Southern Italy
[3] Most likely (to my understanding) The Lord refers here to Benedict XVI
[4] Italy - (to my understanding) here The Lord refers to its religious, political institutions and to its people being corrupted by laws in open defiance of the 10 Commandments, of the Catholic Church (being infiltrated by the ecclesiastic branch of freemason which is working tirelessly from the Vatican II Council; to change, manipulate the Catholic Faith, Doctrine and Teaching, by introducing heresies and abomination - by introducing Protestant heresies, eliminating Confession, the suppression of the Sacraments of the Eucharist; to accept sin in many of its aberrant ways and forms; to accept divorced to Holy Communion, sexual behaviors against nature and the Moral Law; to destroy the Mystical Body on Earth instituted 2000 years ago by our Lord Jesus Christ).
[5] Communism here does not refer to the Soviet Union as nation of invaders because it dissolved in the 20th century, or to the modern Holy Russia, having rejected it. Here Communism refers to Socialism propagated by the enemies of the Cross the descendants of the sect of the Pharisees, the elites now turned into bankers (not to be confused with the Jewish people of humble condition, farmers, fishermen, pastors, or other professions like the one of Jesus, simple carpenter born in the small village of Bethlehem of Judea (now Palestine). Read history about the origin of those who theorized and imposed socialism/communism by brute force firstly in Russia and then to other countries and people in the world (i.e. China, North Korea, political, economic, religious parties, institutions and movements, etc.). Socialism (the nice face of the old Communism) is no longer being imposed through force but instead, through a stealth and cunning disguise, by a series of laws (i.e. civil rights, economic treaties, religious changes, humanism, all the ism you can think of), aiming at gradually taking away sovereignty, people freedom and cultural, national, historical identities, and their physical properties/money). In other word, think of a pond where fish are constrained to live with less and less water until it runs out, where only certain ponds of the elites (rulers) choice, will be allowed to live and prosper (i.e. by eliminating the 90% of the current population see Georgia Guidestones). Socialism is the most dangerous form of political and economic (stealing of properties and sovereignty), and religious oppression (by one side imposing atheism, bythe other oneimposing a babel of religions and faiths under - one world church, with the purpose ofenslaving mankind and wiping out from the face of the earth, if that were possible, the Catholic Church who stands in their way, the Truth that we are children of God Creator of the human race, the Truth of the Gospel revealed by Jesus Christ,). Socialism willallow a small group, to rule abovemankind; these oligarchs called the elite", will decide who lives and who dies if unfit to their draconian global ruling system in which they are accountable to no one for their choices. This stage should take place (to my understanding) after the deadly and quick incoming nuclear WW3. Each world war (WW1 and WW2) has brought great changes to mankind.
"Figlia, Mia cara bambina, presto l'Italia subir le conseguenze dei propri errori.Essa cammina nel buio delle tenebre, da quando ha abbandonato i precetti designati dal Signore.
Seppur essa fu sede di Pietro, ancor di pi sar responsabile dei flagelli attirati su di s.
Avete dimenticato quanto ci si aspettava da una nazione destinata a diventare santa, poich sede del Vicario di Cristo in terra.
Avreste dovuto essere d'esempio per altri paesi e condurre altri popoli a Me, il Salvatore.
Invece siete in bala dello spirito del mondo, incapaci di seguire le regole imposte dall' Altissimo e dedicate il tempo ad attivit lontane da Dio, costruendo castelli di sabbia in riva a un mare in tempesta.
Le facolt di cui vi siete appropriati e il modo in cui pretendete di gestire attivit politiche e sociali non ha nulla a che vedere con il Progetto di nazione santa designata da Dio.
Vedrete l'ira del Padre abbattersi nelle coste del meridione, a causa delle ingiustizie e dell'intemperanza, del vivere disordinato che caratterizza questa zona della nazione.
Nondimeno, se il sud sar colpito dal mare agitato e da scosse sismiche ad ampio raggio, il tutto si andr espandendo a macchia d'olio: dal centro della capitale urleranno e si spaventeranno per fatti inaspettati.
Roma sar testimone di eventi che faranno no parlare a livello mondiale.
Roma ha gettato fango sul Mio Santo Vicario, facendo soffrire il cuore della Chiesa.
Roma vedr il decadimento delle grandi opere costruite dalla mano degli uomini; monumenti portentosi saranno rasi al suolo, poich per lunghissimo tempo sono stati offesa per gli occhi del Padre Mio.
Idolatrati come grandi meraviglie, cadranno e cesseranno di esistere.
Purficati, piega le ginocchia alla Potenza dell' Altissimo, tu che sei stata spettatrice del martirio di Pietro e che non cessi di condannare a morte il Cristo Stesso, inchiodandoLo alla Croce e percuotendoLo in una flagellazione senza piet.
Roma pianger.
L'Italia apparir impotente, quando gli eserciti invaderanno le vie e si impossesseranno della libert del popolo, assoggettandolo alla terribile legge del comunismo.
L'Italia sollever gli occhi verso di Me e pianger chiedendo misericordia.
presto fatto, che la Giustizia ricadr sulle teste dei responsabili di tale abominio verso il popolo italiano.
Figli, il tempo della conversione e dell' Atto di Misericordia si avvicina rapidamente.
Cercate di prepararvi in ogni istante, perch non sapete quando il tempo prestabilito giunger.
Fermo restando che sar preceduto da fatti specifici, alcuni dei quali potrebbero cambiare per Volont del Padre, dovrete restare con le orecchie in ascolto alla Voce di Dio e lavare le vesti per accogliere lo Sposo.
Busser quando meno ve lo aspettate e sarete colti di sorpresa, per la maggior parte di voi.
Nulla al caso, infine.
Nulla viene da s, se non dal Padre Stesso.
Ogni evento ha un suo scopo designato, come una tessera che si aggiunge al rompicapo fino a che il disegno sia ben visibile.
Non perdete la speranza, ma agite di conseguenza svegliando e preparando gli assopiti dal mondano e dalle passioni che oscurano la Verit.
Radunate quante pi anime possibili sotto la protezione del Mio Sangue e il Manto Immacolato di Mia Madre.
Pregate per loro dicendo:
Signore Ges, piega le ginocchia di queste anime (si possono specificare dei nomi) mettendole ai piedi della Tua Santa Croce e inondale con la Potenza del Tuo Preziosissimo Sangue.
Le prender e le porr ai piedi della Santa Croce, lavandole con il Mio Sangue.
Sar debellato in esse ogni influsso demoniaco che possa nuocere alle stesse e agli altri, al fine di salvarle tutte.
Agite di conseguenza e siete consapevoli che con la Potenza del Mio Nome e del Mio Sangue avrete in mano la vittoria sulle forze del male.
Perch chiunque agisce nel Mio Nome e crede in Me, acquista una forza senza limite e la Potenza dello Spirito soffier fortemente.
Il vostro Ges, Sacerdote e Re dell' Universo".
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Jesus: Prophecy of Scourges on Italy and invasions by ...