Archive for the ‘Communism’ Category

Bishops plead to Virgin Mary to free Venezuela from ‘claws of communism’ – Catholic Herald Online

Venezuelan people living in Brazil protest against the election of the Constituent Assembly in Venezuela (Getty Images)

The appeal comes as Venezuela descends further into chaos and violence

The Venezuelan Bishops Conference has pleaded for the intercession of the Virgin Mary to free their country from the claws of communism and socialism.

As the country descends further into political chaos, the bishops posted the prayer to their Twitter account along with an image of Mary and a Venezuelan flag.

The prayer reads: Most Holy Virgin, Mother of Coromoto, heavenly Patron of Venezuela, free our homeland from the claws of communism and socialism.

The tweet was posted as Venezuelans went to the polls the elect members for a constituent assembly charged with rewriting the countrys constitution.

President Nicols Maduro convened the assembly on 1 May amid increasingly violent anti-government protests, arguing that rewriting the constitution would promote reconciliation and peace.

Opposition activists accuse the socialist president of a power grab and fear he will use the assembly to cement his own position and hold on to power.

No independent observers monitored the vote, and other South American countries such as Colombia, Panama, Peru and Argentina have refused to recognise it.

Venezuelas bishops have denounced the assembly as unconstitutional and as unnecessary, inconvenient and damaging for the Venezuelan people.

Read the rest here:
Bishops plead to Virgin Mary to free Venezuela from 'claws of communism' - Catholic Herald Online

My Grandfather, the Secret Policeman – New York Times

His sisters fled to the east. His father was shot. Making his way through the countryside, he ran into a group of Soviet officers who had been separated from their units. Together, they got through the German lines by crossing the Dnieper River. Once on the other side, he enrolled in a school that taught guerrilla tactics to would-be partisans. After that came a parachute course. In the spring of 1942, he joined a company of 18 partisans on their way to be dropped behind German lines. Fifteen survived. After a few weeks, he was their commander. Soon, he was in charge of a second company. He kept being promoted because his commanding officers kept getting killed.

Jakub applied for Communist Party membership that winter, while still in the field. He was accepted shortly thereafter. All told, he spent over two years in the woods fighting a guerrilla war against the German Army. In that time, he won a little bit of renown. Hes even mentioned in Volume 3 of the Workers History of the Socialist Republic of Belarus (the best volume, in my opinion).

The end of the war found Jakub in a field hospital, recovering from shrapnel wounds. A short while later, he was in Berlin, then in the city of Wroclaw, in western Poland, then back in Warsaw. He returned to a ravaged country and a ruined city. Two of his sisters were dead. One died in Treblinka; the other was shot in a mass execution in 1942, after she was caught on the wrong side of the ghetto wall.

In 1945, he was working in something called the Society of Soviet-Polish Friendship. Soon thereafter, he joined the Ministry of Public Security the secret police.

In Poland today, having worked for the secret police is a heavy thing to admit. The Ministry of Public Security played a crucial role in imposing Communist Party rule by force after the World War II. Its members jailed the opposition and silenced critics. To establish its dominance, the Communist Party fought what amounted to a low-level civil war against the vestiges of the non-Communist resistance. The Ministry of Public Security was the hard edge of Communist power in Poland. In its role as a counterintelligence organization, it also engaged in a shadow war with the C.I.A. and other Western spy agencies. And its in this role that my grandfathers story reappears in the files.

Most of what I know about his life after his career as a partisan comes from a Communist Party personnel file, which I decided to request from the Polish Institute of National Remembrance after finding a tantalizing mention of my grandfathers postwar life in another one of the institutes publications. But the file is vague on what he was doing in those years. It simply lists the departments he was posted to: the department for fighting counterrevolution; counterintelligence; countersabotage. Now it becomes necessary to follow him through the footnotes of historians who study intelligence operations during the start of the Cold War.

In 1950, he turns up as a case officer involved in something called Operation Caesar. Operation Caesar was a false-flag operation, in which the Polish secret police rounded up members of a real, underground resistance group and persuaded them to switch sides. Then they sent them across the Iron Curtain to the West. In the guise of a real resistance movement, they received money and matriel from the C.I.A. and MI6 over $1 million, and several hundred pounds of gold in total then turned around and passed those on to their Polish handlers. My grandfather, it seems, was one of those handlers.

What happened next is difficult to say. He died in 1963, when my mother was 7. She didnt know him well. What memories Ive heard from that time are fragments. He played tennis. He read books. He announced his engagement to my grandmother by saying to his sister, Jadzia, Im getting married. Let me have a shirt. In fact, the best source of information on his life is the file, which we obtained only last year. Even so, much is unsaid.

His story fits into a pattern. My grandfather belonged to a generation of Polish Jews that grew up with the revolution and put all their faith in it. If they survived long enough, they lived to see that faith betrayed.

For Polish Jews in the 1920s and 30s, joining the Communist movement represented the most radical of all possible rebellions, in the words of the Swedish sociologist Jaff Schatz, who wrote the defining work on this generation. It was a rebellion against ones parents and the traditions of Jewish life. It also meant participating in an illegal organization, which brought with it the constant possibility of imprisonment.

To the members of my grandfathers generation, Communism was a way to be modern and a way to escape the shtetl. It was a way to fight anti-Semitism and oppose fascism, both in Poland and worldwide. And perhaps most important, it was way to build the future and be a part of something larger than themselves. Being a Communist was a life of total commitment, persecution and permanent insecurity. But becoming a Communist also meant an intense sense of participation in the movement of history and in the revolutionary upheaval of the world. That upheaval would come soon enough just not in the way they expected.

The participation of Jews in the Polish Communist movement eventually crystallized into a widespread stereotype. The term for it is Zydokomuna, Polish for Judeo-Communism. Usually, the word is meant as a slur, a way of equating Jews with terror and foreign usurpation. The historian Andr Gerrits describes it as a xenophobic assertion, a myth, a delusion. And indeed, it doesnt stand up to closer historical scrutiny. Numerically, Communists were a tiny proportion of the larger Jewish community. Within the Polish Communist movement, Jews were a significant and overrepresented, minority but still a minority. It remains a pillar of anti-Semitic discourse in Poland to this day.

On the whole, Zydokomuna the equation of Communism with Judaism is a delusion and, in common usage, a slur. But for my family at least, it carries a kernel of truth. My grandfather (both of them, actually) belonged to a generation caught between fascism and communism with very little room to maneuver between the two. Before the war, joining the Communist Party meant rebellion. During it, it meant survival.

But there was another dimension to my grandfathers life beside the one described in his party file. In 1963, one of his fellow partisans from Belarus recorded him on his deathbed in a Warsaw hospital speaking about his wartime service.

There, he narrates his autobiographical statement in his Communist Party file, which emphasizes his class background and political work. This time, his testimony centers on one episode from a long war: the night of Jan. 21, 1943. His unit was in the Belarussian village of Novy Svyerzhan, the site of a German work camp for imprisoned Jews. Jakub and his unit decided to storm it under the cover of darkness. They used a soldier disguised as a peasant on a horse as a decoy to approach the camp gates. Then they attacked with machine guns and grenades. After they set the lumber yard ablaze, the surviving Germans ran away. Two hundred Jewish slave workers ran for freedom.

What does it mean to fight on the right side of the war, but the wrong side of history?

Depending on whom you ask today, my grandfathers story is that of a partisan, a traitor, a hero or a spy. The revolution asked a terrible amount of those who served it. Those who resisted paid a similarly awful price. It left in its wake countless lives, like my grandfathers, that cannot be compassed by a single line.

My Grandfather, the Secret Policeman - New York Times

Venezuelan bishops plead for country to be freed from ‘claws of communism and socialism’ following Sunday’s vote – The Tablet

31 July 2017 | by Rose Gamble The result effectively removes the Venezuelan political opposition and leaves the ruling socialist party with almost complete control over the country

Bishops in Venezuelapleaded for the intercession of the Virgin Mary to free their country from the claws of communism and socialism as President Nicholas Maduro claimed Sundays (30 July) poll as a vote for the revolution.

The national electoral council said more than eight million people had turned out to vote for members of the constituent assembly who will be tasked withrewriting the countrys constitution.

The opposition immediately disputed the number, saying less than half that number had taken part. They added that many voters had boycotted a vote that would effectively turn the country into a dictatorship.

In a prayer posted to Twitter the Venezuelan Bishops' Conference wrote: Most Holy Virgin, Mother of Coromoto, heavenly Patron of Venezuela, free our homeland from the claws of communism and socialism.

Sunday's vote was marked by the worst violence since protests against the Maduro government began in April. The opposition leader, Henrique Capriles, said as many as 14 had died in protests as voting was under way and the prosecutors office confirmed at least six people had been killed by gunfire, including a national guardsman.

Late on Sunday evening, electoral officials announced the winners of the vote, a list of leftist stalwarts including Cilia Flores, president Maduros wife.

The result effectively removes the Venezuelan political opposition and leaves the ruling socialist party with almost complete control over the country.

Maduro hailed the vote as a victory over imperialism in a speech on national television late on Sunday.

Its when imperialism challenges us that we prove ourselves worthy of the blood of the liberators that runs through the veins of men, women, children and young people, he said.

However, theEuropean Union has condemned the excessive and disproportionate use of force by security forces and said it had serious doubts whether the election could be recognised.

Venezuela has democratically elected and legitimate institutions whose role is to work together and to find a negotiated solution to the current crisis. A constituent assembly, elected under doubtful and often violent circumstances, cannot be part of the solution, the blocs foreign policy service said.

Days before the vote, the Venezuelas bishops conference said it was "unconstitutional as well as unnecessary, inconvenient and damaging to the Venezuelan people, "

"It will be a biased and skewed instrument that will not resolve but rather aggravate the acute problems of the high cost of living and the lack of food and medicine that the people suffer and will worsen the political crisis we currently suffer," the statement said.

The new assembly will be convened within 72 hours of the vote.

PICTURE:Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro delivers a speech in Caracas during the closing campaign ceremony for the 27 July Constituent Assembly election. The banner reads "Power"

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Go here to read the rest:
Venezuelan bishops plead for country to be freed from 'claws of communism and socialism' following Sunday's vote - The Tablet

After Fleeing Communism, Farming ‘Peachy’ in W.Va. – The Exponent Telegram (press release) (registration)

Roadside signs illustrating pick-your-own blueberries, peaches and grapes let motorists know what to expect at Four Seasons Farm. It takes a chat with owner Martin Schaffer, though, to learn the international intrigue behind the rural Mason County enterprise.

Seeking political freedom, Schaffer, then 26, fled his native Czechoslovakia in 1984. He says the communists blocked career goals.

I was a manager, he said of his job in an agricultural-related industry. It was very structured under communism. I was told that I was going to lose my (management) job and I was going to be just a worker if I didnt sign up for the Communist Party.

People in leading management positions had to be in the party, said Schaffer, 59. Some people signed up for the reason of getting a better job. It was something that I was not willing to put up with.

He left, never to return.

Schaffer fled to Austria and applied for a visa to the United States. He then relocated in New Hampshire through the assistance of sponsoring Baptist missionaries. They helped him learn the language and secure a laboratory animal job similar to the one he had performed in Central Europe.

After seven years in New England, he transferred to the Florida Keys. There, Schaffer built his own catamaran and operated a charter sailing outfit for seven more years. It was the volatile coastal weather that convinced Schaffer and his ex-wife to head north.

He was ready to try something new.

I found that building the boat was nicer than sailing it, he said. I like producing with my hands. I had good, repeat customers, but sailing became a chore for me because I was not creating.

He settled on 109 acres of hilly West Virginia farmland after a three-year property search. Schaffer soon found his niche in growing nutritious food. He alone cares for his crops and livestock from dawn until dusk.

Im a big believer in that food is our medicine, he said. We should eat to be healthy and as natural as possible. I like interacting with my customers. They come in a good mood, and theyre interested in eating good, healthy food.

From our farm to your table is the slogan of the agriculture business along Route 87 near the Mason-Jackson county line.

Farm occupants include a menagerie of sheep, goats, ducks, seven dogs and 11 peacocks.

Summer customers visit from Point Pleasant, Ripley and beyond for the peaches, apples and blueberries. Schaffer has 15 honey hives and is laying the groundwork to expand with blackberries and raspberries next summer.

Also, Schaffer is excited about the relatively new line of RazzMatazz table grapes.

They are small, seedless grapes that grow in small bundles, and the flavor... its like candy, he said with a laugh.

Four Seasons Farms mainstay is about 40 customers in the Huntington area with a year-round demand for his eggs and other staples. Schaffer sends a weekly email of available inventory and follows with next-day delivery.

He says cooperation from local offices of the United States Department of Agriculture and the Natural Resources Conservation Service has been a positive influence.

People complain about government, but their programs for small farmers are very helpful, he said, alluding to the nearby high-tunnel greenhouse.

Schaffer admits everything in America may not be peachy, but says its far superior to the alternatives. He shows pride in his country by flying Old Glory from a flagpole situated between his driveway and modest farmhouse.

I came to America not to be a Czech in the United States, Schaffer said. I came to America to be an American. I am so happy to live in the United States. I think its the greatest country to live in.

Life is good, he says.

I like what Im doing, Schaffer said, among several docile critters gathered in the shadow of his lawn chair. Everybody heres in total peace.

Four Seasons Farm is situated along Route 87 near the Mason County community of Baden. Schaffer may be contacted at or 304-895-3973.

Read more from the original source:
After Fleeing Communism, Farming 'Peachy' in W.Va. - The Exponent Telegram (press release) (registration)

Democrat Who Claims Trump ‘Militarizing’ White House with ‘Extremist’ John Kelly Has Deep Links to Communism – Breitbart News

On Friday, Lee claimed, By putting [General] John Kelly in charge, [President] Trump is militarizing the White House [and] putting our executive branch in the hands of an extremist.

Outgoing White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer condemned the remarks, describing it as wrong and offensive on multiple levels.

Communist magazine Peoples Weekly World reportedly listed Lee as a co-sponsor for a Communist Party USA (CPUSA)event in 1999.

In 2002, Lee also received the endorsement of the CPUSA for her Congressional race, alongside former Rep. Mike Honda. The partys national board wrote in a report:

The priority labor campaigns deserve our support. In addition our work will take us beyond these races to election districts where we have organization and where there are strong pro-labor candidates, African American, Mexican American and Latino candidates such as Rep. Mike Honda and Rep. Barbara Lee.

At a 2003 Peoples Weekly World fundraising luncheon, Each honoree received a special congressional certificate from Democratic Rep. Barbara Lee, in whose district the banquet was held.

Following Cuban communist dictator Fidel Castros death last November, Lee said she was very sad for the Cuban people, claiming Castro led a revolution in Cuba that led social improvements for his people, ignoring his legacy of mass murder, totalitarianism, and widespread poverty. Lee used the death of Castro, who she met with eight times throughout her career, toattack then-President Elect Donald Trump.

In February this year, Lee also praised some participantsof the riot at UC Berkeley, which successfully canceled a talk from former Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos.She wrote in a press release:

Milo Yiannopoulos has made a career of inflaming racist, sexist and nativist sentiments. Berkeley has a proud history of dissent and students were fully within their rights to protest peacefully. I am disappointed by the unacceptable acts of violence by outside agitators which were counterproductive and dangerous.

Lee also accused Donald Trump of trying to bully [students] into silence after he threatened to cut federal funding if students at the university could not respect the first amendment.

President Donald Trump cannot bully our university into silence. Simply put, President Trumps empty threat to cut funding from UC Berkeley is an abuse of power. As a senior member of the education funding subcommittee, I will continue to stand up to President Trumps overreach and defend the rights of our students and faculty.

A prominent member of the Resist movement, Lee alsodevoted an entire town hall meeting in May to the question of whether, and how, President Donald Trump can be removed from office.

You can follow Ben Kewon Facebook, on Twitter at@ben_kew,oremail him at


Read more here:
Democrat Who Claims Trump 'Militarizing' White House with 'Extremist' John Kelly Has Deep Links to Communism - Breitbart News