Archive for the ‘Communism’ Category

Letter: Assault on Trump is assault on Democracy – Times Record

The attacks on President Trump, his family and his cabinet are the results of years of internal communism and socialism in America.

Socialism is a lower form of communism. Both have the identical goal economic control of the people and each is a deadly enemy of freedom.

Some of the weapons and techniques of communism are as follows. Destroy the morals of the people and you destroy that nation. Another being used on President Trump is, tell a lie, tell it long enough, and many citizens will believe it.

This is what is going on regarding the "Russian question," that the Marxist influenced left wing media is using against our president to force him out of office. In addition to the media, many in the Democrat party and their socialist leaders, are attacking President Trump and cannot get over the fact, that they lost the presidential race.

The Democrat Party has been infiltrated by communism, and are dupes to their own programs, to take over America and destroy our Constitution and our freedoms.

A good book to read on the infiltration of communism in our government is: THE ENEMIES WITHIN: Communist, Socialist, and Progressives in the U.S. Congress, by Trevor Loudon. In addition, the author has a revealing DVD, ENEMIES WITHIN: Could your Congressman Pass an FBI Security Check? It is available online at

The problem is that many in congress are not obeying their oath to the Constitution. They have been brainwashed, and are supporting socialist programs that could lead our nation to bankruptcy. This has to be stopped, if our America is to remain free! We Christians, who voted for Donald Trump, must stand up and defend our president, and pray for him, and that our America will return to the biblical principles that we were founded upon.

Fred Coleman,

Americans for Constitutional Government

Go here to see the original:
Letter: Assault on Trump is assault on Democracy - Times Record

Poland Survived Nazism & Communism | The American … – The American Conservative

From David Goldman (Spengler):

Now for the bad news: There wont be a Poland in 100 years. At a total fertility rate of 1.29, Poland will have one retiree per working-age citizen by 2075. Poland in fact has one of the worlds very lowest fertility rates, which means (in Mary Eberstadts way of looking at the problem) that it is losing its religion. President Trumps speech was magnificent, but it brings to mind Schillers dictum that history brought forth a great moment, but the moment encountered a mediocre people. Trump is doing the right thing, but we should remember that Europe is a case not for cure but for palliative care.

Spengler points out that its not just Poland. Look:

Africa doesnt have this problem. From The Economist:

By the end of this century, Africa will be home to 39% of the worlds population, almost as much as Asia, and four times the share of North America and Europe put together. At present only one of the worlds ten most populous countries is in Africa: Nigeria. In 2100, the UN believes, five will be: Nigeria, Congo, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Niger.

Although much could change in the next 85 years, none of those countries is a byword for stability or prosperity. A quadrupling of their population is unlikely to improve matters. If nothing else, the number of Africans seeking a better life in Europe and other richer places is likely to increase several times over.

Will Europe have enough people left to police its borders? Will it have the will to do so?

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Poland Survived Nazism & Communism | The American ... - The American Conservative

Poland Survived Nazism & Communism – The American Conservative

From David Goldman (Spengler):

Now for the bad news: There wont be a Poland in 100 years. At a total fertility rate of 1.29, Poland will have one retiree per working-age citizen by 2075. Poland in fact has one of the worlds very lowest fertility rates, which means (in Mary Eberstadts way of looking at the problem) that it is losing its religion. President Trumps speech was magnificent, but it brings to mind Schillers dictum that history brought forth a great moment, but the moment encountered a mediocre people. Trump is doing the right thing, but we should remember that Europe is a case not for cure but for palliative care.

Spengler points out that its not just Poland. Look:

Africa doesnt have this problem. From The Economist:

By the end of this century, Africa will be home to 39% of the worlds population, almost as much as Asia, and four times the share of North America and Europe put together. At present only one of the worlds ten most populous countries is in Africa: Nigeria. In 2100, the UN believes, five will be: Nigeria, Congo, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Niger.

Although much could change in the next 85 years, none of those countries is a byword for stability or prosperity. A quadrupling of their population is unlikely to improve matters. If nothing else, the number of Africans seeking a better life in Europe and other richer places is likely to increase several times over.

Will Europe have enough people left to police its borders? Will it have the will to do so?

Follow this link:
Poland Survived Nazism & Communism - The American Conservative

In Poland, Trump Cites Faith as Key to Ending Wicked Communism – The New American

During his stop in Poland this week ahead of the G-20 summit, President Donald Trump slammed communism as a cruel and wicked system that sought to crush the Polish people's freedom, faith, history, identity, and even humanity. But despite the murderous tyranny that enslaved the nation for so long, Trump said the communist butchers were unable to crush their faith in God and that crying out to Him was ultimately the key to restoring freedom in Poland.

Trump's eloquent words revealed an understanding on the evils of communism that is lacking among wide swaths of today's Western political class. However, the U.S. president also claimed communist savagery was no longer a threat to Poland or to Europe. "This continent no longer confronts the specter of communism," Trump said. In reality, the criminal conspirators behind communism remain a serious threat to Europe and the world. They rule the most populous nation in the world today. And communist criminals are still alive and well in Poland itself, too.

Still, Trump's July 6 speech in defense of faith, freedom, family, and Western civilization was moving. I am here today not just to visit an old ally, but to hold it up as an example for others who seek freedom and who wish to summon the courage and the will to defend our civilization, Trump said, showering the Poles with praise. The story of Poland is the story of a people who have never lost hope, who have never been broken, and who have never, ever forgotten who they are.

Though its borders were erased for more than a century, as a nation, Poland is more than one thousand years old, Trump said. And throughout its history from helping to save Christian Europe from an Islamic invasion at the 1683 Battle of Vienna to beating back the murderous Soviet army in the 1920 Miracle of Vistula the Polish people have a long and proud tradition of resisting oppression. But in 1939, despite a long and valiant fight, the proud Poles faced an impossible challenge.

That year, Adolf Hitler's mass-murdering National Socialist (Nazi) regime invaded Poland from the West. And from the East, Joseph Stalin's mass-murdering International Socialist dictatorship, which at that time was friendly with Hitler under the Nazi-Soviet Pact (also known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact), invaded as well. Thats trouble, Trump said. Thats tough.

Under a double occupation the Polish people endured evils beyond description: the Katyn Forest massacre, the occupations, the Holocaust, the Warsaw Ghetto and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the destruction of this beautiful capital city, and the deaths of nearly one in five Polish people, Trump continued, adding that the Nazis murdered millions of Polish Jews, along with countless others, during the brutal occupation.

But in 1944, as the Nazi and Soviet armies were preparing for battle in Warsaw, where Trump spoke, the citizens of Poland rose up to defend their homeland, he said, describing conditions at that time as hell on earth. We salute your noble sacrifice and we pledge to always remember your fight for Poland and for freedom, Trump declared.

With the Nazis defeated, Poland was instead enslaved by communists led by Stalin's brutal regime one of the most murderous and barbaric in human history. Through four decades of communist rule, Poland and the other captive nations of Europe endured a brutal campaign to demolish freedom, your faith, your laws, your history, your identity indeed the very essence of your culture and your humanity, Trump observed, slamming communism but without noting the key role of Western establishment globalists in betraying Poland into slavery.

Yet, despite unspeakable brutality, through it all, the Poles never lost that spirit, Trump said as the crowd applauded enthusiastically between chants of Trump's name. Your oppressors tried to break you, but Poland could not be broken, he added. Through it all, the Polish people's unshakable faith in God is what got them through, the president observed.

On June 2, 1979, a million Poles gathered at Victory Square for their first mass with Pope John Paul II, himself from Poland. That day, every communist in Warsaw must have known that their oppressive system would soon come crashing down, Trump said. They must have known it at the exact moment during Pope John Paul IIs sermon when a million Polish men, women, and children suddenly raised their voices in a single prayer.

A million Polish people did not ask for wealth, Trump continued. They did not ask for privilege. Instead, one million Poles sang three simple words: We Want God.

And that, Trump suggested, was the key.

In those words, the Polish people recalled the promise of a better future, Trump said. They found new courage to face down their oppressors, and they found the words to declare that Poland would be Poland once again.

Praising the incredible crowd and the faithful nation, the American president, who received a hero's welcome in Poland, said he could still hear the voices of those brave Poles echoing through history. Their message is as true today as ever, he said. The people of Poland, the people of America, and the people of Europe still cry out We Want God.

Reasserting their identity as a nation devoted to God, Trump said that the Poles, through their powerful declaration, came to understand what to do and how to live. You stood in solidarity against oppression, against a lawless secret police, against a cruel and wicked system that impoverished your cities and your souls, he said. And you won. Poland prevailed. Poland will always prevail.

Indeed, today, even as the post-Christian West is mired in confusion and decadence, Poland remains firmly committed to God. Late last year, the nation even formally recognized Jesus Christ as the King of Poland, as well as its Lord and Savior, in the presence of Polish President Andrzej Duda and other top officials from both church and state.

Unfortunately, despite Trump's understanding of the evils of communism and the centrality of faith in God in resisting those evils, the American president claimed the danger to Europe from communism was over. But according to Soviet KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn, who worked in communist disinformation and deception operations, the danger is far from over.

After defecting to the West, Golitsyn warned of a long-range strategy being pursued by the international communist conspiracy involving supposed liberalization in Eastern Europe and ostensible collapse of the Soviet Union. Arguably the most important defector ever, virtually all of his predictions have come to pass, according to experts who have analyzed the issue.

In his 1984 book New Lies for Old, Golitsyn argued that the partial communist suppression of Poland's supposedly anti-communist Solidarity movement in the early 1980s was in fact part of the deception an effort to dupe the West into believing that the alliance represented genuine opposition. The movement's leader, Lech Walesa, who attended Trump's speech, was even identified in recently uncovered official documents as a KGB agent who worked for the Kremlin.

Eventually, according to Golitsyn, it may be expected that a coalition government will be formed, comprising representatives of the communists, of a revived Solidarity movement, and of the church, he wrote. A few so-called liberals might also be included. On the creation of a coalition government with those components, Golitsyn's prediction proved exactly correct.

Later developments also seem to have vindicated much of Golitsyn's warnings. In 1989, for example, Solidarity leader Walesa offered alarming comments in an interview with Soviet publication New Times. Let power remain in the hands of the Communists, he was quoted as saying, but let it be different. Let it serve the people better, respect the law and be accountable to society. We are prepared to cooperate constructively with such authorities.

More recently, former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev, speaking in London in 2001, approvingly referred to the European Union, of which numerous former Soviet nations are members, as the new European Soviet. Since then, numerous others have offered similar arguments. Russian Presidential Candidate Vladimir Bukovsky, a writer and lecturer, for example, recently warned that the EU is structurally very similar to the Soviet dictatorship.

And indeed, numerous Soviet-era communist criminals and murderers, who were never punished after the ostensible collapse of communism, are firmly embedded all throughout the EU's architecture to this day. More than a few critics of the EU have pointed out that fact in highly public comments.

It is true, of course, that the current leadership of Poland includes a number of Polish anti-communist heroes whose commitment to keeping tyranny and terror at bay is not and has not been brought into question. Many of them actually understand the Soviet strategy exposed in the West by Golitsyn. But that does not mean the threat is over, even in Poland.

Trump, though, focused on other threats to freedom and Western civilization primarily Islamic terrorism and extremism. Ironically, that threat, too, stems in large part from the Soviet regime. As outlined by defector and former head of the communist Romanian regime's intelligence service General Ion Mihai Pacepa, the communist conspiracy deployed thousands of communist agents across the Middle East to radicalize Muslims and use them as cannon fodder in waging war against the West.

As KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov told me, a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America than could a few millions, he said. The details provided by Pacepa and other defectors make clear that the Evil Empire was crucial in the emergence of todays Islamic terror threat. More recently, vast amounts of evidence, including information revealed by defectors, shows that the Kremlin (along with other governments) continues to be involved in promoting, guiding, and fomenting Islamic terror.

Trump also pointed to another, more subtle threat to freedom that whether he realized it or not has a number of similarities and links to the machinery erected by international communism over the last century. This danger is invisible to some but familiar to the Poles: the steady creep of government bureaucracy that drains the vitality and wealth of the people, Trump said. The West became great not because of paperwork and regulations but because people were allowed to chase their dreams and pursue their destinies.

However, Trump vowed to fight back and defend Western values. Americans, Poles, and the nations of Europe value individual freedom and sovereignty, he said. We must work together to confront forces, whether they come from inside or out, from the South or the East, that threaten over time to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith and tradition that make us who we are. If left unchecked, these forces will undermine our courage, sap our spirit, and weaken our will to defend ourselves and our societies.

The parts of Trump's speech exposing the evils of communism and touting the benefits of faith and freedom should be applauded by liberty-minded people everywhere. However, there is more to the threat against Western civilization, freedom, and Christendom than simply Islamism and bureaucracy. If liberty and independence are going to survive over the long term, Americans and others concerned about the future of liberty must work to educate their fellow citizens on the entire scope of the danger.

Photo of President Trump in Poland: screen-grab from a video

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe. He can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook.

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See the original post here:
In Poland, Trump Cites Faith as Key to Ending Wicked Communism - The New American

American Reds, Soviet Stooges – New York Times

With the C.P.U.S.A. reconstituted, virtually every Communist who had hailed Browder for years as the symbol of an Americanized Communism then shunned him. He was even forced to find a new dentist and a different insurance agent.

Public displays of Soviet control over C.P.U.S.A. policies were hard to miss. After years of attacking Franklin D. Roosevelt for fascist policies and denouncing the New Deal as an elaborate plot to deceive the working class, the C.P.U.S.A. was stunned in 1935 when the Comintern, alarmed by the growing menace of Nazi Germany, abruptly changed course and called for a popular front against fascism. In place of the Cominterns previous policy of treating any alliance with socialists and liberals as anathema, Moscows U-turn involved demanding that its constituent parties reach out to all and sundry to stop fascism.

Running for president in 1936, Browder offered indirect support to Roosevelt. Two years later, Communists who had formerly regarded Roosevelt as a harbinger of American fascism hailed the president for his calls for a democratic alliance against Hitler.

The hosannas for antifascism ended suddenly in 1939 with the Nazi-Soviet Pact. The same Communists who had lauded Roosevelt now denounced him again, this time as a warmonger for such policies as Lend-Lease aid to Britain. The somersaults demanded by Moscow continued when Germany attacked the Soviet Union in 1941: The C.P.U.S.A.s calls for peace were quickly replaced by demands that the United States do everything possible to aid the Allies.

Such major shifts in party line were only the most dramatic and public signs of fealty to the Kremlin. In 1938, at the height of the popular front policy, the C.P.U.S.A.s slogan Communism Is 20th-Century Americanism demonstrated its effort to prove its patriotism. But that same year, a C.P.U.S.A. representative in Moscow sent a secret letter warning that Comintern leaders thought the slogan ideologically incorrect and subversive. Without any discussion or debate, the party stopped using it.

While most of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who joined the C.P.U.S.A. over the years did so because they supported the policies or ideals the party promoted, a great majority quickly abandoned it after a policy reversal occasioned by a shift in Soviet foreign policy. Anyone who remained a Communist for more than a few years, though, had to be aware that the one constant was support for whatever policy the Soviet Union followed. Open criticism of the U.S.S.R. was grounds for expulsion. For all members of the C.P.U.S.A., the Soviet Union was the homeland of socialism, the first workers state, which had to be defended against the machinations of capitalism.

The C.P.U.S.A. dutifully spread the lies put out by Moscow. The party thus insisted that the show trials during Stalins purges had uncovered a vast capitalist plot against the Soviet leader. Party members dutifully repeated Soviet fabrications that Trotsky had been in the pay of the Nazis. Worst of all, many Communists applauded the execution of tens of thousands of Soviet comrades, denouncing those who were executed as bourgeois spies and provocateurs. When Finnish-Americans who had returned to Soviet Karelia in the late 1920s and early 30s to build socialism were purged, their American relatives were warned by party authorities to remain silent, and most did so.

Neither did the Communist movement limit its disinformation to Russian matters. In the 1960s, the K.G.B. secretly subsidized a left-wing publishing house in New York run by a former party member, Carl Marzani, that published the first book claiming that John F. Kennedys assassination had been arranged by a cabal of American right-wing businessmen and C.I.A. operatives.

It was not until 1956, when Khrushchev told Soviet Communists that Stalin had been a mass murderer, that American Communists were willing to believe what had been widely known for years. The persecutions of McCarthyism and the Cold War seriously depleted the ranks of the C.P.U.S.A., but it took the word of a Soviet Communist leader to destroy the faith in Communism that had sustained many Americans. By 1959, the C.P.U.S.A., which had once numbered nearly 100,000 members, was reduced to fewer than 3,000.

The C.P.U.S.A.s vulnerability had a great deal to do with its dependence on Moscow. For much of its existence, the party could not have functioned without Moscow gold. One of its first leaders, the journalist John Reed, was given more than a million rubles worth of czarist jewels and diamonds to smuggle into America to support the fledgling American movement. In the 1920s, Armand Hammer, the future head of Occidental Petroleum, used money derived from Soviet concessions to underwrite The Daily Worker and fund communist operations in Europe. Without Soviet money, the C.P.U.S.A. would not have been able to hire the hundreds of full-time organizers and support an array of front groups and publications that enabled it to outspend and out-organize its left-wing rivals.

Beginning in the late 50s and continuing into the late 80s, the K.G.B. delivered millions of dollars to the C.P.U.S.A. through two brothers, Jack and Morris Childs, both of whom were actually working for the F.B.I. as double agents. These subsidies, carefully monitored by the F.B.I., kept the C.P.U.S.A. alive as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Soviet Union. In return, the longtime party leader, Gus Hall, faithfully supported every Soviet foreign policy initiative, ranging from the U.S.S.R.s conduct during the Cuban missile crisis to the crushing of the Prague Spring in 1968 and the partys subsequent denunciations of Eurocommunism.

Several hundred American Communists carried their devotion to the Soviet Union even further, working, mostly without recompense, for Soviet intelligence agencies. Virtually all of the approximately 500 Americans who served as Soviet spies between the 30s and early 50s, including senior government officials like Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White and Laurence Duggan, were either Communists or Communist sympathizers. The C.P.U.S.A. had a clandestine apparatus that cooperated with the K.G.B. and the Soviet intelligence directorate, vetting potential recruits and occasionally suggesting useful sources. Three successive party leaders Lovestone, Browder and Eugene Dennis knew and approved of this relationship.

That the leaders of an American political party always under attack for its Soviet connections would take the incredibly risky step of actually working with Soviet intelligence speaks volumes about the ultimate loyalties of the American Communist Party. Rank and file members might have had no idea of such behavior, but anyone who remained in the C.P.U.S.A. for more than a short spell had to be aware that criticism of the Soviet Union was not tolerated. Those who stayed in the C.P.U.S.A. through one of its many changes of line knew that fealty to the homeland of socialism took precedence over any other allegiance. The dream of those who believed in an Americanized Communism was killed by this lie.

Harvey Klehr, an emeritus professor of politics and history at Emory University, is the author of numerous books about American Communism and Soviet espionage.

This is an essay in the series Red Century, about the history and legacy of Communism 100 years after the Russian Revolution.

Read more from the original source:
American Reds, Soviet Stooges - New York Times