Letter: Little-used word
When many of us were growing up in the 50s and 60s the word communism was looked upon as the replacement of democracy by the totalitarian state; the loss of individual freedoms. Today the term communism has been pushed aside by references such as radical Islam. But sadly communism is alive and well and on the march again and its a word that our lame stream media avoids.
For those of us who spent our youth in New York City its hard to believe that at the helm of Americas greatest city sits a communist supporter; a sympathizer. But thats exactly whats happened.
Mayor Bill De Blasio was considered just a run-of-the-mill liberal until the New York Times on Sept. 23 ran a profile of the candidate, disclosing in a matter-of-fact manner his travels to Cuba and Nicaragua, involvement in a communist solidarity movement, and embrace of Islam as an emerging political force.
Bill de Blasio spent time as a left-wing supporter and activist for Nicaraguas ruling Sandinista party at a time when the Reagan administration characterized it as tyrannical and Communist.
Today he is at war with the NYPD over his initial support of the street demonstrators after meeting with race baiter Al Sharpton and ending in the death of two of New Yorks Finest. Its also not surprising that members of the Revolutionary Communist Party are in among those demonstrators holding pre-printed signs with RVCOM at the bottom.
A name you wont hear is that of co-founder of RVCOM Carl Dix, who in October 2014, called for a month of resistance to mass incarceration, police terror, repression and the criminalization of a generation. A search under the name of Carl Dix found that Carl Dix is a longtime revolutionary and a founding member of the Revolutionary Communist Party. In 2011, he co-issued a call for a campaign of civil disobedience to STOP stop and frisk which proved effective in New York City and contributed to lowering the crime rate.
In the city that never sleeps, as in other big cities across our nation, the cancer of communism continues to grow following the words of the mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel who said, Never let a serious crisis go to waste ... its an opportunity to do things you couldnt do before.
It illustrates what happens when so many uninformed voters go to the polls and give no thought to the outcome of their actions.
But there is hope now that a new Congress has been sworn in and its our job to see that they take their oath of office seriously when they raise their right hands and state that, I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;
And its our job to raise our voices when an executive order is used to do an end run around our Constitution. We are a Republic and as such it is the Congress that carries out the will of the people, not one man in the oval office.
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Letter: Little-used word