Archive for the ‘Communism’ Category

Today in military history: Pro-communist Warsaw Pact ends – We Are The Mighty

On March 31, 1991, the military alliance between the Soviet Union and seven of its satellite states came to an end.

The Warsaw Pact, formally known as the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance, was formed in 1955 when NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, invited a rearmed West Germany into its numbers.

The pact served to supplement existing agreements following World War II and to serve as a response to NATO.

The Warsaw Pact included the Soviet Union, East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, and Albania, and existed throughout the Cold War with the purpose of strengthening military control over Central and Eastern Europe and reinforcing Communism.

The Warsaw Pact embodied what was referred to as the Eastern bloc, while NATO and its member countries represented the Western bloc. NATO and the Warsaw Pact were ideologically opposed and, over time, built up their own defences starting an arms race that lasted throughout the Cold War. NATO

IN the 1980s, the Warsaw Treaty Organization was beset by problems, including the economic slowdown in all Eastern bloc countries and political changes in most of its member states that made the pact virtually ineffectual according to The Office of the Historian.

By 1991, however, anti-communist sentiment grew, and in March the pact was dissolved, nearly nine months before the fall of the Soviet Union.

Featured Image: Meeting of the seven representatives of the Warsaw Pact countries in East Berlin in May 1987. From left to right: Gustv Husk, Todor Zhivkov, Erich Honecker, Mikhail Gorbachev, Nicolae Ceauescu, Wojciech Jaruzelski, and Jnos Kdr.

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Today in military history: Pro-communist Warsaw Pact ends - We Are The Mighty

Mary, the West, and Russia’s Errors: A Defense of Archbishop Vigan – Crisis Magazine

In his writings on Fatima and Russia, the Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen pointed out that the world has become so used to judging temporal events in terms of other events, that it has lost sight of that greater standard of judgment, namely, the Eternal. Michael Warren Davis, in an article forCrisis, has recently accused another archbishop, Carlo Maria Vigan, of having fallen into precisely this error, becoming so absorbed in worldly events, so swept away by trends in modern politics, that he has let the clamor of current events drown outthe voice of God, and blind him to the evils of the Russian government.

I strongly disagree. In fact, if we look at Vigans writings in the light of Sheens discussion of Fatima, we can see that just the opposite is true. Far from Vigan being the one drowning out the voice of God, it is actually the entire Western world that is guilty of drowning out not only the voice of God but even the very clear signs of His intervention in and movement through world events.

To understand this, we must step back and address what Mary meant when she spoke of Russias errors. The most common interpretation is that she was referring to the errors of communism. But there are several reasons to reject this interpretation. First, she spoke of these errors in her July appearance, months before the communists took over. The February Revolution had been a bourgeois democratic one that ended what had previously been seen as the divinely-appointed Tsarist monarchy. If Mary meant the errors of communism, why appear before the communists took over? Why appear when those at the time would have thought she was referring to the democratic revolution?

Further, communism was not newly spawned in Russia in 1917. By that time, it had been spreading its errors across Europe and the world for more than 70 years, and the Church had been sounding the alarm about it throughout those years. Neither it nor its spread were new to Russia. Third, if Mary meant communism, why not just say communism or communist errors? Why just errors?

Sheen points us in a different directionspecifically, to the year 1858. He asks us to look not only at the world events of that year but at the Eternal ones as well. Rejecting the commonly held view that the Modern Age started with the rise of science, something that is not at odds with Faith, he argues that it began instead with the writing of three seminal works: Darwins On the Origins of Species, Mills On Liberty, and Marxs A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. In those three works, Man summarized the errors of the Modern Age and announced his independence from God: we were not divinely created but rather evolved from mere matter; there is no higher authority than man to which we must answer, freedom is license, the only laws are those we choose to make; and Man and history are driven by economics and politics not religion and certainly not anything spiritual.

These are not the errors of communism. They are the errors of modernism. They are errors that have to do with Modern Mans denial of God, of Creation, of Gods Authority over Man, of any obedience due to Him. Sheen points out that what was effectively said in those works, in that year of 1858, was that all men are immaculately conceived, all born without Original Sin. For if there was no Divine Creation, then there was no Fall. No Fall, no Original Sin. If there is no Original Sin, then all men are born immaculate and free to be whatever they want to be, answerable to and in need of no higher authority.

Those were the key human events of 1858 to which Sheen directs us. He then shifts our attention to Gods response, His Eternal judgment, that occurred that very same year: the Apparitions at Lourdes. Mary appeared from Heaven and announced: I am the Immaculate Conception. Sheen points out that at the very moment the world was denying original sin, our Blessed Mother claimed the prerogative solely as her ownshe alone and uniquely was immaculately conceivedeveryone else was born in original sin.

In the Blessed Mothers appearance at Lourdes, Sheen notes, God answered Mans arrogant claim of independence and provided proof of his errors. Her very appearance said yes, there is more than matter; yes, there is a God; yes, there is a Heaven; yes, Man was born in Original Sin; and yes, Man owes obedience to God and reparations for the sins committed against Him. Every error contained in those three seminal works was contradicted in that one announcement: I am the Immaculate Conception.

Thus, Sheen says, began the Modern Agenot with science and reason, but with the denial of Original Sin and Gods response.

But Man did not take notice of, nor heed, that Eternal pronouncement, that Eternal judgment.

Instead, the modernist errors continued to be spread throughout Europe, along with all the other errors that went hand in hand with them: rationalism, socialism, communism, and all the others Pope Pius IX listed in Quanta Cura and its attached Syllabus of Errors. But that was in 1864. By 1917, those errors had existed and been spreading for another 50-plus years before the Russian Revolution and Marys appearance at Fatima. They were unique neither to Russia nor to communism. So, what was different about Russia that Mary would single it out?

The answer can be found in the pages of Pope Leo XIIIs Rerum Novarum. In it, he gives the Churchs answer to communism: inequality and class conflict are not aberrations to be fixed, but rather they are a part of the human condition. Mankind lives in a fallen world, a world felled by mans disobedience to God. Only through God and with God, through His Church, will peace and harmony be possible. All the sects, organizations, societies, fraternities, all the governmental solutions that communists and socialists think able to fix the world are futile and delusional. No organization or State, apart from God, will ever be able to bring peace to the world. Social problems cannot be solved apart from God and His Church.

If we look to all the writings of the Church throughout this time, what we see is increasing concern not just over the errors themselves but over the increasing belief that man could fix the human condition through the creation of a godless State, through the implementation of mere economic and political change. And that is what was new in Russia, in the February Revolution and to be completed in the Bolshevik one: the successful creation of a political body that incorporated all those errorsa secular State that, apart from any reference at all to God, claimed to be able to solve the problems inherent in the human condition; a State that said no to God, no to any authority higher than itself, no to natural law; and a State that would be powerful enough to spread those errors across the world. As Sheen put it, Russia gave political form and social substance to the de-spiritualization of the Western world.

The danger in believing Mary was pointing specifically to communism and to Russia lay in believing the problem is Russia and the error communism, when in fact the error is believing that man is nothing more than a rational animal who can fix all his social problems through the political and economic policies enacted by a secular State.

When Mary appeared at Fatima, her first announcement was this: I am from Heaven. As God responded to Mankinds announcement of its separation from Him in 1858, so He responded in 1917 to its erection of a godless State as the new path to human happiness and freedom: Mary stepped into time and announced that Heaven exists. And if Heaven exists, then there is a higher authority. Salvation and redemption will not come from a man-made State but from God and only from God. And to prove this, to drive the message home, Mary would appear six times. And on the last one, she would bring direct proof from Heaven, a miracle that would prove the lie that man is the highest authority on earth and fully capable of fixing that earth as he alone wills it to be fixed.

But even with a miracle witnessed by tens of thousands, Modern Man again said no and did not heed the message.

And the Soviet State grew and did indeed spread its errors across the world. Not the errors of communism, but rather the modernist errors that man is independent and can create his own path to utopia by means of the secular State. Throughout the West, in country after country, man began to turn to the government, the State, to solve more and more of his social problems. Care of the poor shifted to the State. Mediation of class conflict shifted to the State. Alleviation of discrimination, racial conflicts, income inequality: all shifted to the State. Individual charity was replaced by State-run charity.

Even the Church turned to the State to solve societys problems, mans human condition, and she shifted her focus to influencing public policy. Every social problem came to be seen as fixable through a new State policy, a new institutional or systemic change. It was only a matter of time until they were also seen as the result of poor government policy, not a wound in mans human nature. Everything was fixable through the State, not by healing hearts and souls through grace attained through the Church God created to heal mens souls.

Sheen drives home the point again and again that the errors were not specific to Russia or communism. They caught fire in capitalist countries as easily as they did in communist ones. He notes that there is a closer relation between communism and monopolistic capitalism than most minds suspect. They are agreed on the materialistic basis of civilization; they disagree only on who shall control that basis, capitalists or bureaucrats. And further, he says: Capitalistic economy is godless; communism makes economics God. Capitalism denies that economics is subject to a higher moral order. Communism says that economics is morality.

In fact, he highlights how the Church is as opposed to monopoly capitalism as it is to communism. The errors permeate both. Both reduce man to a mere economic animal. Both use the State to rule.

The issue isnt Vigan being blind to the evils of the Russian government. It is the West that is blind to the evils that have permeated its own existence to its very core. It is the modernist Church that is blind to the evils of thinking it right to replace sacraments with social action, taking government money to feed bellies at the expense of feeding souls.

Vigan looks at the WEF, the IMF, the UN, NATO, the EU, and all the other associations that have risen in the West and sees them not in terms of other worldly events but in terms of the Eternal. He sees them as Pope Leo XIII saw the secular associations of his day: efforts by man to fix the world apart from God and His Church.

He sees, too, that what they are trying to do is create a new, even more powerful State than the Russian one Mary warned us about, a Global State with the declared goal of creating a New World Order and a new transhuman creature. Modernism stripped man of his spiritual nature. Transhumanism seeks to strip him of his most basic human nature, reducing him to a mere machine, perfected by technology and microbiology.

Vigan has not become absorbed with politics. He has become absorbed with the Eternal, with seeing the Eternal in the affairs of the day, including both those things God seems to be moving as well as those things Satan seems to be moving. We dont know if the Consecration occurred as Mary asked, but Vigan asks us to look at world events not just in terms of other world events, but in terms of spiritual events. What we do know is that the Soviet State collapsed in 1989. And we know that since that time, Russia has been undergoing a Re-Christianization while the entire Western world has been experiencing its De-Christianization.

Vigan asks us to see that it isnt really Russia, or communism, or capitalism that we are battling but rather the Principalities, the Satanic forces that seek to enslave all men to a godless Global State. He asks us to consider that God is giving Russiare-Christianizing Russiathe chance to atone for its sins by being the very thing that prevents that Global State from being created.

And is that so hard to imagine? Is it not just like our God? To let Russia atone for its sins and be the means of saving many souls?

And is this not also just like Our God: To once again respond to mans rejection by guiding us to Him and Our Blessed Mother Mary? Is it not just like Him that, on the Marian feast day of the Annunciation of Gods Incarnation, the most modernist pope in the history of the Church got down on his knees and called the entire world, East and West, to likewise fall to its knees, every bishop, all people, on our knees, and not just recognize, finally, the Immaculate Conception, but moreto consecrate ourselves, and our entire world, to her Immaculate Heart, the Immaculate Heart of the Immaculate Conception, thereby saying, at last, after all these years, after all these appearances, finally: yes, there is a God; yes, there is a Heaven; yes, we are more than mere matter; yes, we are all sinners; and yes, we must obey God and make reparations for our sins.

In turning our eyes and our hearts to Mary, are we not finally conceding, agreeing with Pope Leo XIII, that apart from God, there will be no peace? Apart from God, no merely human institution, no godless Stateno matter how big, how globalis going to save us.

And is that not just like our God? The most modernist pope of all timeleading the world to renounce the most fundamental errors of modernism?

Is it not a fitting way for the Eternal to announce the end of the Modern Age?

At just that moment when man cant even define what a woman is, God reminds us that it is to a woman that He has given the power of overcoming evil, a woman who will crush the head of the Serpent. Modern Man lost Jesus. His Mother has returned to help us find Him. She has experience in that.

Read more from the original source:
Mary, the West, and Russia's Errors: A Defense of Archbishop Vigan - Crisis Magazine

Biden draws on Poland’s anti-communist history to inspire Ukraine resistance in Warsaw speech – Notes From Poland

US President Joe Biden has ended a two-day visit to Poland by delivering a speech in the courtyard of Warsaws Royal Castle in which he began and ended by drawing on the Polish peoples resistance to Soviet-imposed communism as inspiration for Ukraines resistance today against Russia.

Biden started by quoting the famous words of Polish Pope John Paul II Be not afraid which he uttered during his inauguration in 1978. The US president then repeated them again as he finished his address.

They were words that would change the world, said Biden, showing the power of faith, power of resilience, power of the people in the face of a cruel and brutal system of governmenthelping end Soviet repression in Central and Eastern Europe.

Biden also cited the importance of Solidarity and its leader, Lech Wasa, in bringing down Polands communist regime, as well as of Warsaw itself.

This city holds a sacred place in humankinds unending search for freedom, he declared. For generations, Warsaw has stood where liberty has been challenged and liberty has prevailed.

Now, continued the US president, it is Ukraine and its people in the front line[of] the perennial struggle for democracy and freedom. But, as during the Cold War, this battle will not be won in days or months; we need to steel ourselves for the long fight ahead.

But in that struggle, my message to the people of Ukraine iswe stand with you, period, declared Biden, to applause from the crowd in Warsaw. Among the spectators were Polands president, Andrzej Duda, and prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki.

Earlier in the day, during a meeting with refugees in Warsaw who are among the more than two million to have fled Ukraine for Poland since Russias invasion, Biden described Vladimir Putin as a butcher.

For Gods sake, this man cannot remain in power, the US president then declared during his speech at the Royal Castle. Later, the White House said that Biden had not been calling for regime change, simply saying that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbours or the region, reports CNN.

In his speech, Biden also praised the Polish people for opening their hearts and their homes to Ukrainian refugees, who have been welcomed in Poland by a range of support from national and local authorities, NGOs, businesses, religious groups, and millions of individual Poles.

He also sought to reassure NATO allies in the region that, if they were attacked by Russia, the US would respect its sacred obligation to defend them. Dont even think about moving on one single inch of NATO territory, he warned Moscow.

At an earlier meeting with his Polish counterpart, Biden had likewise pledged that the US would respect its sacred commitment under Article 5 of the NATO treaty. Your freedom is ours, he told Duda, echoing a famous Polish motto.

Biden, along with Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, also today met in Warsaw with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov.

Yesterday, after his arrival in Poland, Biden visited US troops stationed in Poland and, alongside Duda, met with representatives of NGOs who have been supporting refugees.

Main image credit: Slawomir Kaminski / Agencja

Daniel Tilles is editor-in-chief ofNotes from Poland. He has written on Polish affairs for a wide range of publications, includingForeign Policy,POLITICO Europe,EUobserverandDziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Go here to see the original:
Biden draws on Poland's anti-communist history to inspire Ukraine resistance in Warsaw speech - Notes From Poland

My Turn: Stand up and be counted – The Recorder

Published: 3/29/2022 2:10:23 PM

Modified: 3/29/2022 2:09:27 PM

When I turned 10years old, I was allowed to take New York Citys public transportation to school. On board, one of the advertisements in particular caught my eye. It proclaimed in bold block letters, Stand up and be counted in the fight against Communism. The slogan included a graphic of an all-American Everyman standing up, arms akimbo, gazing upwards to the beacon of liberty. No doubt, he would stand up to communism by denouncing his liberal neighbors to the House Un-American Activities Committee (when my parents were stationed in Texas during World War II, their neighbors thought they were communists because they had honeymooned in Europe!)

While the world watches in horror as Vladimir Putins forces in Ukraine destroy maternity hospitals, apartment buildings, shelters housing women and children as well as other civilian targets, Im watching in equal horror as American right-wing conservatives cheer Putin and openly support Russia. The American Right has degenerated to the point of mimicking Putins big lies about Ukraines non-existent bio-labs and its Neo-Nazi genocidal government, an odd accusation seeing that it is headed by a Jew whose ancestors were murdered by the Nazis. To add to the lunacy, QAnon, the racist, anti-Semitic conspiracy cult believes that COVID-19 began in Ukraine, not China.

Lost in the footage of the Ukraine invasion is a short clip of a Russian tank proudly flying the old red flag of the Soviet Union, emblazoned with the hammer and sickle of communism.

American conservatives supporting Vladimir Putin, a former communist KGB operative? Ronald Reagan must be spinning in his grave.

Global pundits have joined President Zelensky in casting the Ukraine war as a struggle between democracy and autocracy. But this struggle began in the United States years ago and has only gotten worse for those of us who favor the former. It has taken the form of sleazy Republican voter suppression tactics in a myriad of states and lately in the assault on free speech, gender equality and the blatant censorship of thought-provoking literature. The poster child of American authoritarian dictatorship is, of course, Donald Trump, an open admirer of Putins genius who has never been shy about his distaste for the democratic process and his wish of making himself president for life. The fact that 70% of Republicans still believe his big lie about a stolen 2020 election is frightening proof that our cherished institutions are in danger.

Historically, in times of stress and uncertainty, people gravitate towards a strongman, especially if the preceding democracy has been weak and ineffectual. Examples include the Weimar Republic of pre-Nazi Germany, the Russian Kerensky provisional government before the Bolsheviks overthrew it in 1917 and more recently, the upheaval endured during the inept administration of Boris Yeltsin. Adolf Hitler was elected by a popular majority and despite his seizure of absolute power, was adored by the German people.

The attack on American democracy has not gone unnoticed. Freedom House, which has tracked the rise and fall of global democracies for over 75 years, now ranks the United States 59th, below Argentina and Mongolia. In their report, they warned that we faced an acute crisis for democracy due to our limiting of political and civil liberties. A Swedish-based think tank specializing in the same subject, added the United States to its list of backsliding democracies.

Another aspect of autocratic dictatorship is the need to have a convenient scapegoat to channel the anger, fear and resentment of the people. It should never be forgotten that Donald Trump launched his 2016 presidential campaign by targeting Mexican immigrants as rapists and murderers. Thats all it took. It was like setting a match to a puddle of gasoline. The puddle being the innate racist fears of dark-skinned people taking over when in fact all they really want is to be included in the American Dream. The Republican attack on critical race theory has less to do with protecting our children than it is to rewrite history from a white supremacist standpoint.

So now is the time for Americans to stand up and be counted in the fight against authoritarianism. While democracy can be flawed, Winston Churchill got it right with his famous quote.

Many forms of government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.

Daniel A. Brown lived in Franklin County for 44 years and is a frequent contributor to the Recorder. He lives in New Mexico with his wife, Lisa and dog, Cody.

View original post here:
My Turn: Stand up and be counted - The Recorder

These Are the Companies That Have Withdrawn From Russia – The New York Times

More than 400 companies have withdrawn, at least temporarily, from Russia since it invaded Ukraine. Some have been there since the fall of communism symbols of the enduring power of Western culture and commerce.

By Alex Kalman,Antonio de Luca and Maia Coleman

Opened 1990

Its a rather complicated sandwich. A customer upon her first encounter with a Big Mac.

Opened 2010

Clothing is a necessity of life. The people of Russia have the same right to live as we do. Uniqlos founder, before reversing course.

Product sources:;;;; Reynolds Innovations Inc.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Andia/Universal Images Group, via Getty Images;;;;;;;;;

Read this article:
These Are the Companies That Have Withdrawn From Russia - The New York Times