Earthquakes and rattlesnakes and drugs in 1974 – Hillsboro Times Gazette
Editors note Were continuing our tradition of taking a look back each Saturday at some of the important, interesting or even odd events as they were reported during the same week throughout the years, along with interesting advertising features from back in the day.
This week in 1886, the Hillsboro News Herald, in news from Lynchburg, reported several citizens visited the Queen City, the school board met to take action on a proposal to form a new district in the township and a gang of workmen went down to the swamps on the Hannah land to do battle with a regiment of rattle snakes.
H.W. Wolfe & Co. promised $10 in gold to the farmers wife who sold them the most pounds in turkeys, and $5 in gold to the largest turkey of their own raising.
It was reported that the observance of Memorial Day in Hillsboro brought solemn ceremonies in the surrounding towns, with the Decoration Address being delivered by Albert Douglass, Jr. of Chillicothe. The paper pointed out it was proper to pay homage to those who fought so nobly in the War of the Rebellion some 20 years ago.
A.W. Keys had a six-room house for rent at Hoaglands Crossing, and Asa Haynes had pure German carp for sale at his Spring Lake Farm for $8 per hundred.
This week in 1935, the Hillsboro News Herald reported that in terms of new car and truck sales in the county, 62 passenger cars and three trucks had been sold to this point in the year, and that Chevrolet led the way over Plymouth and Ford.
At Bells Theatre, women whispered her namemen laughed but remembered in The Story of Temple Drake, starring Miriam Hopkins and Jack Larue. Then next Saturday, it was another tale of the old West as Tim McCoy and Joyce Compton starred in Fighting for Justice.
Meanwhile, at the Forum Theatre, it was billed as the most exciting picture he ever made, as George O Brien and Maureen OSullivan starred in Zane Greys Robbers Roost.
At Lisciandro Bros. on North High Street in Hillsboro, specials for the weekend included Mother Hubbard genuine egg noodles, with 8-ounce cellophane bags selling two for 19 cents, the five-pound sack of Gold Medal flour was 23 cents and two pounds of robust, full-body Santo coffee was freshly ground daily and 33 cents.
A minor earthquake caused plaster to fall from walls and windows to crack in Brown and Adams County homes. Residents in Southern Ohio and Northern Kentucky described it as a low rumble, with a child from Ripley being thrown from his swing but uninjured.
In news from Pricetown, 126 attended Bible school on Sunday with an offering of $2.89, Homer Purdy and family from Akron were visiting relatives and Elvin Jones and family visited relatives in Kentucky.
A blue and gold tent theatre was going up in the parking lot of the Texaco filling station on West Main Street in Hillsboro for the arrival of Billroys Comedians for one big show on June 8, 1935. It was billed as positively, emphatically, the largest, prettiest, fastest stepping and best costumed chorus in America!
This week in 1974, The Greenfield Daily Times reported a jam-packed crowd at the Greenfield Recreation and Civic Center heard a grim tale of drug dealing and addiction from a narcotics agent.
It was a record crowd at the Fruitdale Sportsman grounds on Moxley Road for a motocross sporting event. A crowd estimated at between 1,000 to 1,500 watched 261 riders vie for cash and prizes.
At Big Lu & Dairy Queen in Greenfield, the mid-week special was the Big Lu sausage sandwich for 39 cents. For a big mans appetite, the two-pattie deluxe was 69 cents.
An advertisement for Hop in the Woods Furniture invited customers to stop in for a chance to win a new 1974 Cadillac to be given away during its 50th anniversary sale in August.
The Greenfield office of the Hillsboro Bank & Savings Co. asked if your money was earning as much as it should in its ad. A $1,000 deposit in a three-year certificate of deposit would earn a 6.66 percent annual yield, while the same amount in a 90-day CD would yield 5.56 percent.
Clint Eastwood was back in the role of Det. Harry Callahan in Magnum Force, and then it was Steve McQueen teaming up with Ali MacGraw in The Getaway, both showing at The Ranch Drive-In Theatre.
Highlander Ford was offering to pay for customers gas to get them to take a scenic drive to Bainbridge and test drive its large selection of Ford cars and trucks.
This week in 2002, The Times Gazette reported that eight Highland County seniors were each named recipients of the Ernie Blankenship scholarships. Todd Ford, Scott Morgan, Missy Marsh and Lauren Schad from Hillsboro, Emily Gossett from Greenfield, Brittany Allen from Lynchburg-Clay, Rachel Bellamy from Whiteoak and Lynette Kiesling from Fairfield each received $1,000.
Appearing on the front page was FFA member Tessa Eply demonstrating to a kindergarten student the proper way to milk a cow.
The obituary for the woman in whose honor the Bainbridge Fall Festival of Leaves scholarship pageant is held appeared in the paper. Loraine Granger, who was a retired and beloved school teacher in the Paint Valley School district, passed away at the age of 81 on May 30, 2002.
The Greenfield Police Department hosted Student Police Academy 02 for students in the Greenfield Middle School, allowing them over the course of six weeks to experience different aspects of crime scene investigation.
Volunteers who donated their time to instill in students a love for reading were recognized in the end of school year edition of The Lions Corner. Ruth Hussy, Donica Collier, Deanne Link, Colleen Lewis, Rebecca Heckathorn, Carole Davidson, Nancy Holliday and Carol Gustin were all acknowledged for their work.
In sports, Whiteoaks Chris Arant qualified for the state track meet by placing second in the regional long jump.
Reach Tim Colliver at 937-402-2571.
A look back at news and advertising items through the years
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Earthquakes and rattlesnakes and drugs in 1974 - Hillsboro Times Gazette