Trailblazer: Frisby paved way for women in law enforcement –
Ashley Smith, Special to the Democrat 3:19 p.m. ET March 25, 2017
Merry Ann Frisby became the first female sworn officer in the Leon County Sheriff's Office in 1977.(Photo: Merry Ann Frisby)
A Florida State Universityalumna, Merry Ann Frisby studied for her masters in physical anthropology, the study of present and past human biology and evolution. She began her law enforcement career in crime scene investigation.
More than 40 years ago, there were few women in law enforcement at the time outside of those working in clerical positions. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, women made up less than two percent of all sworn officers in the 1970s nationally. That did not stop Frisby.
A newly elected sheriff was open to diversifying the force. Frisby qualified and became acertified law enforcement officer. She was warned that she would not land a job due to being a woman.
In 1977, Frisby became the first female sworn officer in the Leon County Sheriffs Office.
People expect me to say I received a lot of opposition from the force. I didnt. It was thephysical challenges that were my biggest obstacles, said Frisby.
The only concern she knew her colleagues had at the time was whether she was able and willing to protect and serve her fellow officers when the time came. Her commitment in that regard was unwavering.
Surrounding counties started to use Frisby to help at crime scenes to speak with female victims. After beginning her career in crime scene investigation, Frisby later moved to the detective division covering crimes against people.
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Frisby recalls a defining moment early in her law enforcement career. She was called to an investigation where she fell into a mud-drenched ditch attempting to photograph a body. Her male counterparts stood at the top of the ditch waiting for her to finish reviewing the body, which was crime scene protocol. Then she struggled to get out of the slippery ditch.
For one instance I thought Im a girl, is someone going to help me! recalled Frisby. Then I caught myself and thought No...Im a detective.
Once finished she began to climb out of the ditch, falling back down and climbing back up several times. The men stood around and watched.
I got to the top of the ditch and put my hand up feeling for the ground, one of them grabbed my hand and pulled me up, they realized that I could and was determined to do my job. In that moment they accepted me not as woman, but an officer, said Frisby.
After her time serving as a law enforcement officer, Frisby went on to continue to serve the public as an investigator with the Public Defenders Office.
When asked about shattering a glass ceiling locally she said, I didn't crack it alone. I cracked it with the group of women who were there day by day, said the grandmother of 12. We showed that women are equally qualified and capable as officers.
Still, women remain dramatically underrepresented as sworn officers in law enforcement making up only 13 percent of the force nationwide, according to the U.S. DOJ.
Each year in March, as part of Women's History Month, The Oasis Center for Women & Girls recognizes local women who have rewritten history by blazing trails. Trailblazers are honored for the barriers they have crossed and glass ceilings they have shattered. Frisby is being recognized for her work which paved the way for other women in law enforcement careers locally.
Since her retirement from the field, Frisby has continued to contribute to the community through her writing on a range of topics including law enforcement, medical marijuana use, politics, and more. Her writing is often featured in the Tallahassee Democrat and the Monticello News where she contributes as a guest columnist and she touches on her experience in law enforcement throughout her articles.
The mother of a daughter with epilepsy, Frisby also spends time advocating for those living with the neurological disorder, serving on the board of Epilepsy Association of the Big Bend.
Written by Ashley E. Smith for The Oasis Center for Women & Girls, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to "improve the lives of women and girls through celebration and support." Smith is a communications volunteer and a freelance public relations practitioner. Contact Executive Director, Haley Cutler-Seeber at 850-222-2747 or email at For more information on The Oasis Center, visit
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Trailblazer: Frisby paved way for women in law enforcement -