Archive for the ‘Culture Wars’ Category

Safety Valve: Letters from readers | Opinion | –

Limits to freedom during a pandemic

There are limits to freedom. Tonight I passed some people protesting the requirement to wear masks. They asserted it was their right to freedom but its known that not wearing a mask can make others sick if you happen to have Covid. And its known that you can have Covid without knowing it. Given the number of U.S. deaths from Covid its statistically certain that not wearing a mask has killed at least one person.

And in my opinion, that exceeds the limit of freedom. You do not have the freedom to kill others. In fact, in my opinion, you dont even have the right to make other people sick. The government should be allowed to arrest people for endangering public health. Of course arresting somebody infringes on their freedom but

its justified when a person commits a criminal act. Like infecting somebody with Covid.

Les Moscoso forCashmere School Board

Campaigns are expensive, time consuming, and stressful, but they dont need to divide communities.

Unfortunately, even expressly non-political campaigns are currently being pushed toward issues that seemingly need to be labeled with Rs and Ds.

or analog, too often spiral into doomsday scenarios

painting pictures full of fear for our future. Overall, I wish individuals could run for elected position without being painted as an invading force bent on conquest and revolution.

Such is the challenge facing Les Moscoso as he runs for Cashmere School Board. Les and his family have been knocking on doors introducing themselves, and more importantly, listening and learning from community members.

Les understands that the strength of our community and schools rest within

the stories of its families. Les character and values align word for word with the school districts stated core values. He is a father and active community member with the energy and commitment to help our Cashmere schools continue their tradition of success.

Yet, his mere candidacy versus an incumbent has resulted in him being labeled as a radical invader to be feared. This is a deeply unfortunate assumption, and a sad situation.

I support Les Moscoso for Cashmere School Board, not for any specific agenda, but because I know he will put in the time and effort necessary to be an informed member of a strong team that will continue to put the students needs first.

School candidates shouldntdrag schools into culture wars

More than a month has passed since I watched

the YouTube replay of the Aug. 24, 2021 Wenatchee School Board meeting where two Wenatchee School Board candidates, Katherine Thomas and Matt Van Bogart, partici-pated in an unruly, uncivil, disruptive Unmask Our Kids protest that effectively shut down a regularly scheduled school board public meeting because they and the other protesters refused to put on masks at the request of the superintendent, Paul Gordon, and all school board members except for Julie Norton who wanted to allowtheir presence unmasked.

As a retired 20-year veteran math teacher at Wenatchee High School I find many aspects of this particular Unmask Our Kids protest saddening. But what particularly disturbs me is the two candidates for school board mentioned above and one incumbent, Julie Norton, would choose to drag the Wenatchee School District (WSD) and its children into the culture wars and use our district students to fight Gov. Jay Inslee and his mandates.

I get some dont like masks, mandates, and Inslee but, really, do you want people on our school board who are willing to fight these battles placing our students and schools at the center of the storm?

If individuals have issues with mask mandates or Governor Inslee there are better places and waysto wage this war without involving Wenatchee School District and its kids.

As a former Wenatchee High School teacher and parent of a young woman who as a child attended Lewis and Clark Elementary, Pioneer Middle, and Wenatchee High schools I ask the voters of Wenatchee please continue to elect school board members who will put the education, safety, and health of our students first and not drag our students and schools into the messy political theater of the culture wars.

If you agree with me on this then please vote for Maria Iiguez, Dr. Michele Sandberg, and Miranda Skalisky for Wenatchee School Board.

Epidemic of homelessnessand drugs

We have a huge epidemic with homeless and drugs in our community and its going to get worse if we dont stop it now! It will be like the big cities.

Camping at Entiat in the beautiful PUD park we were exposed to disgusting drug addicts camped in there tent space which is next to playground. It was trash and needles everywhere.

Police were called they said: city park, contact them city said theyll deal with it Monday!!! Seriously should of been taken care of on 10/6 no one seems to be taken this seriously & Im disgusted

I took pictures of the wide open tent for anyone animals to walk inside and get stuck with bio hazard materials

Vote for Van Bogart, KatherineThomas and Julie Norton

I support Matt, Katherine and Julie because they believe the schools are for educating our kids not indoctrinating them. They also do not think Washington, D.C., Olympia and the teachers union should stand between you and your childrens education.

They believe the parents have a right to attend and voice there concerns and opinions without being tagged as domestic terrorists. What is happening is so

un-American. There are groups out there that are burning and destroying whole cities, killing police beating and harassing anyone that disagrees with them, and that seems OK with the left, but god forbid you want to voice your thoughts and opinions on your childrens education you run the risk of being tagged by some people on the school board, some teachers, the teachers union and your government a terrorist.

There is only one choice if you want to be the arbiter of your childrens education and not the Government and thats too vote for Matt van Bogart, Katherine Thomas and Julie Norton.

Educate not indoctrinate.

There are many candi-dates for Wenatchee School Board. One who has proven herself through what she has done and who she is: Maria Iiguez. Among other things Maria has come up from poverty to obtain a college degree. She has worked in administration at the WSD so shes familiar with that system and its strengths and weaknesses. She has served on the school board and has proved herself as a strong advocate for all students and their families as well as the teachers who work tirelessly for their students.

bi-cultural and bilingual. This allows her to communicate at a deeper level with many of our students and their families who are often marginalized. Maria is a parent of a student in elementary school. And most importantly she listens and balances needs and concerns with responsible actions.

I am a community activist, volunteer with AVID High School students, a parent of a bi-lingual teacher at the elementary school level, and a grand-parent of two WHS graduates. As a retired social worker I have had the privilege of observing Maria in action. We need her on the Wenatchee School Board. Please vote to retain Maria Iiguez. Position 2. Thank you.

Construction hurtsneighbors quality of life

As a former resident of Leavenworth, I am disap-pointed and dismayed by the mayor and the city councils blind eye to the elder abuse carried out on a daily basis during the construction of riverfront apartments at Garten Haus.

My elderly aunt has lived in the building for more than 15 years and her quality of life is severely impacted by the intrusive construction that begins as early as 6:45 a.m.

My aunt has reached out to members of the city council and to the hospital staff when access to the building was cut off earlier this summer and while the Spokane-based construction company met with residents to reassure them steps were being taken to ease their discomfort, those words have not trans-lated into action.

What recourse do these low-income seniors have when trying to reason with the developers pushing this project through? At the very least, they should have been given the option to relocate to another facility while this disruptive process took place.

The Garten Haus is managed by the Housing Authority of Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee.

Im trying not to be overly dramatic in writing this letter, but it seems like the community of Leaven-worth has lost its soul when it allows this kind of development to negatively impact its most vulnerable citizens.

Mission Ridge expansionplans are too much

As someone who has grown up a few miles down the road from Mission Ridge, I strongly oppose the Mission Ridge expansion.

In response to the proposal by Tamarack Saddle LLC

(Mission Ridge Ownership), Chelan County issued a Determination of Significance (DS). Tamarack Saddle has several courses of action they could take, one being to have an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) conducted, which would provide residents of Chelan County a more thorough understanding of the possible environmental impacts, and whether or not they can be adequately mitigated.

For a proposal that includes 621 condos, townhomes, duplex units, 275 single family homes, an overnight lodge, and 110,000 square feet of commercial space, we as residents of the Wenatchee Valley deserve to have a full understanding of how this project would impact and fundamentally change this place we call home. However, Tamarack Saddle is currently suing Chelan County for $6.4 million, with the process starting after the DS was issued. I wonder if that had anything to do with it?

One of the reasons I felt compelled to write this letter, was after viewing a video on the Mission Ridge website. This video attempts to instill a homey feeling of both the Wenatchee Valley and Mission Ridge. Some remarks by the narrator include, ground we fightto preserve, its here we nurture our relationship with nature, and a refuge from the chaos of lifefind space to see life in a new light.

It appears as though these words are just talking points, when compared to the latest

actions of Tamarack Saddle. Proposing to build a 4,000 occupancy resort, then suing Chelan County in response to a Determination of Significance (and subsequent EIS), while at the same time speaking of nurturing a relationship with nature and fighting to preserve this place we call home, is completely hypocritical.

I ask that as fellow residents and visitors, we support Chelan County in the their issuance of a DS, so that we may fully under-stand and voice our opinions on a development that would permanently change both Mission Ridge and the Wenatchee Valley.

Re-elect Baranouskasto hospital board

This Letter is to Encourage your Support to Re-elect Tom Baranouskas for Commissioner position

No. 3 for Chelan County Public Hospital District No. 1 (Cascade Medical in Leavenworth).

I have had the pleasure to serve Cascade Medical in two very different capacities:

(1) From mid-2009 to early 2012, I served as Cascade Medicals Chief Executive Officer. During this time the major remodeling and construction project was completed. During this time the hospitals Shared Values was also initiated; and

(2) Since 2016, my wife Terri and I have served on the hospital Foundation Board (a separate fund-raising corporation).

I continue to have a deep devotion and respect for Cascade Medical and its people, as well as, the hospitals ongoing commitment to serve Leavenworth and surrounding communities.

From my perspective, in any normal year, the governance and leadership of our smaller rural hospitals are challenging. However, the threshold of this challenge has significantly increased during this past 18 months with COVIDs impact on fluctuating patient loads and increasing staffing demands and the stresses overlayed on our vital health care workers. This situation has been made more complex with new State and Federal requirements.

Need for Continuity in Leadership: The dramatic nature of these changes on health care delivery necessitates ongoing sound governance and administrative leadership. Toms 6 years as an effective Commissioner brings that strong experience and continuity of Board leadership to Cascade Medical.

Tom also brings strong financial experience, is approachable, works collaboratively and is committed to patient care, employee interests and the needs of our community. One example is, as a resident in the Lake Wenatchee area, Tom continues the efforts of prior commissioner Jim Passage to improve the emergency response service to Lake Wenatchee by fostering a strong relationship between the hospital and Lake Wenatchee Fire & Rescue.

I urge you to consider these thoughts and vote to re-elect Tom Baranouskas as our Hospital Commissioner at Cascade Medical.

Norton is solution-oriented

Having participated in most of the online school board meetings since the beginning of the pandemic, I was thrilled that the Aug. 24 Wenatchee School District meeting was being held in person.

What a welcome surprise to see so many others at the meeting. I thought, Finally, the community is waking up to the importance of advocating for our kids!

The room was fairly full, but I did not count. There were masked and unmasked people. I was masked.

When I arrived, a discussion was underway regarding the emergency mask mandate, announced a week prior, but not effective until the day before. This was the first meeting under the new mandate, and Superintendent Gordon explained that the district and board were under the mask mandate. Respectful conversation ensued. There were masked folks expressing their discomfort with the unmasked. And unmasked stating their comfort with those masked.

The board arrived in the room masked and sat at the front of the room. Then they tried to sort out how to proceed considering

the mandates, completing business before the first day of school, and health of those present in the company of the unmasked. Julie Norton suggested a practical solution to continue the meeting in a hybrid fashion respecting the mandate, and individual choices in a public forum. Anyone unable or uncomfortable proceeding with mask/unmasked present could participate online.

At this point, I hoped that the hybrid option would be chosen. Wed all been in the room together, masked and unmasked, for over15 minutes. Tension was mounting, but I never felt unsafe. Those in fear for their health due to those unmasked would have already left. The board took an at-ease and left the room. Upon return, they voted to adjourn the meeting and reconvene online in 30 minutes.

Sadly, there was no instruction on how to make public comments online to those in the room. Instead of a record number of public participating, only four 4 participated online.

Working together, respecting our differences, we must do better our kids deserve it. Thank you Julie Norton for your leadership.

Read more here:
Safety Valve: Letters from readers | Opinion | -

Not My Party: So Were Headed to Civil War Soon? – The Bulwark

MSNBC Interviewee at Trump Rally: I see a civil war coming. I do. I see civil war coming.

Tim Miller: This is Not My Party, brought to you by The Bulwark.

All right. So, you know, Marjorie Taylor Greene, that insane MAGA congresslady who spends time with the polyamorous tantric sex guru and who thought Jews with space lasers created the wildfires? You know the one.

Juno MacGuff: Unfortunately, yes.

Miller: Well, she sent a tweet this week that caught my eye. She asked whether we need a national divorce where red states and blue states split up But who gets Georgia?

Creepy Goggle-Eyed Act.TV Puppet of Marjorie Taylor Greene: Yeah, I know, I am the worst.

Miller: So this has to be some more Looney Tunes talk from a crazy woman.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Q is a Patriot for sure.

Bart Simpson: Youre crazy.

Miller: Not something that normal people believe. Right?

Kyle Broflovski: Uh.

Miller: Right?

Shallow Hal: Um.

Miller: Right?

Larry David: Its very disturbing.

Miller: A recent poll from the University of Virginia asked our fellow Americans if they agree with the following statement: The situation in America is such that I would favor [Blue/Red] states seceding from the union to form their own separate country. Fifty-two percent of Trump voters agreed.

Philip J. Frye: I am shocked, shocked. Well, not that shocked.

Miller: But are you ready for this? So did 41 percent of Biden voters! Have you people lost your f**** minds?

Spock: It would appear so.

Miller: I feel like it was only yesterday that everyone was getting a thrill up their leg from this

Barack Obama: There is not a liberal America and a conservative America. There is the United States of America.

Diego the Saber-Toothed Tiger: Yep. Those were the good days.

Miller: How did we go from that to having secession fever? Over what exactly? Superman having a bisexual kid? Dave Chappelle being a TERF?

Dave Chappelle: Now, you know, I go hard in the paint, but even I saw that s*** and was like, God damn!

Miller: Schools teaching that the Founders were not infallible virgins bestowed on us by the Lord?

Jesus from Family Guy: Psych.

Miller: These seem like bridgeable issues, right? Our divides only seem insurmountable because of social media algorithms that incentivize conflict, a constant stream of disaster porn, and outrage peddlers who get off on making us mad.

Tucker Carlson: Well, we all, I, I know that.

Miller: The reality is, the culture wars of today pale in comparison to the life-threatening discrimination faced by older generationsespecially when you consider that there are people still living who experienced a time where black people had to drink from different water fountains, or Asian-Americans were held in internment camps. Youll notice that those who suffered through those atrocities dont tend to be the ones who are calling for present-day uprisings.

Madison Cawthorn: If our election systems continue to be rigged and continue to be stolen, its gonna lead to one place and thats bloodshed.

Homer Simpson: Hes crazy.

Miller: Another poll showed that only 31 percent of those over the age of 65 thought a civil war was likely. While, 53 percent of those 18 to 29 thought it. This seems like evidence that the youngs might be getting a little over their skis with the civil war cosplay.

Bikini Zombie Interviewer: What freedom are you fighting for?

Tricorn-Wearing Patriot-Garbed Protester: Medical freedom. . . . Ill eat bark off a tree and eat earthworms before I get a vaccine.

Fran Sinclair: Well, its time for his nap now.

Miller: Now, I dont want to totally dismiss the fact that there are legitimate concerns about the challenges we face as a country. Theres police brutality. Climate catastrophe. Working-class communities being hollowed out. The fallout from mismanaged wars.

Real activism to address those problems is a great thing. So is peaceful protest. But fantasizing about sending Trump voters to a Squid Game isnt.

One reason I think this national divorce talk is heating up right now is that weve tossed the pandemic on top of those ongoing problems. Of course, the response to a once-in-a-generation plague is gonna be divisive.

This Is Fine Comic Dog: Things are going to be okay.

Miller: But if one community decides it wants to rely on Darwins horse dewormer and another wants to mandate masks when youre outside in the park, that isnt a sign were on the brink of war. It shows that we live in a big, dynamic country. Where flawed people are trying to balance personal freedoms against the public interest. Thats how our system is supposed to work.

So heres the deal. Its time to log off and stop trying to downvote people we disagree with out of existence. If we let power-hungry political leaders and online provocateurs manipulate us into fantasizing about a bloody divorce, then, well, their stupid games might end up becoming our grave reality. And we saw how that turns out.

Im taking my own advice. Were going on a short holiday for a few weeks. But Not My Party will be back with a new episode November 4th.

Go here to see the original:
Not My Party: So Were Headed to Civil War Soon? - The Bulwark

Jon Stewart Thinks Media Hypes Conflict Stories, Too Focused on Trump – TMZ

Jon Stewart is back after a long hiatus -- and it sounds like he thinks a couple things are ripping this country apart ... sensationalism in the media, and focusing on Donald Trump.

The former 'Daily Show' host sat down with CNN's Jake Tapper Sunday, to plug his new Apple TV+ show, "The Problem with Jon Stewart," but to also discuss the current state of things as it relates to our politics, national discourse and culture wars we're going through.

On that last point ... Jon got pretty real on what he thinks about issues like CA's new gender-neutral toy section law -- and that feeling is ... this is trivial, so who gives a s***!!!

Check out his thought process ... we as a society -- plus the media, by selecting/feeding us headlines -- seek out the conflict lines as opposed to news that actually matters in our daily lives. The gender-neutral thing is one example, but he brings up Karens/masks too.

Jon notes we see a ton of anti-masker stories all across media ... but what about stories reassessing the efficacy of masks, which affects us day-to-day??? Nowhere to be found.

Of course, Jon also talked Trump after Tapper asked him about his role in the ongoing division in the U.S. -- but Jon doesn't think this issue lives and dies with DT ... if anything, he says Trump is just the latest incarnation of a phenomenon that has long existed here.

His point is that there've been many rulers and institutions of this nation, historically, that've been power hungry, and he thinks the solution -- as it always has been -- lies in the people.

BTW, Jon's new show is way different from his old Comedy Central series ... in a good way. It's more nuanced, and definitely worth a watch for a fresh and still-funny take.

See the original post here:
Jon Stewart Thinks Media Hypes Conflict Stories, Too Focused on Trump - TMZ

School boards need to let the professionals teach –

School board elections across the country and here in Connecticut are veering into disturbing and dangerous territory, threatening students' educational futures and teachers' academic freedom.

Disinformation campaigns fueled largely by radical conservative groups whipped up by anger over school mask mandates, nostalgia for better times that never existed and what they contend without evidence is being taught in history classes have resulted in threats and harassment of some sitting school board membersand ugly mobs disrupting board meetings.

The divisive political rhetoric also has resulted in many more people running for board seats. While such an increase in civic interest for these typically ho-hum races generally would be viewed as a positive, the introduction of politics onto boards that operate apolitically is unwarranted, sad and counterproductive.

In the wealthy shoreline community of Guilford this year, for example, five political newcomers won hotly contested slots on the Republican ballot. They solidified their control in a September primary petitioned by the long-time school board incumbents they had edged out in caucus. The number one reason to elect them, they now contend, is to "stop indoctrination in Critical Race Theory." This is listed on the candidates' "5 Reasons Why" website.

Similar battles are being waged in towns from New Canaan to Glastonbury as CRT and other issues, such as eliminating school mascots that insult and denigrate native Americans, having gender-neutral bathrooms in schools, and athletics participation by transgender students, are continually trumpeted as calls to culture wars on social media and by right-wing pundits on the likes of Fox news. What has been summarily ignored by those fighting these culture wars, however, is the fact that education officials throughout Connecticut have repeatedly said that CRT, a philosophy developed some 40 years ago that studies the influence of racism in established institutions such as the judicial system, is not taught in the state's K-12 public schools.

Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, told the Associated Press recently that this politicization of school board elections is "a craven and anti-democratic attempt to usurp local control over our kids' education."

In a statement to the Associated Press, Weingarten continued: "Their goal is to limit students' understanding of historical and current events and attack common-sense safety measures such as masking by bullying those who believe in science and teaching honest history."

Teaching a World War II history lesson that discusses the role of the Tuskegee Airmen or Navajo code talkers is not an example of CRT, despite a Guilford school board candidate telling a Hartford Courant reporter that it was at the heart of his decision to seek election. That lesson is an example of recognizing that the long-time view of history focusing primarily on the achievements of wealthy, white males actually left out an awful lot of history.

Candidates for Boards of Education in Connecticut must recognize the facts known to those who already serve on these boards. School boards have a narrow scope of authority in this state. They control school purse strings through budget authority. They guide school policy. They hire school superintendents and strive to keep them accountable.

They do not have control over day-to-day school operations and cannot dictate precisely what professional educators teach in their classrooms.

This is as it should be. Teachers are educated, trained, skilled and supervised in their profession. They should be allowed academic freedom and their classrooms should be free from political infighting.

Most who run for election to boards of education do so out of the motivation to do what's best for children. This is likely at the heart of why even those candidates who are now whipped up by culture war rhetoric chose to run. They must keep this in mind if elected and remember their responsibility is to all children, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or religion.

May all those elected on Nov. 2 recognize the business of education is best left to professional educators.

The Day editorial board meets regularly with political, business and community leaders and convenes weekly to formulate editorial viewpoints. It is composed of President and Publisher Tim Dwyer, Managing Editor Izaskun E. Larraeta, staff writer Erica Moser and retired deputy managing editor Lisa McGinley. However, only the publisher and editorial page editor are responsible for developing the editorial opinions. The board operates independently from the Day newsroom.

Go here to see the original:
School boards need to let the professionals teach -

Cream teas at dawn: inside the war for the National Trust – The Guardian

One by one, they tackle the steeply winding path to Penrhyn Castle, pausing halfway to admire the view over a sparkling blue sea. Extended families grapple with pushchairs and picnic cool boxes; there are dapper older gentlemen in panama hats, and panting labradors. A blackboard at the entrance advertises traditional games every Thursday, while the gift shop is a soothing vision of gardening tools, tea towels and jars of chutney. As Eleanor Harding, the National Trusts thoughtful young assistant curator for Wales, enters the castles ornate library, a volunteer guide says brightly: No negative comments today!

Over the past year, the trust has attracted its fair share of those. An institution best known for stately homes, scones and bracing walks has found itself plunged into an unlikely culture war over how the history it is charged with preserving for the nation should be interpreted.

Years of minor grumbling about its efforts to move with the times or, as a leaked internal document last summer put it, improve on an outdated mansion experience erupted into a full-blown row in September last year over a report tracing its properties connections to colonialism and slavery. Published in the aftermath of a summer of Black Lives Matter protests, which saw the statue of a slaver pushed into Bristol harbour and Winston Churchills statue on Whitehall boarded up for its protection, it brought together three years work exploring the histories of 93 estates. Some were built on the proceeds of slavery Penrhyns original owners made their fortune from sugar plantations in Jamaica while others had been home to abolitionists. Powis Castle on the English-Welsh border made the list for holding spoils of war brought back by the military commander Clive of India, while Rudyard Kiplings former Sussex home earned its entry for his writings on empire. But it was the inclusion of Churchills home at Chartwell, Kent, on grounds including his early opposition to independence for India, that really put the cat among the pigeons.

A clique of powerful, privileged liberals must not be allowed to rewrite our history in their image, thundered 28 members of the Common Sense Group of Tory backbenchers, a rightwing grouping founded to counter what it regards as woke thinking, in a letter to the Daily Telegraph accusing the trust of having tarnished one of Britains greatest sons. The then chair of the Charity Commission, former Conservative cabinet minister Tina Stowell, promised to investigate whether the trust had strayed from its charitable purpose (the commission later cleared it of doing so). Even Oliver Dowden, then culture secretary, declared that roping in Churchill would surprise and disappoint people. Claims that the trust was haemorrhaging members and purging dissenting staff followed, many under the byline of the influential Spectator columnist Charles Moore. A group called Restore Trust a rebel alliance of disgruntled members seeking to oust senior National Trust leaders has now tabled a series of resolutions for the charitys annual general meeting later this month, including one demanding the trust consult its army of volunteers before changing the way a property is presented.

The trust has weathered public controversies before, over everything from demands to ban foxhunting on its land in the 1990s to lowering the sugar in its flapjack recipes three years ago. But this feels uglier, and more intense. The trusts director general, Hilary McGrady, received at least one death threat following the report. Corinne Fowler, a professor of postcolonial literature at the University of Leicester, who co-authored it with the trusts head curator, Sally-Anne Huxtable, and others, was advised for her own safety not to go out walking alone. The charity seems to have become a lightning rod for the boiling emotions of a nation in flux, racked by arguments over national identity, social justice, pride and guilt.

Yet presiding over it all is McGrady, whose manner is as calm and soothing as a stroll round a herbaceous border. Having grown up on a smallholding not far from Belfast during the Troubles, she is perhaps more used to navigating conflicting histories than most.

Its been the perfect storm in many respects, hasnt it? she says resignedly down a phone line from rural Somerset. People have had to get used to whats going on with Brexit, people having to get used to Covid, the political agenda, levelling up there are so many things in the mix that are creating this febrile atmosphere. I think we did fall foul of a period of time in the last year when the world was going slightly bonkers.

But why should the trust be a target? I think its one of the steadying reminders of whats good about life people like the consistency, she says. And then they were reading this stuff, going: Oh my goodness, theyre changing this thing that I absolutely love. Thats what frustrated me, because actually Im not changing anything. What Im trying to do is improve and constantly build take nothing away but just add more interest.

A year on, the trust still has more than 5.4 million members, numbers that no political party can dream of matching. During the pandemic, many drew comfort from walking its peaks and fells, holding outdoor family reunions in its parklands, or holidaying in its beauty spots. But the row hasnt gone away. At its heart lies a tug of war between people who dont want politics intruding on a nice day out, and those arguing that politics were there all along, for those who cared to look.

The vast dining table at Penrhyn Castle is set for a banquet, groaning with crystal and family silver. Gazing down from the wall, as if surveying his bounty, is an enormous oil painting of Richard Pennant, the first Baron Penrhyn and an 18th-century MP for Liverpool.

But something is amiss. The middle of the table is bare, apart from a battered box labelled Jamaica papers. And just below the painting stands a bouquet of white chrysanthemums, whose handwritten card dedicates them to the enslaved people whose blood and sweat and tears contributed to the wealth that built this castle. The effect is as if someone has burst into a dinner party and thrown down a bloody gauntlet to the hosts.

This is the heart of the What a World! exhibition, Eleanor Hardings attempt to foreground a history unusually well preserved in the family archive that Richard Pennants descendants gave to Bangor University in the 1930s, including records of prices paid for slaves on its six plantations. Built in 1820, the castle sits in what the heritage consultant Dr Marian Gwyn (who has researched the archive for the trust) calls a slave landscape. The familys plantation wealth, plus compensation received when slavery was abolished, was ploughed into a vast estate stretching from Bangor on the north Wales coast into Snowdonia.

That money bought fine art and furniture for the castle. But it also built houses and pubs, roads and railways, chapels and schools; it drained farmland and industrialised the familys slate quarry near Bethesda, bringing jobs and prosperity but leaving a new legacy of bitterness.

The Great Penrhyn Quarry Strike of 1900-3, called after the Pennant family rejected workers demands for better pay and conditions, became the longest-running industrial dispute in British history. Strike-breakers, known as bradwyr or traitors, were ostracised for years afterwards by their neighbours; families were torn apart or driven away. Some local people still refuse to enter the castle, which was seen as symbolising oppression. Six years ago, the trust began devising a strategy to entice them back and introduce tourists to this richly complex story.

The Jamaica box was always part of the exhibition, which features local childrens poems responding to objects found in the house. But the flowers arrived unexpectedly this summer via a young black academic named April-Louise Pennant, seeking answers about her family history.

Pennant remains a common surname in Jamaica, although, as Harding explains, its unclear why. Is it that after emancipation the British said, You need surnames and the slaves were either given or picked the surnames of the people they worked for? Of course, another possibility is rape.

Pennant, a newly graduated PhD student whose research has focused on black feminist ideology and critical race theory, says going to the castle was both a professional and a personal journey. Her grandparents came to Britain from Jamaica with the Windrush migration, and she remembers being told their name was Welsh in origin. But it wasnt until she moved to Wales recently, to work for the devolved government, that she made the connection with Penrhyn. Where once only one line of Pennants was represented in the dining room, now there are two. She laid the flowers because, to her, Penrhyn is a monument: There would be no castle without slavery, there would be no quarry without slavery. I just thought that my ancestors had not been honoured.

The estate was given to the trust in lieu of inheritance tax in 1953, but the family retained some of the land, and visiting it evoked raw emotions that Pennant is still struggling to process. The trust promised that her card would remain displayed when the flowers died, but she wonders if that is enough. Id like to see more scrutiny of why these places were given to the National Trust and the fact that theres this huge reparations movement its not just about money, its about justice. How is it that the slave owners got compensation whereas someone like myself didnt get anything, and we cant even get acknowledgment? Several of her friends, she says, are now keen to trace their own roots; ultimately, she wants to know which part of Africa her own ancestors were taken from.

Most visitors have welcomed the exhibition, Harding says, and some have been deeply moved. But she estimates every castle volunteer has fielded at least one angry outburst. We have people who are frustrated at the way the world is going and changes to the status quo, who are coming to Penrhyn, knowing what theyre going to see and almost needing it as a place to vent their anger, she says. Others let rip anonymously on TripAdvisor, where Shropshire Lad from Shrewsbury complains of an amazing building, gardens and history ruined by an unremitting display of wokeness, while Alan M compares the narrow (and oh so fashionable) angle taken to present a complex subject to communist rewritings of history. Mike from Tonbridge rages: Give us what we visited for and paid for History! But whose history, exactly?

Corinne Fowler, co-author of the colonialism and slavery report, first began collaborating with the trust five years ago on her Colonial Countryside project, which saw children producing creative writing reflecting on properties linked to empire. She is evidently scarred by last Septembers backlash, but agrees to answer questions by email. Her report argues that grand country houses are innately political, thanks to a 1711 law limiting House of Commons membership to men with a significant income from the land, which made estate ownership key to legislative power for more than a century. Have we had an overly cosy view of these properties in the past?

Country houses have become places where you go to switch off, walk your dog and admire designed landscapes, Fowler says. Nobodys going to worry about learning familiar facts on their visit that the house belonged to an MP. But being confronted with history you didnt learn at school can, she argues, feel threatening. Its not surprising it feels alien, because we know more about 1066, the Great Fire and steam engines than we know about four centuries of British colonial activity. But just because our education system didnt really prepare us for this, that doesnt mean that British history is under attack.

Fowler anticipated some hostility towards her report but was nonetheless shocked by the press coverage and the ensuing waves of bile (one online comment below a newspaper article discussed how she should be murdered). What most angers her, however, is the charge that historians were stoking a culture war simply by discussing the evidence-based research that the National Trust exists in part to do.

The charity was founded in 1895 by Octavia Hill, a Christian socialist who was evangelical about giving the urban working classes fresh air and green space, working with two like-minded colleagues. She used to walk children out of London into Epping Forest because she believed that if you gave them Gods nature, it would inject magic into their lives, says Ivo Dawnay, the trusts former director for London (and Boris Johnsons brother-in-law), who tweeted this summer appealing for critics to stop treating it like a political football. Alongside Hill, there was Hardwicke Rawnsley, a radical vicar in the Lake District who was fighting the railways your Swampy type. The final one was Robert Hunter, a campaigner for common land. Funded by wealthy establishment figures, their mission of acquiring land for free public access was nonetheless radical from the start, Dawnay argues: Im sure in 1895 there must have been a lot of people thinking it was outrageous. Their first acquisition was four and a half acres of gorse-covered hillside at Dinas Oleu on the western Welsh coast, donated by a wealthy philanthropist friend of Hills named Fanny Talbot in hopes that it would go to some society that will never vulgarise it, or prevent wild nature having its way. The stately homes the trust is famous for, however, were a surprisingly late addition.

After the first world war, the aristocracy found itself squeezed by high death duties and a dearth of estate workers, many of whom had been killed in the trenches. Historic estates risked being carved up or crumbling into ruins. The fabric of the landscape was starting to break down, says Liz Green, the trusts lead curator in Wales. You read about this in novels all the time: the young heir comes along, has to flog the family silver off and break apart these great estates. The solution was the National Trust Act of 1937, allowing estates to be given to the Treasury in lieu of inheritance tax and held by the trust on behalf of the nation in perpetuity. (The trust occupies an unusual position, independent of government but answerable to the nation; technically it doesnt own its assets, but cares for them on Britains behalf.) What followed was effectively nationalisation on a scale of which socialists might only dream, albeit in exchange for some hefty tax avoidance, leaving the trust with a new coalition of members: some who joined to walk the land, others interested in worshipping the aristocracy, or in pictures and furniture and china, as Dawnay puts it.

By the 1960s, that coalition was cracking, with complaints that the trust was becoming a cosy club for the gentry. It was saved by a unifying campaign to rescue the English and Welsh coastline from developers, reflected in the 775 miles of coastal path it owns today, which was so popular that membership soared from about 50,000 in 1960 to a million by 1981. Yet efforts in recent years to broaden the membership have strained that coalition once more.

You go into properties now and it tells you the difference between the Stuarts and the Tudors. The old guard thinks everyone should know the difference, and if they dont they shouldnt be there, Dawnay says. Its a small proportion of members, but they have undue influence because they have access to the columnists of the Telegraph and Times and Spectator.

Restore Trust is certainly well-connected for a small protest group, enjoying extensive media coverage for its claims to have attracted thousands of supporters or forced the resignation of the trusts long-serving chair Tim Parker this summer. (The trust insists Parkers departure was planned, and that Restore Trust demanded he quit the day after stakeholders were confidentially told he would be leaving.) It is backed by an unusually high-powered team, including PR executive Neil Bennett (an ex-journalist who worked at the Sunday Telegraph under Charles Moores editorship) and the millionaire Tory donor Neil Record. Its slickly designed website is currently pumping out information on how National Trust members can vote at the AGM for a change in direction, either in person, online or by post.

After a fiery launch, Restore Trust has seemingly tempered its rhetoric. A spokesperson emails that its chief concern is a shift of power from expert curators to managers charged with boosting visitor numbers, leaving properties peppered inside and out with signage in poor taste and lacking any coherent design, greatly detracting from the aesthetic impact. Offending examples apparently include signs encouraging children to pretend to be a bee and waggle along this path. Worse still, she adds: There are labels at Stourhead [a Wiltshire stately home], in one of the great libraries of England, on round tables in white gauze no understanding of the grandeur of the house. (Museum-style labelling is a surprisingly big bone of contention among members nostalgic for the days when the rooms of country houses were assumed to speak for themselves.) This rather esoteric crusade against dumbing down has, however, been amplified by a cruder rightwing backlash against social justice movements (or what the Common Sense Group calls cultural Marxism), plus a post-Brexit push for more patriotic history dwelling on past glories, not old wrongs. All three strands of opposition are converging on the AGM.

Stephen Green of the virulent rightwing pressure group Christian Voice perhaps most notorious for speaking in defence of a Ugandan law threatening to impose the death penalty on HIV-positive gay men who had sex is standing for election to the trusts governing council on a pitch accusing the trust of becoming obsessed with LGBT issues and woke virtue-signalling. Green, who is endorsed by Restore Trust, has over the years opposed abortion, the criminalisation of marital rape, compulsory sex education in schools, performances of the musical Jerry Springer: The Opera (which he regarded as blasphemous) and above all the sinful practice of homosexuality. He particularly resents the trusts outing of Robert Wyndham Ketton-Cremer, the owner of Felbrigg Hall in Norfolk until his death in 1969, as gay. Theres absolutely no evidence that this quite unobtrusive man was some prototype Peter Tatchell, but because he was single and adopted a funny pose outside Felbrigg Hall, he had to be gay, Green says indignantly. He doesnt expect to win, he adds, but wants the trust not to see itself as a vehicle for social change.

Perhaps more typical of grassroots unease is Andrew Powles, chair of Wellingborough civic society, also standing for the council on a platform questioning the trusts direction. A member for 40 years, he says he was saddened by the bitter divisions evident at last years AGM, held virtually due to Covid. We all logged in and were left feeling: Does it really have to be like this? When you see things on the chat box, some people saying, Im going to resign now they wont visit, they wont go to the shop, they wont have a cup of tea in the cafe, and all that stuff is so crucial. Powles sees nothing wrong in saying an estate was built on slavery, although he thinks the right place for that information may be the website: It shouldnt necessarily spoil the enjoyment of the house.

The Tory MP and former Foreign Office minister Andrew Murrison, who led a parliamentary debate on the trust last autumn, predicts a great groundswell of members opinion coming to a head at the AGM. A former naval surgeon whose Wiltshire constituency includes Stourhead named in the colonialism and slavery report because its 18th-century owner inherited money made partly from trading shares in the South Sea company, which supplied slave labour to central and southern America Murrison regards the report as historically poor, underplaying Britains role in abolition. Its worthwhile just reflecting on where Britain actually was in the 19th century in relationship to slavery and the progress this country was able to achieve. None of that is really of particular interest to those behind this report and I think thats wrong, wherever you stand politically.

As trust properties have been either in lockdown or limiting visitors due to Covid since March 2020, its impossible to be sure how all this has affected visitor numbers although Marian Gwyn says a 2007 exhibition she staged on Penrhyns connections to slavery boosted visitor numbers by 12.5%. There are, she argues, commercial as well as ethical reasons for telling stories new to visitors.

Membership fell from a pre-pandemic peak of nearly 6 million to 5.4 million by this spring, but began rising again as lockdown restrictions lifted. The trusts director of communications, Celia Richardson, says the numbers closely track whether properties were open to visitors or not (most members are recruited on a visit). The rate of existing members renewing their subscriptions fell by only 1%, while small donations trebled. What characterises some of this culture war campaign is campaigners completely exaggerating the effect theyre having. Were recruiting members at the moment every 25 seconds, says Richardson, who suspects most trust members arent enormously interested in the row. People dont join a conservation organisation to argue about political theory.

Yet the attacks on an institution she calls about as Marxist as a cream tea take their toll. When theres a mainstream media story, we will see quite a lot of abuse starting to hit us via social media, via our call centres, direct threats coming into the director generals inbox. There are culture warriors out there looking for these stories, Richardson says. Recently she filed a formal complaint with the Spectator over a Charles Moore piece that quoted an employee who allegedly claimed that at interviews people are asked how they voted in the Brexit referendum, and rejected out of hand if they voted to leave. (The Spectators editor, Fraser Nelson, declined to comment for this article beyond noting that: Charles is a pretty well established journalist and biographer with a track record that speaks for itself.) Some of the social media abuse seems to come from bots or from overseas, Richardson says. But she worries about the chilling effect on other charities and cultural institutions, anxious to avoid similar attacks.

At her lowest point, Hilary McGrady admits she considered leaving. There were lots of days when I thought, Why am I putting myself through this? Would it be better for the trust, would it make life easier if I was to go? Yet she has, she says, emerged more convinced than ever that the charity should hold true to its beliefs and purpose. Work on slavery and colonialism will continue, but its only a tiny part of what the trust actually does.

The single biggest issue preoccupying her is the trusts role, as a major landowner across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, in tackling the climate crisis. We need to be active on our land, working to try to save nature this is really important right now, just as the survival of the country house was the thing to focus on in the postwar period. Once again, that means moving with changing times.

From the top of Holly Purdeys Exmoor farm, you can see right across the valley a lush patchwork of forest, moor and meadow, beneath a cornflower-blue sky. But Ben Eardley, riverlands project manager here on the vast trust-owned estate at Holnicote, isnt here to show off the view. We are, instead, gathered expectantly around a cowpat.

Look at the holes! Eardley says, pointing at the dung. And soon, a tiny black beetle crawls out. You rarely see holes on cowpats now, he explains, because theyre made by dung beetles to whom cattle-worming drugs can be lethal, even once excreted. But Purdey is a rewilding enthusiast, seeking to take her land back to a more natural state, and her cows arent chemically wormed. That makes their dung safe for the beetles, who in return break it down, fertilising the soil and improving the grass for the cows. That cowpat is an amazing habitat. Its not as exciting as a wildflower, but its really important, Eardley says.

When 33-year-old Purdey took over the tenancy of this trust-owned farm three years ago, she planted trees, rested exhausted pastures and used water management techniques to stop heavy rains from washing away topsoil. Now she calculates that her sheep, goat, cattle and chicken farm is finally carbon neutral, absorbing more carbon than it emits.

Purdey, who grew up on an organic farm on Exmoor, admits her methods initially met with some local scepticism. But shes determined to prove the changes can be economically viable, while reducing carbon emissions and building resilience to extreme weather. Me and my husband just feel that weve got to bring about change, and if that means going against the status quo, then weve got to make that stand and showcase how we can do it while still producing food, she says.

Further down the valley, the trust has reintroduced the first pair of beavers to roam this land in hundreds of years. Yogi and Grylls have dammed the shallow streams flowing through their enclosure, creating a lake that teemed with tadpoles in spring and which Eardley hopes will create rich new wildlife habitats. The beavers (and now their newborn kit Rashford) complement a river management system aiming to get water spilling up over the land where its safe to do so, reducing the flood risk downstream while creating a carbon-sequestering wetland home to dragonflies, birds, bats and insects.

Here, at least, the trust shares common ground with the government. The environment minister, Zac Goldsmith, is a rewilding enthusiast and Boris Johnson unexpectedly pledged in this months party conference speech to build back beaver in British rivers. Reducing carbon emissions from farming, meanwhile, could help Britain meet its net zero targets.

Yet McGrady insists this focus on the land doesnt mean neglecting the houses; if anything, she sees exhuming their hidden histories as a means of revival. Time and time again Ive spoken to visitors who said, I love this place, I havent been in the house for quite a long time because nothing has changed, but I love the garden. Actually what I want is to get more people back into the houses to really learn a bit more, so that every time they come there will be something different that will shine a light on a new bit of the collection.

In hindsight, McGrady admits she wouldnt have published the colonialism and slavery report while she was still busy managing the consequences of Covid, leaving little time to prepare stakeholders for what was coming. But she doesnt regret the work itself, rejecting suggestions that it was released under pressure from social justice campaigners. I never did this piece of work to appease one community or annoy another. I genuinely did it because I think its a fascinating story it adds more interest, more complexity, a depth of history that we havent told before. Why is that not a good thing?

What if it exposes the trust to demands for reparations, or repatriating colonial treasures currently in its collections? The shape of a fledgling British reparations movement is still emerging, although so far it has emphasised acknowledging and atoning for past injustices as much as money. McGrady cant yet say what it might mean for the trust, suggesting it would follow a national policy lead: We would be absolutely falling in behind the people who are responsible for that, like the Arts Council or English Heritage. But relations with donor families remain a delicate subject. The two surviving Pennant heirs one of whom still lives in north Wales, while the other is a poet living between the UK and Cyprus have donated to charities in Jamaica, but a source with knowledge of the family says they have faced criticism over its past actions. I know several families who have connections to slavery and have the same sort of paperwork the Pennants have, and no way will they share it because theyve seen whats happened.

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McGradys Northern Irish upbringing has helped convince her that openness is crucial to reconciling conflict. I understand the complexities of history and different peoples perspective on history and why these are sensitive, she says. But my attitude, partly because I come from Northern Ireland, is that I think we need to talk about it.

Over summer, there have been signs of the culture wars cooling. Oliver Dowden visited the trust-owned Giants Causeway in Northern Ireland and publicly praised its work there; ministers pointedly defended the RNLI after Nigel Farage criticised it for rescuing drowning refugees from the Channel. Does McGrady sense a change in the political weather?

Id certainly like to think the nations being a bit kinder to itself, she says, noting the way England rallied behind its football team this summer despite initial protests over players taking the knee. What the England team did was bring a huge sense of celebration and pride to the nation. I thought it was amazing, and to undercut it with all this sort of nastiness was just such an own goal. I think the nation did realise: weve got something here thats really valuable why are we giving it a hard time? In a way I think thats a little bit similar with the National Trust. With a potentially turbulent AGM approaching, she professes herself hopeful but not complacent; the lesson she has drawn from the past year is that conflict is unlikely to go away, but that leaders can become more resilient in the face of attack.

A few days later, the charitys official Twitter account posts a soothing picture of late-flowering roses and lavender, with the caption: A stroll through a well-appointed garden is where you can find your calm. But only, perhaps, after the storm.

See original here:
Cream teas at dawn: inside the war for the National Trust - The Guardian