Archive for the ‘Culture Wars’ Category

Kent Gallagher: Culture wars imported by the media – The Union of Grass Valley

Im sad for my country. For its divisions and alleged culture wars. Do we really hate each other in Nevada County? Thats not what I have experienced these past 33 years. This is the one place Ive lived where I felt at home in an awesome and caring community.

I think the hate and anger have been imported into Nevada County by television, news and social media. If we didnt voluntarily subject ourselves to the clamor of this national dysfunction to this pettiness and nonsense if we werent connected I think there would be very little divisiveness in the place most of us love and call home.

Our burgeoning nonprofits (a large number per capita) and local government have created a supportive, vibrant community. Do we even need labels like Republican, Democrat, capitalist, socialist? These are very simplistic boxes.

California has been intelligent enough to provide for non-partisan elections for the Board of Supervisors to help minimize local conflict and knee-jerk voting. Generally what Ive experienced as a commercial property and business owner in Nevada County is a generosity of spirit with the businesses and contractors I rely on daily. I dont experience people here as greedy, selfish or hateful.

We sell ourselves short in Nevada County by buying into the greed and corruption in the financial markets and the pettiness and intentional manipulation in national politics. Too many Americans are controlled by fear and its destroying our national fiber. We are all Americans. It pains me to see Nevada County buy into Americas dysfunction. Arent we worth more than this as a community?

Kent Gallagher

Grass Valley

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Kent Gallagher: Culture wars imported by the media - The Union of Grass Valley

Can the GOP ever redeem itself? – The Week

Democrats look well poised to beat President Trump and the Republican Party in this fall's election. There are some observers who hope that a good electoral thrashing will bring Republican leaders to their senses and cause them to steer a course away from the party's unofficial platform of revanchism, culture wars, and white identity politics toward a less-alarming path.

But defeat no matter how large or ignominious probably won't redeem the GOP, nor cure it of its Trumpist excesses.

A landslide victory for Democratic candidate Joe Biden "would turn the Trump era of nihilism, tribalism, and cruelty into a cautionary tale of extremism, illiberalism, and, above all, failure," Andrew Sullivan wrote last week. He added: "And a landslide is the only thing that can possibly, finally break the far right fever that has destroyed the GOP as a legitimate right-of-center political party, and turned it into a paranoid, media-driven, fact-free festival of fear and animus."

This might sound familiar. Sullivan made a similar case in 2007, arguing in The Atlantic for the candidacy of Barack Obama as a means of repudiating the Boomer-driven culture wars that had culminated in the multiple disasters Iraq, Hurricane Katrina, the Great Recession of George W. Bush's presidency.

"At its best, the Obama candidacy is about ending a war not so much the war in Iraq, which now has a momentum that will propel the occupation into the next decade but the war within America that has prevailed since Vietnam and that shows dangerous signs of intensifying, a nonviolent civil war that has crippled America at the very time the world needs it most," Sullivan wrote. "It is a war about war and about culture and about religion and about race. And in that war, Obama and Obama alone offers the possibility of a truce."

Obviously, that's not how things actually worked out.

Republican leaders did distance themselves from Bush, but Obama's landslide election victory sparked a backlash that ushered in the Tea Party, Glenn Beck's ugly heyday, GOP intransigence, and birtherism.

When Obama won big again in 2012, there was a moment when the party's leaders appeared ready to set a new course. The Republican National Committee produced a postmortem report that proclaimed voters perceived the party as belonging to "stuffy old men." The RNC vowed to plunge its resources into reaching out to minority voters. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) eyeing a 2012 run for the presidency even took the lead on crafting a bipartisan immigration reform bill as part of an effort to soften the GOP's image.

The bill never gained traction. Conservatives bludgeoned Rubio for his perceived softness on immigration. Republican voters chose Donald Trump and his border wall in the 2016 primaries, despite the obvious agitation it caused the party establishment. But when Trump was elected, that establishment including Rubio fell in line.

So even if Trump loses the election by double-digit margins, as several recent polls have indicated he might, recent history doesn't augur Republican repentance. The party's Trump-loving base voters aren't going anywhere. Neither is Trump. It is doubtful he would follow the lead of his predecessors and recede into the background after leaving office instead we probably can expect a Mar-a-Lago tweetstorm to keep the former reality star in the spotlight and stirring up trouble for as long as he is able.

One big election defeat, or two, might not convince Republicans of the errors of their ways. It might take a generation of losses, of being deprived of power, to do the trick. Republicans were locked out of the White House for 20 years starting with Franklin Roosevelt's election in 1932, and only reclaimed office after Dwight Eisenhower a hugely popular war hero whom Democrats had also tried to woo as their candidate took office and governed as a post-New Deal moderate. Similarly, Democrats spent most of the post-Richard Nixon era in the wilderness, given a break only by the Watergate-driven election of Jimmy Carter, and getting relief only when Bill Clinton arrived on the scene in 1992 to steer the party toward the center.

Maybe this time will be different.

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Can the GOP ever redeem itself? - The Week

Metro vs. Transurban in the Age of COVID – Bacon’s Rebellion

Perceptions of safety on different transportation modes. Green bar = more safe. Blue bar = the same. Orange bar = less safe. Source: Urban Mobility Trends from COVID-19

by James A. Bacon

We are taking a break from our regularly scheduled programming about the culture wars to highlight a more traditional topic: government dysfunction. In so doing, we shall contrast the flailing, failing response of a quasi-governmental entity, the Washington Metro, with the proactive, enterprising response of a private toll road operator, Transurban, to the challenge of epidemic-induced declines in traffic.

The Washington Metro, an independent authority governed by a board of directors appointed by three states and the federal government, is a train wreck. For years the commuter-rail and bus system was plagued by maintenance backlogs, a toxic workplace, frequent accidents, deteriorating on-time service, and declining ridership. Then the epidemic hit, and people found it impossible to maintain social distance. Ridership was down 85% in July compared to the same month in 2019 which was down from previous years.

Ridership on the Silver line in Fairfax County is so sparse that it is now practicable for would-be rapists to assault people on trains. Last month a 21-year-old man sexually assaulted a woman who, with her child, was the only other rider in the car. The woman did manage to escape the train at East Falls Church Station, but it wont bode well for ridership if the public concludes that riding the train is on a par with picking up random hitch-hikers.

Metro has kept the lights on this year thanks to $767 million in federal coronavirus relief funding. But unless Congress approves another round of bail-outs, Metro officials say they may have to cover a $200 million budget shortfall by cutting back capital spending, freezing vacancies, and cutting service all of which aggravate the underlying problems that drive riders away. Only 25% of Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority revenues came from fares. Almost all of the rest came from state-, federal- and local-government taxpayers.

When Metro fails, riders suffer and taxpayers take the hit.

Contrast that with Transurban, the toll road concessionaire for the Washington Beltway, Interstate 95, and Interstate 395. Transurban, an Australian company which owns toll roads and infrastructure projects around the world, took a $111 million loss in fiscal 2020. The company had taken a huge bet that increasing traffic in Northern Virginia (and Australia) would boost revenues from its dynamically priced express lanes.

Traffic on the 95, 395 and 495 Express Lanes hit a low in April when it declined 80% according to the Washington Post. Through mid-June, average daily traffic was still about 60% of pre-pandemic levels.

Now, guess how big of a bail-out Transurban is asking for.

Oh, its not asking for a bail-out. So, the answer is zero. Taxpayers are not on the hook for the companys massive decline in traffic and loss in revenue.

You see, Transurban is managing the company with a multi-decadal perspective, it is diversified, not dependent upon a single revenue stream, and it has access to private equity markets. Indeed, last month the company announced that it intended to sell a financial stake in its U.S. toll roads because it wants to strengthen its balance sheet during the COVID-19 epidemic and have enough cash on hand to bid on new projects.

Transurban has one other advantage over Metro. As the shutdown has eased, riders have returned more quickly to roads and highways than to Metro. One likely reason is, as the chart from a recent Transurban research report indicates (shown above), people are far more likely to feel safe in cars and motorcycles than in mass transit or in (Uber, Lyft, etc.) Exclude the motorcycles, and Id bet that the perception of safety would be a lot higher for just cars.

The long-term threat to Metro and toll roads alike is that more people will work from home. A high percentage of the Washington-area workforce is employed by occupations that can telecommute, and the COVID-19 epidemic has proven that distance working is a viable option for many. More telecommuters means fewer commuters, which means fewer customers for both METRO and toll roads.

If I had to bet who will adapt better to this profoundly adverse trend, Id lay my money on Transurban. Metro, a permanent ward of the state, has defied all reform efforts, and there is no sign that anything will change.


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Metro vs. Transurban in the Age of COVID - Bacon's Rebellion

The Culture War is nothing but a bourgeois distraction from the only war that really matters Class War – RT

Middle-class squabbling over statues and outdated anthems only serves to fill up the political discourse with meaningless hot air and to perpetuate a system that keeps them comfortable and the working-classes quiet.

The moralising rhetoric of our betters has always been with us if you are working class in Britain. The Poor Law of 1834 laid down that narrative, distinguishing not between need but between culture, behaviour and a moral judgment of character this was the original culture war. The plight of the working class under capitalism, discussed by their betters.

Culture wars have not gone away, they have progressed into other areas of family and social life and once again seem quite fashionable amongst the middle class. However, the culture wars of today are as confused and full of prejudice as they ever were.

The original culture war judged a man in retirement worthy of alms if he had been of good character his whole life and worked hard, despite a system that made that impossible through scarce decent paid local work. What man would not be forced to steal if he or his family were hungry? Yet at the same time an unmarried woman with children would be undeserving and her children inherited her shame. We have come a long way from those judgments, havent we? From the days when we judged peoples beliefs, actions, and justifications as deserving or undeserving?

Yet I see the contemporary culture wars breaking out everywhere and taking up so much political and social space there is barely room for anything else. They are again de rigeur amongst the elites, but those that have neither the time nor the inclination to stand in moral judgement of each other, seeing the world as they do from the level of making ends meet, do not involve themselves.

In the spaces where the chattering classes congregate social media, news media and political talk shows talking heads jostle and shout at each other in a never-ending battle of outrage. Im on the sidelines watching these culture wars, despite the combatants best efforts to try and get me to pick a side because I speak and write about society as I see it as a sociologist. I may be a sociologist, but I am a working-class woman first. I am not fighting the culture war I am fighting the class war.

Culture wars are great for the middle class. It leaves the warriors feeling relevant when in truth most are not. They fight daily battles over words to ancient anthems, and whether or not wearing a red poppy means you are a fascist. They argue over whether or not statues should be pulled down and who gets to decide what is funny and what is not.

The culture warriors tribally scream at each other for flagellating too much or not at all about their white privilege. Nothing is more important to them than the outrage they feel at whatever thing they are outraged about at that moment.

But as these culture wars rage across social media and people scream until they almost have coronaries over issues they knew nothing about yesterday, there can be serious consequences amongst the screaming. People can lose livelihoods and jobs culture wars morph into cancel culture, where, amid the noise and heat, a vindictiveness moves in, whereby any side can alert employers of abhorrent behaviour.

During their high-pitched tantrums, warriors use smartphones as artillery in this cultural conflict. Videos of red angry faces and screen-grabs of profanity-laced arguments can be taken and sent to workplaces.

Culture war sleuths, self-trained in online snooping, dig into social media accounts with the sole intent of finding out where someone works in order to complain about them to their boss. These contemporary Miss Marples wearing this seasons Mac lipstick and the Hercule Poirots wearing a Series 6 Apple watch are all out there, waiting to ruin somebodys life at the push of a button.

While the middle class conduct their culture wars and column inches are filled by the latest battle, the real war is raging, the only war that I acknowledge, the class war. Let me explain. Today in Britain there are millions of people who are unemployed and this number is growing sharply. Our welfare system has been constructed and shaped continuously as a source of shame and punishment for working class people thrown out of their jobs by a capitalist system.

The original culture war that measured our moral worth into rough and respectable was won a long time ago. Now we have rising homelessness and tens of thousands of families are living in rent arrears because of our broken and rigged housing system. There is nothing they can do about their situation private rents are too high, and social housing is scarce. Yet still, to be in rent arrears and to be homeless is the greatest shame and fear for a working-class family. What did and does it take for a family facing homelessness to be seen as undeserving?

Rather than judging an unfair system that (and yes, I will say it again) advantages the middle class and disadvantages the working class, those who benefit from it continue to thrive. They fill the political and social space with their moral judgments, measuring not only what we do, but also how we think on cultural scales to divide us up into neat piles of the deserving and the undeserving.

Fight your culture wars if you wish. Im fighting the only war that will emancipate the undeserving the Class War.

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The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

Continued here:
The Culture War is nothing but a bourgeois distraction from the only war that really matters Class War - RT

Don’t use religion to pit us against each other – St. Albans Messenger

One of the moments that resonated with me during the Vice Presidential debate was when Sen. Harris pointed out that both she and Joe Biden are people of faith. The Vice President's remarks, like comments I hear all of the time as a Democratic politician, suggest that faith, especially Christianity, is somehow incompatible with my politics.

I was raised Catholic, and for the last several years have been a member of a United Methodist congregation that is part of the Reconciling Ministries Network. In my religion we learn to treat others as we want to be treated, to serve others with humility and to take care of our neighbors (even when they don't look like us).

The culture wars, especially the reductive way that our debates about the government's role in reproductive healthcare decisions play out, have obscured the fact that there are people of many faiths serving the public as Democrats and Republicans. I've never thought it was politically advantageous to talk much about my faith, but I sure find a lot of strength, fellowship and wisdom worshipping, singing and taking my daughter to St. Paul's.

I was once asked by a neighbor who is a conservative Christian, surprised to see me playing music with the church band in the park, "How can you be Christian and be a Democrat?" My response was "I don't see how you could be anything else." This election shouldn't be about reducing people, with all of their complexity or the issues, with all of the nuances we should be able to explore, to tight little labels that set "us" against "them".

Rep. Mike McCarthy

St. Albans

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Don't use religion to pit us against each other - St. Albans Messenger