Right Wing Pastor Brags About Trump’s Assault On The Rule Of Law – The Ring of Fire Network – The Ring of Fire Network
During a prayer call earlier this month, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson bragged about the fact that there are godly people working behind the scenes to help push conservative judicial nominees for Donald Trump. Dobson is giddy over the fact that the Judicial Branch of government has been destroyed by Donald Trump because he believes this means that Republicans will finally win the culture wars that they started decades ago. Ring of Fires Farron Cousins explains whats happening.
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Earlierthis month Focus on the Family. James Dobson joined a monthly prayer call withintercessors for America where Dobson actually praised Donald Trumps effortsto destroy the judicial branch of the federal government. Although of course,Dobson doesnt think its destroying the judicial branch. He thinks itsrestoring it to some kind of former glory that I guess Dobson thinks that ithas during this phone call. Dobson specifically praise the quote, godly peoplebehind the scenes who were feeding Donald Trump these nominees, and we know whothose people are. Its people like Mitch McConnell, people like Lindsey Graham,the Federalist Society and other right wing think tanks funded by corporationswho are feeding these right wing judges directly to Donald Trump who doesntknow any better and just says, yeah, sure. This person, why not? As it standsright now on the district courts here in the United States, 25% of those judgeshave been appointed by Donald Trump.
25%of the district courts are made up of Trump appointees, and here we have thisright wing evangelical pastor bragging about that specifically said theyreliterally changing the nature of the judiciary. Now. Thats something we havesaid plenty of times here except we say it as a warning. Theyre literallychanging the nature of the judiciary. Whereas Jame Dobson comes out and saystheyre literally changing the nature of the judiciary and the reason Dobson ishappy about it is because these right wing judges that Trump is appointing leftand right and nobodys really paying that much attention to, they would finallywin the culture Wars for the Republican party. Were talking about anti LGBTQjudges taking the bench. Were talking about judges who believe that marriageis only between a man and a woman. Judges who believed that Christians are apersecuted minority even though theyre not.
Theseare judges who will side with corporations at every given opportunity andthats the thing we all have to realize about these judges that Donald Trump isputting in place. Its not just the culture war issues. Thats what the mediawill focus on with these judges and they are important. Yes, this is a issue ofequality. This is an issue of treating every human being like they are thesame. These right-wing judges dont want to do that, but they also want toallow corporations to poison our rivers and our streams and our drinking water.As it stands right now, according to the latest reports, there isnt a singleperson in this country that has tap water going into their house that is notcontaminated with cancer causing chemicals at dangerous levels, not one singleperson. Those are issues American citizens dont even realize are happeningbecause theyre not reading these reports.
Theyrenot following these judicial appointees that Trump is putting into place, andhere we have religious frauds like James Dobson telling us that this is a goodthing, telling his followers that they need to pray for the judiciary, pray forthis branch of government, pray that we get these religious people who believewhat we believe on the benches and so far they have been hugely successful withit. A lot of the damage that Trump has done can be undone. A lot of it can beundone by executive order, by the next democratic president, but these judgesis, nothing can be done about that. Not a single thing. Theyre there for life.Jeez, youre doing impeach a president than it is to impeach a judge. So goodluck getting rid of these people. If they dont explicitly break the law, thenit doesnt matter how many bigoted or horrible pro corporate rulings they putout, theyre going to be there for the rest of their lives. And that is whypeople like James Dobson are willing to overlook all of Donald Trumps moralfailings because ultimately hes still just pushing the conservative agenda.
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Right Wing Pastor Brags About Trump's Assault On The Rule Of Law - The Ring of Fire Network - The Ring of Fire Network