Archive for the ‘Culture Wars’ Category

Tag Archives: Culture wars – Bacon’s Rebellion

Corey Stewart struggles to be heard. Photo credit: Washington Post.

Corey Stewart is one of those politicians that you either love or love to hate. Hes a conservative populist who built a state-wide reputation on his pugnacious, in-your-face opposition to illegal immigration. And as the prominent Virginia politician to align himself mostly closely with Donald Trump, he is surely loathed by many.

Whatever you might think about Stewart, though, hes entitled to speak his views like anyone else.

Its one thing to denounce him as a bigot and a white supremacist his enemies are entitled to free speech, too but quite another to disrupt his campaign appearances. Lefties may think theyre accomplishing something by shutting him down, but its probably not what they think theyre engendering sympathy for a not-very-sympathetic guy.

Stewart visited the Peoples Republic of Charlottesville a couple of days ago to defend the statue of Robert E. Lee, which City Council had previously voted to remove. On social media, he had urged people to defend Virginias heritage, and likened those who wanted to remove the statue to tyrants and Nazis, according to the Washington Post.

His appearance was met by protesters who drowned out his interviews and conversations with shouts of, White supremacy has got to go! Hoistingsigns saying, Ban Bigots, and No tolerance for white supremacy, protesters yelled at him to go back to Prince William County. As he left, they shouted, Whose town? Our town!

If anyone has that kind of treatment coming, its Stewart: His rhetoric toward illegal immigrants has been harsh and uncompromising. And if Charlottesville lefties want to vent online or hold their own demonstrations, Im fine with that.But I have to say, Stewart handled the disruption with class.

Stewart took it in stride, frequently grinning and trying to chat up his detractors, the Post writes.

Stewart welcomed the protests and the attention they would bring, believing they would buttress his pitch as a conservative standing up to an intolerant left and political correctness.

Im calling them out for who they are, Stewart said. Its really a symptom of the left and their unwillingness to listen to alternative points of view.

Score one for Stewart.

Lefties in Charlottesville and elsewhere make much of their desire for inclusiveness. But their version of inclusiveness and tolerance includes only those groups friendly to their point of view.A truly inclusive viewpoint would say, Sure, well keep the Robert E. Lee statue because many people still revere him as a hero. Well build statues for our own heroes and heroines. Our community can tolerate them all because we embrace the diversity of cultures, sub-cultures and viewpoints.

But thats not the Lefts approach.They wantto expunge the heroes of their ideological enemies. They want to exclude other points of view from the public realm. Their viewpoint is relentlessly negative. Erecting a statue of a politically correct hero would be a positive action. But if anyone has proposed doing so, the effort hasnt gained enough steam to be noticed. The Lefts advocacy of diversity applies to race and ethnicity only. It is a pinched and intolerant view that excludes anyone who thinks differently, including dissenting views of blacks, gays and other minorities.

I part ways with Stewart because I think there are ways to justify restrictions on illegal immigration without demonizing millions of people who came to this country not to create mayhem but to better their lives. It is possible to both sympathize with the aspirations of those who want to live hereeven while saying firmly, sorry, this is a nation of laws, and if you want to live here, you cannot enter and stay in this country illegally. We can deal with the issue in a humane way.

Corey Stewart is not the guy I want to be making thestand against political correctness in Virginia. But hes the one doing it, and the Left is making him look good by comparison.

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Tag Archives: Culture wars - Bacon's Rebellion

The culture wars are class war, and vice versa (2.12.17) – Patheos (blog)

The men and women who reportedly handcuffed small children and the elderly, separated a child from his mother and held others without food for 20 hours, are undoubtedly ordinary people.

Something is just plain fishy about Trumps Putophilia.

Hatred of immigrants as poor and working people assumed to be lazy, immoral, and given to dependency on American largesse animated U.S. nativism from its birth.

These men and women who proved to be some of the bravest, most selfless people this planet has, not only gave us a chance at success, they fought on our side and paid a high price for it.

The man in charge of America seems to believe that being a killer is a good thing, because the head of a nation should be a skull-cracking, throat-kicking action hero, that he too has created an atmosphere of hostility against journalists that could spill into something real and bloody.

Mr Trumps and Mr Sessionssclaims of permanent, rising crime have consistently been debunked.

Its the greedy leading the blind.

I find it very hard to believe that you did not know that you had tobacco stocks.

We have some of the bankers here. Theres nobody better to tell me about Dodd-Frank than Jamie, so youre going to tell me about it.

From his influential post in the White House, Cohn will seek to unleash the animal spiritsof the market by advancing a regulatory rethink in the financial sector that is, he wants the government to let Wall Street do what it wants and how it wants it.

New FCC chair Ajit Pai openly despises and wants to do away with the 2015 Open Internet Order, which reclassified broadband as a utility-like service, and cemented the net neutrality rules.

Since 2014, the cost of twin pack of Evzio [naloxone] has jumped from $690 to $4,500 without any apparent reason for such a dramatic change in cost.

Tell people who say it that they are grossly wrong and should never speak again about anything until they learn how to decipher truth from right-wing lie.

A House committee voted on Tuesday to eliminate an independent election commission charged with helping states improve their voting systems as President Donald Trump erroneously claims widespread voter fraud cost him the popular vote.

I knew it would help a little bit, but I had no idea that it would solve our labor problem.

All of the nonsense behind the misogynistic fear of a female president has been coming to fruition in Donald Trumps first weeks in office.

So instead of seeing this as an abuse of young women, [some legislators] were seeing this as something we needed to protect for certain cultures.

Apparently theres a big underground movement of right-wing bodybuilders thousands.

At which point he stabbed the book with the sword, piercing the hidden bladder and spraying blood upon nearby attendees.

LifeWay got into a similar controversy in 2012 over the use of the word vagina.

I firmly stand by my statement that neo-Nazis are assholes.

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The culture wars are class war, and vice versa (2.12.17) - Patheos (blog)

Salman Rushdie’s New Novel is About Political Correctness and the Culture Wars – Heat Street

Salman Rushdie, the writer marked for death by the Ayatollah of Iran for writing The Satanic Verses, is working on a new novel set in contemporary America.

His new book, The Golden House, is a thriller set against the backdrop of modern-day American culture. It covers the eight-year Obama presidency and incorporates the cultural zeitgeist. It includes the rise of the conservative Tea Party movement, 2014s GamerGate hashtag campaign, social media, identity politics, and the ongoing culture war against political correctness.

In other words, its the modern world through the lens of Salman Rushdie, an author who received numerous death threats and even attempts on his life after he penned a novel critical of Islam.

Many stores refused to carry the book following its publication in 1988, and those that did were targeted by terrorists with firebombs and explosives.

The Iranian government put out a hit on Rushdie, which lasted until 1998, calling on jihadists and their allies to take the authors life.

In more recent years, Rushdie has called for the defense of freedom of speech. As the target of assassination attempts over his ideas and writing, the Booker Prize-winning author is uniquely intimate with the subject.

During the election last year, Rushdie spoke out against the furor over the pro-Trump chalk slogans in Emory University in what became known as #TheChalkening. Campuses that saw the rising incidences of chalk messages banned the calcium carbonate writing tool.

Rushdie called the dust-up silly and said there was no reason for art to be politically correct.

When people say, I believe in free speech but , then they dont believe in free speech, he said. The whole point about free speech is that it upsets people.

Its very easy to defend the right of people whom you agree with or that you are indifferent to, Rushdie said. The defense [of free speech] begins when someone says something that you dont like.

There are no safe spaces against offensive ideas, said Rushdie.

Rushdie has come to lose his confidence in the progressive leftincluding those who once defended his controversial book. Speaking in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo massacre, Rushdie expressed dismay at the leftist protests that followed the PEN writers association to honor the fallen artists and writers.

Speaking to French magazine LExpress, Rushdie said that people learned the wrong lessons from the threats he faced in the 80s and 90s.

Instead of realizing that we need to oppose these attacks on freedom of expression, we thought that we need to placate them with compromise and renunciation.

Ive since had the feeling that, if the attacks against The Satanic Verses had taken place today, these people would not have defended me, and would have used the same arguments against me, accusing me of insulting an ethnic and cultural minority, said Rushdie. We are living in the darkest time I have ever known.

In Rushdies new book, the main villain is described as a ruthlessly ambitious, narcissistic, media-savvy villain sporting makeup and colored hair. Make what you will of that.

The books publishing director at Jonathan Cape, Michal Shavit, describes The Golden House as being about identity, truth, terror, and lies for a new world order of alternate truths. Its out this September.

Ian Miles Cheong is a journalist and outspoken mediacritic. You can reach him through social media at@stillgray on Twitterand onFacebook.

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Salman Rushdie's New Novel is About Political Correctness and the Culture Wars - Heat Street

TDAI’s Nally: RIAs Winning the Culture Wars –

Tom Nally, the head of TD Ameritrade Institutional, kicked off the custodian firms national conference in San Diego with an appeal to the 2,000 advisors present: Dont get complacent.

Events of the day underscored his point: The conference kicked off just as rival Charles Schwab, the largest custodian for independent investment advisors, announced they were slashing commissionson trades 22 percent to $6.95, signaling a price war between the online brokerage and custodial firms and sending TD Ameritrades stock down 12 percent the next day.

Related: The Other Regulatory Changes Coming For Advisors

On the second day of the conference, president Donald Trump ordered the Department of Labor to perform an economic and legal review of its pending fiduciary rule, slated to go into effect April 10. Most notably, the president told the DOL to delay the rule if it needed time to accomplish that goal, a signal most observers conclude will lead to a delay and possible repeal.

Despite the curveballs, Nallys message for the 2,000 advisors attending the conference was clear: RIAs are the fastest growing business channel in the industry,boosted by a cultural shift away fromthe conflicted compensation structures that bedevil the brokerage business, much of that driven by a growing public awareness around the fiduciary standard and the different compensation models between advisors and brokers.

Related: TD Bank Economist: Fiscal Policy Clouds The Future of 2017

With that greater public scrutiny around fees and services, he said, clients are more likely to focus on how much they are paying their investment advisor and what they are getting in return. Too often, he said, thats merely providing investment portfolios. Firms that charge clients a percentage of their assets under management in return for that are in danger of seeing those clients turn away.

Investors will focus on the cost of advice if you dont show them value, he said. Its important to review pricing structures and focus on articulating how your pricing structure reflects the services you deliver, he said.

Many RIAs, he said, are taking advantage of the trend to highlight their business model to clients; Nally pointed to a recent TD Ameritrade Institutional advisor survey which showed that 17 percent of RIAs plan to spend more on marketingthan any other business channel in the coming year.

To help advisors make that switch to a more client-focused practice, TD Ameritrade Institutional announced during the conference some continued improvements to many of the new offerings for advisors, particularly enhancements to the firms advisor platform Veo.

That includes VEO One, a version of VEO that brings 14 of the more widely used technology providers, including eMoney, Morningstar, Salesforce, LaserFiche, Black Diamond, Junxure and others, directly into TD Ameritrade Institutionals platform. That gives advisors a single point of sign on and automates notifications between all of the vendors for, the custodian says, a more seamless workflow experience.

Veo One Analytics is another upgrade to the Veo platform that brings all of the benchmarking data from the recently acquired research firm, FA Insights, into an interactive portal of business diagnostic and benchmarking tools. Thats designed to give advisors quick and easy access to metrics around their particular practice, including client demographics and behavior, client profitability, and how those metrics compare to other advisory firms of similar size.

TD Ameritrade Insitutional also announced they were bringing a suite of model portfolios to their iRebal rebalancing software. The Institutional Model Market Center will let RIAs put their own portfolios into iRebal, or pull from a supermarket of third-party model portfolios while still retaining trading discretion over the accounts. The company didnt reveal the list of model portfolios that will be brought onto the platform or pricing, only saying it will be cheaper than traditional outsourced money managers.

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TDAI's Nally: RIAs Winning the Culture Wars -

The culture wars and the class war have merged – Patheos (blog)

In a sign of whats to come for the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), President Donald Trump told pharmaceutical company CEOs Tuesday that his administration will be cutting regulations at a level no one has ever seen before.'

George W. Plunkitt. He Seen His Opportunities, and He Took Em.

Ryan claims that Obamacare has put Medicare under deeper financial stress. Precisely the opposite is true.

I love this new world, I no longer have to be politically correct.

Spencer and Miller first came to know each other in the late 2000s as students at Duke University, where they both belonged to the Duke Conservative Union.

Anything we can do to keep from having abortions, or to keep them from not knowing what is available, I will support.

The State of Oklahoma strongly urges you to contact them if you are pregnant.

Repealing the Affordable Care Act would result in 32 million Americans losing their health insurance by 2026, according to an analysis published [Jan. 17]by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Joint Committee on Taxation. The CBO also calculated that in the first new plan year after enactment, premiums for those in the individual market would have risen by 20-25 percent, and then would almost double by 2026.

Brandis could be the story of thousands of LGBTQ men and women born to evangelical families.

Jewish community centers in 17 states were evacuated [Jan. 18]following a wave of bomb threats, which echoed a similar grouping of threats on Jan. 9.

Maybe the media should take a hard look at how it covers a predictable, lightly attended act of agitprop which claims to represent hundreds of thousands of people whonever show up.

Most Trump evangelicals I talk with love his recent executive order banning refugees from Muslim countries.

While the White House scrambled to contain the widening furor over his ban on refugees and immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries, the administration was laying the groundwork for a vast expansion of the nations deportation system.

The program, Countering Violent Extremism' or CVE, would be changed to Countering Islamic Extremism or Countering Radical Islamic Extremism, the sources said, and would no longer target groups such as white supremacists who have also carried out bombings and shootings in the United States.

This action benefits no one, except facilities who have harmed animals and dont want anyone to know.

Quite simply, Trump is trying to bully federal judges out ofruling against him andsuggesting those that do are not legitimate members of the federal courts.

So every policy move Trump makes can be used to enrich himself and his family personally with no legal obligation for anyone outside the family to know about it.

The resolution to erase the prepaid rules are just the beginning of the new administration and legislatures action to weaken the CFPBs ability to protect consumers and financial regulations.

I have a very hard time believing that the net effect of pumping $40 billion worth of weapons into the world in a single year can possibly be to reduce the level of global violence and or avoid increasing the lethality of conflict.

Where alt-facts prove more devilish than old-school lies, even the cleverly concealed ones, is in their abandonment of reality altogether, their leap from the verifiable to the realm of pure belief.

Historical studies suggest that it takes 3.5 percent of a population engaged in sustained nonviolent resistance to topple brutal dictatorships.

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The culture wars and the class war have merged - Patheos (blog)