Archive for the ‘Culture Wars’ Category

Egypt’s Culture Wars: Politics And Practice – Samia Mehrez – – Video

Egypt #39;s Culture Wars: Politics And Practice - Samia Mehrez -
Book Summary: Egypt #39;s Culture Wars: Politics And Practice - Samia Mehrez ISBN: 9780415666879 Share the book of your favorite author. See more

By: Blue Coffee And Books

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Egypt's Culture Wars: Politics And Practice - Samia Mehrez - - Video

Frank Salter Radicalization of Social Sciences & Culture Wars Low – Video

Frank Salter Radicalization of Social Sciences Culture Wars Low
Radicalization of Social Sciences Culture Wars Frank Salter feminism has destroy men and the family well done women for supporting your own demise, you have thrown men under the bus...

By: Paul Wilson


Frank Salter Radicalization of Social Sciences & Culture Wars Low - Video

The tide has turned in Americas culture wars

Sept. 29, 2014 12:20 p.m.

Several times in recent years, Ive argued here that the political left or at least the center was gradually gaining ground in Americas so-called culture wars and inevitably would have the upper hand.

One of my arguments challenged an article of faith among conservatives that political and cultural liberalism is a phase of youth and that people tend to move to the right as they grow older. As a senior citizen myself, Im living evidence against that notion.

And now, THIS EDITORIAL in The New York Times notes that a growing number of Democratic candidates for public office are no longer reluctant to raise certain issues in their battles with the Republican Partys militant culture warriors:

Not long ago, it would have been unusual for a Democratic senatorial candidate in Iowa to run a powerful abortion-rights television ad like the one recently broadcast by Representative Bruce Braley.

The ad lists in detail the anti-abortion positions taken by Mr. Braleys Republican opponent, Joni Ernst. In the State Senate, the ad says, she sponsored a personhood amendment (declaring a fertilized egg to be a person) that would have the effect of outlawing abortion even in cases of rape or incest, and would also ban many common forms of birth control. Ms. Ernst is even shown saying at a debate that she favors criminal punishment for doctors who perform abortions; the ad describes her position as radical.


In Colorado, Senator Mark Udall, a Democrat, has sharply criticized the views of his challenger, Representative Cory Gardner, about womens reproductive rights, running an ad that points out the dangers in the Life at Conception Act that Mr. Gardner has helped sponsor in the House. Senator Kay Hagan, Democrat of North Carolina, continually reminds voters that her opponent, Thom Tillis, has worked to make contraception less accessible.

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The tide has turned in Americas culture wars

Red Ice Radio – Frank Salter – Radicalization of Social Sciences & Culture Wars – Video

Red Ice Radio - Frank Salter - Radicalization of Social Sciences Culture Wars Subscribe...

By: Red Ice Radio

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Red Ice Radio - Frank Salter - Radicalization of Social Sciences & Culture Wars - Video

Frank Salter Radicalization of Social Sciences & Culture Wars – Video

Frank Salter Radicalization of Social Sciences Culture Wars
Frank Salter is an Australian academic and researcher at the former Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology. He is a political ethologist, studying political phenomena using the methods...

By: Harry Sach

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Frank Salter Radicalization of Social Sciences & Culture Wars - Video