FMT LETTER: From KS Lee, via e-mail
Anwar Ibrahim is sore that President Obama did not meet him during his historic visit to Malaysia. Anwar is trying to hide behind issues of freedom and democracy to focus attention on himself.
Anwar, can you truly claim that there is freedom and democracy in PKR ? Or in the other parties in Pakatan? Examining the recent events in Pakatan, can it be considered democratic e.g. the forced Kajang elections? A duly elected state assemblyman resigns for no apparent reason and Anwar proffers himself as the new candidate.
Unfortunately, Anwars carefully laid plans to usurp the current Menteri Besars post by the Kajang Move went awry when he was convicted for Sodomy II. Not to be out done, he gets his wife, Wan Azizah, to stand in his place. Not for the first time or last!
Are these the actions of a man who stands for democracy and freedom? It is sad that no one in PKR who claims to want to set up a new order based on freedom and democracy, protested at Anwars blatant disregard for the electoral process. Not to mention failing the constituents who voted for Pakatan and the huge costs to the nation.
Many Malaysians were wondering what Anwar and Wan Azizah would be up to next after the Kajang Move. To their utter disbelief, both Anwar and his wife announced they would be vying for the presidents post in the PKR elections.
Such theatrics have only earned the ire of many, including his party members, as everyone knows in the final event only one of them will compete and that it will be Wan Azizah.
Even for Anwar this is a new low, he submitted his nomination only to checkmate his long time loyal lieutenant and confidante, Azmin Ali and to prevent other aspirants from submitting nominations for the presidents post.
If this is not making a mockery of the elections and the democratic process, what is? There have already been remarks by PKR members that it is time to start considering PKR beyond Anwar, and rightly so.
Anwar is making sure that his hold on PKR and Pakatan is not slackened if he is incarcerated. He has ensured that his wife and daughter will be proxies for him. Similar dynastic hold on DAP by the Lims is also observable.
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Wither freedom and democracy in PKR?