Archive for the ‘Democracy’ Category

Comment on Malaysias flirtation with democracy died 45 years ago by looes74

May 13, 2014

by Mariam Mokhtar@

Malaysias flirtation with democracy died 45 years ago, in the racial riots of May 13, 1969, in which Malaysians attacked Malaysians in acts of savagery. Today, we live in a state which, on the surface, seems to be a functioning, normal democratic society, but if one were to scratch beneath the surface, one would wonder if democracy was just a figment of the imagination.

We all despise and mistrust politicians, from both sides of the political divide. Detractors will insist that we are a democratic nation. That is one myth which must be immediately quashed. It does not mean that we live in a democracy just because we visit the polling stations every five years.

The electoral system is corrupt, indelible ink washes off, boundaries are skewed to benefit the ruling party, ballot boxes are switched during blackouts, thugs intimidate voters and money and citizenship is given to illegal immigrants, in exchange for voting rights. These are not the hallmarks of a democracy.

Politics in Malaysia is just a game for the ruling elite. They swop roles and tinker with administration and funding. The main thing is to keep the party in power. Personal interests outweigh the national interest. Our freedom is curbed, along with our freedom of thought.

It is a grave concern, when the rakyat increasingly accepts corruption, murder and thuggery, as part of the normal government machinery.Today, apart from it being a religion, Islam is also used as an implement for political suppression, a divisive tool, a diversionary tactic and a ploy to destroy the opposition.

Few Malaysians will have heard of the book, Malaysia, Death of a Democracy by John Slimming, a journalist who lived and worked in Malaysia from 1951 to 1967. Slimmings book gives an unbiased and graphic account of the riots, the reasons they happened and the aftermath. The book was banned in Malaysia, but having obtained a copy of the book, I know that Slimmings conclusions are just as applicable now, as they were, in 1969.

In June 1969 photocopies of Fred Emerys articles from The Times were smuggled in from Singapore and sold for RM20. People who were caught with these photostats, about the riots, were imprisoned for up to two years.

In the section of the book about One-Party Rule and Ultra-nationalists, Slimming said, The present UMNO leaders cannot risk offending the Malays for fear of widening the rift within their own party. He observed that, As long as the opposition is suppressed, there can be no long-term solution to the countrys difficulties.

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Comment on Malaysias flirtation with democracy died 45 years ago by looes74

The Invisible, but Not Forgotten Anniversary of Tiananmen Square

World China A lone demonstrator stands down a column of tanks June 5, 1989, at the entrance to Tiananmen Square in Beijing. The incident took place on the morning after Chinese troops fired on pro-democracy students who had been protesting in the square since April 15, 1989 CNNGetty Images

They wanted him to disappear. In the early hours of May 6, Chinese authorities took away Pu Zhiqiang, a prominent Chinese human-rights lawyer who survived the June 4, 1989, crackdown on protesters in Tiananmen Square. Just days before, Pu had attended a private panel discussion on the upcoming 25th anniversary of the massacre, posing for a photograph that was posted online. Five attendees, including Pu, were later arrested.

Pus detention did not go unnoticed. Even as Chinas censors scrambled to block searches for his name, people started talking about him online, often using coded language to get around the Great Firewall. Last Tuesday, Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi (the star of movies like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Memoirs of a Geisha) urged her fans to watch The Attorney, a South Korean film about a human-rights lawyer who, per Zhang, pursues democracy, rule of law, and justice. Netizens knew exactly what she meant; the post went viral.

With less than three weeks to go before the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown, the ruling Chinese Communist Party is trying very hard to stay on message. For the most part, that means not talking about, or marking, the events of that restless spring. The nationwide protests that swept China that year were brutally crushed by the party and its military arm, the Peoples Liberation Army, with hundreds killed. Much of what unfolded was broadcast worldwide on television, reported and photographed. But within China, information about the incident has been scrubbed from the public sphere.

The Beijing regime has been remarkably, if temporarily, successful in enforcing its official account of 1989 within China, justifying the military crackdown as necessary for stability and prosperity and for countering a Western conspiracy to divide and weaken China, writes Rowena Xiaoqing He, who teaches a class on Tiananmen at Harvard University, in her new book, Tiananmen Exiles: Voices of the Struggle for Democracy in China.

Sticking to the script means that in the run-up to the anniversary each year, those who speak up are often arrested. In addition to Pu and his friends, several others have been targeted this year, including Gao Yu, 70, a protester who went on to become one of Chinas most respected independent journalists. Last week she was forced to confess on television to charges that she leaked state secrets. On Friday, Chen Guang, a soldier turned artist whose work touches on Tiananmen and its aftermath, was also detained.

This official amnesia is an affront for those who participated in the protests, or lost loved ones in the crackdown. In 2006, Pu wrote movingly in the New York Review of Books about his annual visit to the square to honor fallen friends. If everyone forgets, are we not opening the door to future massacres? he asked.

The May 3 panel was perhaps an effort to stop this from happening. In a statement released to journalists and published online, the participants said they gathered to investigate the truth of the incident and restore accuracy to history. It was only by facing up to what happened, they said, that the country might start closing its wounds.

Healing is a long way off, but online, at least, a clandestine conversation is under way. After posts with the term Pu Zhiqiang started getting censored, Chinese Internet users started posting Pus photograph. When the pictures were pulled, one person responded by posting a portrait-shaped space white space. Even though your face has been blocked, wrote the poster, everyone knows who is in this image.

Originally posted here:
The Invisible, but Not Forgotten Anniversary of Tiananmen Square

Africas Search For Democracy 1/3 – Video

Africas Search For Democracy 1/3
Africa fails on issues of democratic governance. Even here in Kenya we have failed our new Grand Coalition is an example of grand corruption and bold faced s. Africa fails on issues of democrati...

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See the original post:
Africas Search For Democracy 1/3 - Video

World News:Thai government supporters gather to ‘defend democracy’ – Video

World News:Thai government supporters gather to #39;defend democracy #39;
May 10 2014, World News: Supporters of Thailand #39;s beleaguered government gathered on Saturday on the outskirts of Bangkok saying they were determined to safeguard democracy and avert a coup...

By: Darren Kerrick

Visit link:
World News:Thai government supporters gather to 'defend democracy' - Video

Democracy of Education – Video

Democracy of Education
Advanced Communication Manual - Speaking to Inform - Demonstration Speech. Speech demonstrating picking a MOOC course and getting it done.

By: Guha Janakiraman

Read more here:
Democracy of Education - Video