Archive for the ‘Democracy’ Category

Why the Iraq War brought corruption, not democracy, to Iraq – MSNBC

Twenty years ago today, the U.S. invaded Iraq under the code name Operation Iraqi Freedom, setting in motion a disastrous war that took the lives of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and over four thousand Americans, and triggered a new era of instability in the Middle East.

Every time an anniversary for that catastrophic war passes, American commentators and former government officials who supported it engage in a nauseating ritual of trying to escape accountability. They downplay what was foreseeable, obscure the lies that served as pretexts for the war and critique the invasion primarily through a strategic lens rather than a moral or an ideological one.

These revisionist narratives typically get some pushback. But its not enough to re-examine what Americans got wrong. A true reckoning requires examining what happened to Iraqis. And while many are broadly familiar with the huge number of Iraqi casualties, few in the West have paid attention to how the war reshaped Iraqi politics and society. What did the U.S.-sponsored democracy-building project actually produce in a country that Freedom House ranks today as definitively not free, despite its nominal status as a democracy?

To get an analysis of the war's political effects on Iraq, I called up Renad Mansour, a senior research fellow and the project director of the Iraq Initiative at Chatham House, and a co-author of Once Upon a Time in Iraq. Mansour, who is currently on one of his regular visits to Iraq, discussed the contradictions of the U.S.'s political goals in nation-building, how elite exiles worked with the U.S. to reshape the Iraqi political system to suit their own interests, and the dark prospects for genuine democracy in Iraq.

Our conversation, edited for length and clarity, follows.

Zeeshan Aleem: Whats your assessment of why the Iraq War was waged?

Renad Mansour: I think it became very clear in the early days of the George W. Bush administration that Iraq, Saddam Hussein and his regime were a problem in their view. And so after 9/11, there were attempts made to link Hussein to Al Qaeda, to include Iraq in the new war on terror. Then there was another argument made shortly after, which was that Iraq had these weapons of mass destruction. And then you had this idea, driven by the neoconservatives in the Bush administration, that democratizing Iraq would serve U.S. interests and would somehow lead to more democracies and fewer anti-American regimes in the Middle East. That was the kind of at least the thread that they were trying to weave.

There was this idea that they could do it. That even with flimsy intelligence, with uncertainty whether Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, even with very flimsy connections, if any, to Al Qaeda and the war on terror, it didnt matter, because Iraqis would welcome the Americans and the Brits with open arms and therefore democracy would have made it worth it in any case.

It was a political project. It was very clear that Saddam had turned into enemy No. 1 since the Gulf War when he invaded Kuwait in 1990. And throughout the decades, the U.S., even under the Clinton administration, had continued to work with different Iraqi opposition forces outside of Iraq trying to force regime change. 2003 was the opportunity, and so they had to find a way to sell it to their people.

How serious was the democracy-building project?

Mansour: When WMDs werent discovered, it became important for the U.S. and the U.K. and their allies to prove that Iraq was becoming a democracy quickly. There was this rush: We need a constitution; lets just have an election ASAP. But critically, what was missing, and the contradiction in all of this, was they didnt actually speak to most Iraqis.

They drafted the constitution, created a political system and set up elections without actually engaging with the people of the country.

The Coalition Provisional Authority would be formed soon after the invasion, which became the occupying power, led by Paul Bremer, who had no experience in Iraq. And they became the sovereigns, working exclusively with returning exiles who themselves had not been in Iraq for decades. They drafted the constitution, created a political system and set up elections without actually engaging with the people of the country. It became symbolic, because they built a green zone, where they hid, and Baghdad and the rest of the country became known as the red zone you dont go there, its too dangerous, its too risky.

What ended up happening was elite exiles who were coming back empowered themselves. They built a political system that would serve their interests, not the interests of the people. So thats the contradiction of Iraqs democracy you have. There are the trappings of democracy,but in reality youre not close to democracy.

Who were those exiles, and what were their interests?

Mansour: The exiles were specific political parties. There were two primary Kurdish parties, who had fought a long insurrection against Saddam, who had gassed Halabja in 1988. You also had a few Shia Islamist parties, who had been based in Iran or Syria or London. And then a few individuals like, for example, Ahmed Chalabi, who was a secular Shia who was close to the Bush administration. Their interests were, first, to remove Saddam, but second, to become powerful.

There are three big decisions the CPA made in the early days of the occupation which would destroy the state. The first decision was the disbanding of the military. They also removed the border guards, removed the police. Why? Because many of these exiled actors also had their own armed groups. They didnt trust the Iraqi military, because one day it could come back and remove them from power. So they designed a system in which Iraqs military would never be strong again. Thats why, when ISIS emerges later on, only a few thousand fighters are able to take a third of the country, and the military just flees. Thats why Iraqs been unstable, because there hasnt been a coherent monopoly on violence by the state.

The second decision is that they institutionalized ethno-sectarianism. These exiled groups coming back, especially the Arab groups going back to Baghdad or other cities where they havent been for decades, faced a question: How were they going to claim and build constituencies? How were they going to speak on behalf of these people who they havent really met? The way to do it is to develop a political system thats based instead on identities. You create these constituencies which institutionalized ethnic and sectarian divides, and gave them the ideological power that they needed to represent people that they didnt know.

And the third big decision they made was de-Baathification, which was meant to remove Saddams party, the Baath Party, from power. Instead of just removing the inner circle, this group of exiles working with the Americans removed over 40,000 civil servants the entire human capital of the state, all of the service ministries, like the ministry of electricity, teachers, hospitals. In Saddams Iraq, you had to be a member of the Baath Party to have these jobs at a senior level. All of these people are removed, and it is a massive mistake, because it guts the state. But in place of those people, these parties were now able to hire their own people, who may not have known exactly what they were doing as such, but they were loyal to the parties. Iraq is a very wealthy state its annual budget can be up to or even more than $100 billion a year so having these civil service positions gave these parties access to Iraqs wealth.

The U.S. was simultaneously suppressing movements for freedom from foreign domination at the same time as facilitating the formation of a constitution and an electoral process to free Iraq. What legacy does that tension leave in a countrys political identity?

Mansour: Well, if you look at the kind of the insurgencies against the system and against the Americans that arise immediately after the invasion and occupation, there are two big parts. One is the Sunnis, who didnt have the same type of access to political parties as the Kurds and the Shia did, who were building this new state. They were excluded from it, because they werent part of the opposition. They feel like theyre not getting their fair share. And this begins to form a new opposition, and part of that opposition turns into these Salafi and jihadist groups, Sunni groups that create insurgencies, Al Qaeda, and the network that eventually formed ISIS.

On the other side, you have a big Shia group led by this populist cleric named Muqtada al Sadr. These are poor, urban Shia who had lived in Iraq the whole time, and because of that they werent included in the meetings held by the [old exiled] opposition. And theyre not happy with the American occupation coming in giving power to these different groups. They have this armed group, which is known as the Mahdi Army, and they launched an insurgency against the government and its American backers.

So the Americans are empowering specific rulers, especially those who came from outside, but by doing so excluding big parts of those who are in Iraq, who also want to have a voice and are not having that voice.

Author Naomi Klein said her "shock doctrine" thesis applied to Iraq in that the economic architecture of the country was dismantled and turned into a laboratory for radical free market policies. How did that inform Iraqs democratization process?

Mansour: There was this idea of just opening up Iraq. It has such immense oil wealth that it was very attractive. Iraq was historically a kind of centralized state, including health care run by the government. The neoconservatives come in, and they try and open everything up they want everything to be privatized. That then leads to further economic disparity and a bigger division between the wealthy and the rest of society.

After the first elections held in 2005 during the war some groups protested said they felt they were excluded based on their ethnic and religious backgrounds. Has there been progress since then in terms of trust and participation in the electoral process?

Mansour: No, its been the opposite. If you look at voter turnout, the highest voter turnout was in 2005. People at the time were like: Is this going to work? Is this actually going to change our lives? And also the voting seemed important you even had senior clerics, like the Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, telling people to go out and to vote for Shia parties. From the Kurdish perspective, it was seen as we need to vote because this is our chance to never allow Saddam to come back again and those atrocities to happen again. Theres a huge push in that election in 2005 to get people to vote. The Sunnis dont vote, because theyre excluded, and other groups that were not part of the initial design, they dont vote but the turnout is the highest one.

Every subsequent election, that turnout has plummeted. Because if you had that hope that you may have had in 2005, well, four years later, you realize, wait a minute, we still dont have electricity, we still dont have basic services, the water is making us sick, we dont have medicine. And so each subsequent election 2010, 2014, 2018, 2021 the voter turnout goes down.

Im talking about grand corruption the political system is corruption. Its not illegal. Its the game that has developed.

Iraqis learned that elections arent actually where you can have your voice. Because unless youre one of those parties that came into power in 2003 and still rules,its not going to matter what the election results are the same people come together, they make a pact and they share the spoils of the state, and ordinary Iraqis dont benefit from that.

So instead, they try to protest. And you have protests in 2015-16. But more recently, and more crucially, in 2019, many young Iraqis came out to the streets what became known as the October protest movement in Baghdad and south of Iraq. And this was them demanding change, because the ballot boxes werent doing it for them. And instead of listening, this political system repressed them and killed over 600, wounded tens ofthousands. Since then, its become far more dangerous in Iraq to protest. Activists are being jailed. Theyre being assassinated. Theyre being kidnapped. So that is the state of the so-called democracy.

Beyond elections, how democratic is Iraq, and what are the chief obstacles to achieving a more democratic state?

Mansour: Iraqs judiciary is not independent. Iraqs parliament is unable to really bring about change, because parliamentarians act as rubber stamps for backroom deals made by the ruling parties. Iraqs ministries and senior civil service have all been captured by the political parties. These parties are designing a system in which they are empowered, in which they divert money from the government towards their own patronage networks with impunity. As such, the state is captured and unable to hold to account the ruling elite.

The corruption kills. We did this research at Chatham House, and we found that over 70% of medicine in Iraq is fake or expired. Although the Ministry of Health has billions annually in its budget to ensure medication, those billions are not translating into medicine, because theyre going to patronage networks. When Iraqis aresick and dont have access to proper medicine, that kills.

To me the biggest challenge to genuine democratization is corruption. And Im not talking about petty corruption, which is paying bribes. Im talking about grand corruption the political system is corruption. Its not illegal. Its the game that has developed.

Is there a way to assess how most Iraqis feel about the war in retrospect and the way it reshaped their country?

Mansour: A lot of Iraqis, on the eve of the invasion, were actually, perhaps, lets say in favor of it. Living under Saddam, especially with the sanctions, was awful. So, they cautiously said, Hang on a minute, are we actually going to get democracy? But very soon, that sense of cautious optimism plummeted, and they began to see that actually what the Americans are doing is creating a system that empowers this new elite and great corruption. So they started to regret it.

And I think if you ask most Iraqis today, its a very difficult question. Because many will say Saddam was bad, they shouldve removed him, but many Iraqis now have almost a sense of nostalgia for Saddam because of what theyve been through since. Theyve been through ISIS. Theyve been through civil wars. Theyve been through repression of protests. And so many across the country, even those who were for it, today say it was not worth it.

Zeeshan Aleem is a writer and editor for MSNBC Daily. Previously, he worked at Vox, HuffPost and Politico, and he has also been published in, among other places, The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Nation, and The Intercept. You can sign up for his free politics newsletter here.

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Why the Iraq War brought corruption, not democracy, to Iraq - MSNBC

Skaters demonstrate the power of local democracy and how to … – Crested Butte News

Whats not to love when small town democracy works and it can still happen here often. It happened Monday night when the Crested Butte town council did the right thing tapping into its healthy financial reserves to complete the funding for the proposed CB Skate Park renovation and expansion. Facing a full house of skaters who spoke their truth helped.

Listening and acting to support a crowd of passionate citizens under the age of 10 and over the age of 50 is rarely a bad move. Making it clear that the decision to pull almost a half million dollars from the bank was a hard choice, given that tradeoffs would be involved, was fair and honest. Fairness and honesty are trademarks of good small-town decision making.

Tying the $450K to the equivalent cost of about two affordable housing units was also fair given the pool of capital money it will come from. It goes to a point that is essential as we talk housing pretty much every day in the valley. that just as important as achieving the number of needed housing units on a spreadsheet is focusing on the idea that the people working and living and raising families here deserve a good life, not just a crammed working serf existence. The housing discussion should include that workers here are able to enjoy their life in a really nice place while being able to move up the life ladder from ski bum to couple to family to retiree. Providing workforce housing is certainly important but it means more than cramming a ton of small units around a patch of green space.

Simply fulfilling a consultants conclusion that we need X number of workers so Y number of new beds needs to be built to staff the projected restaurants and ski area in 2029 is not the highest end result. Helping to make working blue collars achieve the high mountain dream of living, mingling and playing together with dignity in this unique Rocky Mountain community is the better mission.

Blindly financing another bed for a future bartender who might work in a property owned by a billionaire rather than making choices that result in deeper community is an easy but misguided option.

It goes back to a question the community has been dealing with for decades who are we saving this place for anyway? Those that have been here and added to the things we all love, or the people moving here in the future that have different expectations?

By making a hard decision on Monday, the council showed they are willing to spend money to help preserve it for the families, kids and workers that live here now and not the guy who hasnt even heard of Crested Butte yet but might be needed to fill shifts at CBMR or the Elk Avenue Bruhaus five or 10 years from now. Small town democracy pushed by the skating community worked this week and can be a reminder of how we should proceed and make the housing discussion even more meaningful.

Mark Reaman

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Skaters demonstrate the power of local democracy and how to ... - Crested Butte News

A Trump indictment wouldnt test democracy, but experts warn … – The Boston Globe

And, they warn, that already appears to be happening.

In and of itself, bringing a former leader to justice, assuming that its done in a procedurally correct way, is not a threat to democracy, said Steven Levitsky, a professor of government at Harvard who is the coauthor of How Democracies Die. Whats a threat to democracy is when leaders who have a lot of influence incite violence or actively use their influence to undermine the legitimacy of our institutions.

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The really crucial issue going forward, he added, is what the Republican Party does.

While several investigations into different aspects of Trumps conduct are underway, it is not certain that any of them will result in indictments against him. Still, Trump, his allies, and even some of his Republican rivals are mobilizing to depict any future charges as a politicized witch hunt.

Trump warned over the weekend on his social media site, TruthSocial, that he could be arrested as early as Tuesday and called for protests, though even his most ardent loyalists, like Speaker Kevin McCarthy, have publicly spoken out against that approach.

However, Trumps other allies in the House GOP are taking the unusual step of demanding documents and testimony from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, the prosecutor in the New York case that is reportedly close to completion. That case explores whether Trump paid hush money to a porn star so she would not speak publicly about her allegations of an affair with him in the closing days of the 2016 presidential campaign, an allegation he has long denied.

One of the reasons weve won races in New York is based upon this DA of not protecting the citizens of New York, said McCarthy on Monday at a retreat for his conference in Orlando. And now hes spending his time on this?

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who appears likely to jump into the 2024 Republican presidential primary and compete against Trump, took a barely veiled shot at the tawdry nature of the allegations against Trump but still condemned the as-yet nonexistent charges as cooked up.

He, like other Soros-funded prosecutors, they weaponize their office to impose a political agenda on society at the expense of the rule of law and public safety, DeSantis said, making a reference to George Soros, a deep-pocketed Democratic political donor and perennial GOP boogeyman.

The response underscores the depth of Trumps continued influence over his party and the power of the former presidents base over those who might want to beat him in the voting booth. And experts who have studied democracy in other countries see the broad willingness to denigrate democratic institutions that could threaten him as a flashing red warning sign.

Even today, Republican leaders are unwilling to isolate Trump, unwilling to denounce Trump for his criminal and anti-Democratic behavior, Levitsky said. Its gonna be really really costly to them, to probably the Republican Party, and probably to our democracy.

Trumps presidency and its aftermath have worried democracy experts. Trump derided the free press; frequently warned about the deep state of civil servants, a crucial corps in the government; and sought to depict basic fixtures of American elections, including absentee voting, as part of a plot to rig elections against him. Then he sought to overturn the 2020 election and encouraged an armed mob to march toward the Capitol, where it attempted an insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021.

Rachel Kleinfeld, a senior fellow in the Democracy, Conflict and Governance program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said it is not surprising that those concerns have outlived his presidency.

Most countries that have elected a populist dont get out of it quickly, Kleinfeld said. Those candidates inflame the countries while weakening the institutions, which is unfortunately where I expect America to go.

Some of Trumps allies have suggested that prosecuting him is too risky for the institutions that make up American democracy. Senator Eric Schmitt, a Republican from Missouri, called it a very, very dangerous road to go down.

Its antithetical to Americas founding which rejected the idea and practice of those in power punishing political opponents for vague and ambiguous crimes against the state, Schmitt said on Twitter.

But people who study democracy argue that not prosecuting a former president because doing so would be contentious raises democratic risks of its own, because it could suggest that certain citizens are, in fact, above the law.

Theres no doubt that in our political climate, whatever actions are taken by government agents or officials, they will hit enormous amounts of blowback, backlash, criticism. Thats the nature of our politics now, said Gerald J. Postema, a professor emeritus of philosophy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who recently wrote a book about the rule of law. That fact alone doesnt give us reason to moderate our pursuit of matters, legal matters, and prosecutions when there is a strong case.

And while the indictment of a former president in this country would be an unprecedented, scholars of comparative politics point out that people who have been presidents or prime ministers have been indicted and jailed in numerous other democracies.

The current president of Brazil, Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, was convicted and jailed between his first and second presidencies, in a case that was eventually annulled. Boris Johnson, the former prime minister of Great Britain, was investigated and ultimately fined for breaking lockdown rules. The current prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, won reelection last fall while facing a corruption indictment.

Kleinfeld has studied populist authoritarian leaders in depth, including in Italy, where populist leader Silvio Berlusconi faced various charges, and in Colombia, where former president Alvaro Uribe faced a host of investigations after leaving office. Both men continued to shape their countrys politics, she wrote, and damaged their countrys perceptions of the institutions that investigated them.

In every single case, the populist tried to demean and discredit the judiciary, and in every case ... it always was damaged, Kleinfeld said. The side thats trying to uphold the rule of law will always look partisan, theres no way to get around that reality.

Jess Bidgood can be reached at Follow her on Twitter @jessbidgood.

A Trump indictment wouldnt test democracy, but experts warn ... - The Boston Globe

Where you can vote and snag a democracy sausage on NSW election day – 9News

The New South Wales election is just days away so residents need to start planning where to cast their vote and celebrate with a democracy sausage.

Early voting is open until 6pm on Friday but residents will also be heading to their local polls on Saturday.

So we've figured out where you can vote on election day and importantly, some would argue, snap up a democracy snag.

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Polls will open at 8am on Saturday, March 25 and close at 6pm the same day. Voting centres are hosted at schools, churches, town halls and more across the state.

Below are some of the voting centres available across Sydney from the east to the west but keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list.

In Sydney's CBD, some of the voting centres include:

In Sydney's east, you could vote at one of these centres but there are many more:

In Sydney's North Shore and Northern Beaches, these are just some of the available voting centres:

And in Sydney's west, here are some of the many voting centres:

You can find your electorate and the full list of voting centres - there are many - on the NSW Electoral Commission website here.

You would think in 2023 that every voting centre would have a democracy sausage available for the good voters of the state but this isn't the case.

But the people behind have taken on the task to inform you where to snag a snag on Saturday.

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The map, which is saturated with sausages across Sydney, shows you where you can pick up a snag, cake or drink on election day.

Just keep in mind the site is entirely crowd-sourced it's not an official resource, so take the information with a grain of salt.

You better get in quick because early voting closes tomorrow at 6pm.

There are sites across the state open now for voters to cast their ballot early but time is ticking.

Postal voting registrations have already closed so the only options now are to head into a polling centre before 6pm on Friday or join the masses on Saturday between 8am and 6pm.

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The full list of pre-polling centres is available on the NSW Electoral Commission website and it's important to note that not all the voting centres open on Saturday are also early voting sites.

So for example in Sydney's west, these are some of the pre-polling sites:

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Where you can vote and snag a democracy sausage on NSW election day - 9News

What is Democracy? – Definition, Types & Principles

Direct Democracy

At first, your club is quite small, only about a dozen people. You can easily meet together to discuss club issues, create rules, or by-laws, for your organization, and vote on various proposals about how to spend money or which activities to enjoy together. Everyone has an equal chance to propose topics for discussion, and everyone can voice an opinion.

Everyone also can vote yes or no on each proposal. The majority of votes wins, and those in the minority ought to accept the decision of the majority in good grace, even if they don't particularly like it. This is direct democracy in action - every member of the society participates directly in the political process.

Let's see what direct democracy looks like on a daily basis. At a club meeting with all the members present, one member of your club suggests the possibility of hiring a van to travel as a group to a concert in a city about 60 miles away. A lively discussion follows, and nearly everyone speaks up to voice an opinion. Some are positive about the idea, remarking that the club members would enjoy being together and would not have to worry about transportation.

Others are less enthusiastic and argue that hiring a van is just too great an expense for your little club. You decide to take a vote, and the majority decides to hire the van and require each member who wants to use it to pay an extra $10 toward the cost. Those who voted no shrug, smile, and put up their money just like everyone else. They want to enjoy the concert, too.

What happens if your club grows? You've advertised, promoted your club through social media, and sent messages to all your friends to get them to join, and it worked! Pretty soon your club has over 100 members, too many to meet together at one time or to give everyone a chance to contribute to a discussion.

You decide that it's time to create a core group of people who can manage the club on behalf of all the members, who will still have a say in club business and activities, but now more indirectly by voting for club officers (president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer) and a five-member board of directors. This is a representative democracy - the members of a society vote for leaders to represent them in the decisions and actions of the political process.

You hold a club-wide election for the officer and director positions, and several active members put their names on the ballot. Each club member receives a ballot in the mail and has a chance to vote for his or her favorite candidates. When the election returns are in, the winners, who are determined by the majority vote, promise to follow the club rules and serve the club to the best of their ability. When they discuss club activities and issues, they will always try to listen to the opinions of the larger membership and sometimes even request them through personal interaction or by email or social media.

The officers and directors have the final decision-making power for the club, and the members abide by their choices. They are, however, quick to express their displeasure if they don't like what their leaders are doing, and if they get really upset with an officer or director, they have the option of voting him or her out in the next annual election.

Let's see what representative democracy looks like on a daily basis. Once again, your club is considering traveling to a concert in a city about 60 miles away. This time, though, you would have to hire a whole bunch of vans to transport the club members.

The officers and directors take up the discussion at one of their meetings. Most of them are concerned about the cost of such a venture, and they think that the members would prefer to save the money and sponsor an autograph party when your favorite band comes to town in a few months. They vote against hiring the vans and instead decide to develop a carpool chain to get members safely to the concert and home again. The members agree and participate wholeheartedly.

A democracy, like your club or a country's government, runs on certain basic principles. We'll end by examining a few of these:

Let's review. A democracy is a type of government or political system ruled by citizens, people who are members of a society. Citizens hold some level of power and authority, and they participate actively in the political, or decision-making, process of their government. In a direct democracy, every member of the society participates directly in the political process. In a representative democracy, the members of a society vote for leaders to represent them in the decisions and actions of the political process.

Democracies run on several basic principles, including participation, equality, tolerance, accountability, transparency, fair elections, economic freedom, proper use of power, human rights, and the rule of law. Overall, you and your fellow club members are happy with the choices you've made for your club, which has grown, prospered, and proven to be a valuable educational experience in the democratic political process.

Once you have finished this lesson you should be able to:

See the article here:
What is Democracy? - Definition, Types & Principles