Archive for the ‘Democracy’ Category

Democracy and Colombia: "They have lost respect for us" – The City Paper Bogot

The recent electoral process in Colombia has demonstrated that our democracy has fallen to a very low point.

People on all sides, are voting against a candidate out of fear. Political parties have been completely replaced by personality cults. Candidates are no longer statesmen, but rather, influencers. Politicians representing more of the same are shamelessly heralding their supposed advocacy for change.

Outrageous and criminal behaviors from all sides are condoned by followers. No one apologizes, no one steps aside, no one loses any votes.

We are lied to, expected to vote for wrongdoers, and kept in the dark as a nation. Colombians have voted for candidates that clearly do not represent us for president and for congress. Scandals of corporate bribery at the highest levels are put aside and never properly prosecuted.

Democracy is lacking when each of the mayor news outlets belongs to a family with enormous financial and industrial power, at a national or regional level. The same group that has invested interests in keeping tailor-made regulations, monopolies, contracts for public infrastructure, tax benefits and information privileges, has also the power to erode public trust and support from those in office through their own influential newspaper, radio, or television network.

Many journalists are mere pawns, participating in this debate with clear political or big corporate agendas. Most people will be glad to hear what they want to hear, but the public knows they cannot rely on the media.

Society doesnt matter to big media anymore. Decency is a tagline; honesty is a hashtag; fair and balanced is a clich.

Journalists who try to uncover scandals, must do so through small personal web pages, and they are labeled as communists, or being politically biased or tainted.

Big business is curiously comfortable. No increase in foreign exchange rates could suggest that powerful and well-informed business leaders have a certain sense of trust in that this situation will not affect them as much as one could think. Enormous hostile takeovers are taking place while hundreds are talking about leaving the country.

Why is all of this occurring? How did we fall so low as a nation?

Let me try to explain why: politicians, the media and big business have lost respect for our society.

It is as simple as that. The do not care for us. They do not feel that we deserve to be told the truth. They feel that they are entitled to run the country in any way that suits them. We, the public, are not part of the equation anymore.

I believe that it is time to do something about this before it is too late (if it is not already too late).

The nation must come together and claim once again the right for a solid and transparent democracy, a right for a visible rule of law. Before getting into the necessary discussions of right- and left-wing choices, this nation must become a true democracy first.

Colombians gave up on politics many years ago. It is seen as the business of shady characters. It is an activity full of threats for decent persons who dont know how to survive in such a treacherous and devious world.

But this fear of politics has hurt Colombia way too much. If nothing changes, there will be a hefty price to pay.

The solution is to get the nation back into politics, in an organized, modern, and transparent fashion.

Colombia must build new political parties with national and regional structures. These parties need a well-thought ideological proposition.

Political parties should once again be the place where respectable leaders, thinkers and public administrators are groomed and supported, through specialized organs. Procedures must be in place to hold them accountable when they do not perform properly.

They should have organs for wide participation of the community at national, regional, and local levels.

Organized political parties must exercise influence and power above individuals. They must be the stronghold of democracy, by living up to its principles. They must be the true representatives of their members.

Modern and fresh political parties, I believe, are the only option for building a true, transparent, and participative democracy. This is the only option for the rule of law.

This is the only option that we have if we are to be respected as a society.

If democracy is still a choice, the time is now.

About the author: Jorge Ortiz is a lawyer and MBA. He is a consultant to management.

Continue reading here:
Democracy and Colombia: "They have lost respect for us" - The City Paper Bogot

Opinion: Around the world, the USA is giving democracy a bad name – Gaston Gazette

Herman Myrick| The Gaston Gazette

Losing control of his subjects is the despot dictators worst nightmare. This same fear haunts the kings, military strong men, and other autocrats who rule 119 of the earths 193 member countries of the United Nations.

An article dated Feb. 10, 2022, at states that, of the 196 nations or territories of the world, 167 were surveyed by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Index of 2021, and were rated as follows:

Of the 167 nations surveyed, 74 are listed as democracies. Just 21 were deemed to be full democracies, representing 6.4% of the worlds population, while 53 countries were listed as flawed democracies.

By total populations, the study found that the percentage of the earths people living under some semblance of democracy fell from 49 to 45 percent.

Democracy in the world is in decline and the USA is contributing to that decline. According to the Bloomberg article, the United States is now considered a flawed democracy and fell one spot to number 26 among the 74 full or flawed democracies.

The worst autocracies of the Bloomberg/EIU INDEX 2022, were Afghanistan, Myanmar, and North Korea.

America was once the envy of the earth. But now, news from America arms dictators, kings, and other autocrats with enough grist for their propaganda mills to convince their imprisoned populations that in America, people with too much freedom are going mad.

Around the world, the USA is giving democracy a bad name.

In a similar study posted online in 2020 by, the United States was ranked 36th and classified as a deficient democracy among 83 working or deficient democracies worldwide.

As a matter of information, the highest rated working democracies are Norway, New Zealand, and Finland. The worst rated hard autocracies by in 2020 were Yemen, North Korea, and Eritrea.

It is worth noting that as Christianity and church membership has declined in America, so has our standing in the world. Blessed is the nation whose God is the lord…. (Psalms 33:12)

Herman Myrick is a resident of Belmont.

See the original post:
Opinion: Around the world, the USA is giving democracy a bad name - Gaston Gazette

Terms of Trade | Does democracy have a democratic appeal in India? – Hindustan Times

This column usually attempts to look at one big news point in the preceding week with a wider political economy lens. The past week, though, has been unusually chaotic.

On June 10, Friday prayers were followed by protests by Muslims over disrespectful comments on Prophet Muhammad by two (now suspended/expelled) Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokespersons. The protests became violent in many places, including in Uttar Pradesh (UP). The Yogi Adityanath government responded with the controversial (but by now usual) bulldozers demolishing houses of accused action. The latest action of the UP administration has been used to argue, once again, that minorities are increasingly becoming a persecuted lot in India and democracy is under threat.

From Tuesday, Lutyens Delhi descended into chaos as Congress leaders and activists took to streets against the Enforcement Directorate (ED) questioning their leader Rahul Gandhi in the National Herald case. On June 15, visuals of the police entering into Congress headquarters and roughing up leaders and journalists were used to raise apprehensions that India was increasingly becoming an authoritarian State where the political opposition was being silenced and intimidated with the might of the State.

While these two events have dominated the news cycle around democratic space (or lack of it) in India, perhaps the most profound, even if satirical, statement on the state of democracy in the country came from Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut after the loss of his partys candidate in the Rajya Sabha elections held last week. If the EDs control is given to us for two days, then Devendra Fadnavis (former chief minister of the BJP) too will vote for us, Raut said.

Rauts radical candour he admitted to misusing a State agency to intimidate political opponents if given an opportunity is among the most honest admissions of the fact that the temptation to resort to undemocratic means is a secular vice in Indian polity. Kerala police banning anybody and everybody from wearing even a black mask or carrying a black umbrella during the programmes of communist chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan he has been facing protests over allegations of involvement in a scam is yet another example of the fact that abuse of State power to curb democratic rights is not the preserve of any party or ideology in India.

What is the larger takeaway of these examples? Are concerns around democracy to be dismissed as merely cynical and opportunistic overtures? Before resigning to such cynicism, another question needs to be asked. Is adherence to democracy, at least as it is perceived in the examples referred to above, seen as a virtue by the people at large, or at least even a significant majority? If this were indeed the case, authoritarian leaders would fear a backlash before deploying such measures.

If there is no democratic support for democratic politics, then is it a case of democracy subverting democracy?

There is growing evidence, such as from surveys conducted by the Pew Research Centre and CSDS Lokniti that social preference for authoritarian leaders is high in India.

To be sure, there is a growing concern that democracy might be losing traction not just in India, but across the world. There is a mounting perception that democracy is in retreat all over the world. Larry Diamond, perhaps the foremost authority on democracy worldwide, believes we have entered a period of democratic recession. International conditions are clearly less favourable for democracy today than they were in the years following the end of the Cold War, Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt write in their 2018 book How Democracies Die.

Levitsky and Ziblatt, to their credit, do not end the argument on a note of despair. They identify a concrete challenge for protecting American democracy, which is the subject the book primarily deals with. Few societies in history have managed to both multiracial and truly democratic. But there is precedentand hopeHistory shows that it is possible to reconcile democracy with diversity. This is the challenge we face, they write.

A lot of people in India, who see in the BJPs current political dominance a political strategy of othering of minorities, especially Muslims, will agree with the importance the authors place on reconciling democracy with diversity.

While there is a lot of merit in this statement, it does not tell us the complete story of the crisis of democracy in present times. Last weeks Muslim protests against disrespectful remarks on the Prophet are a good example. It is entirely likely that those who were protesting on the streets would completely agree with the BJP government if it announced bringing a draconian law against blasphemy in India. It can be said with a reasonable degree of confidence that such a proposal will have reasonable democratic appeal among Hindus as well.

To be sure, as Pratap Bahnu Mehta has pointed out correctly in his recent essay Hindu Nationalism: From Ethnic Identity to Authoritarian Repression, there already exists a version of the blasphemy law in India.

It has to be admitted that the politics of free speech was in part shaped by interpretations of Section 295 of the Indian Penal Code, which gives the state the power to ban speech that intentionally offends religion. This has functioned as a version of blasphemy law in India It encourages political mobilization on behalf of censorship, since you know there is already an acceptance of the principle, and you can expect the government to respond. In a society comprised of different group identities, this identity has a competitive dynamic. If you have three religious communities X, Y and Z, and if a piece of art or novel offensive to X is censored, Y and Z will also often measure their recognition of their community identity by asserting similar claims, Mehta writes.

Will this kind of bipartisan consensus or competition on asserting the right to stifle free speech strengthen democracy in India?

Another example which underlines the often underappreciated tension between democracy and democratic appeal are the large-scale protests which unfolded in Kerala after the Supreme Court allowed women of all age-groups to enter the Sabarimala shrine, discontinuing the traditional practice of not allowing women of menstruating age to enter the temple.

The protests were supported not just by the BJP but also the Congress, a self-proclaimed secular party. While the Communist Party of India (Marxist) or CPI(M)-led Kerala government initially tried to uphold the courts decision, it suffered a huge political backlash in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections and made a tactical retreat on the issue after the Supreme Court (technically) stayed its original decision in 2019. Its victory in the 2021 assembly elections vindicated its reneging on this issue.

What is one to make such seemingly irreconcilable contradictions between democratic appeal and democracy?

A book by American economist Arnold Kling offers an interesting take on this issue. In The Three Languages of Politics: Talking Across the Political Divide, Kling argues that political discussion in the US has increasingly become obstinate and intolerant of opposing viewpoints rather than being deliberative. This, Kling argues, is largely a result of what he describes as motivated reasoning around three tribal coalitions progressive, conservative and libertarian.

All these coalitions or political languages, as Kling calls them, see things around a central binary. For a progressive, the highest virtue is to be on the side of the oppressed, and the worst sin is to be aligned with the oppressor. For a conservative, the highest virtue is to be on the side of civilizing institutions, and the worst sin is to be aligned with those who would tear down those institutions and thereby promote barbarism. For a libertarian, the highest virtue is to be on the side of individual choice, and the worst sin is to be aligned with expanding the scope of government, he writes.

While the book uses mainly American examples, it is not very difficult to situate the main argument in an Indian context. The Indian Left for example, has always focused on a progressive narrative by highlighting the difference between haves and have-nots. However, its standpoints on religion and property rights have been seen as an anathema by conservatives and libertarians.

Similarly, the Hindu Right, of which the BJP is the biggest political representative, often argues from a conservative position that it is on a quest to restore Indias ancient cultural prowess to make it into a super-power or Vishwaguru and this project is not possible without destroying the left-liberal political-intellectual eco-system which has mechanically imposed ill-suited ideas from the West on India.

Each tribal coalition, Kling argues in his book, thanks to its blinkered political vision, cannot even understand the political language in which the other coalition is speaking and adopts a process of fast political thinking as opposed to a more deliberative slow political thinking to quickly disagree with the other sides positions.

Once again, Indian examples are not very difficult to find. It is a common tendency to see the BJPs electoral rise as a reflection of growing bigotry among Indias Hindus just as every defeat of the BJP is attributed to a victory of secularism in India.

The three languages of politics play a prominent role in motivated reasoning, which narrows our minds, producing friction, anger, and frustration with those with whom we disagree. The three languages let us reach closure too readily, so that we lose sight of the ambiguity that is often present in difficult political issues. We can reason more constructively by remaining aware of the languages of politics. Being aware of your own language can allow you to recognize when you are likely to be overly generous in granting credence to those who provide arguments expressed in that language. Being aware of other languages can give you better insight into how issues might appear to those with whom you disagree, Kling writes.

As is obvious, Klings framework gives an insight into why democratic appeal and the cause of democracy can often be in conflict in a society. This is more likely to be the case when the electorate consists of significant sections who subscribe to each of the political languages which Kling describes.

To be sure, Kling himself argues that just acknowledging the fact that people might have different filters to view politics does not necessarily guarantee a political consensus. With language, there is hope that you can translate what you want to say in your language into the language that someone else understands. Unfortunately, there is no one-for-one translation that takes you from a given political language to another. I believe that most difficult political issues are sufficiently complex that they cannot be understood fully using just one heuristic, the book says.

The Indian case, obviously is far more complex than the American case discussed by Kling, as there are likely to be competing takes on the central binary even within a political language group. For example, whether class or caste should be treated as the basic fault line in the oppressor-oppressed category has been a big debate in India. Similarly, the left-liberal section champions a so-called composite culture of religious harmony in India as against claims of a glorious Hindu civilisation by the BJP and its fellow travellers. Both these groups claim to fighting a political battle to preserve Indian civilisation.

The limitations of such a framework notwithstanding, Indian politics will be inching closer to democracy and cultivating democratic appeal for it, if it made an effort to appreciate the importance of looking at political issues from more than one lens. Whether or not this will happen will largely depend on the quality of discussion within political parties and the amount of freedom (or lack of it) which political leaders have to articulate different viewpoints vis--vis that of powerful leaders or in many cases just one supreme leader within a political parties. Of course, the larger question about whether or not individual politicians are actually committed to democracy in spirit or are just using it to grab power will always remain.

The views expressed are personal

See the original post here:
Terms of Trade | Does democracy have a democratic appeal in India? - Hindustan Times

2022 Global Forum on Higher Education Leadership for Democracy, Sustainability and Social Justice – Council of Europe

The 2022 Global Forum "Higher Education Leadership for Democracy, Sustainability and Social Justice"organised by the Council of Europe in co-operation with the International Association of Universities, International Consortium for Higher Education, Civic Responsibility and Democracy, Organisation of American States opened in Dublin today on the premises of the Dublin City University. The Forum gathered over 120 participants from all continents.

In his opening statement, Matja Gruden, Director for Democratic Participation of the Council of Europe, stated that "knowledge and critical thinking are the driving force of progressive change. Always had been. Always will be. This is why higher education is an essential part of democratic infrastructure. One of the cornerstones of a society based on the values of humanity, knowledge, openness, curiosity, innovation, respect for individual rights and freedoms and human dignity and sense of responsibility for community and solidarity for other people. And this is why authoritarians fear and loath its independence and autonomy".

Simon Harris, the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, said in his keynote speech: "Democracy is complex. It asks us to work towards the common good and be selfless in promoting the rights of others. If democracy is to survive and thrive in the decades ahead, our young people must understand what makes this effort so essential. Civic education at all levels- is key for that. Thats why Ireland has made the promotion of participatory democracy and youth engagement one of the three priorities of our Council of Europe Presidency".

Over two days the Forum participants will discuss different ways in which universities can develop, maintain and sustain democracy on campus, in the community, and the wider society. This Forum is organised in the framework of the Council of Europe project"Democratic and Local mission of Higher Education".

See more here:
2022 Global Forum on Higher Education Leadership for Democracy, Sustainability and Social Justice - Council of Europe

Does the Future of US Democracy Hang on Talks Between Clarence and Ginni Thomas? – Truthout

Virginia Ginni Thomas the far right political activist who is married to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is once again in the news due to reports that the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack has unearthed a string of email correspondence between her and conservative attorney John Eastman, who pushed Mike Pence to refuse to certify the election results that booted Donald Trump out of the White House.

Reporters have not yet accessed details about the email threads contents, but its existence alone has raised even more red flags about Ginni Thomass alleged involvement in Trumps plot to overturn the election.

According to CNBC, the January 6 committee announced today that it now plans to invite Ginni Thomas to testify about her involvement in efforts to reverse Donald Trumps presidential election loss.

This is not the first time that evidence has emerged about Ginni Thomass role in strategizing ways to find legal rationales to pressure Mike Pence to essentially declare various state elections null and void, and simply reinstall Trump as president.

Back in March the House committee investigating January 6 obtained details about text messages that Ginni Thomas sent to former President Donald Trumps chief of staff, Mark Meadows, urging him to continue the fight to overturn the election results. As stories like these have done the rounds, calls have grown for Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from any and all Supreme Court cases relating to elections and their legitimacy. To date, he has refused to recuse himself.

This is a story that gets more awful the more we know. Last weeks devastating revelation was that in the weeks after the election, Ginni Thomas contacted 29 Arizona legislators, urging each and every one of them to decertify Arizonas vote and instead choose alternative electors who would cast their lot with Trump. Had they done so, they would have taken a very deliberate step to overturn the will of the people, and a significant step to destroy democracy in the United States.

Thomas isnt some lone eccentric simply trying to project her personal opinion. She is a leading operative on the board of a shadowy right-wing coordinating group called the Council for National Policy (CNP).

In the mid-1990s, when I was fresh out of journalism school and accepting pretty much any freelance assignment that I could lay my hands on, I worked for several months as a researcher on a book called The Armchair Activist. It documented the various organizations that made up the spine of the U.S.s fast-growing far right and ultraconservative movements, and was intended as a how-to handbook providing organizing tools for progressives to counter these groups.

One memory of the project that stands out is the tentacle-like behind-the-scenes power of the CNP. Out of the public eye, the organization, which had been set up 15 years earlier, in 1981, quietly but extraordinarily effectively developed policy goals and organizing methods to reach those goals that covered pretty much everything from restricting the franchise, to demolishing the social safety net, to ending access to abortion and expanding access to guns.

The New York Times has, quite correctly, labeled the CNP a little known club of a few hundred of the most powerful conservatives in the county. Think of it as a sort of exclusive country club, where conservative icons, such as the Koch brothers, the DeVoses, the Scaifes, and other wealthy luminaries of the right go to brainstorm and break bread with less wealthy but politically well-connected men and women such as Ginni Thomas.

In recent years, it has gotten increasingly influential. During Brett Kavanaughs confirmation hearings, the CNP met, in secret, for a three-day strategy meeting, to plot a way toward implementing a hyper-conservative social, cultural and religious agenda given the new conservative majority on the Supreme Court. Attendees included a slew of top Republican political figures including Rep. Jim Jordan conservative donors, and Christian-right leaders.

In March 2020, Vice President Mike Pence thanked the organization for consistently amplifying the agenda of President Trump. That same year, Trump himself spoke for a full hour at the organizations annual meeting.

When I was researching The Armchair Activist, I remember drawing a series of diagrams, putting the CNP in a big circle in the center, and, with great theatricality, explaining to my fellow researchers how all of these different individuals and organizations connected via this coordinating hub.

In the decades since, every so often Ive encountered a policy or organizing effort in which the CNP was involved and been startled, all over again, at just how powerful this secretive organization is.

A hundred years from now, when historians want to understand how this country lurched so far rightward in such a relatively brief period of time, the critical role of the CNP in helping to shape and implement the right-wing agenda will, I am sure, be pored over.

That the spouse of a sitting U.S. Supreme Court justice is a board member of this group and an activist pushing its radical right causes, ought to give anyone who cares both about the state of U.S. democracy and about the legitimacy and independence of the countrys top judicial institution serious pause. In a stunning expos earlier this year, The New York Times Magazine argued that no spouse of a sitting Supreme Court Justice has ever, in U.S. history, been more of an overt political activist than Ginni Thomas.

The Thomases claim that there is somehow an iron wall separating their two careers that Clarence Thomas has nothing to do with Ginni Thomass political organizing efforts. Thats clearly not the case. In 2002, Justice Thomas was a headline speaker at a CNP gathering outside Washington, D.C. In 2020, as Trump sought desperately to cling to power, the CNP was central to the messaging effort to try to frame the election as having been stolen; and while the Supreme Court repeatedly threw out Trump campaign efforts to overturn state results, Clarence Thomas came closer than other justices to entertaining sympathies for at least some of the Trump arguments, in particular vis--vis the nebulous notion that there had been widespread election fraud in November 2020.

His dissent in one of the Pennsylvania lawsuits around mail-in ballots borrowed heavily from the sorts of arguments developed by the CNP and related groupings.

Had Arizonas legislators responded to pressure from the CNP and other right-wing groups by overturning their states election result, all hell would have broken loose. It would have triggered a constitutional crisis, would have likely precipitated mass protests, and would, almost certainly, have resulted in the Supreme Court eventually having to get involved in arbitrating the process.

Moreover, Clarence Thomas was the lone dissenter to the Supreme Courts January order rejecting Trumps bid to withhold documents from the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack. Maybe he did so out of genuine legal concern for precedents that would be set in the perennial power struggle between the executive and legislative branches. Its at least possible, however, that he was concerned that his spouses intemperate emails and other exchanges would, if the documents were released, become part of the public record. Perhaps Ginni Thomas had mentioned to him just how involved she was in the efforts to challenge the results of the 2020 election.

It is surreal to think that, in a moment of national peril, the future of the country continues to hang, not on weighty legal arguments, but on at-home conversations between one U.S. Supreme Court justice and his far right activist spouse.

Read more here:
Does the Future of US Democracy Hang on Talks Between Clarence and Ginni Thomas? - Truthout