Archive for the ‘Democracy’ Category

PMO Head Gulys: "Democracy is Alive and Stronger" with Fidesz – Hungary Today

Voters must make a choice between war and peace; danger and security, in Sundays general elections, Gergely Gulys, the prime ministers chief of staff, has said in a newspaper interview.

In the interview published by pro-Fidesz Magyar Hrlap on Friday, Gulys said election turnout was a signal measure of democracy, and turnout had always been higher when Fidesz was in power.

Democracy is alive and stronger with Fidesz, he said, urging voters to cast their ballot for the ruling alliance.

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The report notes that the relevant law on campaign finances does not regulate spending by third parties who play an active role in the campaign.Continue reading

He said the choice was also between moving forward, which had brought about the greatest developments since the change of political system in 1990, or back to the government that led to the bankruptcy of 2002-2010.

Referring to former Socialist prime minister Ferenc Gyurcsny and the opposition parties, he said politicians who destroyed the country want to regain power.

Gulys insisted that the united oppositions prime ministerial candidate, Pter Mrki-Zay, had shown himself during the campaign to be unfit for the job of prime minister.

He also accused the opposition of making statements that, if they were government policy, would make Hungary a warring party.

He pledged that a Fidesz government would preserve the countrys peace and security.

The minister said that the government at the same time had implemented a policy of strengthening Hungarys armed forces, so their defence capabilities are significantly higher than before. Alongside the security guarantee of NATO membership, we can provide the highest possible security for the country, he said, adding that Mrki-Zays words and actions, by contrast, endangered Hungarian security.

Referring to peace talks, the minister said: The Istanbul talks are perhaps the first ray of hope.

Gulys said Hungarys standpoint on the war was grounded in international law. Russia has attacked Ukraine, violating international law and the 1994 Budapest Memorandum in which Russia recognised Ukraines territorial integrity, he said.

Citing international violations that Ukraine had previously committed against national minorities, including the Hungarians, he said the war had not changed Hungarys stance. We still expect Ukraine to restore regulations on the use of the mother tongue in education, he said.

On the subject of European Union funding, Gulys said Prime Minister Viktor Orbn fought for more than 100 billion forints in direct aid to Hungary in Brussels last week. He added that Brussels would stop breaking the law and we can agree on a recovery fund after Sundays election.

Regarding the seven-year budget, he said Hungary was doing well, and constructive negotiations were taking place.

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The members of the LIBE delegation held consultations with over a hundred people, and heard many opinions and political views, Delbos-Corfield said.Continue reading

Meanwhile, referring to the opposition, he said: In 2020, the left aimed to rid itself of Ferenc Gyurcsny and quarantine Jobbik; today Gyurcsny is the leader of the strongest opposition party and wants to assume power in alliance with Jobbik. This, he added, demonstrated that the opposition lacked principles and the ability to reinvent itself.

featured image via Tibor Rosta/MTI

Read more:
PMO Head Gulys: "Democracy is Alive and Stronger" with Fidesz - Hungary Today

Energy transformation can strengthen democracy and help fight climate change – Yale Climate Connections

It is impossible to forecast how the war in Ukraine is going to end: current events are fast-moving. Given the inhumanity of it all, it is important to consider the resulting uncertainty and implications for the entire world.

Uncertainty about the global ramifications of the war clearly has driven world prices of liquified natural gas (LNG) dramatically higher over the past several months. These price increases have not hurt Russia: In fact, they have helped to finance its war effort. Rapidly climbing LNG and oil prices, however, have, hurt much of the rest of the world, as supplies of LNG have been gobbled up swiftly by the highest bidders with the largest appetites. Those most hurt by all this live in other developed and developing nations all around the world. And even in many European countries and the United States, those with limited means already are suffering.

So what can be done? Any first-year student of economics knows that increasing supplies from all non-Russian sources of energy could work over time, especially in concert with efforts to reduce demand. These are good ideas, of course, but the devil is in the details. There are at least two distinct options:

Option 1: Invest in opening untapped supplies of petroleum and natural gas, drill for more of both, operate existing distribution infrastructure at its fullest capacity, and build more as quickly as possible; or

Option 2:Two complementary parts, here: (a) invest in expanding diverse and decentralized non-fossil energy systems; and (b) invest in R&D on new technologies that can smooth the demand-side transition to using electricity, technologies such as electric vehicles.

The European Union recognizes that the choice is not binary. The EUs announced plan is designed to reduce dependence on Russian LNG as quickly as possible by expanding access to reserves from the United States. a component of option 1. It seeks to do so while making simultaneous longer-term investments in frontloading renewable energy and improving energy efficiency (the very spirit of the dual supply and demand approach of Option 2).

Poland and Belgium already are expanding their LNG terminals, and Greece and Germany have each recently approved construction of three new terminals. Germany has committed to independence from Russian LNG by the middle of 2024. The U.S. has agreed to supply an additional 15 billion metric tons of LNG this year, and the EU will work to promote substitution to LNG to the tune of 50 billion metric tons per year an effort that will require increased supplies from many places.

But what about the longer term? Details matter there, too. Should the developed world expand the status quo as described in parts of option 1, or should it accelerate its movement toward the environment-friendly structure of option 2? Future investment should favor the latter, and not simply because it would promote a less hazardous climate future. Given the events of the past several decades, it is important to note that doing so would strengthen democracys place as a fundamental principle of modern government.

Mr. Putin has successfully invaded sovereign nations whenever his hope of resurrecting the old Russian Empire has been threatened by independence movements within former Soviet satellite states. This time, however, he has encountered a country and population not easily subdued.Ukrainians are fiercely and effectively using weapons and training from the West to defend their way of life. Ukrainians have reminded the planets population that democracy is worth fighting for to the last breath, if necessary.

Putins war has pushed world energy markets to inflection points. It has created a perhaps once in a generation opportunity to reorganize and transform global markets toward renewables and thereby reduce the worlds dependence on fossil energy from countries with leadership antithetical to democracy (not just Russia). Investing aggressively in energy option 2 would reduce the political power of major fossil fuel exporting nations with authoritarian leaders.Why?Because rapid transition to Option 2 undermines the ability of autocrats to maintain their extraordinary market clench over supplies of scarce and essential commodities. Such a transition would undermine their access to money from the rest of the world money they use to fund inhumane oppression at home and unlawful and immoral extracurricular aggression abroad.

Shrinking such gains derived from formidable market power would strengthen the hand of democracy not by making democracy work better (it will always be messy), but by diminishing the use of fossil fuel energy to bankroll wars and hold energy-needy countries hostage. Constraining dictators and autocrats power over energy issues can help both to forward democratic principles and to help propel progress toward a cleaner and more healthy global environment.

Gary Yohe is the Huffington Foundation Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies, Emeritus, at Wesleyan University in Connecticut. He served as convening lead author for multiple chapters and the Synthesis Report for the IPCC from 1990 through 2014 and was vice-chair of the Third US National Climate Assessment.

Read the rest here:
Energy transformation can strengthen democracy and help fight climate change - Yale Climate Connections

The Supreme Court is playing hardball politics, and democracy is losing – The Boston Globe

The court, without oral arguments or a full set of briefs, effectively created a new standard for minority representation: Less is better. More is suspect. Taken together with a recent decision in a redistricting case from Alabama, its yet another warning that this court remains determined to shred even the tattered remains of the VRA and leave voters unprotected as GOP legislatures nationwide seek unparalleled control over elections.

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This most recent case began when Wisconsins Democratic governor and Republican Legislature deadlocked over new state senate and assembly maps, and the state Supreme Court stepped in as referee. The court set one key criterion: a map that made the least changes from the current one, which effectively locked in a GOP gerrymander, often called the nations most extreme.

A bipartisan 4-3 majority on the state court determined that Governor Tony Everss proposal which granted the GOP a 60-39 edge in the state assembly, but contained several more competitive seats than the Republican submission was vastly superior.

The Evers map preserved almost all of the existing GOP gerrymander. But for state Republican lawmakers and their colleagues on the Supreme Court that wasnt enough. The GOP filed suit, calling that new minority opportunity district a 21st century racial gerrymander. And the US Supreme Court which in 2018 preserved the brutal partisan gerrymander that kept the Wisconsin assembly in GOP hands even when Democratic candidates won hundreds of thousands more votes suddenly discovered a district it could not countenance.

The law around race and redistricting can be complicated. Yet none of this follows precedent. Indeed, its not even consistent with a decision the court made last month in a redistricting case from Alabama except in how it narrows the Voting Rights Act, limits the voting power of racial minorities, and entrenches Republican political advantage. It effectively ruled that Wisconsin could not create a seventh majority-minority seat without first proving that some smaller number would not be good enough. It reduces the VRA, our most powerful civil rights legislation ever, to grudging obligation.

The raw power play is apparent when compared with a decision last month from Alabama. In Merrill v. Milligan, Black voters sought a second majority-minority congressional district. Black voters make up 27 percent of Alabamas population but have been cracked and packed in such a way as to have a chance to elect a member in only one of seven districts. The plaintiffs submitted detailed maps showing how easy it would be to draw a second majority-minority district. A lower federal court decision delivered by two Trump-appointed judges found it a slam-dunk and ordered a new map drawn immediately.

A 5-4 Supreme Court majority, however, stayed that decision and ordered full arguments to be heard in fall 2022 in a case that threatens to further weaken Section 2 of the VRA, which prohibits voting procedures that discriminate on the basis of race. Here, the extra work the court wanted to see from Wisconsin proving a minority district was warranted had been done. So the conservatives changed the rules: In Alabama, they ruled that it was too close to the November elections to change the map now. Yet the court had no trouble demanding a new map in Wisconsin, even though it was six weeks closer to the midterms.

The Roberts court ensured this redistricting cycle would be savage when it closed federal courts to partisan gerrymandering claims in 2019. This is also the first cycle without the preclearance previously required by the VRA, which has made it easier for lawmakers in Texas and elsewhere to lock in white political power even as minorities drive the nations population growth. Several conservative justices even want to strip the power of governors and state courts to have any say over redistricting and election procedures at all.

This is hardball politics divorced from history, consistency, morality, and precedent. The court is actively hollowing away the small-d democratic authority that binds a nation together.

David Daley is the author of Ratf**ked: Why Your Vote Doesnt Count and Unrigged: How Americans Are Battling Back to Save Democracy.

Originally posted here:
The Supreme Court is playing hardball politics, and democracy is losing - The Boston Globe

Lee is a threat to democracy and McMullin is the only chance Utah voters have to defeat him. – Salt Lake Tribune

(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune) Evan McMullin in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2021.

| March 31, 2022, 2:00 p.m.

Former President Donald Trump has waged war against democracy from the very beginning, but in the run-up to, and aftermath of, the 2020 presidential election, his conspiracy theories and anti-democratic actions became more dangerous.

From the January 6 insurrection to malicious lawsuits intending to overturn a democratic election, Trumps efforts showed just how fragile democracy can be if it isnt guarded carefully. But while the guardians of democracy succeeded this time, our next government may have other goals. Far too many Republican elected officials have pledged undying loyalty to Trump, even to the point of ignoring the will of the people, displaying remarkable contempt for democracy itself.

Nobody exemplifies this authoritarian sentiment better than Utah Sen. Mike Lee. Lee has made no secret of the contemptuous attitude in which he holds democracy. In fact, on October 8, 2020, this self-described constitutionalist tweeted, Democracy isnt the objective We want the human condition to flourish. Rank democracy can thwart that. (The tweet is still public, by the way; hes made no effort to delete or retract it.) With statements like this, its no surprise that Lee has supported Trumps efforts to overthrow democracy. Lee poses a great danger to our very foundation of democratic government.

Only one candidate in 2022 can defeat Lee and protect our democracy against his (and Donald Trumps) attacks Evan McMullin. I do not agree with McMullin on a great many issues, but on the greatest issue for our republic democracy itself we are in complete accord. And, in the 2022 election, that issue will decide the future of our country, including if it will continue to exist.

The Utah Democratic Party should not endorse a candidate in this race. McMullins electoral chances rest on three key pillars Republicans who see the damage that Mike Lee is doing to democracy, independents who align with McMullins policies or desire to break the two-party hold on Washington, and Democrats who recognize that the most important issue in this race is the preservation of our democratic system. By endorsing a candidate, the Democratic Party signals its opposition to McMullin and increases the likelihood of Lees reelection.

In discussion of this issue, one point seems to resurface repeatedly that the Democratic Party should, in the interest of strategy, support someone running as a Democrat. But this belief is, though well-intentioned, mistaken. Kael Weston, the sole candidate running for the Democratic nomination, has to this point run only one campaign before. He lost the 2020 election for Utahs 2nd Congressional District 59.0%-36.6% a 22.6-point margin, underperforming President Joe Biden in the district.

Now he is running for U.S. Senate, a seat which Cook Political Report calls solidly Republican. He himself has not said that he believes the race to be unwinnable that would be unthinkable for a politician but looking at his history as well as this current race, he clearly doesnt mind a forlorn hope. For endorsing a clearly losing candidate, the party wouldnt gain anything of significance.

By endorsing Weston, the Democratic Party risks the one thing that it truly depends on democracy. If Lee succeeds in his goal of destroying democracy, the Democratic Party will no longer be able to have any chance of getting any candidates elected. The Democratic Party should not endorse anyone in this race, not only in the interest of democracy but in the interest of the Democratic Party and its policies all are jeopardized, as well as the very process they depend on if Lee is reelected.

Sen. Mike Lee poses an existential threat to democracy by his own admission, he opposes the very existence of democratic government. But he has not succeeded in destroying it yet. Utah must vote Lee out before he succeeds in robbing that power from us. Republicans, independents and Democrats must all put aside differences in policy to defeat Mike Lee and save our republic. Otherwise, we may soon find that 2022 was our last chance.

Atticus Teter is a student at West High School in Salt Lake City.

Read more here:
Lee is a threat to democracy and McMullin is the only chance Utah voters have to defeat him. - Salt Lake Tribune

Freedom and Democracy in Russia, Then and Now – The Bulwark

Among the Americans watching the Russian assault on Ukraine with horror and hope is one 81-year-old retired math and physics teacher for whom these events resonate in a very personal way. More than half a century ago, Pavel Litvinovthen a Soviet citizen living in Moscowwas one of eight brave people, out of a population of more than 230 million, who publicly protested the Soviet Unions invasion of Czechoslovakia to crush the Prague Spring of liberalization. The groups protest in Red Square lasted less than five minutes before they were hauled away by plainclothes KGB agents.

The parallels to todays situation are eerie. Once again, a despotic regime in the Kremlin, fearful of freedom and change, has ordered the invasion of a nearby country that has chosen a liberal course. Once again, it takes courage for Russians to protestthough the consequences arent nearly as dire. Today, most protesters who are detained get off with a fine or a few days of detention. In 1968, Litvinov was tried and sentenced to five years of internal exile in Siberia; two his codefendants were also exiled, two others served time in labor camps, and two were forcibly confined to psychiatric hospitals. (The eighth participant, 21-year-old Tatiana Bayeva, avoided criminal charges because both she and her fellow protesters claimed that she was not involved but had only come to watch; she was still expelled from college and later remained an active dissident.)

Litvinovwho spoke to me in Russian last week by video chat from his home in Fort Lee, New Jerseyis struck by the similarities between the Kremlins war on Ukraine in 2022 and the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. In both cases, he says, the real goal was to neutralize a threat from the country next door. But the fear is not of a military threat. The fear is: How can it be that these people on whom we look down a little, who cant even speak proper Russian, will become a European country? That means death to the entire Soviet and imperial Russian tradition. Brezhnev knew that. He might not have been able to speak two coherent words, but he knew it in his gut and never doubted it. And today, Putin knows it too. There are many reasons why Ukraine and why now, but the main cause is that a free country cannot coexist with an unfree one next to itespecially when the two countries relationship is as close as that of Russia and Ukraine. Litvinov points out that about half of Ukrainians have relatives in Russia and numerous Ukrainians work in Russia in seasonal jobs. The thought that these people, these Ukrainian laborers, will suddenly become free, will be associated with the word Europethat was intolerable, he says.

While such routine intermingling did not exist between the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia in 1968, the cultural ties were still close enough to be concerning to Soviet authorities. Because Czechoslovakia was a fellow member of the Eastern bloc of peoples democracies, many Soviet professionals, scientists, scholars, and artists had extensive contacts with their Czech counterparts. Whats more, Czech newspapers and magazines sold freely in Moscow shortly after publication. Litvinov, who speaks of those distant events as if they happened last month, recalls that he and his friends, young intellectuals and artists who had come of age during the post-Stalin thaw and hungered for more freedom, routinely picked up day-old Czech papers at the kiosk at daybreak and read them in rapid-response Russian translation provided by members of their circle who were specialists in Slavic languages.

Interestingly, Litvinov says, his friends had usually associated the wind of freedom from the West with Poland more than Czechoslovakia: Poles were feistier and more combative. But all that changed in 1968 when the reforms steered by Alexander Dubek, then first secretary of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Czech Communist Party, became an experiment in socialism with a human face, with freedom of expression and independent civic activism. Czechoslovakia, in its own gentle and nonmilitant way, became the freest country [in Eastern Europe], and the KGB realized something had to be done about them, Litvinov sums up. Some of the excuses, he recalls, were startlingly similar to the ones offered today for the invasion of Ukraineincluding claims that the Czech government harbored plans to join NATO and that NATO troops were poised to overrun the country if Soviet tanks hadnt gotten there first.

The major difference, of course, was that Czechoslovakia was crushed with minimal resistance (though enough for nearly 200 people to be killed). I later met some Czechs who felt it was humiliating that the Czechs did not rise up and fight, that they lost, says Litvinov. But under the circumstances, he says, that was almost certainly the best course: Dubek could have mounted an insurgency and led the countrys defense, but he chose not to, and he was probably right. But today, free Ukraine, after nearly ten years of freedom, has the capacity and the weapons to fight.

And yet Litvinov, a child of the Soviet elitehis grandfather, Maxim Litvinov, had been the peoples commissar for foreign affairs in the 1930s and Soviet ambassador to the United States in 1918-19 and 1941-43made his own choice of futile resistance in August 1968, along with the other seven. At the time, many observers wondered how this could have happened in a country where political conformity was enforced by a totalitarian juggernaut. New York Times correspondent Henry Kamm, who covered the protesters trial in October 1968, credited an inexplicable personal alchemy. But Litvinov sees it in much less dramatic terms: There was no sense that I was doing something different from what I had been doing until then.

For one thing, Litvinov and most of his fellow protesters were already open dissidents; for some, the turning point had been the trial in January of that year of four college students charged with anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda for producing samizdat, self-published literature. Psychologically it was even more important than the protest against the invasion of Czechoslovakia, says Litvinov. It was, essentially, the beginning of human rights activism: a protest against putting people on trial for exercising freedom of speech. Freedom of speech was, to us, the most important value. (He sees this foundational priority of speech as embodied in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and evendespite his non-religiosityin the opening line of the Bible, In the beginning was the Word.)

Idealistic to the core, Litvinov and his friends felt a deep affinity with nineteenth-century liberalism; he points out that even their most famous slogan from the August 1968 protest, For your freedom and ours, came from nineteenth-century Russian liberal Alexander Herzen, who shared such a toast with his friends the Polish exiles in London. It was meant, says Litvinov, to affirm that there can be no freedom in a country that crushes another countrys freedom.

Litvinov, who played a key role in planning the 1968 protest, also drew on twentieth-century experience; he had read extensively about protest movements in the West and about Gandhis struggle for the liberation of India. He suggested that he and his fellow protesters should sit down before taking out their placards (which they did, on an elevation in Red Square where public executions took place in the Middle Ages; the only protester to remain standing was the poet Natalia Gorbanevskaya, who had with her a baby stroller with her infant son in it) and should not resist when they were inevitably tackled by the KGB.

Nonetheless, the arrest was anything but peaceful. As soon as we sat down, the gebeshniki [KGB agents] ran toward us, recalls Litvinov. They didnt say they were KGB, though I recognized a couple of them, they had been tailing me for a while. They later testified at our trial and said that their place of employment could not be disclosed, so they just gave a post office boxthe same one for all of them, five people. While they were running, they were shouting, Parasites! Anti-Soviets! and, a couple of times, they also shouted openly anti-Semitic thingsTheyre Jews! For a few minutes, the gebeshniki in plainclothes ran around in a frenzy, apparently waiting for security-service cars to spirit away the rebels. (Litvinov was later told that they were afraid the protest would be spotted by Dubek, who was just then being delivered to the Kremlin to bend the knee to his conquering Soviet masters.) Meanwhile, some of the regular passersbymostly out-of-town visitors who had come to see Red Square and had gotten more than they bargained fortried to argue with the protesters, repeating the talking points theyd been fed by political instructors at work: for instance, that if Eastern bloc troops hadnt gone in, Germany would have invaded later that day. Since one of the protesters placards was in Czech, one or two onlookers initially mistook them for Czechs and voiced some sympathy: Czechs could be understandably upset by the invasion of their country. Soviet protesters, on the other hand, were unambiguously treasonous.

Then, the cars arrived, and the protesters were tackled by the gebeshniki. They hit everyone at least once, says Litvinov. Some woman ran up with a shopping bag that was filled with either bricks or volumes of Karl Marx and hit me on the head with it; I actually blacked out for a moment. Viktor Fainberg, a museum guide with a degree in literature, got the worst of it: He tripped the gebeshnik who was attacking him and took a brass-knuckle punch that knocked out four of his front teeth. Partly for that reason, Litvinov says, Fainberg was never criminally charged but was packed off to a psychiatric hospital instead: They sent him to the loony bin because they didnt want to put him on trial with four teeth missing. And also, he was probably the most uncontrollable among us. (Fainberg, now 90 and a citizen of France, is one of the three still-living members of the Red Square Eight, along with Litvinov and Bayeva, who also lives in New Jersey.)

Interestingly, while the outcome of the trial was entirely predictable, the behavior of some of its accidental participants was not. A young tourist from some town in the Urals who saw the altercation and was called as a witnessidentified only by her last name, Yastrebovatestified that she saw the defendants being beaten unprovoked and felt it was wrong. The prosecutor immediately asked, And you think what they did was right? She replied, no, because in the Soviet Union protests need to be authorized, recalls Litvinov. But Yastrebova was also adamant that the protesters did not initiate any of the violence. After the end of the trial, Litvinov says, his sister Nina approached the young woman to thank her; Yastrebova seemed genuinely surprised and asserted that she was simply telling the truth, the way her mother had taught her.

Its hard to say how many people in the Soviet Union at the time knew about the protest, from foreign radio broadcasts or other sources, or how much of an impact it had. Litvinov and several of his codefendants were forced to leave the Soviet Union in the 1970s under the threat of new criminal charges and more time in Siberia, either in exile or in the gulag. It was only in the late 1980s and early 1990s that the Soviet, and then Russian, media remembered the Red Square Eight.

Nonetheless, their protest was a key moment in the rise of the Soviet dissident movement that, whether or not it helped topple the Soviet regime, nevertheless kept the spirit of freedom, civic activism, and independent thought alive in the totalitarian state. Litvinov recalls a conversation, some years ago, with a man who had participated in the August 1991 protests against the Communist hardliners coup intended to topple Mikhail Gorbachev and undo his reforms. The man, who had spent three nights in an enormous crowd camping outside the Moscow White Housethe seat of Boris Yeltsins coup-defying government of the Russian Federationtold him that the core of that crowd consisted of people who had imbibed foreign broadcasts and samizdat in their youth and had been inspired by the dissidents of the 1960s and 1970s. It was very gratifying to hear that, says Litvinov.

Today, of course, that victory of democracy has been undone by the return of authoritarianism, cranked up to the maximum in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine. On the day I interviewed Litvinov, March 22, the news had just come in that Russias Supreme Court had affirmed the Putin governments decision to close down Memorial, the nonprofit founded in 1989 to preserve the record of Soviet-era repressions and to engage in present-day human rights advocacy; given Memorials strong connection to the Soviet-era dissident movement, this felt like the end of the line. Litvinov pointed out a symbolic detail that, he said, no one else had apparently noticed: The Supreme Court building was the same one where the first big dissident trial was held in the Soviet erathe 1966 trial of writers Andrei Sinyavsky and Yuli Daniel, prosecuted for writings published abroad and deemed anti-Soviet. That was the first big case, Litvinov told me. And now, this is the last case that shuts the door on dissident life, since Memorial continued the dissident tradition of defending freedom of speech.

In the United States, where he came in 1974 with his wife Maya Rusakovskaya and their two children, Litvinov resumed his work as a physics teacher (he taught at the Hackley prep school in Tarrytown, New York for over 20 years until retiring in 2007) but also continued to be active in human rights advocacy with a particular focus on the USSR. Unlike many other ex-Soviet dissidents and migrs, he did not feel compelled to embrace conservative politics as a natural extension of his anti-Soviet views; while Litvinov has spoken of Ronald Reaganwith whom he met at a White House lunch along with seven other exiled Soviet dissidents in 1982as a great president for his policies toward the Soviet Union, he has also strongly praised Jimmy Carter for his stance on human rights. In a 1977 CBS News interview, asked by Dan Rather what his political views were, Litvinov replied that they were very simple: I believe in democracy and freedom. Much later, in a 2015 interview to the independent Russian website, he said that he tended to avoid the word anti-Communist because of encounters with far-right types who used it to demonize social democrats. A self-styled proud liberal, Litvinov campaigned for Barack Obama and was active in an internet group of Russian Americans against Donald Trumpdecidedly a minority view in the Russian migr community.

Today, Litvinovwho still frequently gives talks to various audiences via Zoomgives Joe Biden very high marks for his handling of the Ukraine crisis, expresses great fondness for Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, and says that we seriously underrated Trump as a savvy politician who knows exactly how to talk to the public he needs and how to keep supporters intimidated by turning viciously on those he can afford to dump. Hes not afraid to scare his supporters, Litvinov says, because the only people he wants around him are either ones who will kiss his rear end or ones who are just like him. And thats his strength. Still, he adds, I dont think hell be back.

Litvinov anxiously follows the events in Ukraine and gets frustrated with specious arguments that blame the West and NATO for Putins war while ignoring the fact that NATO is a pact for common defense, not aggression. He also closely follows the events in Russia, where he still has friends and relatives who cant or wont leave for various reasonsas well as ones who are leaving. (Litvinov himself traveled to Russia regularly from 1990, when he was taken off a KGB blacklist, and until the COVID pandemic hit; now, future travel looks uncertain for both health and political reasons.)

What does he make of this years antiwar protests in Russia, which are relatively small but certainly dwarf the eight-person 1968 Red Square demonstration? Could these protests have an impact on further developments? Litvinov ponders the question carefully. I think, he says, that both Ukraines behavior and [Russias] relations with the West will play much more of a roleunless these protests grow to a level no one anticipates, and a kind of February Revolution will happen (a reference to the liberal revolution of February 1918 that overthrew the Russian monarchy). Then he adds, Today, one can predict anything. But I dont have any thoughts on the subject, just strong feelings.

Still, at the end of our conversation, he does make a prediction of sorts: Whats happening in Ukraine today is a harbinger of liberal democracys revival. I never believed democracy would perish, Litvinov says. It can be lost in certain places, for a certain amount of time. But who would have thought that Ukraine would make a 180-degree turn while Russia remained stuck in the Soviet Union? Ultimately, he is convinced that if the world does survive, it will survive only with democracy: Im not saying this because I like democracy, but because, objectively, democracy is the only system that can handle [the modern world]. It may be a socialist democracy; I think there will be more government, but it wont reach the point of the scare stories conservatives tell.

Basically, Im an optimist, Litvinov sums up. Then he pauses a moment and amends the self-description: An optimistic realist.

Excerpt from:
Freedom and Democracy in Russia, Then and Now - The Bulwark